999 resultados para NIH-CPSI


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Bacterial cell-wall-associated fibronectin binding proteins A and B (FnBPA and FnBPB) form bonds with host fibronectin. This binding reaction is often the initial step in prosthetic device infections. Atomic force microscopy was used to evaluate binding interactions between a fibronectin-coated probe and laboratory-derived Staphylococcus aureus that are (i) defective in both FnBPA and FnBPB (fnbA fnbB double mutant, DU5883), (ii) capable of expressing only FnBPA (fnbA fnbB double mutant complemented with pFNBA4), or (iii) capable of expressing only FnBPB (fnbA fnbB double mutant complemented with pFNBB4). These experiments were repeated using Lactococcus lactis constructs expressing fnbA and fnbB genes from S. aureus. A distinct force signature was observed for those bacteria that expressed FnBPA or FnBPB. Analysis of this force signature with the biomechanical wormlike chain model suggests that parallel bonds form between fibronectin and FnBPs on a bacterium. The strength and covalence of bonds were evaluated via nonlinear regression of force profiles. Binding events were more frequent (p < 0.01) for S. aureus expressing FnBPA or FnBPB than for the S. aureus double mutant. The binding force, frequency, and profile were similar between the FnBPA and FnBPB expressing strains of S. aureus. The absence of both FnBPs from the surface of S. aureus removed its ability to form a detectable bond with fibronectin. By contrast, ectopic expression of FnBPA or FnBPB on the surface of L. lactis conferred fibronectin binding characteristics similar to those of S. aureus. These measurements demonstrate that fibronectin-binding adhesins FnBPA and FnBPB are necessary and sufficient for the binding of S. aureus to prosthetic devices that are coated with host fibronectin.


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We demonstrate that interferometric lithography provides a fast, simple approach to the production of patterns in self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) with high resolution over square centimeter areas. As a proof of principle, two-beam interference patterns, formed using light from a frequency-doubled argon ion laser (244 nm), were used to pattern methyl-terminated SAMs on gold, facilitating the introduction of hydroxyl-terminated adsorbates and yielding patterns of surface free energy with a pitch of ca. 200 nm. The photopatterning of SAMs on Pd has been demonstrated for the first time, with interferometric exposure yielding patterns of surface free energy with similar features sizes to those obtained on gold. Gold nanostructures were formed by exposing SAMs to UV interference patterns and then immersing the samples in an ethanolic solution of mercaptoethylamine, which etched the metal substrate in exposed areas while unoxidized thiols acted as a resist and protected the metal from dissolution. Macroscopically extended gold nanowires were fabricated using single exposures and arrays of 66 nm gold dots at 180 nm centers were formed using orthogonal exposures in a fast, simple process. Exposure of oligo(ethylene glycol)-terminated SAMs to UV light caused photodegradation of the protein-resistant tail groups in a substrate-independent process. In contrast to many protein patterning methods, which utilize multiple steps to control surface binding, this single step process introduced aldehyde functional groups to the SAM surface at exposures as low as 0.3 J cm(-2), significantly less than the exposure required for oxidation of the thiol headgroup. Although interferometric methods rely upon a continuous gradient of exposure, it was possible to fabricate well-defined protein nanostructures by the introduction of aldehyde groups and removal of protein resistance in nanoscopic regions. Macroscopically extended, nanostructured assemblies of streptavidin were formed. Retention of functionality in the patterned materials was demonstrated by binding of biotinylated proteins.


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Exact, closed-form analytical expressions are presented for evaluating the potential energy of electrical double layer (EDL) interactions between a sphere and an infinite flat plate for three different types of interactions: constant potential, constant charge, and an intermediate case as given by the linear superposition approximation (LSA). By taking advantage of the simpler sphere-plate geometry, simplifying assumptions used in the original Derjaguin approximation (DA) for sphere-sphere interaction are avoided, yielding expressions that are more accurate and applicable over the full range of κa. These analytical expressions are significant improvements over the existing equations in the literature that are valid only for large κa because the new equations facilitate the modeling of EDL interactions between nanoscale particles and surfaces over a wide range of ionic strength.


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We report here the nonlinear rheological properties of metallo-supramolecular networks formed by the reversible cross-linking of semi-dilute unentangled solutions of poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PVP) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The reversible cross-linkers are bis-Pd(II) or bis-Pt(II) complexes that coordinate to the pyridine functional groups on the PVP. Under steady shear, shear thickening is observed above a critical shear rate, and that critical shear rate is experimentally correlated with the lifetime of the metal-ligand bond. The onset and magnitude of the shear thickening depend on the amount of cross-linkers added. In contrast to the behavior observed in most transient networks, the time scale of network relaxation is found to increase during shear thickening. The primary mechanism of shear thickening is ascribed to the shear-induced transformation of intrachain cross-linking to interchain cross-linking, rather than nonlinear high tension along polymer chains that are stretched beyond the Gaussian range.


