953 resultados para Open Reading Frame


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Temperature sensitive (ts) mutant viruses have helped elucidate replication processes in many viral systems. Several panels of replication-defective ts mutants in which viral RNA synthesis is abolished at the nonpermissive temperature (RNA$\sp{-})$ have been isolated for Mouse Hepatitis Virus, MHV (Robb et al., 1979; Koolen et al., 1983; Martin et al., 1988; Schaad et al., 1990). However, no one had investigated genetic or phenotypic relationships between these different mutant panels. In order to determine how the panel of MHV-JHM RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants (Robb et al., 1979) were genetically related to other described MHV RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants, the MHV-JHM mutants were tested for complementation with representatives from two different sets of MHV-A59 ts mutants (Koolen et al., 1983; Schaad et al., 1990). The three ts mutant panels together were found to comprise eight genetically distinct complementation groups. Of these eight complementation groups, three complementation classes are unique to their particular mutant panel; genetically equivalent mutants were not observed within the other two mutant panels. Two complementation groups were common to all three mutant panels. The three remaining complementation groups overlapped two of the three mutant sets. Mutants MHV-JHM tsA204 and MHV-A59 ts261 were shown to be within one of these overlapping complementation groups. The phenotype of the MHV-JHM mutants within this complementation class has been previously characterized (Leibowitz et al., 1982; Leibowitz et al, 1990). When these mutants were grown at the permissive temperature, then shifted up to the nonpermissive temperature at the start of RNA synthesis, genome-length RNA and leader RNA fragments accumulated, but no subgenomic mRNA was synthesized. MHV-A59 ts261 produced leader RNA fragments identical to those observed with MHV-JHM tsA204. Thus, these two MHV RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants that were genetically equivalent by complementation testing were phenotypically similar as well. Recombination frequencies obtained from crosses of MHV-A59 ts261 with several of the gene 1 MHV-A59 mutants indicated that the causal mutation(s) of MHV-A59 ts261 was located near the overlapping junction of ORF1a and ORF1b, in the 3$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1a, or the 5$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1b. Sequence analysis of this junction and 1400 nucleotides into the 5$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1b of MHV-A59 ts261 revealed one nucleotide change from the wildtype MHV-A59. This substitution at nucleotide 13,598 (A to G) was a silent mutation in the ORF1a reading frame, but resulted in an amino acid change in ORF1b gene product (I to V). This amino acid change would be expressed only in the readthrough translation product produced upon successful ribosome frameshifting. A revertant of MHV-A59 ts261 (R2) also retained this guanidine residue, but had a second substitution at nucleotide 14,475 in ORF1b. This mutation results in the substitution of valine for an isoleucine.^ The data presented here suggest that the mutation in MHV-A59 ts261 (nucleotide 13,598) would be responsible for the MHV-JHM complementation group A phenotype. A second-site reversion at nucleotide 14,475 may correct this defect in the revertant. Sequencing of gene 1 immediately upstream of nucleotide 13,296 and downstream of nucleotide 15,010 must be conducted to test this hypothesis. ^


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The complete 50,237-bp DNA sequence of the conjugative and mobilizing multiresistance plasmid pRE25 from Enterococcus faecalis RE25 was determined. The plasmid had 58 putative open reading frames, 5 of which encode resistance to 12 antimicrobials. Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase and the 23S RNA methylase are identical to gene products of the broad-host-range plasmid pIP501 from Streptococcus agalactiae. In addition, a 30.5-kb segment is almost identical to pIP501. Genes encoding an aminoglycoside 6-adenylyltransferase, a streptothricin acetyltransferase, and an aminoglycoside phosphotransferase are arranged in tandem on a 7.4-kb fragment as previously reported in Tn5405 from Staphylococcus aureus and in pJH1 from E. faecalis. One interrupted and five complete IS elements as well as three replication genes were also identified. pRE25 was transferred by conjugation to E. faecalis, Listeria innocua, and Lactococcus lactis by means of a transfer region that appears similar to that of pIP501. It is concluded that pRE25 may contribute to the further spread of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms via food into the human community.


