876 resultados para Music Composition, Interface, Electronic Music, Computer, Performance


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Projecte que presenta la implementació per a dispositius Android del joc 'Simon says'.


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A selective and sensitive method was developed for the simultaneous quantification of seven typical antipsychotic drugs (cis-chlorprothixene, flupentixol, haloperidol, levomepromazine, pipamperone, promazine and zuclopenthixol) in human plasma. Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) was used for complete separation of the compounds in less than 4.5min on an Acquity UPLC BEH C18 column (2.1mm×50mm; 1.7μm), with a gradient elution of ammonium formate buffer pH 4.0 and acetonitrile at a flow rate of 400μl/min. Detection was performed on a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer (MS/MS) equipped with an electrospray ionization interface. A simple protein precipitation procedure with acetonitrile was used for sample preparation. Thanks to the use of stable isotope-labeled internal standards for all analytes, internal standard-normalized matrix effects were in the range of 92-108%. The method was fully validated to cover large concentration ranges of 0.2-90ng/ml for haloperidol, 0.5-90ng/ml for flupentixol, 1-450ng/ml for levomepromazine, promazine and zuclopenthixol and 2-900ng/ml for cis-chlorprothixene and pipamperone. Trueness (89.1-114.8%), repeatability (1.8-9.9%), intermediate precision (1.9-16.3%) and accuracy profiles (<30%) were in accordance with the latest international recommendations. The method was successfully used in our laboratory for routine quantification of more than 500 patient plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first UHPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of the studied drugs with a sample preparation based on protein precipitation.


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Intuitively, music has both predictable and unpredictable components. In this work we assess this qualitative statement in a quantitative way using common time series models fitted to state-of-the-art music descriptors. These descriptors cover different musical facets and are extracted from a large collection of real audio recordings comprising a variety of musical genres. Our findings show that music descriptor time series exhibit a certain predictability not only for short time intervals, but also for mid-term and relatively long intervals. This fact is observed independently of the descriptor, musical facet and time series model we consider. Moreover, we show that our findings are not only of theoretical relevance but can also have practical impact. To this end we demonstrate that music predictability at relatively long time intervals can be exploited in a real-world application, namely the automatic identification of cover songs (i.e. different renditions or versions of the same musical piece). Importantly, this prediction strategy yields a parameter-free approach for cover song identification that is substantially faster, allows for reduced computational storage and still maintains highly competitive accuracies when compared to state-of-the-art systems.


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In this paper we propose a new approach for tonic identification in Indian art music and present a proposal for acomplete iterative system for the same. Our method splits the task of tonic pitch identification into two stages. In the first stage, which is applicable to both vocal and instrumental music, we perform a multi-pitch analysis of the audio signal to identify the tonic pitch-class. Multi-pitch analysisallows us to take advantage of the drone sound, which constantlyreinforces the tonic. In the second stage we estimate the octave in which the tonic of the singer lies and is thusneeded only for the vocal performances. We analyse the predominant melody sung by the lead performer in order to establish the tonic octave. Both stages are individually evaluated on a sizable music collection and are shown toobtain a good accuracy. We also discuss the types of errors made by the method.Further, we present a proposal for a system that aims to incrementally utilize all the available data, both audio and metadata in order to identify the tonic pitch. It produces a tonic estimate and a confidence value, and is iterative in nature. At each iteration, more data is fed into the systemuntil the confidence value for the identified tonic is above a defined threshold. Rather than obtain high overall accuracy for our complete database, ultimately our goal is to develop a system which obtains very high accuracy on a subset of the database with maximum confidence.


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In this paper a method for extracting semantic informationfrom online music discussion forums is proposed. The semantic relations are inferred from the co-occurrence of musical concepts in forum posts, using network analysis. The method starts by defining a dictionary of common music terms in an art music tradition. Then, it creates a complex network representation of the online forum by matchingsuch dictionary against the forum posts. Once the complex network is built we can study different network measures, including node relevance, node co-occurrence andterm relations via semantically connecting words. Moreover, we can detect communities of concepts inside the forum posts. The rationale is that some music terms are more related to each other than to other terms. All in all, this methodology allows us to obtain meaningful and relevantinformation from forum discussions.


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In the context of the CompMusic project we are developing methods to automatically describe/annotate audio music recordings pertaining to various music cultures. As away to demonstrate the usefulness of the methods we are also developing a system to browse and interact with specific audio collections. The system is an online web application that interfaces with all the data gathered (audio, scores plus contextual information) and all the descriptions that are automatically generated with the developed methods. In this paper we present the basic architecture of the proposed system, the types of data sources that it includes,and we mention some of the culture specific issues that we are working on for its development. The system is in a preliminary stage but it shows the potential that MIR technologies can have in browsing and interacting with musiccollections of various cultures.


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The current research in Music Information Retrieval (MIR) is showing the potential that the Information Technologies can have in music related applications. Amajor research challenge in that direction is how to automaticallydescribe/annotate audio recordings and how to use the resulting descriptions to discover and appreciate music in new ways. But music is a complex phenomenonand the description of an audio recording has to deal with this complexity. For example, each musicculture has specificities and emphasizes different musicaland communication aspects, thus the musical recordings of each culture should be described differently. At the same time these cultural specificities give us the opportunity to pay attention to musical concepts andfacets that, despite being present in most world musics, are not easily noticed by listeners. In this paper we present some of the work done in the CompMusic project, including ideas and specific examples on how to take advantage of the cultural specificities of differentmusical repertoires. We will use examples from the art music traditions of India, Turkey and China.


