988 resultados para Ne bis in idem
gehalten von Gustav Gide ... am 23. November 1898
verfaßt von Erwin Hintze
von Alfred Glaser
Peat deposits from an ombrotrophic bog (north-eastern Poland) were analysed to reconstruct peatland development and environmental changes. This paper presents reconstructions of hydrological changes and plant succession over the last 6000 years. The methods included the high-resolution analysis of plant macrofossils, pollen and testate amoebae, supported by radiocarbon dating. Three main phases were identified in the history of the bog and surrounding woodland vegetation: 4000–400 BC, 400 BC–AD 1700 and AD 1700–2011. Except for terrestrialisation and the fen-to-bog transition phase, the development of bog vegetation was mainly dependent on the climate until approximately AD 1700. The dominant taxon in Gązwa bog was Sphagnum fuscum/rubellum. Woodland development was significantly affected by human activity at several time periods. The most visible human activity, manifested by the decline of deciduous species, occurred ca. 350 BC, ca. AD 250, ca. AD 1350 and after AD 1700. These events correspond to phases of human settlement in the area. During 400–300 BC, the decline of deciduous trees, primarily Carpinus, coincided with an increase in indicators of human activity and fire frequency. At ca. AD 200, Carpinus and Tilia abundance decreased, corresponding to an increased importance of cereals (Secale and Triticum). Since ca. AD 1350, the impact of Teutonic settlement is apparent, and after AD 1700, deciduous forests largely disappeared.
Tübingen, Univ., Diss., 1852
von A. Freimann
von Johann Franz v. Herrmann
im Auftr. d. Hist. Komm. d. israelit. Kultusgemeinde in Wien bearb. von Ignaz Schwarz
von Ignaz Schwarz
zur Beleuchtung d. allgemeinen Historie dieser Nation hrsg. [von J. C. Ulrich]
von Karl Heinrich Schaible
von Salomon Ullmann
von Anton Buchholtz. Hrsg. von d. Ges. f. Gesch. u. Alterthumskunde d. Ostseeprovinzen Russlands
von Jecheskiel Caro