997 resultados para Neutrino masses
Models of plant architecture allow us to explore how genotype environment interactions effect the development of plant phenotypes. Such models generate masses of data organised in complex hierarchies. This paper presents a generic system for creating and automatically populating a relational database from data generated by the widely used L-system approach to modelling plant morphogenesis. Techniques from compiler technology are applied to generate attributes (new fields) in the database, to simplify query development for the recursively-structured branching relationship. Use of biological terminology in an interactive query builder contributes towards making the system biologist-friendly. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Optimised gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (LC/MS) methods, in combination with a [H-3]-brevetoxin binding assay (RLB), revealed multiple ciguatoxins in a partially purified extract of a highly toxic Lutjanus sebae (red emperor) from the Indian Ocean. Two major ciguatoxins of 1140.6 Da (I-CTX-1 and -2) and two minor ciguatoxins of 1156.6 Da (I-CTX-3 and -4) were identified. Accurate mass analysis revealed that I-CTX-1 and -2 and Caribbean C-CTX-1 had indistinguishable masses (1140.6316 Da, at 0.44 ppm resolution). Toxicity estimated from LC/MS/RLB responses indicated that I-CTX-1 and -2 were both similar to 60% the potency of Pacific ciguatoxin-1 (P-CTX-1). In contrast to ciguatoxins of the Pacific where the more oxidised ciguatoxins are more potent, I-CTX-3 and -4 were similar to 20% of P-CTX-1 potency. Interconversion in dilute acid or on storage, typical of spiroketal and hemiketal functionality found in P-CTXs and C-CTXs, respectively, was not observed to occur between I-CTX-1 and -2. The ratio of CTX-1 and -2 varied depending on the fish extract being analysed. These results suggest that I-CTX-1 and -2 may arise from separate dinoflagellate precursors that may be oxidatively biotransformed to I-CTX-3 and -4 in fish. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Background: Presently the surgical approach to the adrenal gland is in a state of flux. While the traditional approach to the adrenal gland has been the open transabdominal technique, more recently laparoscopic approaches, particularly via the transabdominal route, have increasingly been utilized. However, laparoscopic intervention for the adrenal gland can be problematic in certain circumstances, particularly for large adrenal masses and in instances of adrenal malignancies. Methods: In this report we describe the use of hand-assisted laparoscopic adrenalectomy as an alternative minimal invasive surgical approach to the adrenal gland. Hand-assisted laparoscopic adrenalectomy using the HandPort system (Smith & Nephew, Sydney, Australia) was undertaken in three patients requiring adrenalectomy for mass lesions including one patient with Conn's syndrome. Results: In all three cases, surgery proceeded promptly and uneventfully. In the present paper, the details of the technique of hand-assisted adrenalectomy are described. This is the first report in the world literature of this new technique for the adrenal gland. Conclusions: Hand-assisted laparoscopic adrenalectomy is an easily performed technique, which can be completed within a short operative time span and which has the advantage of providing intraoperative tactile localization for the adrenal gland. It may be particularly applicable for large adrenal tumours, yet only involves the performance of a small abdominal incision. Postoperative recovery is comparable with that reported for the laparoscopic-only technique. Hand-assisted adrenalectomy is a new technique which has great potential and which warrants further evaluation.
