942 resultados para Learning teacher training


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Los docentes de los distintos ciclos del sistema educativo que están comenzando su vida profesional,si permanecen en esta actividad, trabajarán durante los próximos treinta o cuarentaaños con personas que vivirán parte de su vida en el siglo XXII. Este hecho constituye un puntode reflexión para los educadores quienes recibimos nuestra formación básica en el sigloXX, estamos desarrollando nuestro trabajo en el XXI, y tenemos la responsabilidad de preparara individuos para que puedan construir un mañana que ya es hoy (Millán y Sancho, 1995).Aquí comienza el interés de nuestros grupos de investigación por explorar cómo los hombresy las mujeres que han salido en los últimos años de las facultades de formación del profesorado,con las especialidades de educación infantil y primaria, aprenden a ser docentes. Cómose han ido constituyendo y posicionando como maestros y maestras durante la formación inicial y los primeros años de su vida profesional...


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...


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El canon para la formación literaria y la educación literaria en primaria son algunos de los contenidos principales de la asignatura 'Didáctica de la literatura infantil y juvenil" que se imparte en el grado de Educación Primaria de la Universitat de Barcelona. La propuesta de innovación educativa que presentamos consiste en el diseño e implementación de una secuencia formativa dirigida a estos alumnos para ampliar el intertexto lector mediante la lectura y análisis de un corpus de minificciones hipertextuales (Zavala, 2007; Landow, 2009) relacionadas con la literatura de base folklórica y de autor del canon de educación primaria de primeras lenguas. El corpus elegido pertenece al libro Catàleg de monstres (2012) de Masó, minificciones que apelan a la intertextualidad mediante la combinación de múltiples recursos literarios. Palabras clave: Formación inicial de maestros, competencia lectoliteraria, minificción, literatura infantil y juvenil. ENGLISH SUMMARY Fragmented Hypertexts: a proposal to develop literacy competence in initial teacher training Literary canon for primary children and literature education are some of the main contents of the subject 'Teaching of Children's Literature' taught in the Primary Education degree at the University of Barcelona. The proposed educational innovation we present is the design of a teaching sequence targeted to these students to expand their reader intertextuality by reading and analysing hypertext mini fictions (Zavala, 2007; Landow, 2009) related to basic folk literature from the primary school literary canon. The corpus chosen is from the book Catàleg de monstres (2012), written by Masó, selected mini fictions constantly appealing to intertextuality through the combination of multiple literarcy resources. Key words: Folk literature, teacher training of primary education, hypertext mini fictions, literary competence.


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El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar diversos sistemas de evaluación formativa implantados en asignaturas de grado y máster adscritas a facultades de formación del profesorado. Para lograr este propósito, se lleva a cabo un plan de trabajo que adopta el formato de un estudio de casos múltiple. En cada uno de estos casos, los informadores son, por un lado, el profesorado responsable de la asignatura y, por otro, los estudiantes que han realizado las actividades de enseñanza y aprendizaje y que incluso han participado en su evaluación y calificación. Se han utilizado diferentes instrumentos de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo con la intención de identificar las características principales de los sistemas de evaluación formativa implantados y de constatar los indicadores que permitirán establecer en qué grado los sistemas de evaluación formativa y participativa estudiados son pertinentes y aportan resultados creíbles. Los resultados indican que la credibilidad de estos sistemas de evaluación, además de las calificaciones, también depende de otros indicadores como la calidad del feedback proporcionado por el agente evaluador (docente o estudiante) durante la resolución de las actividades de evaluación, el empoderamiento y la capacidad de estos sistemas para contribuir al desarrollo profesional de los estudiantes. La principal conclusión que se desprende de este estudio se refiere al hecho de que las calificaciones académicas no pueden ser consideradas como el único factor a tener en cuenta para valorar la conveniencia de la evaluación formativa y participativa en docencia universitaria. En este sentido, el principal indicador de la credibilidad de un sistema de evaluación es su capacidad para aportar evidencias del fomento y la adquisición de aprendizajes profundos y competenciales.


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En el marco de las competencias profesionales del educador musical, la creatividad ocupa una posición que a menudo ha sido definida como sistémica. La labor del educador y/o formador en el aula de música requiere, de forma genérica, el despliegue de competencias que incorporen la creatividad. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un trabajo realizado con dos muestras de alumnos, de tercer curso de magisterio y de un curso postgrado. Se ofrecen y se analizan los datos recogidos con la finalidad de desplegar un mapa que integre competencias creativas genéricas, específicas y disciplinares


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This paper presents and discusses governmental approaches to teacher training introduced in 1990, whose focus is the education of chemistry teachers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish the relationship between legal aspects and background needs present in the Brazilian educational context, taking into account that the last two decades has seen a significant increase in the chemistry licensure courses offered by higher education institutions in Brazil. Discussing these aspects of chemistry teachers provides a reflection on the real background needs for this group of professionals.


