991 resultados para Números pseudo-aleatórios
Eles não podem ser moça falada, como se diz no Nordeste.
Se o Estado é tão pobre e tantos pobres apóiam Roseana, é porque estão satisfeitos.
O crescimento diminuiu desde 1985 e nada foi feito seriamente para derrubar a inflação.
Using the results of large scale numerical simulations we study the probability distribution of the pseudo critical temperature for the three dimensional Edwards Anderson Ising spin glass and for the fully connected Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. We find that the behaviour of our data is nicely described by straightforward finitesize scaling relations.
Belief Revision addresses the problem of how to change epistemic states, usually represented in the literature by sets of logical sentences. Solid theoretical results were consolidated with the AGM paradigm, which deals with theories (logically closed sets of sentences). After that, the theory was extended to belief bases, that is, arbitrary sets of sentences. Besides all this theoretical framework, AI researchers face serious difficulties when trying to implement belief revision systems. One of the major complications is the closure required by AGM theory, which cannot be easily computed. Even belief bases, which do not require closure, seem to be improper for practical purposes, since their changes are usually very rigid (syntax dependent). Some operations, known as pseudo-contractions, are in the middle ground between belief set change and belief base change. In the present work we have proposed a new pseudo-contraction operation, studied its properties and characterized it. We have also found connections between this operator and some other pseudo-contractions.
Lenguaje de alto nivel utilizado: Java