972 resultados para Molecular diagnostic techniques


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Obiettivi: Valutare la prevalenza dei diversi genotipi di HPV in pazienti con diagnosi di CIN2/3 nella Regione Emilia-Romagna, la persistenza genotipo-specifica di HPV e l’espressione degli oncogeni virali E6/E7 nel follow-up post-trattamento come fattori di rischio di recidiva/persistenza o progressione di malattia; verificare l’applicabilità di nuovi test diagnostici biomolecolari nello screening del cervicocarcinoma. Metodi: Sono state incluse pazienti con citologia di screening anormale, sottoposte a trattamento escissionale (T0) per diagnosi di CIN2/3 su biopsia mirata. Al T0 e durante il follow-up a 6, 12, 18 e 24 mesi, oltre al Pap test e alla colposcopia, sono state effettuate la ricerca e la genotipizzazione dell'HPV DNA di 28 genotipi. In caso di positività al DNA dei 5 genotipi 16, 18, 31, 33 e/o 45, si è proceduto alla ricerca dell'HPV mRNA di E6/E7. Risultati preliminari: Il 95.8% delle 168 pazienti selezionate è risultato HPV DNA positivo al T0. Nel 60.9% dei casi le infezioni erano singole (prevalentemente da HPV 16 e 31), nel 39.1% erano multiple. L'HPV 16 è stato il genotipo maggiormente rilevato (57%). Il 94.3% (117/124) delle pazienti positive per i 5 genotipi di HPV DNA sono risultate mRNA positive. Abbiamo avuto un drop-out di 38/168 pazienti. A 18 mesi (95% delle pazienti) la persistenza dell'HPV DNA di qualsiasi genotipo era del 46%, quella dell'HPV DNA dei 5 genotipi era del 39%, con espressione di mRNA nel 21%. Abbiamo avuto recidiva di malattia (CIN2+) nel 10.8% (14/130) a 18 mesi. Il pap test era negativo in 4/14 casi, l'HPV DNA test era positivo in tutti i casi, l'mRNA test in 11/12 casi. Conclusioni: L'HR-HPV DNA test è più sensibile della citologia, l'mRNA test è più specifico nell'individuare una recidiva. I dati definitivi saranno disponibili al termine del follow-up programmato.


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I virus tumorali inducono oncogenesi nel loro ospite naturale o in sistemi animali sperimentali, manipolando diverse vie cellulari. Ad oggi, sono stati identificati sette virus capaci di causare specifici tumori umani. Inoltre HPV, JCV ed SV40, sono stati associati con un grande numero di tumori umani in sedi corporee non convenzionali, ma, nonostante molti anni di ricerca, nessuna eziologia virale è stata ancora confermata. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato di valutare la presenza ed il significato sia di JCV ed SV40 in tumori ossei umani, e di HPV nel carcinoma della mammella (BC), galattoforectomie (GF), secrezioni mammarie patologiche (ND) e glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Tecniche di biologia molecolare sono state impiegate per esaminare campioni di tessuto tumorale di 70 tumori ossei (20 osteosarcomi [OS], 20 tumori a cellule giganti [TCG], 30 condrosarcomi [CS]), 168 BCs , 30 GFs, 59 GBM e 30 campioni di ND. Il genoma di SV40 e JCV è stato trovato nel 70% dei CS + 20% degli OS, e nel 13% dei CS +10% dei TCG, rispettivamente. Il DNA di HPV è stato rilevato nel 30% dei pazienti con BC, nel 27% dei campioni GF e nel 13% dei NDs. HPV16 è stato il genotipo maggiormente osservato in tutti questi campioni, seguito da HPV18 e HPV35. Inoltre, il DNA di HPV è stato trovato nel 22% dei pazienti con GBM, in questo tumore HPV6 era il tipo più frequentemente rilevato, seguito da HPV16. L’ ISH ha mostrato che il DNA di HPV è situato all’interno di cellule tumorali mammarie e di GBM. I nostri risultati suggeriscono un possibile ruolo di JCV, SV40 e HPV in questi tumori, se non come induttori come promotori del processo neoplastico, tuttavia diversi criteri devono ancora essere soddisfatti prima di chiarirne il ruolo.


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The study and understanding of the motion of the fluid phases in a mechanically stirred reactor has always been, and still are, an open problem which absorbs the study and the work of many researchers. In recent decades, thanks to the growing opportunities offered by the development of technology, we have made great strides in the understanding of mixing, one of the major unit operations at the base of many industrial processes. A complete understanding of this process and its optimization for industrial applications is a challenging task due to the complex interactions between the many factors at play that include physical, chemical and biological. The purpose of this thesis is the study of a fluid-mechanically-agitated continuous reactor through the use of optical diagnostic techniques, which allowed to determine the range of motion and the time of perfect homogenization in a reactor of standard geometry in different operating conditions.


