984 resultados para Marques Rebelo
Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar os resultados obtidos no contexto do projeto de pesquisa, cujo objetivo foi definir uma infraestrutura de software para implantação de um portal de integração e interoperabilidade de serviços desenvolvidos pela Embrapa Informática Agropecuária denominado WebAgritec.
Cultivares de girassol consorciadas com milho na transição Agreste / Sertão (Agreste/Sertão). O presente trabalho, verificou-se que, em média, o milho consorciado produziu cerca de 3 vezes mais que o girassol solteiro e quase 5 vezes mais que o girassol consorciado.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi, portanto, caracterizar morfológica, física e quimicamente e, classificar conforme o SiBCS, solos com caráter alítico na Zona da Mata Norte do Estado de Alagoas.
O potencial pedoclimático de ambientes para culturas agrícolas depende, além das condições de solo e clima, da geologia, do relevo (topografia) e de fatores biológicos, associados às exigências das culturas. Este trabalho foi realizado em parceria entre a Embrapa Solos UEP-Recife e a Secretaria de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Agrário do Estado de Alagoas - SEAGRI-AL. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial pedoclimático do Estado de Alagoas para a cultura do milho (Zea Mays L.). Os resultados deste trabalho são apresentados considerando três mesorregiões: 1) Leste alagoano, compreendendo o Litoral e Mata Atlântica, 2) Sertão alagoano porção Oeste do estado, 3) Agreste, porção transicional entre as mesorregiões do Leste e Sertão alagoanos, conforme estabelecido pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Na obtenção do potencial pedoclimático, as informações do potencial dos solos, obtidos considerando dois níveis tecnológicos para o manejo das terras e das culturas (média tecnologia ou Manejo B, e alta tecnologia ou Manejo C), foram cruzadas com aquelas obtidas para a aptidão climática considerando três cenários pluviométricos: anos chuvosos, anos regulares e anos secos. O cruzamento das informações foi realizado por meio de técnicas de geoprocessamento com o auxílio do software ArcGis, obtendo-se os mapas do potencial pedoclimático. O resultado das interpretações foi organizado em quatro classes de potencial pedoclimático: Preferencial, Médio, Baixo e Muito Baixo. Os resultados indicam que a extensão territorial das classes de potencial pedoclimático apresenta variações importantes em função do nível de manejo adotado e do cenário pluviométrico considerado. Em geral, as áreas com potencial Preferencial estão localizadas nas mesorregiões do Agreste e do Leste Alagoano, onde as condições de solo e de clima são mais favoráveis para o cultivo de milho, com amplitude de 174 km2 a 4.077 km2, o que corresponde a 1% e 15% da área total do estado. Os ambientes com potencial Médio têm ocorrência dispersa nas diferentes regiões do estado, variando de 6.080 km2 a 13.750 km2, compreendendo 25% a 49% da área total, com os maiores valores no manejo com média tecnologia (Manejo B). As áreas que apresentam o potencial Baixo e o Muito Baixo localizam-se, em sua maior parte, na região Oeste do estado, sobretudo no Sertão, onde as limitações de solo e de clima semiárido são mais intensas. Os referidos potenciais também ocorrem na zona úmida costeira, principalmente nos ambientes onde o relevo impõe fortes restrições de uso e manejo do solo e da cultura, independentemente do nível de manejo considerado. Com adoção de alta tecnologia ocorre maior abrangência da classe de potencial pedoclimático Preferencial para a cultura do milho, principalmente na Mesorregião do Agreste, com maior percentual de ocorrência para o cenário pluviométrico regular.
