918 resultados para Migration of systems
The study is important for the fact that it places the management dynamics of marine fisheries sector in the context of growing unrest of local communities over the emerging resource conflicts and degradation Economic crisis in small scale marine fisheries due to high operating cost continue to hinder the efforts towards conservation in many ways The migration of mechanized fleet as a response to profit maximization strategy of enterprises continues to be a threat to resource management Therefore this study explores how to revamp the small scale mechanized sector effectively and profitably to ensure rational allocation of resources The thesis attempts to examine how livelihood vulnerabilities of artisanal fish workers influence the crafting of management institutions Finally by combining insights of an institutional framework the study establishes the need for recognising the role of both formal and informal institutions in the management of marine fisheries in Kerala
The main objectives of the study are: To study the seasonal distribution of copepods with special reference to their qualitative and quantitative distribution, with notes on biodiversity in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. To study the spatial and temporal distribution of copepods in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal.To understand the hydrography and the environmental characteristics of the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal and their role in the distribution and biomass of copepods.To study the vertical migration/diurnal migration of the copepods. To study the difference between the coastal and oceanic composition of copepods in the study area and the factors responsible for it.
The study is focused on education of tribes particularly the problem of high dropout rate existing among the tribal students at school level. Scheduled Tribe is one of the marginalized communities experiencing high level of educational deprivation. The analysis of the study shows that the extent of deprivation existing among STs of Kerala is much higher compared to that of other communities. The present study covered tribes of three tribal predominant districts of Kerala such as Idukki, Palakkad and Wayanad. Out of the 35 tribal communities in the State, 17 of them are concentrated in these districts. Tribes concentrated in Idukki include Muthuvans, Malai Arayan, Uraly, Mannan and Hill Pulaya. The present study analyzed dropouts situation in tribal areas of Kerala by conducting Field Survey among dropout and non-dropout students at school level. High dropouts among STs persist due to many problems which are of structural in nature. Important problems faced by the tribal students that have been analyzed, this can be classified as economic, social, cultural and institutional. It is found that there exists high correlation between Income and expenditure of the family with the well-being of individuals. Significant economic factors are poverty and financial indebtedness of the family. Some of the common cultural factors of tribes are Nature of Habitation, Difference in Dialect and Medium of Instruction etc. Social factors analyzed in the study are illiteracy of parents, migration of family, family environment, motivation by parents, activities engaged in for helping the family and students’ lack of interest in studies. The analysis showed that all these factors except migration of the family, are affecting the education of tribal students. Apart from social, economic and cultural factors, there are a few institutional factors which will also influence the education of tribal students. Institutional factors analyzed in the study include students’ absenteeism, irregularity of teachers, attitude of non-tribal teachers and non-tribal students, infrastructure facilities and accessibility to school. The study found irregularity of students and accessibility to school as significant factors which determine the dropout of the students.
Der Einsatz der Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) zur Analyse selbsterregter Strömungsphänomene und das dafür notwendige Auswerteverfahren werden in dieser Arbeit beschrieben. Zur Untersuchung von solchen Mechanismen, die in Turbo-Verdichtern als Rotierende Instabilitäten in Erscheinung treten, wird auf Datensätze zurückgegriffen, die anhand experimenteller Untersuchungen an einem ringförmigen Verdichter-Leitrad gewonnen wurden. Die Rotierenden Instabilitäten sind zeitabhängige Strömungsphänomene, die bei hohen aerodynamischen Belastungen in Verdichtergittern auftreten können. Aufgrund der fehlenden Phaseninformation kann diese instationäre Strömung mit konventionellen PIV-Systemen nicht erfasst werden. Die Kármánsche Wirbelstraße und Rotierende Instabilitäten stellen beide selbsterregte Strömungsvorgänge dar. Die Ähnlichkeit wird genutzt um die Funktionalität des Verfahrens anhand