A retrospective review of ultrasound guided breast excisional biopsies performed in a Surgical Unit of Princess Alexandra Hospital in 1998-99 was undertaken to assess the use of ultrasound specimen radiography. In this series a total of 55 localization biopsies were performed for impalpable lesions in 53 women. In 21 patients (38%), specimen ultrasound was used to confirm that the lesion in question had been excised, whereas for 34 lesions (62%), specimen X-ray was undertaken. In a total of six cases (10.9% overall) the radiographic abnormality was seen on ultrasound only. Real-time specimen sonography is a technique which is very appropriately utilized in conjunction with ultrasound guided excisions and can be easily performed either in the radiology department or the operative suite With minimal time delay. It could have particular application for lesions that are detected in younger women with dense breast parenchyma. The results of this review confirm specimen sonography to be a reliable technique. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The most widely used method for predicting the onset of continuous caving is Laubscher's caving chart. A detailed examination of this method was undertaken which concluded that it had limitations which may impact on results, particularly when dealing with stronger rock masses that are outside current experience. These limitations relate to inadequate guidelines for adjustment factors to rock mass rating (RMR), concerns about the position on the chart of critical case history data, undocumented changes to the method and an inadequate number of data points to be confident of stability boundaries. A review was undertaken on the application and reliability of a numerical method of assessing cavability. The review highlighted a number of issues, which at this stage, make numerical continuum methods problematic for predicting cavability. This is in particular reference to sensitivity to input parameters that are difficult to determine accurately and mesh dependency. An extended version of the Mathews method for open stope design was developed as an alternative method of predicting the onset of continuous caving. A number of caving case histories were collected and analyzed and a caving boundary delineated statistically on the Mathews stability graph. The definition of the caving boundary was aided by the existence of a large and wide-ranging stability database from non-caving mines. A caving rate model was extrapolated from the extended Mathews stability graph but could only be partially validated due to a lack of reliable data.
Um complexo de alta fotoluminescência é proposto como marcador óptico para a identificação de resíduos de tiro (GSR). O marcador é o complexo [Eu(PIC)3(NMK)3], de fórmula molecular Eu(C6H2N3O7)3.(C7H13NO)3, que apresenta o íon Eu3+ e os ligantes ácido pícrico (PIC) e n-metil-Ɛ-caprolactama (NMK). Foi realizada a caracterização quimicamente através de espectroscopia de emissão, espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), termogravimetria e análise térmica diferencial (TG/DTA), e espectrometria de massas com ionização por eletrospray e ressonância ciclotrônica de íons por transformada de Fourier (ESI-FT-ICR MS), e, em seguida, foram adicionadas diferentes massas do complexo a munições convencionais (de 2 a 50 mg por cartucho). Após os tiros, o GSR marcado foi visualmente e quimicamente detectado por irradiação UV (ʎ = 395 nm) e ESI-FT-ICR MS, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram uma fotoluminescência eficiente e duradoura, sendo facilmente visível sobre a superfície do alvo, no ambiente, no cartucho deflagrado, na arma de fogo, e sobre as mãos e braços do atirador quando utilizada massa a partir de 25 mg do marcador em cartuchos .38 e 50 mg em cartuchos .40. Sua toxicidade aguda também foi avaliada empregando-se o Protocolo 423 da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OECD) e apresentou DL50 de 1000 mg.kg-1, sendo classificado como de categoria 4 na escala do Sistema Globalmente Harmonizado de Classificação e Rotulagem de Produtos Químicos (GHS), considerado, portanto, de média toxicidade. O composto mostrou ser menos tóxico do que os componentes inorgânicos de munições convencionais (em especial o Pb), justificando o seu emprego como marcador de GSR.
Aos direitos fundamentais não basta a letra da lei. É preciso praticá-los a todo o momento: Canotilho e Vital. Respeito à Constituição da informação! É fundamental o direito à expressão e informação, seja ou não seja por meio da comunicação social dirigida às massas. § Os direitos fundamentais das liberdades de expressão e de imprensa compreendem dentro de si o direito de expressão do pensamento e o direito de informação. Abstract: Fundamental rights not just the letter of the law. You need to practice them all the time: Canotilho and Vital. Respect for the Constitution of information! It is essential the right to expression and information, whether or not it is through social communication to the masses. § The fundamental rights of expression and press freedoms include within itself the right of expression of thought and the right to information.
É fundamental, já o dissemos, o direito à expressão e informação, seja ou não seja por meio da comunicação social dirigida às massas. Muita gente morre por este direito ou pela falta dele. § Abstract: It is essential, as we have said, the right to expression and information, whether or not it is through social communication to the masses. Many people die for this right or the lack thereof.
“É fundamental o direito à expressão e informação, seja ou não seja por meio da comunicação social dirigida às massas. Muita gente morre por este direito ou pela falta dele.” E ainda dissemos a alto e bom som: “Bem hajam! Jornalistas, comentadores e cómicos com ética!” § "It's fundamental right to expression and information, whether or not either through the media directed to the masses. Many people die for this right or the lack thereof "And yet told loud and clear:". Well Let there be! Journalists, commentators and humorous with ethics!"
