989 resultados para Mason, Stevens Thomson, 1811-1843. Governors--Michigan
Leptodeira um gnero Neotropical de serpentes com nove espcies, dividido em quatro grupos morfolgicos: annulata com as espcies L. annulata (L. a. annulata, L. a. ashmeadi, L. a. cussiliris, L. a. pulchriceps, L. a. rhombifera), L. bakeri, L. maculata, L. frenata (L. f. frenata, L. f. malleisi, L. f. yucatanensis), L. uribei; septentrionalis com L. septentrionalis (L. s. septentrionalis, L. s. larcorum, L. s. ornata, L. s. polysticta), L. splendida (L. s. splendida, L. s. bressoni, L. s. ephippiata); nigrofasciata com apenas a espcie L. nigrofasciata; e grupo punctata representado por L. punctata. Na ltima reviso taxonmica do gnero, vrias espcies foram consideradas como subespcies, sendo caracterizadas principalmente com base no padro de cor. No entanto, recentes anlises moleculares no corroboraram o arranjo taxonmico proposto anteriormente. As duas espcies com distribuio geogrfica mais ampla e maior nmero de subespcies, L. annulata e L. septentrionalis, no tiveram monofila validada. Na mais recente proposta filogentica de Leptodeira, a monofilia do complexo L. annulata/septentrionalis foi obtida a partir de caracteres moleculares, sendo recuperados dois clados geograficamente distintos: um clado Norte presente no sul da Amrica do Norte e norte da Amrica Central (L. s. polysticta ((L. rubricata - L. a. rhombifera) ((L. a. cussiliris - L. maculata) L. a. cussiliris))); e outro clado Sul-americano presente no sul da Amrica Central e toda Amrica do Sul ((L. s. ornataL. a. annulata) (L. s. ornata (L. bakeri (L. a. ashmeadiL. a. annulata)))). Neste trabalho, apresento uma hiptese filogentica para Leptodeira e reviso taxonomicamente o clado Sul do complexo L. annulata/septentrionalis, apresentando um novo arranjo taxonmico para o grupo. Desta forma, a presente tese est organizada em: Introduo Geral, onde foram apresentadas informaes sobre taxonomia e sistemtica de Leptodeira, especialmente do complexo L. annulata/septentrionalis; Captulo 1 intitulado Anlise filogentica de Leptodeira (Serpentes, Dipsadidae), com o objetivo de propor uma hiptese filogentica para o gnero, com base em caracteres moleculares; e o Captulo 2 intitulado Taxonomia das espcies do clado Sul do complexo L. annulata/septentrionalis (Serpentes, Dipsadidae), que teve como objetivo caracterizar morfologicamente os clados obtidos a partir da anlise molecular e propor um novo arranjo taxonmico para o grupo.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Background: Scorpion envenomations are a major public health problem in Brazil, whose most dangerous cases are attributable to the genus Tityus. This study was designed to compare the clinical and demographic features of envenomations by Tityus obscurus in two areas of the state of Para located in the Amazon basin. Were compared demographic findings, local and systemic signs and symptoms of human envenomations caused by T. obscurus that occurred in western and eastern areas of the state.Results: Forty-eight patients with confirmed envenomation by T. obscurus were evaluated from January 2008 to July 2011. Most of them came from the eastern region, where male and female patients were present in similar numbers, while males predominated in the west. Median age groups were also similar in both areas. Most scorpion stings took place during the day and occurred significantly more frequently on the upper limbs. The time between the sting and admission to the health center was less than three hours in both areas. Most eastern patients had local manifestations while in the west, systemic manifestations predominated. Local symptoms were similar in both areas, but systemic signs and symptoms were more common in the west. Symptoms frequently observed at the sting site were local and radiating pain, paresthesia, edema, erythema, sweating, piloerection and burning. The systemic manifestations were significantly higher in patients from the west. Futhermore, neurological symptoms such as general paresthesia, ataxia, dysarthria, myoclonus, dysmetria, and electric shock-like sensations throughout the body were reported only by patients from the west.Conclusion: The present study shows that two regions of Para state differ in the clinical manifestations and severity of confirmed envenomation by T. obscurus which suggests a toxicity variation resulting from the diversity of T. obscurus venom in different areas of the Brazilian Amazon basin, and that T. serrulatus antivenom can be successfully used against T. obscurus.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
