910 resultados para Nonprofit organisations


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The European Commission’s proposals for the Legislative Framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the period 2014-2020 include, inter alia, the introduction of a “strong greening component”. For the first time, all EU farmers in receipt of support are to “go beyond the requirements of cross compliance and deliver environmental and climate benefits as part of their everyday activities crop diversification as a contribution to all EU farmers in receipt of support go beyond the requirements of cross compliance and deliver environmental and climate benefits as part of their everyday activities.” In a legal opinion prepared at the request of APRODEV, the Association of World Council of Churches related Development Organisations in Europe (www.aprodev.eu), Christian Häberli examines the WTO implications of this proposal, as compared with an alternative proposal to rather link direct payments to crop rotation. The conclusions are twofold: 1. Crop rotation is at least as likely to be found Green Box-compatible as crop diversification. Moreover, it will be more difficult to argue that crop diversification is “not more than minimally production-distorting” because it entails for most farmers less cost and work. 2. Even if (either of the two cropping schemes) were to be found “amber”, the EU would not have to relinquish this conditionality. This is because the direct payments involved would in all likelihood not, together with the other price support instruments, exceed the amount available under the presently scheduled maximum.


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The 2005 Annual Statement of Community Benefits Standard (ASCBS) and the annual report of the Community Benefits Plan, Summary of Current Hospital Charity Care Policy and Community Benefits, were used to identify various environmental and policy relationships with regard to eligibility for charity care requirements, a component for meeting the nonprofit requirements established by the Texas Legislature for nonprofit tax exemption (Texas Health and Safety Code, §311.04610). ^ Charity care policies are established by the individual hospital (or systems) and are generally defined as rules concerning care provided by the institution without the expectation of payment. This study has been undertaken to provide specific information about the charity care eligibility requirement policies of nonprofit hospitals. These hospitals are the part of the safety net for those persons who are indigent, low-income and uninsured. This study examines nonprofit hospitals by physical location, bed size, religious affiliation, trauma level, disproportionate share, and teaching designations. County information includes population, percentage of residents eligible for Medicaid benefits, ethnic makeup of county residents, poverty level, designation of a hospital district or operators of a public hospital, and the number of nonprofit and for-profit hospitals located in the county. Although this information has been collected by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), no other analysis has been conducted. ^


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This dissertation assesses the relationship between board composition and financial performance for the top 71 major nonprofit hospitals in the United States during the period 2004-2009. The underlying data were collected from copies of IRS Form 990 available at http://www.guidestar.org . The dissertation investigates five factors: board size, board independence (percentage of outsiders), number of MDs, CEO succession and CEO compensation. And it evaluates the results within a multi-theoretic framework drawing on agency theory, resource dependence theory, institutional theory and social network theory. Corporate governance literature suggests that board composition has an important impact on firm financial performance. This dissertation examines whether the same may be true for nonprofit hospitals. The results should help hospital executives make better governance decisions during trying economic times.^


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We would like to thank all interviewees for sharing their experiences of working with academics, and the guest editor and three anonymous reviewers for valuable comments on earlier versions of the work. The research in this paper is supported by the RCUK dot.rural Digital economy Research Hub, University of Aberdeen (Grant reference: EP/G066051/1).


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We would like to thank all interviewees for sharing their experiences of working with academics, and the guest editor and three anonymous reviewers for valuable comments on earlier versions of the work. The research in this paper is supported by the RCUK dot.rural Digital economy Research Hub, University of Aberdeen (Grant reference: EP/G066051/1).