999 resultados para Menores Estatuto legal, leis, etc.


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The "Europeanization" of non-EU countries' laws is predominantly seen as an "export" of the EU acquis, especially in the case of so-called "quasi-member" states such as Switzerland. Based on an examination of the Swiss experience, this paper highlights the flaws of this conceptualization: the Europeanization of Swiss Law is a highly differentiated phenomenon, encompassing several forms of approximation to EU Law. All of these forms fall short of an "export" of norms, and result in the creation of something new: a "Europeanized law" that is similar to, but qualitatively different from, EU Law. Another drawback of the "export" metaphor is the emphasis it places on the isomorphism of positive legislation. Europeanization goes deeper than that. As shown in this paper, it is a process of transformation involving not only positive law, but also legal thinking. The Swiss case demonstrates how significant such deeper transformations can be: the Europeanization of positive law has induced an alteration of the traditional canon of legal interpretation. It also demonstrates how problematic such transformations can be: the above-mentioned alteration has not given rise to a new and universally accepted canon of interpretation. This reflects the tension between the need for clear "rules of reference" for EU legal materials - which are required in order to restore coherence and predictability to an extensively Europeanized legal system - and the reluctance to give a legal value to foreign legal materials - which is rooted in a traditional understanding of the concept of "law". Such tension, in turn, shows what deep and difficult transformations are required in order to establish a viable model of legal integration outside supranational structures.


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Por medio de muestreo casual-estratificado-proporcional, en este estudio se caracterizaron las formas de reproduccin social de 80 familias con nios menores de 7 aos, residentes en el rea de influencia del HU-USP. Los perfiles de reproduccin social fueron construidos utilizndose una base terico-metodolgica-operacional que pre defini tres grupos sociales homogneos. De la muestra total, 36,1% fueron ms excluidas, tanto en el momento de la produccin como en el de consumo, 48,2% parecan luchar por la integracin en la vida social y 15,7% presentaron insercin calificada en la produccin, mostrndose protegidas de la precariedad del trabajo, con un patrn diferenciado de consumo y de representacin colectiva y con mayor posibilidad de uso del espacio geo-social. Los resultados demostraron que la metodologa utilizada es adecuada para caracterizar los perfiles de reproduccin social, evidenciando que los grupos sociales que componen una misma sociedad presentaron condiciones de trabajo y de vida distintas y que cada grupo social est expuesto a determinados patrones de fortalecimiento y de desgaste.


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Hereditary non-structural diseases such as catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), long QT, and the Brugada syndrome as well as structural disease such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) cause a significant percentage of sudden cardiac deaths in the young. In these cases, genetic testing can be useful and does not require proxy consent if it is carried out at the request of judicial authorities as part of a forensic death investigation. Mutations in several genes are implicated in arrhythmic syndromes, including SCN5A, KCNQ1, KCNH2, RyR2, and genes causing HCM. If the victim's test is positive, this information is important for relatives who might be themselves at risk of carrying the disease-causing mutation. There is no consensus about how professionals should proceed in this context. This article discusses the ethical and legal arguments in favour of and against three options: genetic testing of the deceased victim only; counselling of relatives before testing the victim; counselling restricted to relatives of victims who tested positive for mutations of serious and preventable diseases. Legal cases are mentioned that pertain to the duty of geneticists and other physicians to warn relatives. Although the claim for a legal duty is tenuous, recent publications and guidelines suggest that geneticists and others involved in the multidisciplinary approach of sudden death (SD) cases may, nevertheless, have an ethical duty to inform relatives of SD victims. Several practical problems remain pertaining to the costs of testing, the counselling and to the need to obtain permission of judicial authorities.


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Discussions at the inaugural meeting of a Trans-European Pedagogic Research Group for Anatomical Sciences highlighted the fact that there exist considerable variations in the legal and ethical frameworks throughout Europe concerning body bequests for anatomical examination. Such differences appear to reflect cultural and religious variations as well as different legal and constitutional frameworks. For example, there are different views concerning the "ownership" of cadavers and concerning the need (perceived by different societies and national politicians) for legislation specifically related to anatomical dissection. Furthermore, there are different views concerning the acceptability of using unclaimed bodies that have not given informed consent. Given that in Europe there have been a series of controversial anatomical exhibitions and also a public (televised) dissection/autopsy, and given that the commercial sale or transport of anatomical material across national boundaries is strongly debated, it would seem appropriate to "harmonise" the situation (at least in the European Union). This paper summarises the legal situation in a variety of European countries and suggests examples of good practice. In particular, it recommends that all countries should adopt clear legal frameworks to regulate the acceptance of donations for medical education and research. It stresses the need for informed consent, with donors being given clear information upon which to base their decision, intentions to bequest being made by the donor before death and encourages donors to discuss their wishes to bequeath with relatives prior to death. Departments are encouraged, where they feel it appropriate, to hold Services of Thanksgiving and Commemoration for those who have donated their bodies. Finally, there needs to be legislation to regulate transport of bodies or body parts across national borders and a discouragement of any moves towards commercialisation in relation to bequests.


