976 resultados para Larynx (Diseases of, Treatment of)


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Fire blight, caused by the gram negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is one of the most destructive bacterial diseases of Pomaceous plants. Therefore, the development of reliable methods to control this disease is desperately needed. This research investigated the possibility to interfere, by altering plant metabolism, on the interactions occurring between Erwinia amylovora, the host plant and the epiphytic microbial community in order to obtain a more effective control of fire blight. Prohexadione-calcium and trinexapac-ethyl, two dioxygenase inhibitors, were chosen as a chemical tool to influence plant metabolism. These compounds inhibit the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases and, therefore, they greatly influence plant metabolism. Moreover, dioxygenase inhibitors were found to enhance plant resistance to a wide range of pathogens. In particular, dioxygenase inhibitors application seems a promising method to control fire blight. From cited literature, it is assumed that these compounds increase plant defence mainly by a transient alteration of flavonoids metabolism. We tried to demonstrate, that the reduction of susceptibility to disease could be partially due to an indirect influence on the microbial community established on plant surface. The possibility to influence the interactions occurring in the epiphytic microbial community is particularly interesting, in fact, the relationships among different bacterial populations on plant surface is a key factor for a more effective biological control of plant diseases. Furthermore, we evaluated the possibility to combine the application of dioxygenase inhibitors with biological control in order to develop an integrate strategy for control of fire blight. The first step for this study was the isolation of a pathogenic strain of E. amylovora. In addition, we isolated different epiphytic bacteria, which respond to general requirements for biological control agents. Successively, the effect of dioxygenase inhibitors treatment on microbial community was investigated on different plant organs (stigmas, nectaries and leaves). An increase in epiphytic microbial population was found. Further experiments were performed with aim to explain this effect. In particular, changes in sugar content of nectar were observed. These changes, decreasing the osmotic potential of nectar, might allow a more consistent growth of epiphytic bacteria on blossoms. On leaves were found similar differences as well. As far as the interactions between E. amylovora and host plant, they were deeply investigated by advanced microscopical analysis. The influence of dioxygenase inhibitors and SAR inducers application on the infection process and migration of pathogen inside different plant tissues was studied. These microscopical techniques, combined with the use of gpf-labelled E. amylovora, allowed the development of a bioassay method for resistance inducers efficacy screening. The final part of the work demonstrated that the reduction of disease susceptibility observed in plants treated with prohexadione-calcium is mainly due to the accumulation of a novel phytoalexins: luteoforol. This 3-deoxyflavonoid was proven to have a strong antimicrobial activity.


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La salute orale dei soggetti affetti da patologie sistemiche responsabili di disabilità fisiche e/o psichiche, in particolare in età evolutiva, è un obiettivo da perseguire di primaria importanza al fine di migliorare la qualità della vita del bambino e garantirgli un buon inserimento nel contesto sociale. Ricerche sperimentali e cliniche hanno individuato i momenti eziopatogenetici delle diverse problematiche che si riscontrano a carico del cavo orale, con una frequenza superiore nei pazienti disabili rispetto alla restante popolazione, attribuendo ai batteri formanti la placca e a quelli con la capacità di indurre un danno parodontale un ruolo chiave. Diversi sono stati i protocolli di prevenzione e terapia proposti nel tempo, costruiti proprio in relazione all’età del soggetto ed alla tipologia della disabilità; tuttavia risulta di fondamentale importanza chiarire il complesso rapporto tra la popolazione microbica orale e l'ospite nello stato di malattia. In un contesto del genere, intento del lavoro di ricerca è proprio quello di portare a termine un progetto di bonifica dentaria su un gruppo di pazienti in età compresa tra i 2 e i 17 anni, affetti da patologie sistemiche e patologie del cavo orale, sulla base di un profilo microbiologico, a partire da tamponi salivari e prelievi parodontali. Stilando il profilo microbiologico del “gruppo campione” e confrontandolo con quello di un gruppo di pazienti di controllo, lo studio si propone di riuscire a delineare i miglioramenti, qualora ci fossero, post terapia odontostomatologica e di riuscire a trovare una base microbiologica alle patologie extra -orali annesse.


