995 resultados para Mazama nana
The MOOGLI dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected in 1998-1999 in the Gulf of Lion (North Western Mediterranean Sea). Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column.
Im Fichtelgebirge, im Harz und in der Rhön wurden die spätglazialen und frühpostglazialen Ablagerungen von vier Mooren in 625-805 m Meereshöhe pollenanalytisch hinsichtlich von Makrofossilien (Samen, Früchte) und stratigraphisch untersucht. 1. Nur im Fichtelgebirge konnte in 625 m Höhe ein vollständiger Spätglazialablauf aufgedeckt werden. Es handelt sich dabei um einen ehemaligen kleinen See südlich Fichtelberg, der wahrscheinlich durch Tieftauen eines begrabenen Firn- oder Schneefeldes entstand. Betula pubescens wurde kontinuierlich vom Ende der Älteren Tundrenzeit bis zum Boreal nachgewiesen. Auf nahe Vorkommen von Kiefern darf man seit IIb (Jüngere Allerödzeit) schließen, sie wurden aber durch die Jüngere Tundrenzeit, während der es noch zu Solifluktionserscheinungen kam, von ihren höher gelegenen Standorten wieder verdrängt. Die allerödzeitlichen Birken- bzw. Birkenkiefernwälder müssen in diesen Höhen noch licht oder parkartig gewesen sein. Verbreitet waren Rasengesellschaften, die hauptsächlich aus Gramineen und Artemisia bestanden. Auch Beutla nana und Pollen von Ephedra cf. distachya wurden nachgewiesen. In der Seelohe (770-780 m) ist nur der Ausklang einer waldarmen Zeit, offensichtlich der Jüngeren Tundrenzeit, erfaßt. Großreste von Bäumen fehlen. 2. Im Oberharz (Radauer Born, 800 m) wurde nur ein kurzes Stück der Jüngeren Tundrenzeit aufgedeckt. Großreste von Bäumen fehlen hier ebenfalls. Aus dem Praeboreal stammt der erst fossile Nachweis von Betuala nana im Oberharz. Die Zwergbirke wächst auf dem Moor noch heute und gilt hier als Eiszeitrelikt. 3. Eine Datierung der spätglazialen Ablagerungen vom Roten Moor in der Rhön ist zur Zeit nur mit Vorbehalt möglich. Zwar wurde hier der Laacher Bimstuff gefunden, er ist jedoch umgelagert und unmittelbar über dem Tuffhorizont befindet sich eine Schichtlücke. Wahrscheinlich zeigt die Bimsstuffschicht aber doch noch den Allerödhorizont an. 4. Während der Jüngeren Tundrenzeit dürfte im Fichtelgebirge die Waldgrenze bei etwas 600 m gelegen haben. Das bedeutet gegenüber der heutigen Waldgrenze eine Erniedrigung um rund 700 m. Am Schluß der Älteren Tundrenzeit lag die Waldgrenze wahrscheinlich wie in der Allerödzeit höher als 600-650 m, aber unter 800 m. 5. Pollenkörner der Ericalen sind in den Ablagerungen aus dem Harz wesentlich häufiger als in den anderene Gebieten. Häufungen von Ericalen-pollen sind besonders für Spätglazialablagerungen solcher Gebiete charakteristisch, die heute im subozeanischen oder ozeanischen Klimabereich liegen (Niederlande, Irland). 6. Während sich die Bodengegensätze in der heutigen Vegetation der drei Untersuchungsgebiete sehr deutlich bemerkbar machen, wurden keine nennenswerten Unterschiede im spätglazialen Pollenniederschlag der drei Mittelgebirge gefunden. Vermutlich erfolgte die Auswaschung der Nährstoffe aus den an sich nährstoffkräftigen Granitverwitterungsböden während der Späteiszeit nicht so rasch, wie es heute der Fall ist. Die Niederschlagsmengen dürften geringer und das Klima weniger humid gewesen sein. 7. In der Liste der spätglazialen Pflanzen überwiegen die Arten mit borealzirkumpolarer Verbreitung. Arktisch-alpine Arten treten zurück. Kontinentale und subatlantische bzw. subozeanische Arten sind etwa gleich stark vertreten.