der Kármánschen Wirbelstraße nachzuweisen. Der mittels PIV zu visualisierende Wirbeltransport erfordert ein besonderes Verfahren, da ein externes Signal zur Festlegung des Phasenwinkels dieser selbsterregten Strömung nicht zur Verfügung steht. Die Methodik basiert auf der Kopplung der PIV-Technik mit der Hitzdrahtanemometrie. Die gleichzeitige Messung mittels einer zeitlich hochaufgelösten Hitzdraht-Messung ermöglicht den Zeitpunkten der PIV-Bilder einen Phasenwinkel zuzuordnen. Hierzu wird das Hitzdrahtsignal mit einem FFT-Verfahren analysiert, um die PIV-Bilder entsprechend ihrer Phasenwinkel zu gruppieren. Dafür werden die aufgenommenen Bilder auf der Zeitachse der Hitzdrahtmessungen markiert. Eine systematische Analyse des Hitzdrahtsignals in der Umgebung der PIV-Messung liefert Daten zur Festlegung der Grundfrequenz und erlaubt es, der markierten PIV-Position einen Phasenwinkel zuzuordnen. Die sich aus den PIV-Bildern einer Klasse ergebenden Geschwindigkeitskomponenten werden anschließend gemittelt. Aus den resultierenden Bildern jeder Klasse ergibt sich das zweidimensionale zeitabhängige Geschwindigkeitsfeld, in dem die Wirbelwanderung der Kármánschen Wirbelstraße ersichtlich wird. In hierauf aufbauenden Untersuchungen werden Zeitsignale aus Messungen in einem Verdichterringgitter analysiert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass zusätzlich Filterfunktionen erforderlich sind. Im Ergebnis wird schließlich deutlich, dass die Übertragung der anhand der Kármánschen Wirbelstraße entwickelten Methode nur teilweise gelingt und weitere Forschungsarbeiten erforderlich sind.
Methods are developed for predicting vibration response characteristics of systems which change configuration during operation. A cartesian robot, an example of such a position-dependent system, served as a test case for these methods and was studied in detail. The chosen system model was formulated using the technique of Component Mode Synthesis (CMS). The model assumes that he system is slowly varying, and connects the carriages to each other and to the robot structure at the slowly varying connection points. The modal data required for each component is obtained experimentally in order to get a realistic model. The analysis results in prediction of vibrations that are produced by the inertia forces as well as gravity and friction forces which arise when the robot carriages move with some prescribed motion. Computer simulations and experimental determinations are conducted in order to calculate the vibrations at the robot end-effector. Comparisons are shown to validate the model in two ways: for fixed configuration the mode shapes and natural frequencies are examined, and then for changing configuration the residual vibration at the end of the mode is evaluated. A preliminary study was done on a geometrically nonlinear system which also has position-dependency. The system consisted of a flexible four-bar linkage with elastic input and output shafts. The behavior of the rocker-beam is analyzed for different boundary conditions to show how some limiting cases are obtained. A dimensional analysis leads to an evaluation of the consequences of dynamic similarity on the resulting vibration.
This report examines how to estimate the parameters of a chaotic system given noisy observations of the state behavior of the system. Investigating parameter estimation for chaotic systems is interesting because of possible applications for high-precision measurement and for use in other signal processing, communication, and control applications involving chaotic systems. In this report, we examine theoretical issues regarding parameter estimation in chaotic systems and develop an efficient algorithm to perform parameter estimation. We discover two properties that are helpful for performing parameter estimation on non-structurally stable systems. First, it turns out that most data in a time series of state observations contribute very little information about the underlying parameters of a system, while a few sections of data may be extraordinarily sensitive to parameter changes. Second, for one-parameter families of systems, we demonstrate that there is often a preferred direction in parameter space governing how easily trajectories of one system can "shadow'" trajectories of nearby systems. This asymmetry of shadowing behavior in parameter space is proved for certain families of maps of the interval. Numerical evidence indicates that similar results may be true for a wide variety of other systems. Using the two properties cited above, we devise an algorithm for performing parameter estimation. Standard parameter estimation techniques such as the extended Kalman filter perform poorly on chaotic systems because of divergence problems. The proposed algorithm achieves accuracies several orders of magnitude better than the Kalman filter and has good convergence properties for large data sets.