A description is provided of the software algorithms developed for the CMS tracker both for reconstructing charged-particle trajectories in proton-proton interactions and for using the resulting tracks to estimate the positions of the LHC luminous region and individual primary-interaction vertices. Despite the very hostile environment at the LHC, the performance obtained with these algorithms is found to be excellent. For t (t) over bar events under typical 2011 pileup conditions, the average track-reconstruction efficiency for promptly-produced charged particles with transverse momenta of p(T) > 0.9GeV is 94% for pseudorapidities of vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.9 and 85% for 0.9 < vertical bar eta vertical bar < 2.5. The inefficiency is caused mainly by hadrons that undergo nuclear interactions in the tracker material. For isolated muons, the corresponding efficiencies are essentially 100%. For isolated muons of p(T) = 100GeV emitted at vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1.4, the resolutions are approximately 2.8% in p(T), and respectively, 10 m m and 30 mu m in the transverse and longitudinal impact parameters. The position resolution achieved for reconstructed primary vertices that correspond to interesting pp collisions is 10-12 mu m in each of the three spatial dimensions. The tracking and vertexing software is fast and flexible, and easily adaptable to other functions, such as fast tracking for the trigger, or dedicated tracking for electrons that takes into account bremsstrahlung.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Wallace Stevens produziu uma poesia considerada difcil, distante da dico fragmentria do primeiro Eliot tanto quanto da imagstica de William Carlos Williams, apesar de compartilhar com o ltimo o interesse pelas coisas como elas so. Sua dico potica se caracterizou muito mais pelo interesse quase filosfico na relao entre imaginao e realidade, interesse que o levou a considerar a primeira, a rainha das faculdades segundo Baudelaire, como uma forma de metafsica. Expurgando dela os resqucios romnticos subjetivizantes e dotando-a de capacidade de abstrao e generalizao, Stevens lhe d envergadura de ontologia, na medida em que ela possibilita ao poeta tanto a apreenso das particularidades do mundo real quanto o desenvolvimento do pensamento lgico em direo a uma fenomenologia da percepo. Esta concepo e prtica potica se acentuou ao longo da trajetria potica de Stevens e embora a crtica note algum excesso retrico nos poemas de maturidade, a sua capacidade inicial de sntese notvel em Harmonium, seu livro de estria (1923) retomada nos poemas da fase final de sua produo, como mostaremos na anlise do poema O percurso de um particular, publicado aps a morte do poeta, em 1955.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Contexto: descrito caso clnico de farmacodermia grave e de alta letalidade, cujo reconhecimento imediato fundamental. Relato decaso: Paciente do sexo masculino de trs anos de idade, cuja me refere histrico de crises convulsivas, consultou-se com neurologistaparticular, que prescreveu cido valproico. Uma semana depois, voltou a ter crise convulsiva, sendo ento introduzida lamotrigina.Poucos dias depois, a criana comeou apresentar tosse e coriza hialina. Procurou pronto-socorro de sua cidade e foi orientada a usarfluimucil. Iniciou, ento, febre e exantema mculo-papular inicialmente na face, que depois se generalizou. Foi levantada a hiptesediagnstica de farmacodermia secundria associao de anticonvulsivante. Discusso: Sndrome de Stevens-Johnson e necrliseepidrmica txica so variantes do mesmo processo mucocutneo agudo, raro e grave, causado principalmente por reao adversaa frmacos e caracterizado por erupo cutnea macular de padro eritematoso, formao de bolhas de contedo sero-hemtico edestacamento epidrmico. As afeces so diferenciadas pela porcentagem de superfcie corprea acometida, sendo menor que10% na sndrome de Stevens-Johnson, e maior que 30% na necrlise epidrmica txica. O prognstico pode ser estimado atravs doescore Severity Illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SCORTEN), que prev mortalidade de at 90% para os casos mais graves.O tratamento consiste na interrupo imediata da droga, transferncia do paciente para unidade de queimados ou unidade de terapiaintensiva, e medidas de suporte. Terapias adjuvantes, como imunoglobulinas intravenosas e corticosteroides, ainda no tm papelconsolidado na literatura. Concluses: Relata-se afeco rara e extremamente grave cuja suspeio clnica importante na conduodo tratamento.