One Plus Sequential Air Sampler—Partisol was placed in a small village (Foros de Arrão) in central Portugal to collect PM10 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter below 10 μm), during the winter period for 3 months (December 2009–March 2010). Particles masses were gravimetrically determined and the filters were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis to assess their chemical composition. The water-soluble ion compositions of the collected particles were determined by Ion-exchange Chromatography. Principal component analysis was applied to the data set of chemical elements and soluble ions to assess the main sources of the air pollutants. The use of both analytical techniques provided information about elemental solubility, such as for potassium, which was important to differentiate sources.
Total particulate matter (TPM) was passively collected inside two classrooms of each of five elementary schools in Lisbon, Portugal. TPM was collected in polycarbonate filters with a 47 mm diameter, placed inside of uncovered plastic petri dishes. The sampling period was from 19 May to 22 June 2009 (35 days exposure) and the collected TPM masses varied between 0.2 mg and 0.8 mg. The major elements were Ca, Fe, Na, K, and Zn at μg level, while others were at ng level. Pearson′s correlation coefficients above 0.75 (a high degree of correlation) were found between several elements. Soil-related, traffic soil re-suspension and anthropogenic emission sources could be identified. Blackboard chalk was also identified through Ca large presence. Some of the determined chemical elements are potential carcinogenic. Quality control of the results showed good agreement as confirmed by the application of u-score test.
It is shown that type I seesaw models based on the standard model Lagrangian extended with three heavy Majorana right-handed fields do not have leptogenesis in leading order, if the symmetries of mass matrices are also the residual symmetry of the Lagrangian. In particular, flavor models that lead to a mass-independent leptonic mixing have a vanishing leptogenesis CP asymmetry. Based on symmetry arguments, we prove that in these models the Dirac-neutrino Yukawa coupling combinations relevant for leptogenesis are diagonal in the physical basis where the charged leptons and heavy Majorana neutrinos are diagonal.
The idea of grand unification in a minimal supersymmetric SU(5) x SU(5) framework is revisited. It is shown that the unification of gauge couplings into a unique coupling constant can be achieved at a high-energy scale compatible with proton decay constraints. This requires the addition of minimal particle content at intermediate energy scales. In particular, the introduction of the SU(2)(L) triplets belonging to the (15, 1)+((15) over bar, 1) representations, as well as of the scalar triplet Sigma(3) and octet Sigma(8) in the (24, 1) representation, turns out to be crucial for unification. The masses of these intermediate particles can vary over a wide range, and even lie in the TeV region. In contrast, the exotic vector-like fermions must be heavy enough and have masses above 10(10) GeV. We also show that, if the SU(5) x SU(5) theory is embedded into a heterotic string scenario, it is not possible to achieve gauge coupling unification with gravity at the perturbative string scale.
The Tevatron has measured a discrepancy relative to the standard model prediction in the forward-backward asymmetry in top quark pair production. This asymmetry grows with the rapidity difference of the two top quarks. It also increases with the invariant mass of the t (t) over bar pair, reaching, for high invariant masses, 3.4 standard deviations above the next-to-leading order prediction for the charge asymmetry of QCD. However, perfect agreement between experiment and the standard model was found in both total and differential cross section of top quark pair production. As this result could be a sign of new physics we have parametrized this new physics in terms of a complete set of dimension six operators involving the top quark. We have then used a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach in order to find the best set of parameters that fits the data, using all available data regarding top quark pair production at the Tevatron. We have found that just a very small number of operators are able to fit the data better than the standard model.
We present a two-Higgs-doublet model, with a Z(3) symmetry, in which CP violation originates solely in a soft (dimension-2) coupling in the scalar potential, and reveals itself solely in the CKM (quark mixing) matrix. In particular, in the mass basis the Yukawa interactions of the neutral scalars are all real. The model has only eleven parameters to fit the six quark masses and the four independent CKM-matrix observables. We find regions of parameter space in which the flavour-changing neutral couplings are so suppressed that they allow the scalars to be no heavier than a few hundred GeV. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.