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Most genetic diseases of the lymphohematopoietic system, including hemoglobinopathies, can now be diagnosed early in gestation. However, as yet, prenatal treatment is not available. Postnatal therapy by hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation from bone marrow, mobilized peripheral blood, or umbilical cord blood is possible for several of these diseases, in particular for the hemoglobinopathies, but is often limited by a lack of histocompatible donors, severe treatment-associated morbidity, and preexisting organ damage that developed before birth. In-utero transplantation of allogeneic HSC has been performed successfully in various animal models and recently in humans. However, the clinical success of this novel treatment is limited to diseases in which the fetus is affected by severe immunodeficiency. The lack of donor cell engraftment in nonimmunocompromised hosts is thought to be due to immunologic barriers, as well as to competitive fetal marrow population by host HSCs. Among the possible strategies to circumvent allogeneic HLA barriers, the use of gene therapy by genetically corrected autologous HSCs in the fetus is one of the most promising approaches. The recent development of strategies to overcome failure of efficient transduction of quiescent hematopoietic cells using new vector constructs and transduction protocols opens new perspectives for gene therapy in general, as well as for prenatal gene transfer in particular. The fetus might be especially susceptible for successful gene therapy approaches because of the developing, expanding hematopoietic system during gestation and the immunologic naiveté early in gestation, precluding immune reaction towards the transgene by inducing tolerance. Ethical issues, in particular regarding treatment safety, must be addressed more closely before clinical trials with fetal gene therapy in human pregnancies can be initiated.


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The purpose of this chapter is to give a practical and clinically-orientated overview over the best radiological imaging for the most frequent diseases of the hepato-pancreatico-biliary system. For this purpose the liver parenchyma, the biliary tree, the pancreas and the hepatic vasculature are dealt with separately. According to the presumed pathology, the most cost-saving and time-efficient radiological imaging can then be chosen.


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Pneumococcal meningitis is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Brain damage caused by this disease is characterized by apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, a morphological correlate of learning deficits in experimental paradigms. The mood stabilizer lithium has previously been found to attenuate brain damage in ischemic and inflammatory diseases of the brain. An infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis was used to investigate the neuroprotective and neuroregenerative potential of lithium. To assess an effect on the acute disease, LiCl was administered starting five days prior to intracisternal infection with live Streptococcus pneumoniae. Clinical parameters were recorded, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was sampled, and the animals were sacrificed 42 hours after infection to harvest the brain and serum. Cryosections of the brains were stained for Nissl substance to quantify brain injury. Hippocampal gene expression of Bcl-2, Bax, p53, and BDNF was analyzed. Lithium concentrations were measured in serum and CSF. The effect of chronic lithium treatment on spatial memory function and cell survival in the dentate gyrus was evaluated in a Morris water maze and by quantification of BrdU incorporation after LiCl treatment during 3 weeks following infection. In the hippocampus, LiCl significantly reduced apoptosis and gene expression of Bax and p53 while it increased expression of Bcl-2. IL-10, MCP-1, and TNF were significantly increased in animals treated with LiCl compared to NaCl. Chronic LiCl treatment improved spatial memory in infected animals. The mood stabilizer lithium may thus be a therapeutic alternative to attenuate neurofunctional deficits as a result of pneumococcal meningitis.


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Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is caused by feline coronaviruses (FCoVs) and represents one of the most important lethal infectious diseases of cats. To date, there is no efficacious prevention and treatment, and our limited knowledge on FIP pathogenesis is mainly based on analysis of experiments with field isolates. In a recent study, we reported a promising approach to study FIP pathogenesis using reverse genetics. We generated a set of recombinant FCoVs and investigated their pathogenicity in vivo. The set included the type I FCoV strain Black, a type I FCoV strain Black with restored accessory gene 7b, two chimeric type I/type II FCoVs and the highly pathogenic type II FCoV strain 79-1146. All recombinant FCoVs and the reference strain isolates were found to establish productive infections in cats. While none of the type I FCoVs and chimeric FCoVs induced FIP, the recombinant type II FCoV strain 79-1146 was as pathogenic as the parental isolate. Interestingly, an intact ORF 3c was confirmed to be restored in all viruses (re)isolated from FIP-diseased animals.