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INTRODUCTION: N-Acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) deficiency is a rare urea cycle disorder, which may present in the neonatal period with severe hyperammonemia and marked neurological impairment. CASE REPORT: We report on a Turkish family with a patient who died due to hyperammonemia in the neonatal period. Reduced activity of NAGS and carbamyl phosphate synthetase were found at autopsy. A second child who developed hyperammonemia on the second day of life was immediately treated with arginine hydrochloride, sodium benzoate and protein restriction. After NAGS deficiency was suspected by enzyme analysis, sodium benzoate was replaced by N-carbamylglutamate (NCG). A third child who developed slight hyperammonemia on the third day of life was treated with NCG before enzyme analysis confirmed reduced NAGS activity. Neither of the patients developed hyperammonemia in the following years. After the human NAGS gene was identified, mutation analysis revealed that the older sibling on NCG therapy was homozygous for a 971G>A (W324X) mutation. The parents and the younger sibling were heterozygous. Therapy was continued in the older sibling until now without any adverse effects and favourable neurodevelopment outcome. In the younger sibling, therapy was stopped without any deterioration of urea cycle function. CONCLUSION: NAGS deficiency can be successfully treated with NCG and arginine hydrochloride with favourable outcome. Molecular diagnostic rather than enzyme analysis should be used in patients with suspected NAGS deficiency.


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Trichinellosis is a food-borne zoonotic disease caused by the nematode Trichinella spp. Many omnivorous and carnivorous animal species can act as host for this parasite, including domestic pigs. To protect public health, it should be ensured that pork should not contain infective Trichinella larvae. Surveillance for Trichinella spp. can be done using direct (larval detection) and indirect (antibody detection) diagnostic techniques. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the absence of infection in Swiss domestic pigs. An ELISA was used as the initial screening test, and sera reacting in ELISA were further investigated using both a Western blot for serology and an artificial digestion test with 20 g of diaphragm tissue for larval detection. A total of 7412 adult pigs, 9973 finishing pigs and 2779 free-ranging pigs were tested. Samples from 17 (0.23%) adult pigs, 16 (0.16%) finishing pigs and nine (0.32%) free-ranging pigs were ELISA-positive, but all of these sera were subsequently negative by Western blot and by the artificial digestion method. Based on these findings, an absence of Trichinella infections in adult pigs (target prevalence 0.04%) and finishing pigs (target prevalence 0.03%) can be concluded. The results also demonstrated that the prevalence of Trichinella infections does not exceed 0.11% in free-ranging pigs, the group with the highest risk of exposure.


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NPM1 mutations, the most frequent molecular alterations in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), have become important for risk stratification and treatment decisions for patients with normal karyotype AML. Rapid screening for NPM1 mutations should be available shortly after diagnosis. Several methods for detecting NPM1 mutations have been described, most of which are technically challenging and require additional laboratory equipment. We developed and validated an assay that allows specific, rapid, and simple screening for NPM1 mutations. FAST PCR spanning exons 8 to 12 of the NPM1 gene was performed on 284 diagnostic AML samples. PCR products were visualized on a 2 % agarose E-gel and verified by direct sequencing. The FAST PCR screening method showed a specificity and sensitivity of 100 %, i.e., all mutated cases were detected, and none of negative cases carried mutations. The limit of detection was at 5-10 % of mutant alleles. We conclude that the FAST PCR assay is a highly specific, rapid (less than 2 h), and sensitive screening method for the detection of NPM1 mutations. Moreover, this method is inexpensive and can easily be integrated in the routine molecular diagnostic work-up of established risk factors in AML using standard laboratory equipment.


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OBJECTIVES: Aim of this study was to compare the utility of susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) with the established diagnostic techniques CT and fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) in their detecting capacity of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and further to compare the combined SWI/FLAIR MRI data with CT to evaluate whether MRI is more accurate than CT. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with acute SAH underwent CT and MRI within 6 days after symptom onset. Underlying pathology for SAH was head trauma (n=9), ruptured aneurysm (n=6), ruptured arteriovenous malformation (n=2), and spontaneous bleeding (n=8). SWI, FLAIR, and CT data were analyzed. The anatomical distribution of SAH was subdivided into 8 subarachnoid regions with three peripheral cisterns (frontal-parietal, temporal-occipital, sylvian), two central cisterns and spaces (interhemispheric, intraventricular), and the perimesencephalic, posterior fossa, superior cerebellar cisterns. RESULTS: SAH was detected in a total of 146 subarachnoid regions. CT identified 110 (75.3%), FLAIR 127 (87%), and SWI 129 (88.4%) involved regions. Combined FLAIR and SWI identified all 146 detectable regions (100%). FLAIR was sensitive for frontal-parietal, temporal-occipital and Sylvian cistern SAH, while SWI was particularly sensitive for interhemispheric and intraventricular hemorrhage. CONCLUSIONS: By combining SWI and FLAIR, MRI yields a distinctly higher detection rate for SAH than CT alone, particularly due to their complementary detection characteristics in different anatomical regions. Detection strength of SWI is high in central areas, whereas FLAIR shows a better detection rate in peripheral areas.


