649 resultados para Neuropsychological analizers


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This article examines the neurocognitive sequelae of repeated exposure to hypoxemia in apnea (breath-hold) divers. A brief review of the literature on the physiological and neurological adaptations involved in the human diving reflex is presented. The results from a neuropsychological investigation of N = 21 elite apnea divers are evaluated. Standard neuropsychological tests, with known sensitivity to mild brain insults, included speed of visuo-motor responding, speed of language comprehension, response inhibition, and visual and verbal attention and recall tasks. Results indicated that the breath-hold divers performed tasks within the average range compared to norms on all tests, suggesting that 1-20 years of repeated exposure to hypoxemia including multiple adverse neurological events did not impact on performance on standard neuropsychological tasks. The results are discussed in relation to implications for clinical conditions such as sleep apnea, respiratory disorders, altitude sickness, and recreational apnea activities.


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Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a common injury and a significant proportion of those affected report chronic symptoms. This study investigated prediction of post-concussion symptoms using an Emergency Department (ED) assessment that examined neuropsychological and balance deficits and pain severity of 29 concussed individuals. Thirty participants with minor orthopedic injuries and 30 ED visitors were recruited as control subjects. Concussed and orthopedically injured participants were followed up by telephone at one month to assess symptom severity. In the ED, concussed subjects performed worse on some neuropsychological tests and had impaired balance compared to controls. They also reported significantly more post-concussive symptoms at follow-up. Neurocognitive impairment, pain and balance deficits were all significantly correlated with severity of post-concussion symptoms. The findings suggest that a combination of variables assessable in the ED may be useful in predicting which individuals will suffer persistent post-concussion problems.


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Goals of work: The diagnosis and treatment of a brain tumour may result in long-term changes in a patient's functional and social abilities and/or in a greatly reduced life span. A qualitative investigation was conducted to examine the supportive care needs of patients with brain tumour and their carers. Materials and methods: Overall, 18 patients and 18 carers participated in focus groups or telephone interviews, following a structured interview guide to elicit supportive care services of importance to these patients and carers. Main results: Six major themes were identified using the framework analysis method, including needs for information and coping with uncertainty, practical support, support to return to pretreatment responsibilities or prepare for long-term care, support to deal with social isolation and organize respite care, support to overcome stigma/discrimination and support to discuss potentially reduced life expectancy. Conclusions: Five recommendations to improve service delivery include: assignment of a dedicated member of the care team or case manager; proactive dissemination of information, education and psychosocial support; access to objective assessment of neuropsychological functioning; facilitating easier access to welfare payments; and services facilitating communication about difficult illness-related topics. Provision of services along these recommendations could improve supportive care of brain tumour patients and their carers.


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Background. Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) after coronary artery bypass graft surgery is a common complication for which, despite many clinical investigations, no definitive etiology has been found. The current use of both high and low-dose fentanyl as anesthetic techniques allowed us to investigate the effect of fentanyl on the incidence of POCD. Methods. Three hundred fifty patients scheduled to undergo elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery were randomized to receive either high-dose fentanyl (50 mu g/kg) or low-dose fentanyl (10 mu g/kg) as the basis of the anesthetic. All patients underwent neuropsychological testing before surgery and at 1 week, 3 months, and 12 months after surgery. Results. One hundred sixty-eight patients in the low-dose group and 158 patients in the high-dose group were included in the final analysis. Neuropsychological testing was performed on 88%, 93%, and 92% of patients at 1 week, 3 months, and 12 months, respectively. There was no difference between group mean scores at any of the three testing times. Analysis of individual patients by the 20% rule did not detect any differences between groups. The one SD rule, which has fewer false-positive results, detected significantly more patients with POCD in the low-dose group than in the high-dose group at 1 week (23.6% vs. 13.7%; P = 0.03) but not at the other testing times. Patients with POCD spent an average of 1.2 days longer in the hospital than those without POCD (P = 0.021). Conclusions: High-dose fentanyl is not associated with a difference in the incidence of POCD at 3 or 12 months after surgery. Low-dose fentanyl leads to shorter postoperative ventilation times and may be associated with a greater incidence of POCD 1 week after surgery. Early POCD is associated with an increased duration of stay in the hospital.


