985 resultados para Mega-Marx : johdatus uuteen Marxiin
Marxs conclusions about the falling rate of profit have been analysed exhaustively. Usually this has been done by building models which broadly conform to Marxs views and then showing that his conclusions are either correct or, more frequently, that they can not be sustained. By contrast, this paper examines, both descriptively and analytically, Marxs arguments from the Hodgskin section of Theories of Surplus Value, the General Law section of the recently published Volume 33 of the Collected Works and Chapter 3 of Volume III of Capital. It also gives a new interpretation of Part III of this last work. The main conclusions are first, that Marx had an intrinsic explanation of the falling rate of profit but was unable to give it a satisfactory demonstration and second, that he had a number of subsidiary explanations of which the most important was resource scarcity. The paper closes with an assessment of the pedigree of various currents of Marxian thought on this issue.
Recently a number of mainstream papers have treated the rise of democracy in 19th century Europe and its instability in Latin America in an eminently Marxist fashion. This paper sets out their implications for Marxist thought. With respect to Europe, Marx's emphasis on political action backed by the threat of violence is vindicated but his justification for socialism is not. With respect to Latin America, the unequal distribution of wealth is the cause of political instability that is, in turn, the root cause of mass poverty. In addition it is possible to explain some of the paradoxical characteristics of neo-liberalism and to make a weak argument for socialism in spite of its rejection in Europe.
The megaesophagus and megacolon endemic in South America are related , to Chagas' disease. These mega conditions are found in patients with chronic Chagas's infection, when the parasite is not demonstrable in the lesions. These are characterized by depopulation of parasympathetic ganglion cells, dilation and hypertrophy of the viscera. In the experiments described here we deminstrate a selective affinity and adherence of Trypanosoma cruzi-immune lymphocytes to myenteric, parasympathetic ganglion cells, leading to neuronolysis. None of these features are observed when non-immune lymphocytes from control rabbits are used, or when the immune lymphocytes are allowed to react with CNS neurons. This demonstration is an indication of the high degree of specificity of the destruction of parasympathetic neurons in Chagas' disease. We postulate that the T. cruzi-immune lymphocyte rejection of parasympathetic neurons, but not of CNS neurons, might be related to recognition of a cross-reacting antigenic determinant secreted only by the target neurons. In favor of this interpretation is the observation of lymphocytic infiltrates and parasympathetic ganglion cell destruction in chronic Chagas' infection in the absence of encephalitis.
Article published in Greek in the special issue "The Olympic Games: the mega sports and media event" of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens journal Communication Issues (2004, no.1), discussing the need for establishing a communication model for city-games relations.
We have been interested in identifying genes that play a role in reproduction of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Our interests are currently focused on the vitellogenin genes which in the mosquito are expressed only in the fat body in response to the insect steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone. Four of the five vitellogenin genes in the genome have been cloned. We have examined the relationships between these genes and find that they form a small gene family exhibiting different levels of relationship.
Part of the local economic impact of a major sporting event comes from the associated temporary tourism expenditures. Typically demand-driven Input-Output (IO) methods are used to quantify the impacts of such expenditures. However, IO modelling has specific weaknesses when measuring temporary tourism impacts; particular problems lie in its treatment of factor supplies and its lack of dynamics. Recent work argues that Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) analysis is more appropriate and this has been widely applied. Neglected in this literature however is an understanding of the role that behavioural characteristics and factor supply assumptions play in determining the economic impact of tourist expenditures, particularly where expenditures are temporary (i.e. of limited duration) and anticipated (i.e. known in advance). This paper uses a CGE model for Scotland in which agents can have myopic- or forward-looking behaviours and shows how these alternative specifications affect the timing and scale of the economic impacts from anticipated and temporary tourism expenditure. The tourism shock analysed is of a scale expected for the Commonwealth Games to be held in Glasgow in 2014. The model shows how “pre-shock” and “legacy” effects – impacts before and after the shock – arise and their quantitative importance. Using the forward-looking model the paper calculates the optimal degree of pre-announcement.