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The main information sources to study a particular piece of music are symbolic scores and audio recordings. These are complementary representations of the piece and it isvery useful to have a proper linking between the two of the musically meaningful events. For the case of makam music of Turkey, linking the available scores with the correspondingaudio recordings requires taking the specificities of this music into account, such as the particular tunings, the extensive usage of non-notated expressive elements, and the way in which the performer repeats fragmentsof the score. Moreover, for most of the pieces of the classical repertoire, there is no score written by the original composer. In this paper, we propose a methodology to pair sections of a score to the corresponding fragments of audio recording performances. The pitch information obtained from both sources is used as the common representationto be paired. From an audio recording, fundamental frequency estimation and tuning analysis is done to compute a pitch contour. From the corresponding score, symbolic note names and durations are converted to a syntheticpitch contour. Then, a linking operation is performed between these pitch contours in order to find the best correspondences.The method is tested on a dataset of 11 compositions spanning 44 audio recordings, which are mostly monophonic. An F3-score of 82% and 89% are obtained with automatic and semi-automatic karar detection respectively,showing that the methodology may give us a needed tool for further computational tasks such as form analysis, audio-score alignment and makam recognition.


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A Evolutec-Computer é uma empresa especializada em engenharia eletrônica, que recebeu um financiamento de uma firma internacional de acionistas, que decidiu entrar no mercado de produção de microcomputador. Por conseguinte, foi criada uma nova divisão de PC Marketing para prosseguir nesta oportunidade de negócio. A fim de iniciar essa divisão, a Cooporate Headquarters forneceu o capital inicial (dinheiro do investimento). O montante concedido seria usado para abrir escritórios de vendas, design das marcas e realizar atividades de pesquisas R&D para as novas tecnologias. A nossa empresa recebeu 500.000 USD nos primeiros quatro semestres e 5.000.000 USD no quinto semestre, somando um total de 7.000.000 USD. A Evolutec-Computer terá o controlo da divisão de PC para os próximos dois anos (8 semestres/períodos de decisão). Dentro desse prazo, a Coorporate Headquarters espera ver a criação de uma divisão autossuficiente. A equipa criada pela Evolutec terá que ser capaz de gerar proveito das operações e contribuir para o lucro da corporação como um todo. Dentro dos 8 semestres, espera-se obter lucro suficiente para cobrir os investimentos iniciais...The Evolutec-Computer is a company specialized in electronic engineering, which has received funding from an international firm shareholder, who decided to enter the PC production market. Therefore, a new PC Marketing Division was created to pursue this business opportunity. In order to start this division, the Corporate Headquarters provided the initial capital (investment money). The sum would be used to open sales offices, design brands and carry out R & D research activities for new technologies. Our company received $ 500,000 in the first four semesters and $ 5,000,000 in the fifth semester, for a total of $ 7,000,000. The Evolutec-Computer will control the PC division for the next two years (eight semesters/decision periods). Within that period, the Coorporate Headquarters hopes to see the creation of a selfsufficient division. The team set up by Evolutec will have to be able to generate profit from operations and contribute to the profit of the corporation as a whole. Within 8 semesters, is expected to make enough profit to cover the initial investment. The performance of our company will be measured by Headquarter through the Balanced Scorecard, which will be based on financial performance, effectiveness of the marketing plan, market performance, investments in the company's future and wealth creation.


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Opinnäytetyö on kirjallinen selvitys, jossa kartoitetaan musiikkialan ammattilaisten näkemyksiä musiikkialan vientiorganisaatio Music Export Finlandin vienninedistämistyön palveluista. Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälaiseksi vientityötä jo jonkin aikaa tehneet yrittäjät kokevat ja määrittelevät yhdistyksen roolin sekä sen palveluiden tarpeellisuuden omassa käytännön vientityössään. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostettiin vientitoiminnan käsikirjoista sekä asiantuntijaorganisaatio Finpron kansainvälistymisstrategian mallista, jonka pohjalta tehtiin myös kuuden asiantuntijan haastattelut. Musex tarjoaa palveluita lähinnä vientitoiminnan käytännön toteutusvaiheeseen. Musexin olemassaolo koetaan alalla yleisesti positiiviseksi asiaksi, vaikka vientityötä jo jonkin aikaa tehneet yrittäjät eivät välttämättä hyödykään yhdistyksen palveluista käytännön tasolla. Musex näyttäytyy heille lähinnä alan yleisen tiedottajan roolissa, musiikkialan yhteisenä äänitorvena, jonka tehtävä on ylläpitää toimivia suhteita valtiovaltaan, lisätä toimialan näkyvyyttä ja edesauttaa toimialan rakenteiden kehittämistä alan intressien mukaisesti. Heille on tärkeää, että musiikkitoimialan tunnettuus ja arvostus lisääntyvät julkisen vallan edustajien joukossa, mitä kautta tarvittavaa rakennemuutosta voidaan viedä konkreettisesti eteenpäin. Musiikkialalla menestyy se, joka hallitsee koko laajan liiketoiminnallisen paketin sekä pystyy tarjoamaan faneilleen jotain ainutlaatuista ja eksklusiivista. Musiikkialan yrityksissä harjoitetaan ammattimaista vientitoimintaa alalle ominaisilla tavoilla ja strategioilla, jotka useinkin poikkeavat monen muun alan menettelytavoista. Vientityön tekeminen edellyttää yrityksiltä halua ja kykyä ajatella liiketoiminnallisesti koko toimintaa, sekä paljon työtä. Yhteistyö koko alan kesken on kansainväliselle toiminnalle ehdotonta. Musiikkitoimialan suurin kompastuskivi yhä edelleen on yleisen arvostuksen ja uskottavuuden puute tai sen vähäisyys, sekä rahoitus. Opinnäytetyö on hankkeistettu sekä Musexin kanssa että Stadian t&k -hankkeeseen Suomalaisten musiikkialan pienyrittäjien vientivalmiuksien kehittäminen.