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Microbicides are women-controlled prophylactics for sexually transmitted infections. The most important class of microbicides target HIV-1 and contain antiviral agents formulated for topical vaginal delivery. Identification of new viral entry inhibitors that target the HIV-1 envelope is important because they can inactivate HIV-1 in the vaginal lumen before virions can come in contact with CD4+ cells in the vaginal mucosa. Carbohydrate binding agents (CBAs) demonstrate the ability to act as entry inhibitors due to their ability to bind to glycans and prevent gp120 binding to CD4+ cells. However, as proteins they present significant challenges in regard to economical production and formulation for resource-poor environments. We have synthesized water-soluble polymer CBAs that contain multiple benzoboroxole moieties. A benzoboroxole-functionalized monomer was synthesized and incorporated into linear oligomers with 2-hydroxypropylmethacrylamide (HPMAm) at different feed ratios using free radical polymerization. The benzoboroxole small molecule analogue demonstrated weak affinity for HIV-1BaL gp120 by SPR; however, the 25 mol % functionalized benzoboroxole oligomer demonstrated a 10-fold decrease in the K(D) for gp120, suggesting an increased avidity for the multivalent polymer construct. High molecular weight polymers functionalized with 25, 50, and 75 mol % benzoboroxole were synthesized and tested for their ability to neutralize HIV-1 entry for two HIV-1 clades and both R5 and X4 coreceptor tropism. All three polymers demonstrated activity against all viral strains tested with EC(50)s that decrease from 15000 nM (1500 microg mL(-1)) for the 25 mol % functionalized polymers to 11 nM (1 microg mL(-1)) for the 75 mol % benzoboroxole-functionalized polymers. These polymers exhibited minimal cytotoxicity after 24 h exposure to a human vaginal cell line.


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We report the first piezoelectric potential gated hybrid field-effect transistors based on nanotubes and nanowires. The device consists of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on the bottom and crossed ZnO piezoelectric fine wire (PFW) on the top with an insulating layer between. Here, SWNTs serve as a carrier transport channel, and a single-crystal ZnO PFW acts as the power-free, contact-free gate or even an energy-harvesting component later on. The piezopotential created by an external force in the ZnO PFW is demonstrated to control the charge transport in the SWNT channel located underneath. The magnitude of the piezopotential in the PFW at a tensile strain of 0.05% is measured to be 0.4-0.6 V. The device is a unique coupling between the piezoelectric property of the ZnO PFW and the semiconductor performance of the SWNT with a full utilization of its mobility. The newly demonstrated device has potential applications as a strain sensor, force/pressure monitor, security trigger, and analog-signal touch screen.


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For efficient use of metal oxides, such as MnO(2) and RuO(2), in pseudocapacitors and other electrochemical applications, the poor conductivity of the metal oxide is a major problem. To tackle the problem, we have designed a ternary nanocomposite film composed of metal oxide (MnO(2)), carbon nanotube (CNT), and conducting polymer (CP). Each component in the MnO(2)/CNT/CP film provides unique and critical function to achieve optimized electrochemical properties. The electrochemical performance of the film is evaluated by cyclic voltammetry, and constant-current charge/discharge cycling techniques. Specific capacitance (SC) of the ternary composite electrode can reach 427 F/g. Even at high mass loading and high concentration of MnO(2) (60%), the film still showed SC value as high as 200 F/g. The electrode also exhibited excellent charge/discharge rate and good cycling stability, retaining over 99% of its initial charge after 1000 cycles. The results demonstrated that MnO(2) is effectively utilized with assistance of other components (fFWNTs and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) in the electrode. Such ternary composite is very promising for the next generation high performance electrochemical supercapacitors.


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The strongly enhanced and localized optical fields that occur within the gaps between metallic nanostructures can be leveraged for a wide range of functionality in nanophotonic and optical metamaterial applications. Here, we introduce a means of precise control over these nanoscale gaps through the application of a molecular spacer layer that is self-assembled onto a gold film, upon which gold nanoparticles (NPs) are deposited electrostatically. Simulations using a three-dimensional finite element model and measurements from single NPs confirm that the gaps formed by this process, between the NP and the gold film, are highly reproducible transducers of surface-enhanced resonant Raman scattering. With a spacer layer of roughly 1.6 nm, all NPs exhibit a strong Raman signal that decays rapidly as the spacer layer is increased.


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Use of phase transfer catalysts such as 18-crown-6 enables ionic, linear conjugated poly[2,6-{1,5-bis(3-propoxysulfonicacidsodiumsalt)}naphthylene]ethynylene (PNES) to efficiently disperse single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in multiple organic solvents under standard ultrasonication methods. Steady-state electronic absorption spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveal that these SWNT suspensions are composed almost exclusively of individualized tubes. High-resolution TEM and AFM data show that the interaction of PNES with SWNTs in both protic and aprotic organic solvents provides a self-assembled superstructure in which a PNES monolayer helically wraps the nanotube surface with periodic and constant morphology (observed helical pitch length = 10 ± 2 nm); time-dependent examination of these suspensions indicates that these structures persist in solution over periods that span at least several months. Pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy reveals that the excited state lifetimes and exciton binding energies of these well-defined nanotube-semiconducting polymer hybrid structures remain unchanged relative to analogous benchmark data acquired previously for standard sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)-SWNT suspensions, regardless of solvent. These results demonstrate that the use of phase transfer catalysts with ionic semiconducting polymers that helically wrap SWNTs provide well-defined structures that solubulize SWNTs in a wide range of organic solvents while preserving critical nanotube semiconducting and conducting properties.