The battle between cities with regard to their creative possibilities has evolved into a process of multiplying ever-new images and variegated stories of urban attractiveness and success. Engineering “cool” images and “hot” stories about one’s city is now a central endeavor in the narratives of urban policy-making that center more and more on the idea of the entrepreneurial city. The making of an entrepreneurial image is enacted through various narrative genres that lie somewhere between place making and place marketing, between branding and boosting, between restoration and revanchism, between iconic architecture and mega-spectacle. This “imagineering” is not only part of the way cities try to (re)present themselves as entrepreneurial to various audiences through a real “image inflation” (Zukin, 2008, p. xii) but is 1 Forthcoming in: B. Lange,.A. Kalandides, B. Stoeber, I. Wellmann (Hrsg.) (2009): Governance der Kreativwirtschaft. Diagnosen und Handlungsoptionen. Transcript-Verlag, Bielefeld. 2 also inscribed in the various ways urban creativity and entrepreneurship can be studied, researched and imagined. In this chapter we aim to differentiate the political narratives of the entrepreneurial city as we emphasize the need to understand the politics of narration and make a plea for critical reflexivity in our forms of researching and theorizing. We will thus try to investigate how the politics of narration is intertwined with the narration of political concepts and will argue that the narrating of urban entrepreneurship can raise very different images and discourses of city life beyond those that are currently engineered. We will distinguish between a grand narrative, a counter-narrative, and an assemblage of more ambivalent little narratives, which we call prosaic narration. While the distinction between these three types might be seen as a bit too simple and “straight”, we believe that by juxtaposing these different forms of narration and alternating between them, we can help problematize the engineering of the city as entrepreneurial and imagine alternative views both of city life and of what is understood as its creativity.
Signature databases are vital tools for identifying distant relationships in novel sequences and hence for inferring protein function. InterPro is an integrated documentation resource for protein families, domains and functional sites, which amalgamates the efforts of the PROSITE, PRINTS, Pfam and ProDom database projects. Each InterPro entry includes a functional description, annotation, literature references and links back to the relevant member database(s). Release 2.0 of InterPro (October 2000) contains over 3000 entries, representing families, domains, repeats and sites of post-translational modification encoded by a total of 6804 different regular expressions, profiles, fingerprints and Hidden Markov Models. Each InterPro entry lists all the matches against SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL (more than 1,000,000 hits from 462,500 proteins in SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL). The database is accessible for text- and sequence-based searches at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/. Questions can be emailed to interhelp@ebi.ac.uk.
Se demuestra que todo sistema tipo Leontief (o Leontief-Sraffa) puede ser transformado en uno estructuralmente equivalente en el que la matriz tecnológica A tenga la propiedad de que la suma de los elementos de cada columna sea el autovalor máximo a de A; lo que equivale a transformar las unidades físicas originales en unidades que (haciendo abstracción de la componente trabajo) tengan idéntica composición de capital. A un tal sistema transformado lo denominaremos homogeneizado. En este tipo de sistemas aparecen más cómodos los estudios del sistema de precios de Sraffa, la limitación del tipo de beneficio, el reparto del excedente, la interpretación económica de 1/(I - A), la interpretación de los precios utilizando el teorema del punto fijo, la evolución de los precios al variar el tipo de beneficio, etc. Se demuestra que en un sistema homogeneizado "idéntica composición orgánica de capital" (Marx) equivale a idéntica cantidad de trabajo directo.