Evolution of compositions in time, space, temperature or other covariates is frequent in practice. For instance, the radioactive decomposition of a sample changes its composition with time. Some of the involved isotopes decompose into other isotopes of the sample, thus producing a transfer of mass from some components to other ones, but preserving the total mass present in the system. This evolution is traditionally modelled as a system of ordinary di erential equations of the mass of each component. However, this kind of evolution can be decomposed into a compositional change, expressed in terms of simplicial derivatives, and a mass evolution (constant in this example). A rst result is that the simplicial system of di erential equations is non-linear, despite of some subcompositions behaving linearly. The goal is to study the characteristics of such simplicial systems of di erential equa- tions such as linearity and stability. This is performed extracting the compositional dif ferential equations from the mass equations. Then, simplicial derivatives are expressed in coordinates of the simplex, thus reducing the problem to the standard theory of systems of di erential equations, including stability. The characterisation of stability of these non-linear systems relays on the linearisation of the system of di erential equations at the stationary point, if any. The eigenvelues of the linearised matrix and the associated behaviour of the orbits are the main tools. For a three component system, these orbits can be plotted both in coordinates of the simplex or in a ternary diagram. A characterisation of processes with transfer of mass in closed systems in terms of stability is thus concluded. Two examples are presented for illustration, one of them is a radioactive decay
Obtaining automatic 3D profile of objects is one of the most important issues in computer vision. With this information, a large number of applications become feasible: from visual inspection of industrial parts to 3D reconstruction of the environment for mobile robots. In order to achieve 3D data, range finders can be used. Coded structured light approach is one of the most widely used techniques to retrieve 3D information of an unknown surface. An overview of the existing techniques as well as a new classification of patterns for structured light sensors is presented. This kind of systems belong to the group of active triangulation method, which are based on projecting a light pattern and imaging the illuminated scene from one or more points of view. Since the patterns are coded, correspondences between points of the image(s) and points of the projected pattern can be easily found. Once correspondences are found, a classical triangulation strategy between camera(s) and projector device leads to the reconstruction of the surface. Advantages and constraints of the different patterns are discussed
La implantació de Sistemes de Suport a la presa de Decisions (SSD) en Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües Residuals Urbanes (EDAR) facilita l'aplicació de tècniques més eficients basades en el coneixement per a la gestió del procés, assegurant la qualitat de l'aigua de sortida tot minimitzant el cost ambiental de la seva explotació. Els sistemes basats en el coneixement es caracteritzen per la seva capacitat de treballar amb dominis molt poc estructurats, i gran part de la informació rellevant de tipus qualitatiu i/o incerta. Precisament aquests són els trets característics que es poden trobar en els sistemes biològics de depuració, i en conseqüència en una EDAR. No obstant, l'elevada complexitat dels SSD fa molt costós el seu disseny, desenvolupament i aplicació en planta real, pel que resulta determinant la generació d'un protocol que faciliti la seva exportació a EDARs de tecnologia similar. L'objectiu del present treball de Tesi és precisament el desenvolupament d'un protocol que faciliti l'exportació sistemàtica de SSD i l'aprofitament del coneixement del procés prèviament adquirit. El treball es desenvolupa en base al cas d'estudi resultant de l'exportació a l'EDAR Montornès del prototipus original de SSD implementat a l'EDAR Granollers. Aquest SSD integra dos tipus de sistemes basats en el coneixement, concretament els sistemes basats en regles (els quals són programes informàtics que emulen el raonament humà i la seva capacitat de solucionar problemes utilitzant les mateixes fonts d'informació) i els sistemes de raonament basats en casos (els quals són programes informàtics basats en el coneixement que volen solucionar les situacions anormals que pateix la planta en el moment actual mitjançant el record de l'acció efectuada en una situació passada similar). El treball està estructurat en diferents capítols, en el primer dels quals, el lector s'introdueix en el món dels sistemes de suport a la decisió i en el domini de la depuració d'aigües. Seguidament es fixen els objectius i es descriuen els materials i mètodes utilitzats. A continuació es presenta el prototipus de SSD desenvolupat per la EDAR Granollers. Una vegada el prototipus ha estat presentat es descriu el primer protocol plantejat pel mateix autor de la Tesi en el seu Treball de Recerca. A continuació es presenten els resultats obtinguts en l'aplicació pràctica del protocol per generar un nou SSD, per una planta depuradora diferent, partint del prototipus. L'aplicació pràctica del protocol permet l'evolució del mateix cap a un millor pla d'exportació. Finalment, es pot concloure que el nou protocol redueix el temps necessari per realitzar el procés d'exportació, tot i que el nombre de passos necessaris ha augmentat, la qual cosa significa que el nou protocol és més sistemàtic.