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When comparing the transporters of three completely sequenced eukaryotic genomes - Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Arabidopsis thaliana and Homo sapiens - transporter types can be distinguished according to phylogeny, substrate spectrum, transport mechanism and cell specificity. The known amino acid transporters belong to five different superfamilies. Two preferentially Na+-coupled transporter superfamilies are not represented in them yeast and Arabidopsis genomes, whereas the other three groups, which often function as H+-coupled systems, have members in all investigated genomes. Additional superfamilies exist for organellar transport, including mitochondrial and plastidic carriers. When used in combination with phylogenetic analyses, functional comparison might aid our prediction of physiological functions for related but uncharacterized open reading frames.


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The major bovine whey proteins, α-lactalbumin (α-LA) and β-lactoglobulin (β-LG), exhibit breed-specific genetic variation. The aim of this study was to identify possible new protein variants and determine the distribution of variants across a variety of 18 taurine and indicine cattle breeds applying a DNA-based sequencing approach. To this end, the open reading frames of the respective genes (LALBA and LGB) were sequenced in 476 animals. Within the LALBA gene, a previously unknown synonymous and a previously undesignated non-synonymous nucleotide exchange were identified. Furthermore, two known α-LA variants (A and B) and four known β-LG variants (A, B, C and W) were determined. The occurrence of typical indicine variants in some taurine cattle breeds, such as Suisse Eringer, German Hinterwälder and Hungarian Grey Steppe, further supports the hypothesis of ancient Bos indicus introgression into (peri-)alpine cattle breeds.


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A novel erythromycin ribosome methylase gene, erm(44), that confers resistance to macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin B (MLSB) antibiotics was identified by whole-genome sequencing of the chromosome of Staphylococcus xylosus isolated from bovine mastitis milk. The erm(44) gene is preceded by a regulatory sequence that encodes two leader peptides responsible for the inducible expression of the methylase gene, as demonstrated by cloning in Staphylococcus aureus. The erm(44) gene is located on a 53-kb putative prophage designated ΦJW4341-pro. The 56 predicted open reading frames of ΦJW4341-pro are structurally organized into the five functional modules found in members of the family Siphoviridae. ΦJW4341-pro is site-specifically integrated into the S. xylosus chromosome, where it is flanked by two perfect 19-bp direct repeats, and exhibits the ability to circularize. The presence of erm(44) in three additional S. xylosus strains suggests that this putative prophage has the potential to disseminate MLSB resistance.


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IS1296, a new insertion sequence belonging to the IS3 family of insertion elements has been identified in Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (Mmm) biotype small colony (SC), the agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP). IS1296 is 1485-bp long and has 30-bp inverted repeats. It contains two open reading frames, ORFA and ORFB, which show significant similarities to the ORFs which encode the transposase function of IS elements of the IS3 family, in particular IS150 of Escherichia coli. IS1296 is present in 19 copies in Mmm SC-type strain PG1 and in 18 copies in a recently isolated field strain L2. It seems to transpose at low frequency in Mmm SC. IS1296 is also present in 5 copies in Mmm biotype large colony (LC)-type strain Y-goat, and in two copies in Mycoplasma sp. 'bovine group 7' reference strain PG50. It is, however, not present in other species of the 'mycoides cluster' or other closely related Mycoplasma sp. of ruminants.


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The Notch1 signaling pathway is essential for hematopoietic development. However, the effects of postnatal activation of Notch1 signaling on hematopoietic system is not yet fully understood. We previously generated ZEG‑IC‑Notch1 transgenic mice that have a floxed β‑geo/stop signal between a CMV promoter and intracellular domain of Notch1 (IC‑Notch1). Constitutively active IC‑Notch1 is silent until the introduction of Cre recombinase. In this study, endothelial/hematopoietic specific expression of IC‑Notch1 in double transgenic ZEG‑IC‑Notch1/Tie2‑Cre embryos induced embryonic lethality at E9.5 with defects in vascular system but not in hematopoietic system. Inducible IC‑Notch1 expression in adult mice was achieved by using tetracycline regulated Cre system. The ZEG‑IC‑Notch1/Tie2‑tTA/tet‑O‑Cre triple transgenic mice survived embryonic development when maintained on tetracycline. Post‑natal withdrawal of tetracycline induced expression of IC‑Notch1 transgene in hematopoietic cells of adult mice. The triple transgenic mice displayed extensive T‑cell infiltration in multiple organs and T‑cell malignancy of lymph nodes. In addition, the protein levels of p53 and alternative reading frame (ARF) were decreased in lymphoma‑like neoplasms from the triple transgenic mice while their mRNA expression remained unchanged, suggesting that IC‑Notch1 might repress ARF‑p53 pathway by a post‑transcriptional mechanism. This study demonstrated that activation of constitutive Notch1 signaling after embryonic development alters adult hematopoiesis and induces T‑cell malignancy.