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Malnutrition is a common problem in oncologic diseases influencing treatment outcomes, treatment complications, quality of life and survival. The potential role of malnutrition has not yet systematically been studied in neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN), which due to growing prevalence and additional therapeutic options provide an increasing clinical challenge for diagnosis and management. The aim of this cross-sectional observational study, which included a long-term follow-up, was therefore to define the prevalence of malnutrition in 203 patients with NEN using various methodological approaches and to analyze the short- and long-term outcome of malnourished patients. A detailed subgroup analysis was also performed to define risk factors for poorer outcome. By applying malnutrition screening scores 21-25% of NEN-patients were at risk of or demonstrated manifest malnutrition. This was confirmed by anthropometric measurements, determination of serum surrogate parameters such as albumin and bioelectrical impedance analysis particularly phase angle α. Length of hospital stay (LoS) was significantly longer in malnourished NEN-patients while long-term overall survival was highly significantly reduced. Patients with high-grade (G3) neuroendocrine carcinomas, progressive disease and undergoing chemotherapy were at particular risk for malnutrition associated with a poorer outcome. Multivariate analysis confirmed the important and highly significant role of malnutrition as an independent prognostic factor for NEN besides proliferative capacity (G3-NEC). Malnutrition is therefore an underrecognized problem in NEN-patients, which should systematically be diagnosed by widely available standard methods such Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS) score, serum albumin levels and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and treated to improve both short- and long-term outcomes.


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Developing countries suffer from an array of diseases, of which the developed world is unfamiliar. In order to facilitate the development of community interventions and streamline NGO partnership, needs assessments in targeted areas are conducted. The purpose of this assessment was to attain baseline descriptive data to further understand the needs of the village of Robit, Ethiopia. A trained team collected data from Austin based non-profit Water to Thrive (W2T) on June 1st and 2nd, 2011 through focus groups, key informant interviews, and individual surveys. Qualitative and quantitative data were paired to affirm the results of one another through triangulation. The results identified an apparent need for health intervention and education. Malaria, water-borne disease, respiratory issues (asthma, Upper respiratory tract infections), and maternal and child health were among the evident problems in Robit. There was a clear need for midwife training as well as water sanitation, latrine building, and general illness treatment. Poor road conditions and annual flooding of Robit plays an important role in the poor health and lack of food security of the village. While some evidence of social desirability and recall bias was found in the interview and survey data, the triangulation of findings provided important insights and validity to the needs assessment. ^


