599 resultados para PATAGONIA
An investigation of stable isotope (d13C TOC and d15N TN) and elemental parameters (TOC, TN contents and TOC/TN ratios) of bulk organic matter (<200 µm) from sediment cores recovered from the Patagonian lake Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) in the framework of the ICDP deep drilling project PASADO provided insights into past changes in lake primary productivity and environmental conditions in South Patagonia throughout the last Glacial-Interglacial transition. Stratigraphically constrained cluster analyses of all proxy parameters suggest four main phases. From ca 26,100 to 17,300 cal. years BP, lacustrine phytoplankton was presumably the predominant organic matter source in an aquatic environment with low primary productivity rates. At around 17,300 cal. years BP, abrupt and distinct shifts of isotopic and elemental values indicate that the lacustrine system underwent a rapid reorganization. Lake primary productivity (phytoplankton and aquatic macrophytes) shows higher levels albeit with large variations during most of the deglaciation until 13,000 cal. years BP. The main causes for this development can be seen in improved growing conditions for primary producers because of deglacial warming in combination with expedient availability of nutrients and likely calm wind conditions. After 13,000 cal. years BP, decreased d13C TOC values, TOC, TN contents and TOC/TN ratios indicate that the lake approached a new state with reduced primary productivity probably induced by unfavourable growing conditions for primary producers like strengthened winds and reduced nutrient availability. The steady increase in d15N TN values presumably suggests limitation of nitrate supply for growth of primary producers resulting from a nutrient shortage after the preceding phase with high productivity. Nitrate limitation and consequent decreased lacustrine primary productivity continued into the early Holocene (10,970-8400 cal. years BP) as reflected by isotopic and elemental values.
In the nutrient-rich Southern Ocean, Fe is a vital constituent controlling the growth of phytoplankton. Despite much effort, the origin and transport of Fe to the oceans are not well understood. In this study we address the issue with geochemical data and Nd isotopic compositions of suspended particle samples collected from 1997 to 1999 in the South Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean. Al, Th, and rare earth element (REE) concentrations as well as 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios in acetic acid-leached particle samples representing the lithogenic fraction delineate three major sources: (1) Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula provide material with eNd > -4 that is transported toward the east with the polar and subpolar front jets, (2) the south African shelf, although its influence is limited by the circumpolar circulation and wind direction, can account for material with eNd of -12 to -14 adjacent to South Africa, and (3) East Antarctica provides material with eNd of -10 to -15 to the eastern Weddell Sea and adjacent Antarctic Circumpolar Current. For this region we interpret the Nd isotopic evidence in combination with oceanographic/atmospheric constraints as evidence for supply of significant amounts of terrigenous detritus by icebergs.
Ice cores provide a record of changes in dust flux to Antarctica, which is thought to reflect changes in atmospheric circulation and environmental conditions in dust source areas (Forster et al., 2007; Diekmann et al. 2000, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(00)00138-3; Winckler et al., 2008, doi:10.1126/science.1150595; Reader et al., 1999, doi:10.1029/1999JD900033; Mahowald et al., 1999, doi:10.1029/1999JD900084; Petit et al., 1999, doi:10.1038/20859; 1990, doi:10.1038/343056a0 Delmonte et al., 2009, doi:10.1029/2008GL033382; Lambert et al., 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06763). Isotopic tracers suggest that South America is the dominant source of the dust (Grousset et al., 1992, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(92)90177-W; Basile et al., 1997, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(96)00255-5; Gaiero et al., 2007, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.11.003), but it is unclear what led to the variable deposition of dust at concentrations 20-50 times higher than present in glacial-aged ice (Petit et al., 1990, doi:10.1038/343056a0; Lambert et al., 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06763). Here we characterize the age and composition of Patagonian glacial outwash sediments, to assess the relationship between the Antarctic dust record from Dome C (refs Lambert et al., 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06763; Wolff et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature04614) and Patagonian glacial fluctuations (Sugden et al., 2005; McCulloch et al., 2005, doi:10.1111/j.0435-3676.2005.00260.x; Kaplan et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.09.013) for the past 80,000 years. We show that dust peaks in Antarctica coincide with periods in Patagonia when rivers of glacial meltwater deposited sediment directly onto easily mobilized outwash plains. No dust peaks were noted when the glaciers instead terminated directly into pro-glacial lakes. We thus propose that the variable sediment supply resulting from Patagonian glacial fluctuations may have acted as an on/off switch for Antarctic dust deposition. At the last glacial termination, Patagonian glaciers quickly retreated into lakes, which may help explain why the deglacial decline in Antarctic dust concentrations preceded the main phase of warming, sea-level rise and reduction in Southern Hemisphere sea-ice extent (Wolff et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature04614).
Orginally published in La Prensa and La Tribuna nacional, and first issued separately, Buenos Aires, 1884, under title: La dinastia de los Piedra. cf. Anuario bibl. de la República Arjentina, t. 6, 1884, p. 232.
Polysiphonia argentinica Taylor
--[15] The purple land; being the narrative of one Richard Lamb's adventures in the Banda Orientál in South America, as told by himself.--[16] A shepherd's life; impressions of the South Wiltshire Downs.--[17] Adventures among birds.--[18] Far away and long ago; a history of my early life.--[19] Birds in town & village.--[20] Birds of La Plata.--[21] The book of a naturalist.--[22] A traveller in little things.--[23] A hind in Richmond Park.--[24] Dead man's plack, An old thorn, & Miscellenea.