Background: the impact of early postnatal androgen exposure on female laryngeal tissue may depend on certain characteristics of this exposure. We assessed the impact of the dose, duration, and timing of early androgen exposure on the vocal development of female subjects who had been treated for adrenocortical tumor (ACT) in childhood.Methods: the long-term effects of androgen exposure on the fundamental vocal frequency (F0), vocal pitch, and final height and the presence of virilizing signs were examined in 9 adult (age, 18.4 to 33.5 years) and 10 adolescent (13.6 to 17.8 years) female ACT patients. We also compared the current values with values obtained 0.9 years to 7.4 years after these subjects had undergone ACT surgery, a period during which they had shown normal androgen levels.Results: of the 19 subjects, 17 (89%) had been diagnosed with ACT before 4 years of age, 1 (5%) at 8.16 years, and 1 (5%) at 10.75 years. Androgen exposure (2 to 30 months) was sufficiently strong to cause pubic hair growth in all subjects and clitoromegaly in 74% (14/19) of the subjects, but did not reduce their height from the target value. Although androgen exposure induced a remarkable reduction in F0 (132 Hz) and moderate pitch virilization in 1 subject and partial F0 virilization, resulting in F0 of 165 and 169 Hz, in 2 subjects, the majority had normal F0 ranging from 189 to 245 Hz.Conclusions: Female laryngeal tissue is less sensitive to androgen exposure between birth and adrenarche than during other periods. Differential larynx sensitivity to androgen exposure in childhood and F0 irreversibility in adulthood are age-, concentration-, duration-, and timing-dependent events that may also be affected by exposure to inhibitory or stimulatory hormones. Further studies are required to better characterize each of these factors.
Objective. To compare the voice performance of children involved in street labor with regular children using perceptual-auditory and acoustic analyses.Methods. A controlled cross-sectional study was carried out on 7- to 10-year-old children of both genders. Children from both groups lived with their families and attended school regularly; however, child labor was evident in one group and not the other. A total of 200 potentially eligible street children, assisted by the Child Labor Elimination Programme (PETI), and 400 regular children were interviewed. Those with any vocal discomfort (106, 53% and 90, 22.5%) had their voices assessed for resonance, pitch, loudness, speech rate, maximum phonation time, and other acoustic measurements.Results. A total of 106 street children (study group [SG]) and 90 regular children (control group [CG]) were evaluated. the SG group demonstrated higher oral and nasal resonance, reduced loudness, a lower pitch, and a slower speech rate than the CG. the maximum phonation time, fundamental frequency, and upper harmonics were higher in the SG than the CG. Jitter and shimmer were higher in the CG than the SG.Conclusion. Using perceptual-auditory and acoustic analyses, we determined that there were differences in voice performance between the two groups, with street children having better quality perceptual and acoustic vocal parameters than regular children. We believe that this is due to the procedures and activities performed by the Child Labor Elimination Program (PETI), which helps children to cope with their living conditions.
Background: Despite being the third largest tobacco producer in the world, Brazil has developed a comprehensive tobacco control policy that includes a broad restriction on both advertising and smoking in indoor public places, compulsory pictorial warning labels, and a menthol cigarette ban. However, tax and pricing policies have been developed slowly and only very recently were stronger measures implemented. This study investigated the expected responses of smokers to hypothetical price increases in Brazil.Methods: We analyzed smokers' responses to hypothetical future price increases according to sociodemographic characteristics and smoking conditions in a multistage sample of Brazilian current cigarette smokers aged >= 14 years (n = 500). Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between possible responses and different predictors.Results: in most subgroups investigated, smokers most frequently said they would react to a hypothetical price increase by taking up alternatives that might have a positive impact on health, i.e., they would try to stop smoking (52.3%) or smoke fewer cigarettes (46.8%). However, a considerable percentage responded that they would use alternatives that would reduce the effect of price increases, such as the same brand with lower cost (48.1%). After controlling for sex age group (14-19, 20-39, 40-59, and >= 60 years), schooling level (>= 9 versus <= 9 years), number of cigarettes per day (>20 versus <= 20), and stage of change for smoking cessation (precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation), lower levels of dependence were positively associated with the response I would try to stop smoking (odds ratio [OR], 2.19). Young age was associated with I would decrease the number of cigarettes (OR, 3.44). A low schooling level was strongly associated with all responses.Conclusions: Taxes and prices increases have great potential to stimulate cessation or reduction of cigarette consumption further among two important vulnerable populations of smokers in Brazil: young smokers and those of low educational level. the results from the present study also suggest that seeking illegal products may reduce the impact of increased taxes, but does not eliminate it.