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We report a new inkless catalytic muCP technique that achieves accurate, fast, and complete pattern reproduction on SAMs of Boc- and TBS-protected thiols immobilized on gold using a polyurethane-acrylate stamp functionalized with covalently bound sulfonic acids. Pattern transfer is complete at room temperature just after one minute of contact and renders sub-200 nm size structures of chemically differentiated SAMs.


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Properties of nanomaterial suspensions are typically summarized by average values for the purposes of characterizing these materials and interpreting experimental results. We show in this work that the heterogeneity in aqueous suspensions of fullerene C(60) aggregates (nC(60)) must be taken into account for the purposes of predicting nanomaterial transport, exposure, and biological activity. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), microbial inactivation, and the mobility of the aggregates of the nC(60) in a silicate porous medium all increased as suspensions were fractionated to enrich with smaller aggregates by progressive membrane filtration. These size-dependent differences are attributed to an increasing degree of hydroxylation of nC(60) aggregates with decreasing size. As the quantity and influence of these more reactive fractions may increase with time, experiments evaluating fullerene transport and toxicity end points must take into account the evolution and heterogeneity of fullerene suspensions.


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The task of nanofabrication can, in principle, be divided into two separate tracks: generation and replication of the patterned features. These two tracks are different in terms of characteristics, requirements, and aspects of emphasis. In general, generation of patterns is commonly achieved in a serial fashion using techniques that are typically slow, making this process only practical for making a small number of copies. Only when combined with a rapid duplication technique will fabrication at high-throughput and low-cost become feasible. Nanoskiving is unique in that it can be used for both generation and duplication of patterned nanostructures.


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Surface plasmons supported by metal nanoparticles are perturbed by coupling to a surface that is polarizable. Coupling results in enhancement of near fields and may increase the scattering efficiency of radiative modes. In this study, we investigate the Rayleigh and Raman scattering properties of gold nanoparticles functionalized with cyanine deposited on silicon and quartz wafers and on gold thin films. Dark-field scattering images display red shifting of the gold nanoparticle plasmon resonance and doughnut-shaped scattering patterns when particles are deposited on silicon or on a gold film. The imaged radiation patterns and individual particle spectra reveal that the polarizable substrates control both the orientation and brightness of the radiative modes. Comparison with simulation indicates that, in a particle-surface system with a fixed junction width, plasmon band shifts are controlled quantitatively by the permittivity of the wafer or the film. Surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) spectra and images are collected from cyanine on particles on gold films. SERRS images of the particles on gold films are doughnut-shaped as are their Rayleigh images, indicating that the SERRS is controlled by the polarization of plasmons in the antenna nanostructures. Near-field enhancement and radiative efficiency of the antenna are sufficient to enable Raman scattering cyanines to function as gap field probes. Through collective interpretation of individual particle Rayleigh spectra and spectral simulations, the geometric basis for small observed variations in the wavelength and intensity of plasmon resonant scattering from individual antenna on the three surfaces is explained.


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Many applications of nanotubes and nanowires require controlled bottom-up engineering of these nanostructures. In catalytic chemical vapor deposition, the thermo-kinetic state of the nanocatalysts near the melting point is one of the factors ruling the morphology of the grown structures. We present theoretical and experimental evidence of a viscous state for nanoparticles near their melting point. The state exists over a temperature range scaling inversely with the catalyst size, resulting in enhanced self-diffusion and fluidity across the solid-liquid transformation. The overall effect of this phenomenon on the growth of nanotubes is that, for a given temperature, smaller nanoparticles have a larger reaction rate than larger catalysts.


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Metal nanoparticles (NPs) respond to electromagnetic waves by creating surface plasmons (SPs), which are localized, collective oscillations of conduction electrons on the NP surface. When interparticle distances are small, SPs generated in neighboring NPs can couple to one another, creating intense fields. The coupled particles can then act as optical antennae capturing and refocusing light between them. Furthermore, a molecule linking such NPs can be affected by these interactions as well. Here, we show that by using an appropriate, highly conjugated multiporphyrin chromophoric wire to couple gold NP arrays, plasmons can be used to control electrical properties. In particular, we demonstrate that the magnitude of the observed photoconductivity of covalently interconnected plasmon-coupled NPs can be tuned independently of the optical characteristics of the molecule-a result that has significant implications for future nanoscale optoelectronic devices.