797 resultados para Machine Learning Algorithms
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrónica e de Computadores
Text Mining has opened a vast array of possibilities concerning automatic information retrieval from large amounts of text documents. A variety of themes and types of documents can be easily analyzed. More complex features such as those used in Forensic Linguistics can gather deeper understanding from the documents, making possible performing di cult tasks such as author identi cation. In this work we explore the capabilities of simpler Text Mining approaches to author identification of unstructured documents, in particular the ability to distinguish poetic works from two of Fernando Pessoas' heteronyms: Alvaro de Campos and Ricardo Reis. Several processing options were tested and accuracies of 97% were reached, which encourage further developments.
Recently, there has been a growing interest in the field of metabolomics, materialized by a remarkable growth in experimental techniques, available data and related biological applications. Indeed, techniques as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Gas or Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Infrared and UV-visible spectroscopies have provided extensive datasets that can help in tasks as biological and biomedical discovery, biotechnology and drug development. However, as it happens with other omics data, the analysis of metabolomics datasets provides multiple challenges, both in terms of methodologies and in the development of appropriate computational tools. Indeed, from the available software tools, none addresses the multiplicity of existing techniques and data analysis tasks. In this work, we make available a novel R package, named specmine, which provides a set of methods for metabolomics data analysis, including data loading in different formats, pre-processing, metabolite identification, univariate and multivariate data analysis, machine learning, and feature selection. Importantly, the implemented methods provide adequate support for the analysis of data from diverse experimental techniques, integrating a large set of functions from several R packages in a powerful, yet simple to use environment. The package, already available in CRAN, is accompanied by a web site where users can deposit datasets, scripts and analysis reports to be shared with the community, promoting the efficient sharing of metabolomics data analysis pipelines.
Kernel-Functions, Machine Learning, Least Squares, Speech Recognition, Classification, Regression
Informe de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en el Équipe de Recherche en Syntaxe et Sémantique de la Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, Francia, entre julio y setiembre de 2006. En la actualidad existen diversos diccionarios de siglas en línea. Entre ellos sobresalen Acronym Finder, Abbreviations.com y Acronyma; todos ellos dedicados mayoritariamente a las siglas inglesas. Al igual que los diccionarios en papel, este tipo de diccionarios presenta problemas de desactualización por la gran cantidad de siglas que se crean a diario. Por ejemplo, en 2001, un estudio de Pustejovsky et al. mostraba que en los abstracts de Medline aparecían mensualmente cerca de 12.000 nuevas siglas. El mecanismo de actualización empleado por estos recursos es la remisión de nuevas siglas por parte de los usuarios. Sin embargo, esta técnica tiene la desventaja de que la edición de la información es muy lenta y costosa. Un ejemplo de ello es el caso de Abbreviations.com que en octubre de 2006 tenía alrededor de 100.000 siglas pendientes de edición e incorporación definitiva. Como solución a este tipo de problema, se plantea el diseño de sistemas de detección y extracción automática de siglas a partir de corpus. El proceso de detección comporta dos pasos; el primero, consiste en la identificación de las siglas dentro de un corpus y, el segundo, la desambiguación, es decir, la selección de la forma desarrollada apropiada de una sigla en un contexto dado. En la actualidad, los sistemas de detección de siglas emplean métodos basados en patrones, estadística, aprendizaje máquina, o combinaciones de ellos. En este estudio se analizan los principales sistemas de detección y desambiguación de siglas y los métodos que emplean. Cada uno se evalúa desde el punto de vista del rendimiento, medido en términos de precisión (porcentaje de siglas correctas con respecto al número total de siglas extraídas por el sistema) y exhaustividad (porcentaje de siglas correctas identificadas por el sistema con respecto al número total de siglas existente en el corpus). Como resultado, se presentan los criterios para el diseño de un futuro sistema de detección de siglas en español.
This work covers two aspects. First, it generally compares and summarizes the similarities and differences of state of the art feature detector and descriptor and second it presents a novel approach of detecting intestinal content (in particular bubbles) in capsule endoscopy images. Feature detectors and descriptors providing invariance to change of perspective, scale, signal-noise-ratio and lighting conditions are important and interesting topics in current research and the number of possible applications seems to be numberless. After analysing a selection of in the literature presented approaches, this work investigates in their suitability for applications information extraction in capsule endoscopy images. Eventually, a very good performing detector of intestinal content in capsule endoscopy images is presented. A accurate detection of intestinal content is crucial for all kinds of machine learning approaches and other analysis on capsule endoscopy studies because they occlude the field of view of the capsule camera and therefore those frames need to be excluded from analysis. As a so called “byproduct” of this investigation a graphical user interface supported Feature Analysis Tool is presented to execute and compare the discussed feature detectors and descriptor on arbitrary images, with configurable parameters and visualized their output. As well the presented bubble classifier is part of this tool and if a ground truth is available (or can also be generated using this tool) a detailed visualization of the validation result will be performed.
Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used to explain and predict species ranges and environmental niches. They are most commonly constructed by inferring species' occurrence-environment relationships using statistical and machine-learning methods. The variety of methods that can be used to construct SDMs (e.g. generalized linear/additive models, tree-based models, maximum entropy, etc.), and the variety of ways that such models can be implemented, permits substantial flexibility in SDM complexity. Building models with an appropriate amount of complexity for the study objectives is critical for robust inference. We characterize complexity as the shape of the inferred occurrence-environment relationships and the number of parameters used to describe them, and search for insights into whether additional complexity is informative or superfluous. By building 'under fit' models, having insufficient flexibility to describe observed occurrence-environment relationships, we risk misunderstanding the factors shaping species distributions. By building 'over fit' models, with excessive flexibility, we risk inadvertently ascribing pattern to noise or building opaque models. However, model selection can be challenging, especially when comparing models constructed under different modeling approaches. Here we argue for a more pragmatic approach: researchers should constrain the complexity of their models based on study objective, attributes of the data, and an understanding of how these interact with the underlying biological processes. We discuss guidelines for balancing under fitting with over fitting and consequently how complexity affects decisions made during model building. Although some generalities are possible, our discussion reflects differences in opinions that favor simpler versus more complex models. We conclude that combining insights from both simple and complex SDM building approaches best advances our knowledge of current and future species ranges.
Neuroimaging techniques provide valuable tools for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease (AD), monitoring disease progression and evaluating responses to treatment. There is currently a wide array of techniques available including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and, for recording electrical brain activity, electroencephalography (EEG). The choice of technique depends on the contrast between tissues of interest, spatial resolution, temporal resolution, requirements for functional data and the probable number of scans required. For example, while PET, CT and MRI can be used to differentiate between AD and other dementias, MRI is safer and provides better contrast of soft tissues. Neuroimaging is a technique spanning many disciplines and requires effective communication between doctors requesting a scan of a patient or group of patients and those with technical expertise. Consideration and discussion of the most suitable type of scan and the necessary settings to achieve the best results will help ensure appropriate techniques are chosen and used effectively. Neuroimaging techniques are currently expanding understanding of the structural and functional changes that occur in dementia. Further research may allow identification of early neurological signs ofAD, before clinical symptoms are evident, providing the opportunity to test preventative therapies. CombiningMRI and machine learning techniques may be a powerful approach to improve diagnosis ofAD and to predict clinical outcomes.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la National University of Singapore Singapur, entre juliol i octubre del 2007. Donada l'explosió de la música a l'internet i la ràpida expansió de les col•leccions de música digital, un repte clau en l'àrea de la informació musical és el desenvolupament de sistemes de processament musical eficients i confiables. L'objectiu de la investigació proposada ha estat treballar en diferents aspectes de l'extracció, modelatge i processat del contingut musical. En particular, s’ha treballat en l'extracció, l'anàlisi i la manipulació de descriptors d'àudio de baix nivell, el modelatge de processos musicals, l'estudi i desenvolupament de tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic per a processar àudio, i la identificació i extracció d'atributs musicals d'alt nivell. S’han revisat i millorat alguns components d'anàlisis d'àudio i revisat components per a l'extracció de descriptors inter-nota i intra-nota en enregistraments monofónics d'àudio. S’ha aplicat treball previ en Tempo a la formalització de diferents tasques musicals. Finalment, s’ha investigat el processat d'alt nivell de música basandonos en el seu contingut. Com exemple d'això, s’ha investigat com músics professionals expressen i comuniquen la seva interpretació del contingut musical i emocional de peces musicals, i hem usat aquesta informació per a identificar automàticament intèrprets. S’han estudiat les desviacions en paràmetres com to, temps, amplitud i timbre a nivell inter-nota i intra-nota.
Distribution of socio-economic features in urban space is an important source of information for land and transportation planning. The metropolization phenomenon has changed the distribution of types of professions in space and has given birth to different spatial patterns that the urban planner must know in order to plan a sustainable city. Such distributions can be discovered by statistical and learning algorithms through different methods. In this paper, an unsupervised classification method and a cluster detection method are discussed and applied to analyze the socio-economic structure of Switzerland. The unsupervised classification method, based on Ward's classification and self-organized maps, is used to classify the municipalities of the country and allows to reduce a highly-dimensional input information to interpret the socio-economic landscape. The cluster detection method, the spatial scan statistics, is used in a more specific manner in order to detect hot spots of certain types of service activities. The method is applied to the distribution services in the agglomeration of Lausanne. Results show the emergence of new centralities and can be analyzed in both transportation and social terms.
Estudio e implantación de algoritmos de recomendación, búsqueda, ranking y aprendizaje.
Mejora diagnóstica de hepatopatías de afectación difusa mediante técnicas de inteligencia artificial
The automatic diagnostic discrimination is an application of artificial intelligence techniques that can solve clinical cases based on imaging. Diffuse liver diseases are diseases of wide prominence in the population and insidious course, yet early in its progression. Early and effective diagnosis is necessary because many of these diseases progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. The usual technique of choice for accurate diagnosis is liver biopsy, an invasive and not without incompatibilities one. It is proposed in this project an alternative non-invasive and free of contraindications method based on liver ultrasonography. The images are digitized and then analyzed using statistical techniques and analysis of texture. The results are validated from the pathology report. Finally, we apply artificial intelligence techniques as Fuzzy k-Means or Support Vector Machines and compare its significance to the analysis Statistics and the report of the clinician. The results show that this technique is significantly valid and a promising alternative as a noninvasive diagnostic chronic liver disease from diffuse involvement. Artificial Intelligence classifying techniques significantly improve the diagnosing discrimination compared to other statistics.