Data from four recent reanalysis projects [ECMWF, NCEP-NCAR, NCEP - Department of Energy ( DOE), NASA] have been diagnosed at the scale of synoptic weather systems using an objective feature tracking method. The tracking statistics indicate that, overall, the reanalyses correspond very well in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) lower troposphere, although differences for the spatial distribution of mean intensities show that the ECMWF reanalysis is systematically stronger in the main storm track regions but weaker around major orographic features. A direct comparison of the track ensembles indicates a number of systems with a broad range of intensities that compare well among the reanalyses. In addition, a number of small-scale weak systems are found that have no correspondence among the reanalyses or that only correspond upon relaxing the matching criteria, indicating possible differences in location and/or temporal coherence. These are distributed throughout the storm tracks, particularly in the regions known for small-scale activity, such as secondary development regions and the Mediterranean. For the Southern Hemisphere (SH), agreement is found to be generally less consistent in the lower troposphere with significant differences in both track density and mean intensity. The systems that correspond between the various reanalyses are considerably reduced and those that do not match span a broad range of storm intensities. Relaxing the matching criteria indicates that there is a larger degree of uncertainty in both the location of systems and their intensities compared with the NH. At upper-tropospheric levels, significant differences in the level of activity occur between the ECMWF reanalysis and the other reanalyses in both the NH and SH winters. This occurs due to a lack of coherence in the apparent propagation of the systems in ERA15 and appears most acute above 500 hPa. This is probably due to the use of optimal interpolation data assimilation in ERA15. Also shown are results based on using the same techniques to diagnose the tropical easterly wave activity. Results indicate that the wave activity is sensitive not only to the resolution and assimilation methods used but also to the model formulation.
The monsoon depressions that form over India during the summer are analyzed using simulations from the Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique general circulation model. This type of synoptic system often occurs with a frequency of one to two per month and can produce a strong Indian rainfall. Two kinds of analyses are conducted in this study. The first one is a subjective analysis based on the evolution of the precipitation rate and the pattern of the sea level pressure. The second one is an objective analysis performed using the TRACK program, which identifies and tracks the minima in the sea level pressure anomaly held and computes the statistics for the distribution of systems. The analysis of a 9-yr control run, which simulates strong precipitation rates over the foothills of the Himalayas and over southern India but weak rates over central India, shows that the number of disturbances is coo low and that they almost never occur during August, when break conditions prevail. The generated disturbances more often move north, toward the foothills of the Himalayas. Another analysis is performed to study the effect of the Tibetan Plateau elevation on these disturbances with a 9-yr run carried out with a Tibetan Plateau at 50% of its current height. It is shown that this later integration simulates more frequent monsoon disturbances, which move rather northwestward, in agreement with the current observations. The comparison between the two runs shows that the June-July-August rainfall difference is in large part due to changes in the occurrence of the monsoon disturbances.
The impact of systematic model errors on a coupled simulation of the Asian Summer monsoon and its interannual variability is studied. Although the mean monsoon climate is reasonably well captured, systematic errors in the equatorial Pacific mean that the monsoon-ENSO teleconnection is rather poorly represented in the GCM. A system of ocean-surface heat flux adjustments is implemented in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans in order to reduce the systematic biases. In this version of the GCM, the monsoon-ENSO teleconnection is better simulated, particularly the lag-lead relationships in which weak monsoons precede the peak of El Nino. In part this is related to changes in the characteristics of El Nino, which has a more realistic evolution in its developing phase. A stronger ENSO amplitude in the new model version also feeds back to further strengthen the teleconnection. These results have important implications for the use of coupled models for seasonal prediction of systems such as the monsoon, and suggest that some form of flux correction may have significant benefits where model systematic error compromises important teleconnections and modes of interannual variability.
This paper illustrates the opportunities afforded by the adoption of postcolonial discourse in development geography, drawing specifically on issues of transnationalism, hybridity and inbetweeness. The utility of such notions and associated approaches is illustrated by the authors' current research on the migration of young, second generation and foreign-born 'Bajan-Brits' to the small Caribbean island nation of Barbados, the homeland of their parents. Focussing on issues of 'race' and gender, the paper examines the experiences of return migration among this cohort from an interpretative perspective framed within postcolonial discourse. It argues that notwithstanding the considerable sociocultural problems of adjustment encountered, these Bajan-Brit 'returnees' may be seen as occupying positions of relative economic privilege. Theirs is a liminal space derived by virtue of having been born and/or raised in the UK and being of the black 'race'. Accordingly, they are demonstrated to be both advantaged and disadvantaged; both transnational and national; and black but, in some senses, symbolically white.