Leg 101 of the Ocean Drilling Program recovered a large volume of Neogene sediments from sites in the Straits of Florida, Little Bahama Bank, and Exuma Sound. In varying amounts, shallow-water, platform-derived carbonate debris is nearly ubiquitous. Reworked planktonic foraminifers are common, especially in the Pliocene-Pleistocene. At Site 626 in the Straits of Florida, a sequence of Holocene to upper Oligocene sediments was recovered. The greatest Neogene hiatus at this site spans the latest Miocene through Pliocene. Below this, several minor hiatuses are present in a generally conformable sequence. From the Little Bahama Bank transect (Sites 627, 628, and 630), a nearly complete composite Neogene section was sampled. At Site 627, a major unconformity separates lowermost Miocene sediments from middle to upper Eocene sediments. A second major unconformity occurs at Site 628. Here, middle Miocene sediments lie above uppermost Oligocene deposits. Sites 632, 633, and 631 in Exuma Sound all bottomed in a thick, lower Pliocene section. The mid-Pliocene is very thin at Sites 633 and 631, while it is better represented at Site 632. Major unconformities at Sites 627 and 628 appear to correlate with periods of elevated sea level, which suggests that carbonate platform shedding may be greatest during this part of the sea-level cycles. One of the salient features of the Bahamas is the lack of any systematic temporal distribution of hiatuses. Only a brief hiatus in the late Pliocene may be regional. It appears that local platform-shedding events were of equal or greater importance in developing the stratigraphy of the Bahamas than regional or eustatic events.
The dataset is based on samples collected in the autumn of 2001 in the Western Black Sea in front of Bulgaria coast. The whole dataset is composed of 42 samples (from 19 stations of National Monitoring Grid) with data of mesozooplankton species composition abundance and biomass. Samples were collected in the layers 0-10, 0-20, 0-50, 10-25, 25-50, 50-100 and from bottom up to the surface at depths depending on water column stratification and the thermocline depth. Zooplankton samples were collected with vertical closing Juday net,diameter - 36cm, mesh size 150 µm. Tows were performed from surface down to bottom meters depths in discrete layers. Samples were preserved by a 4% formaldehyde sea water buffered solution. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area with the wire length. Mesozooplankton abundance: The collected material was analysed using the method of Domov (1959). Samples were brought to volume of 25-30 ml depending upon zooplankton density and mixed intensively until all organisms were distributed randomly in the sample volume. After that 5 ml of sample was taken and poured in the counting chamber which is a rectangle form for taxomomic identification and count. Large (> 1 mm body length) and not abundant species were calculated in whole sample. Counting and measuring of organisms were made in the Dimov chamber under the stereomicroscope to the lowest taxon possible. Taxonomic identification was done at the Institute of Oceanology by Kremena Stefanova using the relevant taxonomic literature (Mordukhay-Boltovskoy, F.D. (Ed.). 1968, 1969,1972). Taxon-specific abundance: The collected material was analysed using the method of Domov (1959). Samples were brought to volume of 25-30 ml depending upon zooplankton density and mixed intensively until all organisms were distributed randomly in the sample volume. After that 5 ml of sample was taken and poured in the counting chamber which is a rectangle form for taxomomic identification and count. Copepods and Cladoceras were identified and enumerated; the other mesozooplankters were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level (commonly named as mesozooplankton groups). Large (> 1 mm body length) and not abundant species were calculated in whole sample. Counting and measuring of organisms were made in the Dimov chamber under the stereomicroscope to the lowest taxon possible. Taxonomic identification was done at the Institute of Oceanology by Kremena Stefanova using the relevant taxonomic literature (Mordukhay-Boltovskoy, F.D. (Ed.). 1968, 1969,1972).
