987 resultados para Nursing models
Solving multi-stage oligopoly models by backward induction can easily become a com- plex task when rms are multi-product and demands are derived from a nested logit frame- work. This paper shows that under the assumption that within-segment rm shares are equal across segments, the analytical expression for equilibrium pro ts can be substantially simpli ed. The size of the error arising when this condition does not hold perfectly is also computed. Through numerical examples, it is shown that the error is rather small in general. Therefore, using this assumption allows to gain analytical tractability in a class of models that has been used to approach relevant policy questions, such as for example rm entry in an industry or the relation between competition and location. The simplifying approach proposed in this paper is aimed at helping improving these type of models for reaching more accurate recommendations.
District Nursing Services in Northern Ireland Follow Up Regional Report
A component of the Nursing Needs Assessment Tool. This document is the format for the Free Nursing Assessment Review. First review should be carried out within 3 months and annually thereafter.
This assessment tool is designed to assess the registered nursing needs of an older person needing long-term care.
The user guide describes how to undertake an assessment using the nursing needs assessment tool.
Project evaluation report on the development of public health nursing within children's services in areas of Down Lisburn Trust. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
Foyle HSS Trust's Evaluation of community nursing project. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project.
Homefirst Community Trust's final report on the Glenfield Project. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
South & East Belfast H&SS Trust's final report on Primary Care Integrated Nursing Model. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
Sperrin Lakeland Trust's final report on the establishment of a treatment room service bureau. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
Report describing the regional redesign of community nursing project commissioned by DHSSPS Nursing and Advisory Group in 2004
Report on the regional redesign of community nursing project by Deloitte
Evaluation of the nursing needs assessment tool and associated systems and processes.
District Nursing Services in Northern Ireland Regional Summary Health Services Audit
December 2005 - main findings in relation to referrals, quality of nursing, caseload management, deployment and twilight services