1000 resultados para P, parâmetros vitais
This study aimed to evaluate the use of sweet potato as a substrate for the production of spirits. In order to promote an alternative technologically feasible, an experimental design was performed to minimize the operations of preparation, defining the most adequate conditions for the fermentation process. From sweet potato flour obtained by milling and dehydration process of the roots was carried out an enzymatic process of hydrolysis-saccharification of suspension of sweet potato flour with 18% dry matter. The hydrolyzate was used in the fermentation process which followed the 23 full factorial experimental design with central and axial points, and the independent variables were the concentration of reducing sugars, concentration of viable yeast and fermentation temperature. The dependent variables were viable cells, residual sugar, ethanol, glycerol and methanol. The dependent variables were quantified by liquid chromatography. The data analysis indicate that the best fermentation conditions among the tested conditions were: concentration of yeast 5 x 107-1 x 108 in number of viable cells, total reducing sugars from 12.5 to 13.5% and temperature between 33 -34ºC.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Educational games are responsible for part of the information assimilated by the child, because these games respect the individual learning time, enabling experimentation and, consequently, being an accessory to retain the acquired knowledge spontaneously. However, the analogy between stimulus and reception/result is not always the expected. On the one hand, there are the pedagogues, bearing the knowledge necessary to the children’s development. On the other hand, are the children, who cannot completely assimilate the concept, commonly because of lack of planning on the product. After all, the children become not interested in the game, without developing the expected cognitive abilities planned for the product. Whereas the importance of the games on children’s development, this work aimed to analyze and select educational games presented on the preschool, based on the language exploration from the Design’s knowledge and skills. Specifically, the research intends to investigate games targeted to stimulate geometric concepts, and so, to describe parameters that must be observed during the product planning.
The study of the physical man characteristics and their variations have caught the man's interests since the ancient age. In Brazil, there are no studies which define the anthropometric profile of the Brazilian's head, hindering the development of ergonomic designs. One problem that occurs in the Brazilian armed forces is the use of protective helmets made with measurements of other countries, which causes great discomfort. Thus, this study aims to conduct a study to determine the anthropometric measurements of the head of the Brazilian Air Force military, assisting in the production of helmets more suitable. Therefore, it is presented ananthropometric survey in 576 students of the School of Aeronautics Expert, 286 females and 290 males, aged between 17 and 36 years. The study showed that the differences found between genders are less than 5%. In addition to the fact that the helmet Tues adjustments, there is no need for production of different helmets in relation to gender, but some changes are necessary measures in circumference and shape of the helmet.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Origami folds and kirigami cuts merged in an oriental technique called Origamic Architecture (or 3D kirigami) that has intrinsic relationships with geometry as well as these paper arts. Despite its potential, it is not very used as a didactic resource because of the lack of parameters in its construction. There are many studies about programs development and computational language to help the design of pop-up structures, as origamic architecture is also known. However, there are few studies concerning the study of positioning the lines and creases, which is essential in the process of creating a 3D kirigami design, especially in the development of spatial perception of the figure. Limited to the 90o open type models, this article is about the establishment of some initial guidelines for design of an origamic architecture through visual elements as point, line and shape. It is presented some basic models to illustrate the constructive parameters detected as well as some models elaborated by the author, showing the viability of the guidelines established.
Desconforto percebido em condutores de veículos baja: parâmetros para o design ergonômico do assento
O Projeto Baja SAE Brasil envolve várias competições relativas ao desempenho de equipes quanto ao projeto dos veículos desenvolvidos. Dentre as várias provas, são avaliadas as condições ergonômicas do condutor. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a percepção do desconforto antes e após a realização da prova “enduro”. Participaram condutores titulares de seis equipes e os resultados apontam que o design do assento dos veículos deve ser desenvolvido com base em parâmetros ergonômicos.