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This paper presents the results of a study involving current teachers of the chemistry teaching curricular components of twelve Chemistry licentiate courses at state universities in the South and South-east of Brazil. The aim was to analyse how these curricular components can work together to address environmental issues in Chemistry teacher-training. From analysis of the interviews, it can be ascertained for example that environmental themes in the curricular components analysed are treated with differing levels of intensity and perspectives, and in some cases, have a more illustrative character regarding chemistry concepts.


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This review seeks to present a brief history of the philosophy of chemistry and the major issues discussed in the framework of this emerging discipline of philosophy of science, such as the question of physicalist reductionism and physical and chemical causality. In this vein, it also addresses the current debate over relevant issues of chemical world such as atomic orbitals, molecular structure, chemical bonding, models and explanations, as well as the foundations of the periodic table. Finally, the importance of the link between the philosophy of chemistry and chemistry education is analyzed, especially in relation to teacher training.


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We developed and applied an educational instrument (ID) to discuss, in the discipline of Supervised Pre Service Teachers Practice 1, guidelines for teacher education to redefine teacher knowledge with a specific focus on chemistry teachers. The study used methodological fundamentals of Discursive Textual Analysis that involves identifying and isolating a set of materials subjected to analysis, categorizing these statements and producing texts, integrating these descriptions and interpretations, basing its construction on the category system built. Data were collected through participant observation and text readings used by the students in performing the activity. It was noted that the chemistry teachers trained were able to express opinions that indicated the Construction of Meanings Interface that was the category of analysis established a priori.


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This work deals with communities of practice and their contribution to pre-service teacher training. A group of eight pre-service chemistry teachers was accompanied during their participation in the PIBID program. Based on their interaction in planning teaching activities, the group was characterized as a community of practice. For this characterization the three dimensions of communities of practice were observed: mutual engagement, joint enterprise and shared repertoire. The results showed that the community of practice was essential for the training of pre-service chemistry teachers. Through community practice, pre-service teachers were able to learn more about their future practice as chemistry teachers.


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This research aims to identify the reasons that lead students to pursue a specific course of chemistry teacher training, i.e., their perspectives on the course and the teaching career, and if they are motivated by trainers to become basic education (BE) teachers. It was concluded that most students did not want to be teachers of BE. They identified through the social context of the course that the teachers focused on the area of chemistry teaching sought to motivate them for this career, whereas the teachers of these specific areas of chemistry encouraged them to seek other career opportunities.


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This paper presents results of a content analysis of the formative professional profile of undergraduates within the context of Brazil's expansion of its federal education system and implementing of teacher training policies. The analysis focuses on the conceptions of undergraduates regarding elements of their initial training and professional perspectives, as recorded in narratives, interviews, and questionnaires. Based on the relationships identified between the recorded content and the Educational Course Project, we identified three categories of analysis that point to tensions generated during the professional development of chemistry teachers: 1) The relationship between pedagogical knowledge and chemical knowledge; 2) the conceptual aspects of science education, as represented by the different ways that students understand the "ionization process"; and 3) teaching identity, including the elements indicative of the identity construction of future teachers. The results indicate that the educational and professional profile of undergraduates is marked by a particular tension between chemical content knowledge and pedagogical content, as well as a lack of objectivity and focus on the course's original intent. This situation has produced a multifaceted training context in which there is confusion regarding aspects relating to the licensing, teaching modalities, and preparation of the chemistry education professional.


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This study aims to investigate the pedagogical knowledge of Higher Education Chemistry teachers. From the perspective of qualitative research, questionnaires were given, there was documentary analysis and were interviewed twenty-six teachers of the Institute of Chemistry of an institution of state public higher education of São Paulo. Discussed the relevance of pedagogic disciplines in Postgraduate courses and participation in monitoring programs and teacher training in higher education teacher formation. It was found that most teachers lack pedagogical training and some do not show interest in the subject, but look for ways to overcome the difficulties encountered. The results obtained demonstrate the urgency to rethink and reorganize the PostGraduate courses before the real need for training of teachers for higher education.


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