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Oxygen-sensitive 3He-MRI was studied for the detection of differences in intrapulmonary oxygen partial pressure (pO2) between patients with normal lung transplants and those with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). Using software developed in-house, oxygen-sensitive 3He-MRI datasets from patients with normal lung grafts (n = 8) and with BOS (n = 6) were evaluated quantitatively. Datasets were acqiured on a 1.5-T system using a spoiled gradient echo pulse sequence. Underlying diseases were pulmonary emphysema (n = 10 datasets) and fibrosis (n = 4). BOS status was verified by pulmonary function tests. Additionally, 3He-MRI was assessed blindedly for ventilation defects. Median intrapulmonary pO2 in patients with normal lung grafts was 146 mbar compared with 108 mbar in patients with BOS. Homogeneity of pO2 distribution was greater in normal grafts (standard deviation pO2 34 versus 43 mbar). Median oxygen decrease rate during breath hold was higher in unaffected patients (-1.75 mbar/s versus -0.38 mbar/s). Normal grafts showed fewer ventilation defects (5% versus 28%, medians). Oxygen-sensitive 3He-MRI appears capable of demonstrating differences of intrapulmonary pO2 between normal lung grafts and grafts affected by BOS. Oxygen-sensitive 3He-MRI may add helpful regional information to other diagnostic techniques for the assessment and follow-up of lung transplant recipients.


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Early detection of bloodstream infections (BSI) is crucial in the clinical setting. Blood culture remains the gold standard for diagnosing BSI. Molecular diagnostic tools can contribute to a more rapid diagnosis in septic patients. Here, a multiplex real-time PCR-based assay for rapid detection of 25 clinically important pathogens directly from whole blood in <6 h is presented. Minimal analytical sensitivity was determined by hit rate analysis from 20 independent experiments. At a concentration of 3 CFU/ml a hit rate of 50% was obtained for E. aerogenes and 100% for S. marcescens, E. coli, P. mirabilis, P. aeruginosa, and A. fumigatus. The hit rate for C. glabrata was 75% at 30 CFU/ml. Comparing PCR identification results with conventional microbiology for 1,548 clinical isolates yielded an overall specificity of 98.8%. The analytical specificity in 102 healthy blood donors was 100%. Although further evaluation is warranted, our assay holds promise for more rapid pathogen identification in clinical sepsis.


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For a fluid dynamics experimental flow measurement technique, particle image velocimetry (PIV) provides significant advantages over other measurement techniques in its field. In contrast to temperature and pressure based probe measurements or other laser diagnostic techniques including laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and phase Doppler particle analysis (PDPA), PIV is unique due to its whole field measurement capability, non-intrusive nature, and ability to collect a vast amount of experimental data in a short time frame providing both quantitative and qualitative insight. These properties make PIV a desirable measurement technique for studies encompassing a broad range of fluid dynamics applications. However, as an optical measurement technique, PIV also requires a substantial technical understanding and application experience to acquire consistent, reliable results. Both a technical understanding of particle image velocimetry and practical application experience are gained by applying a planar PIV system at Michigan Technological University’s Combustion Science Exploration Laboratory (CSEL) and Alternative Fuels Combustion Laboratory (AFCL). Here a PIV system was applied to non-reacting and reacting gaseous environments to make two component planar PIV as well as three component stereographic PIV flow field velocity measurements in conjunction with chemiluminescence imaging in the case of reacting flows. This thesis outlines near surface flow field characteristics in a tumble strip lined channel, three component velocity profiles of non-reacting and reacting swirled flow in a swirl stabilized lean condition premixed/prevaporized-fuel model gas turbine combustor operating on methane at 5-7 kW, and two component planar PIV measurements characterizing the AFCL’s 1.1 liter closed combustion chamber under dual fan driven turbulent mixing flow.