The biostratigraphy of Miocene-age sediment samples recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1143 and 1146, South China Sea, is presented. The preservation of the planktonic foraminifers recovered from both sites varies widely, from poor to very good. The volume of biogenic sediment in the >63-µm size fraction also varies considerably, with many samples being dominated by mud. In comparison to shipboard biostratigraphy, based on core catcher analyses with a depth resolution of ~10 m, we analyzed samples from the two stratigraphic columns every 2-3 m (~45- to 93-k.y. resolution). The placement of planktonic foraminifer zonal boundaries was made at a resolution of ~1.5 m at Site 1146 and ~3.0 m at Site 1143. The higher resolution has resulted in significant changes in biostratigraphic zonal boundary locations compared to shipboard results. For the time interval of 5.54-10.49 Ma, the changes in zonation reveal similar age-depth models at both sites, with three segments of changing sedimentation rate through the upper Miocene, though the differences in sedimentation rates at Site 1146 are subtler than those at Site 1143. The boundary between lithologic Units II and III at Site 1146 corresponds to a sharp change in sedimentation rate (58 to 21 m/m.y.) at 15.1 Ma (the first occurrence of Orbulina suturalis). At this site, the interval from 16.4 to 15.1 Ma is characterized by very high mass accumulation rates in the noncarbonate fraction. Above this interval the carbonate fraction becomes increasingly important in the sediment flux to the South China Sea. At Site 1143, sedimentation rates increase from 8 to 99 m/m.y. at 8.6 Ma. This corresponds to a dramatic increase in both carbonate and noncarbonate mass accumulation rates at the site, but no change in lithology.
Lithobiostratigraphic data indicate that the double reflectors on the seismic profile through Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1148 represent two unconformities that coincide, respectively, with the lower/upper Oligocene boundary at ~488 mcd, and Oligocene-Miocene boundary at 460 mcd. Two other unconformities, at ~478 and 472 mcd, respectively, were also identified within the upper Oligocene section. Together they erased a sediment record of about 3 Ma from this locality in a period of very active seafloor spreading. The existence of 32.8 Ma marine sediment at the terminated depth (850 mcd) indicates that the initial breakup of the South China Sea (SCS) was probably during 34-33 Ma, close to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. High sedimentation rates of 60-115 m/my from the much expanded, N350 m lower Oligocene section resulted from rifting and rapid subsidence between 33 and 29 Ma. The mid-Oligocene unconformity at ~28.5 Ma, which also occurred in many parts of the Indo-West Pacific region, was probably related to a significant uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau to the west and the initial collision between Indonesia and Australia in the south. A narrowed Indonesian seaway may have accounted for the late Oligocene warming and chalk deposition in the northern South China Sea including the Site 1148 locality. The unconformities and slumps near the Oligocene-Miocene boundary indicate a very unstable tectonic regime, probably corresponding to changes in the rotation of different land blocks and the seafloor spreading ridge from nearly E-W to NE-SW, as recognized earlier at magnetic Anomaly 7. This 25 Ma event also saw the first New Guinea terrane docking at the northern Australian craton. The low sedimentation rate of ~15 m/my in the early to middle Miocene may correspond to another period of rapid seafloor spreading and rapid widespread subsidence that effectively caused sediment source areas to retreat with a rapidly rising sea level. The isostatic nature of these late Oligocene unconformities and slumps with several major collision-uplift events indicate that the rapid changes in the early evolutionary history of the South China Sea were mainly responding to regional tectonic reconfiguration including the uplift-driven southeast extrusion of the Indochina subcontinent.
Some years ago a fossil lake basin was found in the northeastern part of the former Rhine-pied- mont-glacier, situated between the endmoraine system ofthe elassical Riß- andWürm glacia- tions, respectively. The lacustrine sediments contain the pollenflora ofthe Eemian interglacial. They are intensively thrusted. These sediments are eovered by a loam-layer, rieh in elasts. The thickness of this loam-layer varies between at least 170 and 400 cm. It consists in its major part of loess-loam and solifluction material. Yet just on top of the lake sediments mentioned an in- tensively compressed loam, characterized by quarzgrains with all features of glacially pressed material, together with striated elasts is met with. It strongly resembles atil!. Ifthis is true, the stratigraphie division ofthe last glaciation strongly deviates from the hitherto accepted scheme, incorporating an early glacier advance, long before the elassical young-endmoraine systems of the Würm glaciation were formed.