ObjectiveTo identify major environmental and farm management factors associated with the occurrence of tuberculosis (TB) on cattle farms in northeastern Michigan. DesignCase-control study. Sample Population17 cattle farms with infected cattle and 51 control farms. ProcedureEach case farm (laboratory confirmed diagnosis of Mycobacterium bovis infection) was matched with 2 to 4 control farms (negative whole-herd test results within previous 12 months) on the basis of type of farm (dairy or beef) and location. Cattle farm data were collected from in-person interviews and mailed questionnaires. Wildlife TB data were gathered through state wildlife surveillance. Environmental data were gathered from a satellite image-based geographic information system. Multivariable conditional logistic regression for matched analysis was performed. ResultsMajor factors associated with increased farm risk of TB were higher TB prevalence among wild deer and cattle farms in the area, herd size, and ponds or creeks in cattle housing areas. Factors associated with reduced farm risk of TB were greater amounts of natural open lands in the surrounding area and reducing deer access to cattle housing areas by housing cattle in barns, barnyards, or feedlots and use of electrified wire or barbed wire for livestock fencing. Conclusions and Clinical RelevanceResults suggest that certain environmental and management factors may be associated with risk of TB on cattle farms.
In 1975, a wild white-tailed deer infected with bovine tuberculosis was shot in the northeastern Lower Peninsula, Michigan. The shooting of a second infected deer in the same area in 1994 triggered ongoing disease surveillance in the region. By 2002, bovine tuberculosis had been confirmed in 12 Michigan counties: from 449 deer; two elk; 41 non-cervid wildlife; one captive cervid facility and 28 cattle herds. We analyzed geographic spread of disease since the surveillance began and investigated factors influencing the prevalence of disease within the infected area. These analyses reveal that 78 percent of tuberculous deer came from within a 1560 km2 'core' area, within which the prevalence of apparent disease averaged 2.5 percent. Prevalence declined dramatically outside of the core and was an order of magnitude lower 30 km from its boundary. This prevalence gradient was highly significant (P<0.0001) and did not alter over the 6 year surveillance period (P= 0.98). Within the core, deer density and supplemental feeding by hunters were positively and independently correlated with tuberculosis prevalence in deer. Together, these two factors explained 55 percent of the variation in prevalence. We conclude that bovine tuberculosis was already well established in the deer population in 1994, that the infected area has not expanded significantly since that time, and that deer over-abundance and food supplementation have both contributed to ongoing transmission of disease. Managers are currently enforcing prohibitions on deer feeding in the core and are working to lower deer numbers there through increased hunting pressure.
Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) was discovered in northern Michigan white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in 1994, and has been known to exist in Michigan cattle herds since 1998. Despite efforts to eradicate the disease in cattle, infection and re-infection of farms continues to occur, suggesting transmission among cattle, deer, or other wildlife reservoirs. The goals of this study were to document wildlife activity on farms and evaluate the possible role wildlife play in the ecology of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in Michigan. Visual observations were conducted on farms in a 5-county area of northern Michigan to document direct wildlife-cattle interactions (i.e., <5 m between individuals) and indirect interactions (e.g., wildlife visitations to food stores and areas accessible to cattle). Observations were conducted primarily during evening and early morning hours between January and August, 2002, and on a 24-hour schedule between January and August, 2003. Total observation time accumulated through the duration of the study was 1,780 hours. Results indicated that direct interaction between deer and cattle was a rare event; no direct interactions were observed during the first year, and only one direct interaction was observed during the second year. However, through the duration of the study 21 direct interactions were documented between cattle and turkey, and 11 direct interactions were documented between cattle and mammals other than deer. In total, 273 indirect interactions by deer, 112 indirect interactions by turkeys, and 248 indirect interactions by mammals other than deer were observed during the 2 field seasons combined. These data supported the hypothesis that indirect interactions among wildlife and cattle are a potential mechanism for the transmission of TB in Michigan. If direct interactions were important mechanisms of TB transmission to cattle in northern Michigan, my data suggested that feral cats were the species of most concern, even though there were more observations between turkey and cattle. Unlike cats, which can become infected with and transmit TB, there is no evidence for such pathogenesis in turkey.
Surveillance and control activities related to bovine tuberculosis (TB) in free-ranging, Michigan white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have been underway for over a decade, with significant progress. However, foci of higher TB prevalence on private lands and limited agency ability to eliminate them using broad control strategies have led to development and trial of new control strategies, such as live trapping, testing, and culling or release. Such strategies require a prompt, accurate live animal test, which has thus far been lacking. We report here the ability of seven candidate blood assays to determine the TB infection status of Michigan deer. Our aims were twofold: to characterize the accuracy of the tests using field-collected samples and to evaluate the feasibility of the tests for use in a test-and-cull strategy. Samples were collected from 760 deer obtained via five different surveys conducted between 2004 and 2007. Blood samples were subjected to one or more of the candidate blood assays and evaluated against the results of mycobacterial culture of the cranial lymph nodes. Sensitivities of the tests ranged from 46% to 68%, whereas specificities and negative predictive values were all .92%. Positive predictive values were highly variable. An exploratory analysis of associations among several host and sampling-related factors and the agreement between blood assay and culture results suggested these assays were minimally affected. This study demonstrated the capabilities and limitations of several available blood tests for Mycobacterium bovis on specimens obtained through a variety of field surveillance methods. Although these blood assays cannot replace mass culling, information on their performance may prove useful as wildlife disease managers develop innovative methods of detecting infected animals where mass culling is publicly unacceptable and cannot be used as a control strategy.
A 4.5 yr-old male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) killed by a hunter during the 1994 firearm hunting season in northeastern Michigan (USA) had lesions suggestive of tuberculosis and was positive on culture for Mycobacterium bovis the causative agent for bovine tuberculosis. Subsequently, a survey of 354 hunter-harvested white-tailed deer for tuberculosis was conducted in this area from 15 November 1995 through 5 January 1996. Heads and/or lungs from deer were examined grossly and microscopically for lesions suggestive of bovine tuberculosis. Gross lesions suggestive of tuberculosis were seen in 15 deer. Tissues from 16 deer had acid-fast bacilli on histological examination and in 12 cases mycobacterial isolates from lymph nodes and/or lungs were identified as M. bovis. In addition, lymph nodes from 12 deer (11 females and 1 male) without gross or microscopic lesions were pooled into 1 sample from which M. bovis was cultured. Although more male (9) than female (3) deer had bovine tuberculosis infections, this difference was not statistically significant. Mycobacterium bovis culture positive deer ranged in age from 1.5 to 5.5 yr with a mean of 2.7 yr (median 2.5 yr) for males and 3.2 yr (median 3.5 yr) for females. This appears to be the first epidemic occurrence of M. bovis in free-ranging cervids in North America. A combination of environmental (high deer density and poor quality habit) and management-related factors (extensive supplemental feeding) may be responsible for this epizootic.