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Most cases of Duchenne muscular dystrophy are caused by dystrophin gene mutations that disrupt the mRNA reading frame. Artificial exclusion (skipping) of a single exon would often restore the reading frame, giving rise to a shorter, but still functional dystrophin protein. Here, we analyzed the ability of antisense U7 small nuclear (sn)RNA derivatives to alter dystrophin pre-mRNA splicing. As a proof of principle, we first targeted the splice sites flanking exon 23 of dystrophin pre-mRNA in the wild-type muscle cell line C2C12 and showed precise exon 23 skipping. The same strategy was then successfully adapted to dystrophic immortalized mdx muscle cells where exon-23-skipped dystrophin mRNA rescued dystrophin protein synthesis. Moreover, we observed a stimulation of antisense U7 snRNA expression by the murine muscle creatine kinase enhancer. These results demonstrate that alteration of dystrophin pre-mRNA splicing could correct dystrophin gene mutations by expression of specific U7 snRNA constructs.


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A methicillin-resistant mecB-positive Macrococcus caseolyticus (strain KM45013) was isolated from the nares of a dog with rhinitis. It contained a novel 39-kb transposon-defective complete mecB-carrying staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec element (SCCmecKM45013). SCCmecKM45013 contained 49 coding sequences (CDSs), was integrated at the 3' end of the chromosomal orfX gene, and was delimited at both ends by imperfect direct repeats functioning as integration site sequences (ISSs). SCCmecKM45013 presented two discontinuous regions of homology (SCCmec coverage of 35%) to the chromosomal and transposon Tn6045-associated SCCmec-like element of M. caseolyticus JCSC7096: (i) the mec gene complex (98.8% identity) and (ii) the ccr-carrying segment (91.8% identity). The mec gene complex, located at the right junction of the cassette, also carried the β-lactamase gene blaZm (mecRm-mecIm-mecB-blaZm). SCCmecKM45013 contained two cassette chromosome recombinase genes, ccrAm2 and ccrBm2, which shared 94.3% and 96.6% DNA identity with those of the SCCmec-like element of JCSC7096 but shared less than 52% DNA identity with the staphylococcal ccrAB and ccrC genes. Three distinct extrachromosomal circularized elements (the entire SCCmecKM45013, ΨSCCmecKM45013 lacking the ccr genes, and SCCKM45013 lacking mecB) flanked by one ISS copy, as well as the chromosomal regions remaining after excision, were detected. An unconventional circularized structure carrying the mecB gene complex was associated with two extensive direct repeat regions, which enclosed two open reading frames (ORFs) (ORF46 and ORF51) flanking the chromosomal mecB-carrying gene complex. This study revealed M. caseolyticus as a potential disease-associated bacterium in dogs and also unveiled an SCCmec element carrying mecB not associated with Tn6045 in the genus Macrococcus.


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The genetic variability of milk protein genes may influence the nutritive value or processing and functional properties of the milk. While numerous protein variants are known in ruminants, knowledge about milk protein variability in horses is still limited. Mare's milk is, however, produced for human consumption in many countries. Beta-lactoglobulin belonging to the protein family of lipocalins, which are known as common food- and airborne allergens, is a major whey protein. It is absent from human milk and thus a key agent in provoking cow's milk protein allergy. Mare's milk is, however, usually better tolerated by most affected people. Several functions of β-lactoglobulin have been discussed, but its ultimate physiological role remains unclear. In the current study, the open reading frames of the two equine β-lactoglobulin paralogues LGB1 and LGB2 were re-sequenced in 249 horses belonging to 14 different breeds in order to predict the existence of protein variants at the DNA-level. Thereby, only a single signal peptide variant of LGB1, but 10 different putative protein variants of LGB2 were identified. In horses, both genes are expressed and in such this is a striking previously unknown difference in genetic variability between the two genes. It can be assumed that LGB1 is the ancestral paralogue, which has an essential function causing a high selection pressure. As horses have very low milk fat content this unknown function might well be related to vitamin-uptake. Further studies are, however, needed, to elucidate the properties of the different gene products.