Résumé de Thèse Proche de Horkheimer, d'Adorno ou encore de Benjamin, ce philosophe issu de l'École de Francfort ne manque pas moins d'attirer la curiosité. On a tôt fait de classer Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) aux oubliettes alors que sa pensée était peu connue, nonobstant une médiatisation très importante qui a dépassé le cadre classique des universités. Ce philosophe allemand atypique dont le nom surgit notamment suite à la publication de L'Homme unidimensionnel fut abondamment lu mais peu systématisé. Repris à tort et à travers, instrumentalisé aux temps des révoltes étudiantes des années 60, il ne lègue pas moins une pensée qui doit apparaître sous une forme nouvelle et prospective. Cette recherche vise prioritairement à l'extraire de ce brouhaha qui l'enveloppa et menaça de le faire disparaître. Cet essai insiste sur un retour à l'exigence scientifique via l'exhumation des textes méconnus du grand public et une insertion indispensable dans l'histoire des penseurs philosophiques. Accéder à la connaissance de ce philosophe passe par un certain nombre de clefs parmi lesquelles le concept de nature. Pour y arriver, cependant, la quête des fondements d'une philosophie dont les sources sont plurielles et inconciliables s'impose comme étape primordiale et pleine de promesses. A la vérité, le peu de systématisation de la pensée marcusienne est en grande partie liée à cette « prolifération » de références auxquelles s'est adonné Marcuse, laissant une mince passerelle susceptible de dégager une architecture globale et cohérente de sa pensée. Certes, la présentation de Marcuse est restée jusque-là prisonnière de l'influence de Hegel, Marx et Freud. L'auteur de cette thèse tente de démontrer que la pensée marcusienne s'oriente à partir de Kant. Attaché à la tradition philosophique germanique de l'Aufklärung, l'oeuvre du philosophe francfortois combat toutes sortes d'irrationalités qui obstruent la voie menant vers un humanisme réel. La nature reste un concept polémique parce qu'il ne saurait se résumer à l'étant. Ni la nature intérieure, ni la nature extérieure ne se limitent à cet horizon dépourvu de subjectivité. Disciple de Heidegger, Marcuse définit la nature à partir du Dasein, un être-là qui est jeté dans l'histoire et qui porte en lui la qualité de l'historicité. Contre la société dite unidimensionnelle postindustrielle qui annonce l'acmé du capitalisme triomphant, les travaux de Marcuse visent un retour à la nature autant qu'ils font de celle-ci un futur. La nature n'est pas seulement ce qu'elle a été, elle est aussi ce qui est à être. En invalidant le consumérisme ambiant, il décrit la publicité marchande comme un acte de négation des vraies valeurs humaines. Ni la superfluité secrétée par le marché, ni les systèmes communiste (le marxisme soviétique et ses sbires) et capitaliste ne sont capables de provoquer l'idéal de l'humain. Le discours marcusien fécondé par la « Théorie Critique » invente le concept de « Grand Refus » adossé à la dialectique hégélienne, obligeant la conscience à veiller sur le réel pour le conduire vers l'émancipation plutôt que vers un « chemin qui ne mène nulle part ». Attachée à la concrétude et la transformation historique héritée de Marx, il réoriente le Dasein heideggérien en lui donnant plus de chair. Nature et historicité, cette réalité duelle se complique parce qu'elle incarne une difficile révolution qui nécessitera davantage d'imagination. Le « Grand Refus » aura besoin d'un allié plus subtile : l'esthétique qui laisse apparaître la Troisième critique kantienne. Au-delà de ce refuge dans l'art, on aura toujours besoin de Marcuse pour mieux comprendre nos sociétés en pleine mutation et pour habiter en conséquence notre monde perfectible.
Es descriuen les manifestacions clíniques, radiològiques, pronòstic i tractament de 41 pacients amb malaltia de Still de l’adult provinents de dos hospitals universitaris de Barcelona. La presentació clínica més freqüent va ser la poliartritis febril. El curs de la malaltia va ser monocíclic en el 44% dels pacients, policíclic en el 26% i crònic articular en el 30%. Els AINE o AAS van controlar la malaltia en el 19.5% i dosis altes de glucocorticoides en el 73%; el 48,7% van requerir algun immunosupressor addicional i al 17% se’ls va haver d’afegir tractament biològic per al control de la malaltia.