997 resultados para Novela histórica navarra s.XIX-XX


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O texto discute os muitos significados dados à morte de duas mulheres dos grupos menos abastados em Belém do Pará. Tais mulheres foram assassinadas em momentos distintos e tiveram a história de suas vidas e de suas mortes evocada por literatos, estudiosos da região e na imprensa paraense, como um exemplo a ser seguido por outras mulheres, revelando ideais de fidelidade, casamento, de família, entre outros. Se ainda hoje a força dessas histórias vem à tona com significados diversos, no passado não foi diferente sugerindo os muitos sentidos dados a suas vidas e a suas mortes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article, about reflections on the condition of Brazilian women from the Colony to the first decades of the twentieth century, reveals the historical position of them and the attitudes and behaviors related to gender and sexuality. Subdued, it was treated as a sexual object, arousing all sorts of misogyny by men. Rebel, veiled or ostensibly, could serve their own desires. Throughout history, the Church and medical institutions which jointly accounted for, significantly, established the meaning and place of women. In Colony period, the woman is a ward from the Catholic ideology, but from the nineteenth century, after Independence, this power control arises to Medicine. The physician submits the religious discourse, naturalizing the status of women as one that breeds, namely the insertion of the medical issues of family scientifically legitimate colonial patriarchy. This is accentuated in the early twentieth century, when medicine consolidated setting standards and rules for marriage, to motherhood and family life. We note how the feminine universe was (and it is nowadays) ambivalent, with "one foot" in virtue and another in sin, with a tendency to contain and another to trespass. On the one hand we have the home and motherhood, validated in marriage, in which the woman is cared for and dependent on her husband. Reflecting on the motherhood of Virgin Mary, comes to the sacred dimension of the idealized woman saint by the Church. At the same time, however, feels the need for freedom, identity and independence, needing to give a voice to the desire to have their sexuality and all that it is due in full. The manifestation of the desire and the call for sexual satisfaction, and put in permanent conflict personal, psychological and social split between moral entrenched across generations and cultural transformations resulting from decades of the 20th Century.


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Na presente publicação apresenta-se análises de um conjunto de manuais escolares que circularam na Escola Normal brasileira e portuguesa entre meados do século XIX e meados do século XX a partir de diferentes olhares, reeditando em outra chave o processo original de circulação de ideias entre Brasil e Portugal no qual esses materiais se inserem. Orientados por outros estudos que tratam do mesmo tema, os autores realizaram recolha nos dois países a fim de comprovar a circulação do corpus empírico que, ao final, foi definido como fonte. Assim, chegou-se ao seguinte conjunto de manuais didáticos: Elementos de Pedagogia de Affreixo & Freire (1870); Curso Prático de Pedagogia Destinado aos Alunos-Mestres das Escolas Normaes Primarias e aos Instituidores em Exercício de Daligault (1874); Lições de Pedagogia Geral e de História da Educação de Pimentel Filho (1875); Lições de Pedologia e Pedagogia Experimental de Faria de Vasconcelos (1910); Lições de Metodologia, de Fonseca Lage (1920); A arte da leitura, de Mário Gonçalves Viana (1949) e Lições de Pedagogia, de Aquiles Archêro Junior (1955). Os pesquisadores utilizam diferentes lentes para tecer suas análises e, cada um segundo sua especialidade de pesquisa, aprofunda aspectos que, juntos, compõem um painel interpretativo sobre o processo de escolarização e seus espaços, a normatização do trabalho docente, os princípios que nortearam a seleção cultural para a escola primária, a constituição de modos e métodos de ensino para realizar os objetivos educacionais e a especificidade que assumem os materiais e o ensino da leitura e da escrita nessa instituição. Todas as análises reiteram a importância dos impressos na consolidação da escola primária portuguesa e brasileira, notadamente no que se refere às prescrições feitas nos manuais escolares que, em trânsito, configuram-se como palavras viajeiras.


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In order to accomplish this article, it was necessary to schematize and to problematize how child/childhood concept along the centuries made their use possible by specialized speeches (namely: medical and pedagogic, mainly) in many different historical extracts. Looking at child/childhood, examining them, transforming them into knowledge and tutor bodies/object, countless attempts in disciplining their gestures and consequent institution of subjective processes will be some steep lines in this article. That will be done in order to evidence the existence of what is nowadays so called child/childhood, and that today is the target of specialists’ speeches that, in our analysis, when leaning over childhood, would dictate norms behavior for the children, limiting them and restricting them.


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This article aims to discuss the attempts of the authorities in Rio de Janeiro to regulate Carnival festivities and discipline the revelers. Some of the ways to do this in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, are connected to the prohibition of Shrovetide and of the wearing of some costumes by individual masked men, such as Indian and imp costumes, which are associated with backwardness and barbarism, and, therefore, with a period of history that part of the intelligentsia of Rio de Janeiro wanted to forget. Such manifestations were at odds with political, social and cultural transformations, and with the image of modernity that the city of Rio de Janeiro wanted to consolidate in that period.


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[ES] Estado de la cuestión sobre las relaciones entre Canarias y Madrid a lo largo del siglo XIX y primer tercio del XX, hasta la llegada de la II República. Este sistema que se articula sobre la obtención de favores personales y concesiones para las islas por parte de la Administración, hace imprescindible la presencia de gestores (diputados) cualificados en Madrid que representarán los intereses de la oligarquía canaria.


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Our thesis entitled The Invention of Orthodoxy. Religion and Modernity in Romanian nationalist discourse from the XIXth to the XXth century is intended to be a history of the idea of “Romanianess” which brings together, in a structural as well as in a conceptual dimension, three major themes: Romanian Orthodoxy, Modernity and the Political. Having as premise for the study of the Romanian case the simultaneous genesis of the religious and political communities, from the Middle Ages to Modernity, the purpose of our inquiry is to formulate a theologico-political definition of ‘’Romanian Orthodoxy’’. Thus, within a main theoretical framework that values the contributions of Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault and Reinhart Koselleck, our analysis of selected texts that go from the 1860’s to the 1940’s tries to answer the question regarding the relationship between Romanian Orthodoxy and Modernity, as well as its reflection upon the political identity and organisation of the Romanian society. Considering the political context of the events that underline our conceptual focus, we consider that the proper answer to our investigation lies within the logic of multiplicity; namely, we refer to a plural Romania which is divided, at the beginning of the XXth century, between Traditionalism and Modernity, between a massive rural, agrarian society and an urban minority elite, striving to single out, in an phenomenological approach, the “Romanian way”. Secondly, we refer to a plural Modernity, which is at the same time social, cultural, religious and political. Thirdly, the logic of multiplicity applies as well in the interpretation of the fractures present within the religious nationalist discourse; namely, the rejection of Orthodoxy during the XIXth century, as it was considered an impediment in Romania’s path to adopting western modernity and later on, starting with the 1930, the restoration of the “Orthodox ethos” as a source of cultural and political values of the Romanian nation.