909 resultados para Methodological Innovations


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The Retinal Vessel Analyser (RVA) is a commercially available ophthalmoscopic instrument capable of acquiring vessel diameter fluctuations in real time and in high temporal resolution. Visual stimulation by means of flickering light is a unique exploration tool of neurovascular coupling in the human retina. Vessel reactivity as mediated by local vascular endothelial vasodilators and vasoconstrictors can be assessed non-invasively, in vivo. In brief, the work in this thesis • deals with interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility of the flicker responses in healthy volunteers • explains the superiority of individually analysed reactivity parameters over vendorgenerated output • links in static retinal measures with dynamic ones • highlights practical limitations in the use of the RVA that may undermine its clinical usefulness • provides recommendations for standardising measurements in terms of vessel location and vessel segment length and • presents three case reports of essential hypertensives in a -year follow-up. Strict standardisation of measurement procedures is a necessity when utilising the RVA system. Agreement between research groups on implemented protocols needs to be met, before it could be considered a clinically useful tool in detecting or predicting microvascular dysfunction.


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In the paper, methodological aspects of nowadays high engineering education are considered. Thoughts generalizing author’s long-term experience are set forth. Recommendations on the improvement of pedagogical process and training system for young teachers are given.


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At present in the sphere of electronic learning in the light of solving tasks put by the Bologna Declaration an important place is being taken by electronic educational and methodological complexes (EMC).The authors have put forward new components of EMC necessary for the organization of educational process and for the determination of labour intensity according to modules and students’ activity type. They also suggested a technology of defining the rating of the grade in the credit-module system.


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The acceleration of solid dosage form product development can be facilitated by the inclusion of excipients that exhibit poly-/multi-functionality with reduction of the time invested in multiple excipient optimisations. Because active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and tablet excipients present diverse densification behaviours upon compaction, the involvement of these different powders during compaction makes the compaction process very complicated. The aim of this study was to assess the macrometric characteristics and distribution of surface charges of two powders: indomethacin (IND) and arginine (ARG); and evaluate their impact on the densification properties of the two powders. Response surface modelling (RSM) was employed to predict the effect of two independent variables; Compression pressure (F) and ARG percentage (R) in binary mixtures on the properties of resultant tablets. The study looked at three responses namely; porosity (P), tensile strength (S) and disintegration time (T). Micrometric studies showed that IND had a higher charge density (net charge to mass ratio) when compared to ARG; nonetheless, ARG demonstrated good compaction properties with high plasticity (Y=28.01MPa). Therefore, ARG as filler to IND tablets was associated with better mechanical properties of the tablets (tablet tensile strength (σ) increased from 0.2±0.05N/mm2 to 2.85±0.36N/mm2 upon adding ARG at molar ratio of 8:1 to IND). Moreover, tablets' disintegration time was shortened to reach few seconds in some of the formulations. RSM revealed tablet porosity to be affected by both compression pressure and ARG ratio for IND/ARG physical mixtures (PMs). Conversely, the tensile strength (σ) and disintegration time (T) for the PMs were influenced by the compression pressure, ARG ratio and their interactive term (FR); and a strong correlation was observed between the experimental results and the predicted data for tablet porosity. This work provides clear evidence of the multi-functionality of ARG as filler, binder and disintegrant for directly compressed tablets.


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Megközelítésemben az "innovációs lánc" olyan társadalmi kapcsolathálót jelent, ahol a kapcsolat tartalma egy gazdasági újítás átadása. Dolgozatom fõ kérdése az, hogy egy településen kialakult társadalmi hálózat szerkezete hogyan befolyásolja az innovációk átvételének útját és terjedési sebességét. __________ A chain of innovation is a social network, defined by offering or adopting an economic innovation. The main hypothesis is that the diffusion of rural innovations and the changes of life-style of the peasants (generally: the growth of market economy) do not necessarily restructure or destroy local networks, but in some cases they will be reinforceed.


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Global warming16 has already begun. Climate change has become a self-propelling and self-reinforcing process as a result of the externality associated with greenhouse- gas (GHG) emissions. Although it is an externality related to humankind, according to a number of unique features we should distinguish it from other externalities. Climate change is a global phenomenon in its causes and consequences. The long-term and persistent impacts of climate change will likely continue over centuries without further anthropogenic mechanism. The preindustrial (equilibrium) level of GHG concentration in the atmosphere cannot be restored since it is irreversible, but if we do not stabilise the actual level of atmospheric concentration, the situation will become much worse than it is now. Assessing the impacts of climate change requires careful considerations because of the pervasive uncertainties and risks associated with it.


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This paper examines the methodological aspect of climate change, particularly the aggregation of costs and benefits induced by climate change on individuals, societies, economies and on the whole ecosystem. Assessing the total and/or marginal costs of environmental change is difficult because of wide range of factors that have to be involved. The subsequent study tries to capture the complexity of cost assessment on climate change therefore includes several critical factors such as scenarios and modeling, valuation and estimation, equity and discounting.