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The Chromatin Accessibility Complex (CHRAC) consists of the ATPase ISWI, the large ACF1 subunit and a pair of small histone-like proteins, CHRAC-14/16. CHRAC is a prototypical nucleosome sliding factor that mobilizes nucleosomes to improve the regularity and integrity of the chromatin fiber. This may facilitate the formation of repressive chromatin. Expression of the signature subunit ACF1 is restricted during embryonic development, but remains high in primordial germ cells. Therefore, we explored roles for ACF1 during Drosophila oogenesis. ACF1 is expressed in somatic and germline cells, with notable enrichment in germline stem cells and oocytes. The asymmetrical localization of ACF1 to these cells depends on the transport of the Acf1 mRNA by the Bicaudal-D/Egalitarian complex. Loss of ACF1 function in the novel Acf1(7) allele leads to defective egg chambers and their elimination through apoptosis. In addition, we find a variety of unusual 16-cell cyst packaging phenotypes in the previously known Acf1(1) allele, with a striking prevalence of egg chambers with two functional oocytes at opposite poles. Surprisingly, we found that the Acf1(1) deletion - despite disruption of the Acf1 reading frame - expresses low levels of a PHD-bromodomain module from the C-terminus of ACF1 that becomes enriched in oocytes. Expression of this module from the Acf1 genomic locus leads to packaging defects in the absence of functional ACF1, suggesting competitive interactions with unknown target molecules. Remarkably, a two-fold overexpression of CHRAC (ACF1 and CHRAC-16) leads to increased apoptosis and packaging defects. Evidently, finely tuned CHRAC levels are required for proper oogenesis.


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The focus of this thesis lies in the development of a sensitive method for the analysis of protein primary structure which can be easily used to confirm the DNA sequence of a protein's gene and determine the modifications which are made after translation. This technique involves the use of dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (DAP) and dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase (DCP) to hydrolyze the protein and the mass spectrometric analysis of the dipeptide products.^ Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase was purified from human lung tissue and characterized with respect to its proteolytic activity. The results showed that the enzyme has a relatively unrestricted specificity, making it useful for the analysis of the C-terminal of proteins. Most of the dipeptide products were identified using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In order to analyze the peptides not hydrolyzed by DCP and DAP, as well as the dipeptides not identified by GC/MS, a FAB ion source was installed on a quadrupole mass spectrometer and its performance evaluated with a variety of compounds.^ Using these techniques, the sequences of the N-terminal and C-terminal regions and seven fragments of bacteriophage P22 tail protein have been verified. All of the dipeptides identified in these analysis were in the same DNA reading frame, thus ruling out the possibility of a single base being inserted or deleted from the DNA sequence. The verification of small sequences throughout the protein sequence also indicates that no large portions of the protein have been removed after translation. ^