The geophysical methods may be employed in aquifer system studies, as determination of groundwater level, soil/rock contact, beyond estimative of the aquifer thickness horizon. The geoeletric methods are particularly relevant in evaluations of the oilfields systems, due to directs relations between porosity and electrical resistivity, which allow inferences about oil and gas production. The indirect estimative of the productions in free aquifers system is something complex before of the diverse variables responsible for factors or physical phenomena, as clays minerals, which conditioned the physical parameters by electric geophysical methods. This paper present analyzed correlation among electrical resistivity, chargeability and direct measure flow in shallow wells, for determination of statistical relationships between parameters and evaluation of the geological constraints evolved. The study count with the 23 shallow wells located in free aquifer, constituted by alteration materials of the granites localized in Caçapava do Sul (RS). The geophysical data are acquired by vertical electric sounding in Schlumberger array. The correlations between electrical resistivity and flow, chargeability and flow, thickness of the soil/saprolite and flow indicated relationships between physical and hydrogeologic parameters, with variations conditioned by factors as porosity, permeability, besides intrinsic geological heterogeneities such soil variable thickness and rock fragments with several alteration degrees.
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
With highlighted sprint ability, the racing line is important segment within the Quarter Horses breed, with huge impact on agribusiness. Theseanimals have noted morphological differences when compared to other lines within the breed, especially for larger body size proportions.The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters forbody measurements traitsof the racing line of the Quarter Horses breed via Bayesian inference. Here,289 animals of both sexes, registered at brazilian association of breeders (ABQM), were used. The results showed high coefficient of heritability for body length (0.74) and back-loin lenght(0.61). The heritability coefficients for height at withersand croup length were moderate (0.44 and 0.47, respectively). High genetic correlation for body length and croup length and for body length and back-loins lengthwas also observed(0.80 and 0.76, respectively). Taking into account the estimates of heritability and genetic correlations between body measurement traits, the body length and height at withers traits proved to be appropriate to provide future researches that investigate the genetic correlation between body measurements and racing performance.
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this work was to typify, through physicochemical parameters, honey from Campos do Jordão’s microrregion, and verify how samples are grouped in accordance with the climatic production seasonality (summer and winter). It were assessed 30 samples of honey from beekeepers located in the cities of Monteiro Lobato, Campos do Jordão, Santo Antonio do Pinhal e São Bento do Sapucaí-SP, regarding both periods of honey production (November to February; July to September, during 2007 and 2008; n = 30). Samples were submitted to physicochemical analysis of total acidity, pH, humidity, water activity, density, aminoacids, ashes, color and electrical conductivity, identifying physicochemical standards of honey samples from both periods of production. Next, we carried out a cluster analysis of data using k-means algorithm, which grouped the samples into two classes (summer and winter). Thus, there was a supervised training of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using backpropagation algorithm. According to the analysis, the knowledge gained through the ANN classified the samples with 80% accuracy. It was observed that the ANNs have proved an effective tool to group samples of honey of the region of Campos do Jordao according to their physicochemical characteristics, depending on the different production periods.
We investigated estradiol benzoate effects on oocytes/embryos recovery rate and the influence of this drug on the hematopoietic system. Twenty four bitches were divided in two groups, Group I, 12 females that received a single shot of estradiol benzoate, 0.2 mg/kg intramuscularly, between 2 and 7 days after the date of the last mismating or insemination and, Group II (control), 12 bitches that received 0.2 ml/kg of oily diluent, in corresponding dates. The bitches were ovary-hysterectomized and the uterus/oviduct were isolated and flushed with a PBS, heparin and polyvinyl alcohol solution. Oocytes and embryos were quantified and classified according to their stage of development. Blood counts were performed on M1 (before drug administration), M2 (15 days after drug administration) and M3 (40 days after drug administration). Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze the variable retrieval structures, while Fisher exact test was used for the analysis of embryonic viability. ANOVA was used to analyze repeated measurements and Tukey test for hematological parameters. All tests were performed at 5% significance level. The recovery rate of total structures in group I was lower (22.88%) than group II (65.85%). A lower embryo recovery (ratio 3: 52) rate and a greater number of degenerated structures (ratio 11: 1) were observed in group I. Hematological parameters showed significant difference in erythrocytes, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentrations 15 days after drug administration and difference in leukocytes concentration 40 days after using the medication in bitches of group I, however, at the end of the experiment all bitches had blood counts considered normal.