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A cikk a hazai feldolgozóipari vállalatok környezeti innovációs tevékenységét, annak mozgatórugóit vizsgálja. Felvázolja a témakörrel foglalkozó jelentősebb elméleteket, kutatásokat, illetve az ezek által azonosított, a környezeti innovációs tevékenységet befolyásoló tényezőket (pl. hatósági szabályozás, vállalatméret, környezeti stratégia stb.). A bemutatott kutatás egy kérdőíves felmérésen alapul, melyben közel 300 vállalat vett részt az elektronika, az élelmiszeripar, a gépipar, a járműipar és a vegyipar területéről. A vizsgálat célja a környezeti innováció különböző típusainak (csővégi, megelőző, termék; új, adaptált) differenciált elemzése, figyelembe véve mind a vállalat, mind a környezet jellemzőit. A vállalatok innovációs tevékenysége jelentősen különbözhet az egyes ágazatokban, illetve a különböző méretű cégek között – a cikk ezen eltérések vizsgálatára is kitér. ______ The article examines the environmental innovation activity of Hungarian manufacturing companies and its determinants. It provides a brief overview of the most important theories and recent empirical studies addressing the topic. The research presented is based on a questionnaire survey with the participation of nearly 300 firms from the chemicals, electronics, food, machines and vehicles sectors. The goal of the study is to identify differences in the determinants of the various types of environmental innovation (end-of-pipe, cleaner production, product; novel, adopted), with regard to both the characteristics of the environment and the companies themselves. Differences between firms of various sizes and industries are also a part of the analysis.


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Az akadémiai székfoglaló előadás a teljesség igénye nélkül arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy a posztkommunista átalakulás tanulmányozása milyen hasznosítható tanulságokkal szolgált a közgazdasági elmélet művelőinek szélesebb köre számára. Megállapítja, hogy - a világ közgazdaságtanában folyó megújulással párhuzamosan - a módszertani pluralizmus, ezen belül a történeti, az intézményi és az összehasonlító gazdaságtani közelítés visszahelyezése jogaiba, valamint az egyoldalúan csak a matematikai formalizálást előtérbe állító megoldások visszaszorulása figyelhető meg. _____ This inaugural lecture delivered on receiving membership of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences seeks, without attempting completeness, to examine what useful lessons could be drawn from study of the post-communist transformation for practitioners in wider fields of economics. It establishes that methodological pluralism, including the rights of historical, institutional and comparative economic approaches, is being relegated by the renewal taking place in world economics. This can be seen to be constricting the approaches that place mathematical formalism to the fore.


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In the last decade, non-technological and particularly organisational innovations have gained more and more importance and research focus. However, there is no consensus among the academic community either about the definition or about the broader theoretical and methodological foundations of this phenomena. In the present study the authors intend to partly improve this knowledge deficiency syndrome by analysing the most important theoretical contributions of organisational innovation and by reviewing the development in the methodological tools aimed to measure organisational innovation on a European level. By doing so, the authors will focus on the various waves of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) as an employer-oriented and of the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) as an employee-oriented survey. Finally, they will formulate some remarks for further empirical research streams.


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Research on the adoption of innovations by individuals has been criticized for focusing on various factors that lead to the adoption or rejection of an innovation while ignoring important aspects of the dynamic process that takes place. Theoretical process-based models hypothesize that individuals go through consecutive stages of information gathering and decision making but do not clearly explain the mechanisms that cause an individual to leave one stage and enter the next one. Research on the dynamics of the adoption process have lacked a structurally formal and quantitative description of the process. ^ This dissertation addresses the adoption process of technological innovations from a Systems Theory perspective and assumes that individuals roam through different, not necessarily consecutive, states, determined by the levels of quantifiable state variables. It is proposed that different levels of these state variables determine the state in which potential adopters are. Various events that alter the levels of these variables can cause individuals to migrate into different states. ^ It was believed that Systems Theory could provide the required infrastructure to model the innovation adoption process, particularly applied to information technologies, in a formal, structured fashion. This dissertation assumed that an individual progressing through an adoption process could be considered a system, where the occurrence of different events affect the system's overall behavior and ultimately the adoption outcome. The research effort aimed at identifying the various states of such system and the significant events that could lead the system from one state to another. By mapping these attributes onto an “innovation adoption state space” the adoption process could be fully modeled and used to assess the status, history, and possible outcomes of a specific adoption process. ^ A group of Executive MBA students were observed as they adopted Internet-based technological innovations. The data collected were used to identify clusters in the values of the state variables and consequently define significant system states. Additionally, events were identified across the student sample that systematically moved the system from one state to another. The compilation of identified states and change-related events enabled the definition of an innovation adoption state-space model. ^


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Two studies investigated the influence of juror need for cognition on the systematic and heuristic processing of expert evidence. U.S. citizens reporting for jury duty in South Florida read a 15-page summary of a hostile work environment case containing expert testimony. The expert described a study she had conducted on the effects of viewing sexualized materials on men's behavior toward women. Certain methodological features of the expert's research varied across experimental conditions. In Study 1 (N = 252), the expert's study was valid, contained a confound, or included the potential for experimenter bias (internal validity) and relied on a small or large sample (sample size) of college undergraduates or trucking employees (ecological validity). When the expert's study included trucking employees, high need for cognition jurors in Study 1 rated the expert more credible and trustworthy than did low need for cognition jurors. Jurors were insensitive to variations in the study's internal validity or sample size. Juror ratings of plaintiff credibility, plaintiff trustworthiness, and study quality were positively correlated with verdict. In Study 2 (N = 162), the expert's published or unpublished study (general acceptance) was either valid or lacked an appropriate control group (internal validity) and included a sample of college undergraduates or trucking employees (ecological validity). High need for cognition jurors in Study 2 found the defendant liable more often and evaluated the expert evidence more favorably when the expert's study was internally valid than when an appropriate control group was missing. Low need for cognition jurors did not differentiate between the internally valid and invalid study. Variations in the study's general acceptance and ecological validity did not affect juror judgments. Juror ratings of expert and plaintiff credibility, plaintiff trustworthiness, and study quality were positively correlated with verdict. The present research demonstrated that the need for cognition moderates juror sensitivity to expert evidence quality and that certain message-related heuristics influence juror judgments when ability or motivation to process systematically is low. ^