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Este artigo tem a finalidade de discorrer sobre a regulao das relaes de trabalho na enfermagem, subsidiando a prtica gerencial do enfermeiro, no que se refere aos direitos e obrigaes de empregados e empregadores, baseando-se na Consolidao das Leis Trabalhistas (CLT) e das normas constitucionais. Enfatiza algumas normatizaes que suscitam dvidas e conflitos no cotidiano profissional do enfermeiro, tais como: durao da jornada de trabalho, perodos de descanso intra e entre jornadas, horas extraordinrias, descanso semanal remunerado e alteraes de turnos de trabalho, considerando que a conformao do exerccio profissional com o processo legal amplia as possibilidades do enfermeiro atuar junto equipe com mais propriedade e segurana, respeitando os direitos dos profissionais e dos clientes, reduzindo, ainda, eventuais problemas jurdicos inerentes aos direitos e deveres trabalhistas.


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Retrospective research is conducted on already available data and/or biologic material. Whether such research requires that patients specifically consent to the use of "their" data continues to stir controversy. From a legal and ethical point of view, it depends on several factors. The main criteria to be considered are whether the data or the sample is anonymous, whether the researcher is the one who collected it and whether the patient was told of the possible research use. In Switzerland, several laws delineate the procedure to be followed. The definition of "anonymous" is open to some interpretation. In addition, it is debatable whether consent waivers that are legally admissible for data extend to research involving human biological samples. In a few years, a new Swiss federal law on human research could clarify the regulatory landscape. Meanwhile, hospital-internal guidelines may impose stricter conditions than required by federal or cantonal law. Conversely, Swiss and European ethical texts may suggest greater flexibility and call for a looser interpretation of existing laws. The present article provides an overview of the issues for physicians, scientists, ethics committee members and policy makers involved in retrospective research in Switzerland. It aims at provoking more open discussions of the regulatory problems and possible future legal and ethical solutions.


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Este estudo objetivou conhecer o contato da equipe multiprofissional com o Estatuto do Idoso e qual a interferncia dessa Lei na assistncia ao idoso institucionalizado. O cenrio do estudo foi um Hospital Geritrico de So Paulo, onde residem 297 idosos. Participaram 35 profissionais integrantes da equipe multiprofissional da Instituio que responderam a um questionrio composto de perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os resultados foram divididos em categorias e submetidos anlise descritiva. Destacou-se que 68,6% dos profissionais acreditam estar ocorrendo mudanas na assistncia, mesmo que lentamente, aps a promulgao da Lei, e que elas ocorreram na equipe multiprofissional, que buscou especializao especfica, melhorando a assistncia; nas instituies que se adaptaram para atender s especificidades dos idosos; nos prprios idosos e em suas famlias que, sentindo-se respaldados pela Lei, passaram a reivindicar mais os seus direitos.


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Si bien en los ltimos aos frica Subsahariana ha registrado un notable descenso del nmero de conflictos armados, un buen nmero de pases sigue padeciendo las consecuencias de la violencia armada, especialmente algunos contextos como el de la Repblica Democrtica del Congo, la regin de Darfur (oeste de Sudn) o Somalia, por citar algunos ejemplos. Tal y como desde el mbito institucional (Naciones Unidas u ONG) o el acadmico llevan sealando desde hace varios aos, la principal vctima de la violencia suele ser la poblacin civil, principalmente los menores y las mujeres. El presente artculo tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto que los conflictos armados africanos tienen en la infancia y en aspectos tan importantes como su educacin. Este objeto de estudio cuenta en los ltimos aos con un importante referente como fue la publicacin en el ao 1996 del denominado Informe Machel. Quince aos despus de la aparicin de este documento, resulta de inters hacer un pequeo balance sobre algunos de los avances, dficits y principales retos de la proteccin de los menores en conflictos armados.


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O Estatuto da Criana e do Adolescente impulsionou aumento significativo dos programas que assistem este grupo populacional. Entretanto, no significou mudanas na forma de aproximao deste objeto. Esse estudo buscou conhecer as percepes dos trabalhadores dos programas de atendimento ao adolescente, suas dificuldades, e formas de super-las. O cenrio foi o Municpio de So Carlos (SP). A metodologia descritiva, qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados junto a instituies que atendem aos adolescentes, por meio de documentos e de entrevistas. Os depoimentos foram tratados segundo referencial de Bourdieu. Os resultados mostraram que as instituies percebem a adolescncia e o adolescente desvestidos de sua socialidade e historicidade, e que o objeto da ateno continua o adolescente com problemas, e no o sujeito de direitos. Uma mudana mais radical da viso sobre estes adolescentes possibilitar a construo de novos instrumentos dos processos de trabalho, capazes de alcan-los na sua integralidade.