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Recentiy a neuropsychological model of learning has been proposed Qackson, 2002) which argues that Responsibility provides a cognitive re-expression of Impulsivit)' in the prediction of functional and dysfunctional behaviour. Jackson argues that primitive, instinctive impulses lead to antisocial behaviours and socio-cognitive regulators such as Responsibility leads to the re-expression of Impulsivity in terms of pro-social behaviours. Study 1 tests and supports the measurement properties of the assessment methodology associated with the model. Study 2 provides evidence in favour of the instinctive basis of Impulsivity and the conscious basis of Responsibility, which reinforces the underlying neuropsychological basis of the model. Study 3 uses structural equation modelling to determine if Responsibility mediates Impulsivity in the prediction of a latent variable representing work performance, work commitment and team performance, but does not mediate Impulsivit}' in the prediction of a latent variable representing sexual proclivity, workplace deviancy, gambling and beer consumption. Results provide strong support for Jackson's model and suggest that Impulsivity and Responsibility are fundamental to both functional and dysfunctional learning


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Older adults make up an increasing propordon of automobile drivers in Australia. Despite the fact that older drivers generally drive much less than younger drivers, there is a disdnct increase in accidents, fatalides and injuries in drivers over age 65 (per actual kilometres driven). Accurate means of screening older adults to idendfy those at increased risk of motor vehicle accidents have proved elusive. Neuropsychological assessment and clinical examinadon are not well-correlated with accident risk. On-road tesdng, which is more highly correlated with accident risk, is expensive and dme-consuming, as well as being less suitable as a screening process. Hazard percepdon methods have been used as an effecdve screening method for idendfying younger adults at increased risk of accidents. A brief video-based hazard percepdon screening test involving footage of genuine traffic hazards for use on older individuals will be presented.


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A 77-year-old man with 8 year progressive language deterioration in the face of grossly intact memory was followed. No acute or chronic physiological or psychological event was associated with symptom onset. CT revealed small left basal ganglia infarct. Mild atrophy, no lacunar infarcts, mild diffuse periventricular changes registered on MRI. Gait normal but slow. Speech hesitant and sparse. Affect euthymic; neurobehavioral disturbance absent. MMSE 26/30; clock incorrect, concrete. Neuropsychological testing revealed simple attention intact; complex attention, processing speed impaired. Visuospatial copying and delayed recall of copy average with some perseveration. Apraxia absent. Recall mildly impaired. Mild deficits in planning, organization apparent. Patient severely aphasic, dysarthric without paraphasias. Repetition of automatic speech, recitation moderately impaired; prosody intact. Understanding of written language, nonverbal communication abilities, intact. Frontal release signs developed over last 12 months. Repeated cognitive testing revealed mild deterioration across all domains with significant further decrease in expressive, receptive language. Neurobehavioral changes remain absent to date; he remains interested, engaged and independent in basic ADLs. Speech completely deteriorated; gait and movements appreciably slowed. Although signs of frontal/executive dysfunction present, lack of behavioral abnormalities, psychiatric disturbance, personality change argue against focal or progressive frontal impairment or dementia. Relative intactness of memory and comprehension argue against Alzheimer’s disease. Lack of findings on neuroimaging argue against CVA or tumor. It is possible that the small basal ganglia infarct has resulted in a mild lateral prefrontal syndrome. However, the absence of depression as well as the relatively circumscribed language problem suggests otherwise. The progressive, severe nature of language impairments, with relatively minor impairments in attention and memory, argues for a possible diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia.


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Trabalho de natureza monográfica bibliográfica investiga o relaxamento psicofísico na área da saúde, em crianças, por um intervalo de oito anos, entre janeiro de 1997 e novembro de 2004. Inicialmente, com base em literatura neuropsicológica, descreve o papel do relaxamento na busca da homeostase e da consciência corporal saudável, enfocando comportamentos de prazer e dor. A seguir, descreve e analisa diversas técnicas de relaxamento, Relaxamento Progressivo de Jacobson, Autógeno de Schultz e Relaxamento de Michaux. A fim de desenvolver sua pesquisa utiliza-se de 27 bases de dados, devido a pouca produção encontrada sobre o tema, por base. Como resultados, levanta ao todo 500 artigos sobre relaxamento, sendo 200 em crianças. São artigos nacionais e internacionais, com predomínio do idioma inglês. A seguir, classifica esses artigos por ano de produção, constatando um crescimento significativo, porém não sistemático em seu número, de 14 artigos em 1997, para 39, em 2004. Quanto à temática, os dados revelam em primeiro lugar, um interesse em dor, em segundo em problemas respiratórios, e, em terceiro lugar, em ansiedade. Os artigos sobre dor, por serem os mais numerosos levantados, sofrem análise mais detalhada, com discriminação da quantidade de artigos por ano e dos tipos de situação e de patologia caracterizados por quadro álgico. Finalmente é feita uma classificação dos artigos segundo a utilização do relaxamento junto à problemática clínica predominantemente física, a de fundo psíquico afetivo-emocional, sem utilização de fármacos e, a de fundo psíquico, com intervenção psiquiátrica farmacológica. Na discussão dos resultados, vários artigos pesquisados são também comentados. Dada a riqueza dos dados, evidenciando interesse crescente de profissionais da área da Saúde na literatura levantada, sugere-se pesquisa complementar