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BACKGROUND: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare recessive hereditary disorder characterized by dysmotility to immotility of ciliated and flagellated structures. Its main symptoms are respiratory, caused by defective ciliary beating in the epithelium of the upper airways (nose, bronchi and paranasal sinuses). Impairing the drainage of inhaled microorganisms and particles leads to recurrent infections and pulmonary complications. To date, 5 genes encoding 3 dynein protein arm subunits (DNAI1, DNAH5 and DNAH11), the kinase TXNDC3 and the X-linked RPGR have been found to be mutated in PCD. OBJECTIVES: We proposed to determine the impact of the DNAI1 gene on a cohort of unrelated PCD patients (n = 104) recruited without any phenotypic preselection. METHODS: We used denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography and sequencing to screen for mutations in the coding and splicing site sequences of the gene DNAI1. RESULTS: Three mutations were identified: a novel missense variant (p.Glu174Lys) was found in 1 patient and 2 previously reported variants were identified (p.Trp568Ser in 1 patient and IVS1+2_3insT in 3 patients). Overall, mutations on both alleles of gene DNAI1 were identified in only 2% of our clinically heterogeneous cohort of patients. CONCLUSION: We conclude that DNAI1 gene mutation is not a common cause of PCD, and that major or several additional disease gene(s) still remain to be identified before a sensitive molecular diagnostic test can be developed for PCD.


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Transcriptomics could contribute significantly to the early and specific diagnosis of rejection episodes by defining 'molecular Banff' signatures. Recently, the description of pathogenesis-based transcript sets offered a new opportunity for objective and quantitative diagnosis. Generating high-quality transcript panels is thus critical to define high-performance diagnostic classifier. In this study, a comparative analysis was performed across four different microarray datasets of heterogeneous sample collections from two published clinical datasets and two own datasets including biopsies for clinical indication, and samples from nonhuman primates. We characterized a common transcriptional profile of 70 genes, defined as acute rejection transcript set (ARTS). ARTS expression is significantly up-regulated in all AR samples as compared with stable allografts or healthy kidneys, and strongly correlates with the severity of Banff AR types. Similarly, ARTS were tested as a classifier in a large collection of 143 independent biopsies recently published by the University of Alberta. Results demonstrate that the 'in silico' approach applied in this study is able to identify a robust and reliable molecular signature for AR, supporting a specific and sensitive molecular diagnostic approach for renal transplant monitoring.


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INTRODUCTION: This report of 2 cases describes the diagnostic procedures used to identify 2 Stafne's bone cavities (SBC) found in unusually anterior locations in the mandible, both mimicking periapical lesions of endodontic origin. METHODS: In the first patient, a 47-year-old man, an SBC was diagnosed in the area of teeth #27, 28, and 29. In the second patient, a 62-year-old man, the SBC was a fortuitous finding, because this patient was referred for dental implant therapy. RESULTS: In both cases, the final diagnosis was achieved by using limited cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In both patients, the lingual bone cavity was found to be occupied by accessory salivary gland tissue. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of CBCT and MRI as noninvasive diagnostic techniques seems ideal to avoid surgical explorations, incisional biopsies, or enucleations of the lesion for diagnostic purposes.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to report the first case of fungal keratitis resulting from Thielavia sp. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective chart review. RESULTS: A 10-year old girl presented 2 weeks after ocular plant injury with pain and corneal stromal infiltration with central ulceration and ill-defined margins. Cultures of corneal scrapings and biopsy sequence analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region isolated Thielavia subthermophila Mouchacca. Clinically, the organism appeared to respond to topical amphotericin B and oral voriconazole. Best-corrected visual acuity at last follow-up visit counted 0.5. CONCLUSIONS: A rare case of Thielavia sp. keratitis was successfully treated with topical amphotericin B and oral voriconazole. Newly developed molecular diagnostic tools contribute to the recognition of a widening spectrum of emerging fungal pathogens capable of causing serious ocular infections.


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Trichinellosis is a zoonotic disease that is caused by the nematode Trichinella spp. Both European Union regulations and guidelines from the World Organization for Animal Health foresee the possibility of conducting serological surveillance for Trichinella spp. A newly developed commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was evaluated against 2 existing diagnostic techniques: an in-house ELISA and an in-house Western blot. A total of 875 Trichinella larva-negative samples of pigs and 93 Trichinella larva-positive samples of both naturally and experimentally infected pigs were included in the study. Bayesian modeling techniques were used to correct for the absence of a perfect reference test. The sensitivity and specificity of the commercial ELISA was 97.1-97.8% and 99.5-99.8%, respectively. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated high stability in the models. In a serological surveillance system, ELISA-positive samples should be tested by a confirmatory test. The Western blot is a suitable test for this purpose. With the use of the results of the models, the sensitivity and specificity of a test protocol in both ELISA and Western blot were 95.9% and 99.9%, respectively. The high sensitivity and specificity were achieved with a lower limit of detection than that of the routine artificial digestion test, suggesting that serological surveillance is a valuable alternative in surveillance for Trichinella spp. in pig production.