-T. III. Navegação nos mares Indicos, com as derrotas com monção, e pelos estreitos de E. 1844. -[pte. VII not published.] -pte. VIII. Costas do Pacifico dom ilhas adjacentes e derrotas. 1846. -[pte. IX not published.] -pte. X. t. I. Costas da America septentrional desde cabo Carlos até cabo Florida e de volta á embocadura do Mississippi no golfo do Mexico. 1842. t. II. Golfo do Mexico e costa da America, desde o rio Mississippi até Cabo Norte, com as ilhas Lacayas e Antilhas. 1846. -pte. XI. Costas do Brasil, de Cabo Norte até ao rio de Prata, com a Patagonia, Chili, e peru até ao isthmo de Panamá, com as ilhas adjcentes. 1839.
1st edition, Buenos Aires, 1836-37.
Special issue: 40 years of CEPAL Review
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar y analizar las relaciones fronterizas entre indígenas, cronistas, viajeros y agentes del gobierno de Buenos Aires en el período de 1870 a 1880. Se prestará especial atención a las vinculaciones entre estos "mundos" a partir de los viajes que realizó Moreno a los toldos del cacique Valentín Sayhueque y su comunidad en las regiones aledañas al Lago Nahuel Huapi. No se descarta la influencia de otros cronistas de época (Cox y Musters) como tampoco la impronta de personajes centrales en el contexto (Zeballos y Roca). Los viajeros que recorrieron la Patagonia dejaron testimonios claves para comprender el proceso que se dio entre las sociedades indígenas y el Estado nacional argentino a fines del siglo XIX. Su análisis a través de una mirada crítica da la pauta de cómo las sociedades nativas fueron observadas y estudiadas desde el gobierno de Buenos Aires y países extranjeros. La actual Patagonia fue un punto de atracción (y lo sigue siendo), para muchos individuos que no conocen el lugar. Su naturaleza, paisaje, vegetación eran únicos y muy atractivos. Sus tierras eran habitadas por sujetos que no tenían las mismas formas de vida que el resto de las regiones del momento. Habían desarrollado costumbres, formas de comunicación, comercio e intercambio, relaciones sociales, festividades. Cronistas como Francisco Moreno son nodales para adentrarnos al mundo nativo desde otro ángulo, ya que nos muestra las relaciones en el espacio de frontera y los propósitos del gobierno de Buenos Aires en el momento de las campañas militares. Desde el punto de vista metodológico se ha recurrido a la Etnohistoria para abordar nuestro problema desde una óptica diferente y alimentando la investigación en curso
El artículo presentará resultados obtenidos en una Tesis de Grado de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco. En ese trabajo, un análisis de imagen y discurso, nos propusimos estudiar comparativamente los discursos publicitarios que YPF emitió antes y después de ser privatizada. La conmemoración del 13 de diciembre, aniversario del descubrimiento del petróleo en el país (ocurrido en Comodoro Rivadavia), fue tomada como referencia. Nos preguntamos, entre otras cosas, cómo conciben Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) y Repsol a sus objetivos empresariales en relación al recurso y su vinculación con el desarrollo nacional. Por medio de lecturas de segundo orden que problematizan las relaciones entre significantes y significados que se nos imponen a través de procesos hegemónicos, deconstruimos veinticinco propagandas y publicidades publicadas en la prensa gráfica local entre 1943 y 2007. Cada mensaje fue entendido como un texto multimodal; y sus contextos de emisión, las estructuras internas de las imágenes y los mensajes propuestos nos interesaron especialmente. Nuestra mirada dio algunos sentidos posibles a las imágenes ypefianas, en un intento de "desmitificar" los avisos y deconstruirlos para luego "volver a armarlos"
Reconstructing past detrital flux and provenance in the Southern Ocean provides information about changes in source regions associated with climate variations and transport pathways. We present a Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to Holocene comparison of 230Th normalised fluxes combined with sediment provenance data (Pb, Nd and Sr isotopes) from a latitudinal core transect in the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (ODP Leg 177 cores). We compare the radiogenic isotopic composition (IC) of detritus in these cores to that of cores proximal to potential source areas. We observe a well-defined latitudinal Holocene gradient in both detrital flux and provenance of sediment. High detrital fluxes in the north are associated with terrigenous material derived from southern Africa, while low detrital fluxes in the south are associated with supply from southern South America, West Antarctica and the South Sandwich Islands. The data suggest that this well-defined Holocene gradient in detrital flux and sediment provenance is controlled by the flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and the position of its frontal zones. The LGM is characterised by 2 to 6 times higher than modern detrital fluxes at most ODP Leg 177 sites. The LGM detrital fluxes do not show a latitudinal trend and suggest a greater supply of glaciogenic detritus sourced from southern South America. Glacial Patagonian outwash sediments (< 5 µm fraction) were analysed and compared to the bulk compositions of the marine sediments. The Pb IC of the Patagonian sediments is very similar to the glacial IC of sediments in the Scotia Sea and at ~ 49° S latitude in the eastern Atlantic sector. We propose that the glacial IC of sediments is controlled by increased delivery of Patagonian detritus initially supplied by glaciers and then transported at depth via the ACC.