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O transtorno de ansiedade social (TAS) pode ser descrito como o medo ou desconforto em situações nas quais o indivíduo acredita que seu desempenho esteja sendo avaliado por outros e onde tema comportar-se de forma humilhante ou embaraçosa. Este medo é acompanhado de sintomas autonômicos como suor, taquicardia e tremores e pode induzir a esquiva de tais situações. Um dos elementos essenciais deste tipo de sintoma é o julgamento que o indivíduo faz a cerca da opinião de outras pessoas. Uma das hipóteses envolvidas neste estudo é a de que este fenômeno patológico envolva mecanismos associados à empatia na medida em que envolve a atitude de colocar-se no lugar de outra pessoa e inferir, mesmo que de maneira distorcida, o que esta pessoa está pensando ou sentindo. Este projeto visa investigar a relevância da capacidade empática de pessoas com altos níveis de ansiedade social na gênese de seus sintomas. Para isso, serão aplicados dois questionários em voluntários adultos: A Escala de Ansiedade de Liebowitz e a Escala Multidimensional de Reatividade Interpessoal de Davis (EMRI), e serão estudadas as possíveis correlações entre a Ansiedade Social e a Empatia. A hipótese a ser testada é a de que indivíduo com altos níveis de ansiedade social teria uma atividade espelho mais acentuada e, com isso, um maior índice de empatia. Espera-se que este tipo de estudo possa contribuir para um melhor entendimento a respeito da fisiopatologia da ansiedade social e, consequentemente, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de formas de psicoterapia comportamentais mais eficazes para este tipo de problema clínico.


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Esta pesquisa verifica a opinião da criança por meio do desenho sobre o Lar de Longa Permanência para Idosos, antes e depois de contato lúdico com idosos institucionalizados. Para melhor caracterizar a população idosa, traça seu perfil neuropsicológico. Desenvolve-se junto a 21 idosos institucionalizados e 61 crianças com idades entre 7 e 12 anos, do Ensino Fundamental público. Inicia-se por verificar a opinião destas crianças sobre Asilo, por meio de desenho. Em seguida, realiza intervenção lúdica com crianças e idosos, de 10 encontros com brincadeiras simbólicas e jogos de regras. A seguir, reavalia a opinião das crianças e faz avaliação neuropsicológica dos idosos, por meio de Mini-Exame do Estado Mental, da Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, do Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) e do Índice de Katz. Para verificar a opinião das crianças expressa por meio do desenho, utiliza de um título em aberto “Asilo é...”, a ser completado. Eles são analisados com subsídios do teste projetivo House-Tree-Person (HTP). Os resultados demonstram que houve, de uma aplicação para outra, alteração na opinião de 67% das crianças, que manifestaram opinião mais positiva relativa a perceber os idosos mais interativos e o Asilo mais humanizado, por meio de desenhos mais coloridas, de casas com portas e janelas, de pessoas sorrindo e em movimento e de mensagens afetuosas. Como aspectos negativos, encontram-se maior número de grades e de pessoas desenhadas sem face, o que pode representar a percepção da criança da dificuldade de contato do idoso com o mundo externo. Na análise estatística, encontrou-se média geral de 0,34 e desvio padrão de 0,16, no primeiro desenho e, no segundo, média de 0,42 e desvio padrão de 0,19, com médias obtidas numa escala de 0 a 1, em que se considera positivo o valor próximo a 1. Na avaliação neuropsicológica dos idosos, no MEEM, 50% demonstram preservação cognitiva. Os demais instrumentos indicam que a maior parte deles não apresenta sintomas depressivos, emite opinião positiva com relação à própria saúde, participa das atividades lúdicas e é dependente. Este estudo ressalta contudo que as características da instituição pesquisada, juntamente com a realização de atividades lúdicas, podem ter favorecido a opinião das crianças após seu contato com o Asilo. O estudo indica a necessidade de novas pesquisas sobre interação criança-idoso institucionalizado