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Cells infected with a temperature sensitive phenotypic mutant of Moloney sarcoma virus (MuSVts110) exhibit a transformed phenotype at 33('(DEGREES)) and synthesize two virus specific proteins, p85('gag-mos), a gag-mos fusion protein and p58('gag), a truncated gag precursor protein (the gag gene codes for viral structural proteins and mos is the MuSV transforming gene). At 39('(DEGREES)) only p58('gag) is synthesized and the morphology of the cells is similar to uninfected NRK parental cells. Two MuSVts110 specific RNAs are made in MuSVts110-infected cells, one of 4.0 kb in length, the other of 3.5 kb. Previous work indicated that each of these RNAs arose by a single central deletion of parental MuSV genetic material, and that p58('gag) was made by the 4.0 kb RNA and p85('gag-mos) from the 3.5 kb RNA. The objective of my dissertation research was to map precisely the deletion boundaries of both of the MuSVts110 RNAs, and to determine the proper reading frame across both deletion borders. This work succeeded in arriving at the following conclusions: (a) Using S-1 nuclease analysis and primer extension sequencing, it was found that the 4.0 kb MuSVts110 RNA arose by a 1488 base deletion of 5.2 kb parental MuSV genomic RNA. This deletion resulted in an out of frame fusion of the gag and mos genes that resulted in the formation of a "stop" codon which causes termination of translation just beyond the c-terminus of the gag region. Thus, this RNA can only be translated into the truncated gag protein p58('gag). (b) S-1 analysis of RNA from cells cultivated at different temperatures demonstrated that the 4.0 kb RNA was synthesized at all temperatures but that synthesis of the 3.5 kb RNA was temperature sensitive. These observations supported the data derived from blot hybridization experiments the interpretation of which argued for the existence of a single provirus in MuSVts110 infected cells, and hence only a single primary transcript (the 4.0 kb RNA). (c) Analyses similar to those described in (a) above showed that the 3.5 kb RNA was derived from the 4.0 kb MuSVts110 RNA by a further deletion of 431 bases, fusing the gag and mos genes into a continuous reading frame capable of directing synthesis of the p85('gag-mos) protein. These sequence data and the presence of only one MuSVts110-specific provirus, indicate that a splice mechanism is employed to generate the 3.5 kb RNA since the gag and mos genes are observed to be fused in frame in this RNA. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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Programmed cell death is an anticancer mechanism utilized by p53 that when disrupted can accelerate tumor development in response to oncogenic stress. Defects in the RB tumor suppressor cause aberrant cell proliferation as well as apoptosis. The combinatorial loss of the p53 and RB pathways is observed in a large percentage of human tumors. The E2F family of transcription factors primarily mediates the phenotype of Rb loss, since RB is a negative regulator of E2F. Contrary to early expectations, it has now been shown that the ARF (alternative reading frame) tumor suppressor is not required for p53-dependent apoptosis in response to deregulation of the RB/E2F pathway. In this study, we demonstrate that ATM, known as a DNA double-strand break (DSB) sensor, is responsible for ARF-independent apoptosis and p53 activation induced by deregulated E2F1. Moreover, NBS1, a component of the MRN DNA repair complex, is also required for E2F1-induced apoptosis and apparently works in the same pathway as ATM. We further found that endogenous E2F1 and E2F3 both play a role in apoptosis and ATM activation in response to inhibition of RB by the adenoviral E1A oncoprotein. We demonstrate that, unlike deregulated E2F3 and Myc, ATM activation by deregulated E2F1 does not involve the induction of DNA damage, autophosphorylation of ATM on Ser 1981, a marker of ATM activation by DSB, but does depend on the presence of NBS1, suggesting that E2F1 activates ATM in a different manner from E2F3 and Myc. Results from domain mapping studies show that the DNA binding, dimerization, and marked box domains of E2F1 are required to activate ATM and stimulate apoptosis but the transactivation domain is not. This implies that E2F1's DNA binding and interaction with other proteins through the marked box domain are necessary to induce ATM activation leading to apoptosis but transcriptional activation by E2F1 is dispensable. Together these data suggest a model in which E2F1 activates ATM to phosphorylate p53 through a novel mechanism that is independent of DNA damage and transcriptional activation by E2F1.^


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Tumor Suppressor Candidate 2 (TUSC2) is a novel tumor suppressor gene located in the human chromosome 3p21.3 region. TUSC2 mRNA transcripts could be detected on Northern blots in both normal lung and some lung cancer cell lines, but no endogenous TUSC2 protein could be detected in a majority of lung cancer cell lines. Mechanisms regulating TUSC2 protein expression and its inactivation in primary lung cancer cells are largely unknown. We investigated the role of the 5’- and 3’-untranslated regions (UTRs) of the TUSC2 gene in the regulation of TUSC2 protein expression. We found that two small upstream open-reading frames (uORFs) in the 5’UTR of TUSC2 could markedly inhibit the translational initiation of TUSC2 protein by interfering with the “scanning” of the ribosome initiation complexes. Site-specific stem-loop array reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (SLA-RT-PCR) verified several micoRNAs (miRNAs) targeted at 3’UTR and directed TUSC2 cleavage and degradation. In addition, we used the established let-7-targeted high mobility group A2 (Hmga2) mRNA as a model system to study the mechanism of regulation of target mRNA by miRNAs in mammalian cells under physiological conditions. There have been no evidence of direct link between mRNA downregulation and mRNA cleavages mediated by miRNAs. Here we showed that the endonucleolytic cleavages on mRNAs were initiated by mammalian miRNA in seed pairing style. Let-7 directed cleavage activities among the eight predicted potential target sites have varied efficiency, which are influenced by the positional and the structural contexts in the UTR. The 5’ cleaved RNA fragments were mostly oligouridylated at their 3’-termini and accumulated for delayed 5’–3’ degradation. RNA fragment oligouridylation played important roles in marking RNA fragments for delayed bulk degradation and in converting RNA degradation mode from 3’–5’ to 5’–3’ with cooperative efforts from both endonucleolytic and non-catalytic miRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC). Our findings point to a mammalian miRNA-mediated mechanism for the regulation of mRNA that miRNA can decrease target mRNA through target mRNA cleavage and uridine addition