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Trabalho de natureza monográfica bibliográfica investiga o relaxamento psicofísico na área da saúde, em crianças, por um intervalo de oito anos, entre janeiro de 1997 e novembro de 2004. Inicialmente, com base em literatura neuropsicológica, descreve o papel do relaxamento na busca da homeostase e da consciência corporal saudável, enfocando comportamentos de prazer e dor. A seguir, descreve e analisa diversas técnicas de relaxamento, Relaxamento Progressivo de Jacobson, Autógeno de Schultz e Relaxamento de Michaux. A fim de desenvolver sua pesquisa utiliza-se de 27 bases de dados, devido a pouca produção encontrada sobre o tema, por base. Como resultados, levanta ao todo 500 artigos sobre relaxamento, sendo 200 em crianças. São artigos nacionais e internacionais, com predomínio do idioma inglês. A seguir, classifica esses artigos por ano de produção, constatando um crescimento significativo, porém não sistemático em seu número, de 14 artigos em 1997, para 39, em 2004. Quanto à temática, os dados revelam em primeiro lugar, um interesse em dor, em segundo em problemas respiratórios, e, em terceiro lugar, em ansiedade. Os artigos sobre dor, por serem os mais numerosos levantados, sofrem análise mais detalhada, com discriminação da quantidade de artigos por ano e dos tipos de situação e de patologia caracterizados por quadro álgico. Finalmente é feita uma classificação dos artigos segundo a utilização do relaxamento junto à problemática clínica predominantemente física, a de fundo psíquico afetivo-emocional, sem utilização de fármacos e, a de fundo psíquico, com intervenção psiquiátrica farmacológica. Na discussão dos resultados, vários artigos pesquisados são também comentados. Dada a riqueza dos dados, evidenciando interesse crescente de profissionais da área da Saúde na literatura levantada, sugere-se pesquisa complementar.


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Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) investigations of the interaction between cognition and reward processing have found that the lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) areas are preferentially activated to both increasing cognitive demand and reward level. Conversely, ventromedial PFC (VMPFC) areas show decreased activation to the same conditions, indicating a possible reciprocal relationship between cognitive and emotional processing regions. We report an fMRI study of a rewarded working memory task, in which we further explore how the relationship between reward and cognitive processing is mediated. We not only assess the integrity of reciprocal neural connections between the lateral PFC and VMPFC brain regions in different experimental contexts but also test whether additional cortical and subcortical regions influence this relationship. Psychophysiological interaction analyses were used as a measure of functional connectivity in order to characterize the influence of both cognitive and motivational variables on connectivity between the lateral PFC and the VMPFC. Psychophysiological interactions revealed negative functional connectivity between the lateral PFC and the VMPFC in the context of high memory load, and high memory load in tandem with a highly motivating context, but not in the context of reward alone. Physiophysiological interactions further indicated that the dorsal anterior cingulate and the caudate nucleus modulate this pathway. These findings provide evidence for a dynamic interplay between lateral PFC and VMPFC regions and are consistent with an emotional gating role for the VMPFC during cognitively demanding tasks. Our findings also support neuropsychological theories of mood disorders, which have long emphasized a dysfunctional relationship between emotion/motivational and cognitive processes in depression.


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Substantial behavioural and neuropsychological evidence has been amassed to support the dual-route model of morphological processing, which distinguishes between a rule-based system for regular items (walk–walked, call–called) and an associative system for the irregular items (go–went). Some neural-network models attempt to explain the neuropsychological and brain-mapping dissociations in terms of single-system associative processing. We show that there are problems in the accounts of homogeneous networks in the light of recent brain-mapping evidence of systematic double-dissociation. We also examine the superior capabilities of more internally differentiated connectionist models, which, under certain conditions, display systematic double-dissociations. It appears that the more differentiation models show, the more easily they account for dissociation patterns, yet without implementing symbolic computations.


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Category-specific disorders are frequently explained by suggesting that living and non-living things are processed in separate subsystems (e.g. Caramazza & Shelton, 1998). If subsystems exist, there should be benefits for normal processing, beyond the influence of structural similarity. However, no previous study has separated the relative influences of similarity and semantic category. We created novel examples of living and non-living things so category and similarity could be manipulated independently. Pre-tests ensured that our images evoked appropriate semantic information and were matched for familiarity. Participants were trained to associate names with the images and then performed a name-verification task under two levels of time pressure. We found no significant advantage for living things alongside strong effects of similarity. Our results suggest that similarity rather than category is the key determinant of speed and accuracy in normal semantic processing. We discuss the implications of this finding for neuropsychological studies. © 2005 Psychology Press Ltd.


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The dimethyl-xanthine derivative pentoxifylline (PTX) increases blood flow through capillaries. In elderly humans the drug leads to improvement in a number of imapired neuropsychological parameters. We now report that oral administration to 29-month female mice (C57, black and tan) over six days induced four different patterns of behavioural reponse: (1) consistent improvement in grooming behaviour throughout the six day trial; (2) significant improvement in light/dark zone curiosity and curiosity towards a strange object on day three, which declined but remained significantly above pre-treatment levels at day 6; (3) an improvement in general activity which only becomes detectable on day six; (4) a significant improvement in rod-walking, rearing an shuttle-box crosses on day three which returned to pre-treatment levels by day 6. Age-related deficits in general activity, grooming and curiosity were completely eliminated by the drug - the mean group performance levels attained those seen in 9-12 month individuals of this strain.