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Objetivou-se fazer um estudo retrospectivo avaliando quais as afecções da cavidade oral foram mais frequentes nos gatos domésticos atendidos no Laboratório de Odontologia Comparada da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, relatando estatisticamente a prevalência das afecções da cavidade oral de gatos, enfatizando se há correlação entre elas e com características como raça, sexo, faixa etária e estado reprodutivo. Os dados analisados dos 754 prontuários foram raça, idade, sexo, estado reprodutivo, diagnóstico, tratamento e, no caso de neoplasia, sua localização e diagnóstico histopatológico. As principais doenças diagnosticadas foram doença periodontal, fratura dentária, gengivoestomatite crônica felina, lesão de reabsorção dentária felina, neoplasia oral e traumatismo do sistema estomatognático (luxação de articulação temporomandibular, fenda palatina, fratura de processo coronoide, fratura de zigomático, disjunção de sínfise, fratura de maxila e mandíbula). A idade dos animais variou de menos de um ano a 20 anos, sendo que, os animais tinham, em média 7,2 anos (desvio padrão = 4,9) e a faixa etária mais frequente foi de um a cinco anos. Os gatos sem raça definida (66,5%), siameses (19,0%) e persas (10,2%) totalizaram 95,7% de todos os felinos atendidos no LOC. A doença periodontal foi a afecção mais frequente e esteve presente em 38,3% da população estudada. A fratura dentária, segunda mais frequente, esteve presente em 27,2% dos animais. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa (p=0,026) entre fratura dentária e faixa etária, já que a proporção de animais entre um e cinco anos de idade com fratura foi maior do que a das outras faixas etárias. A lesão de reabsorção dentária felina (LRDF) esteve presente em 19,6% dos gatos estudados, sendo a terceira afecção mais prevalente dentre as pesquisadas. Esta lesão foi mais frequente em gatos com idade entre 11 e 15 anos e houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a LRDF e a doença periodontal e entre LRDF e gengivite. A prevalência de gengivoestomatite crônica felina foi de 15,7% entre os felinos pesquisados e a proporção de animais com idades entre seis e dez anos com esta doença foi maior do que em outras faixas etárias. As neoplasias estavam presentes em 9,8% dos gatos, sendo que em 46 dos 72 animais que apresentaram alguma neoplasia tinham mais de dez anos de idade. O carcinoma de células escamosas foi o neoplasma mais comum, correspondendo a 63,2% das neoformações que foram submetidas ao exame histopatológico. As fraturas ósseas do sistema estomatognático corresponderam a 19,3% dos atendimentos, sendo a sínfise mentoniana e o corpo da mandíbula os locais mais comuns de fraturas. Concluiu-se que: existe grande variedade de afecções que acometem a cavidade oral de gatos, sendo a doença periodontal, fratura dentária, lesão de reabsorção dentária, gengivite, gengivoestomatite crônica, neoplasias orais e fraturas dos ossos do sistema estomatognático as mais prevalentes delas; é de extrema importância que as anotações nas fichas de atendimento sejam feitas da maneira mais completa possível, para que informações não sejam perdidas


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Title from spine.


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Dr James George Beaney (1828-1891) was a flamboyant and controversial Melbourne surgeon and paediatrician. He was the first in Australia, in 1859, to publish a medical textbook; and the first, in 1873, to publish a paediatric text, Children: their treatment in health and disease. An analysis of four of his published works relating to paediatrics and paediatric surgery establishes his place as a true pioneer in the chronology of children's medicine and welfare in his adopted land. He undertook heroic yet conservative surgery on children, was the first to write in detail about paediatric anaesthesia, and was the pioneer of family planning in Australia. In Children: their treatment in health and disease, he described in detail the supreme importance of breastfeeding, detailed clear practical concepts for the weaning of infants and discussed the diagnosis and management of diseases of the mouth, ears, eyes and teeth of infants. Beaney was shunned by much of the established medical profession because of his self-promoting flamboyance and his egotism. However, an audit of surviving archives and of his published works affords him a place as another, hitherto unacknowledged true pioneer of Australian paediatrics.


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Disease in wildlife raises a number of issues that have not been widely considered in the bioethical literature. However, wildlife disease has major implications for human welfare. The majority of emerging human infectious diseases are zoonotic: that is, they occur in humans by cross-species transmission from animal hosts. Managing these diseases often involves balancing concerns with human health against animal welfare and conservation concerns. Many infectious diseases of domestic animals are shared with wild animals, although it is often unclear whether the infection spills over from wild animals to domestic animals or vice versa. Culling is the standard means of managing such diseases, bringing economic considerations, animal welfare and conservation into conflict. Infectious diseases are also major threatening processes in conservation biology and their appropriate management by culling, vaccination or treatment raises substantial animal ethics issues. One particular issue of great significance in Australia is an ongoing research program to develop genetically modified pathogens to control vertebrate pests including rabbits, foxes and house mice. Release of any self-replicating GMO vertebrate pathogen gives rise to a whole series of ethical questions. We briefly review current Australian legal responses to these problems. Finally, we present two unresolved problems of general importance that are exemplified by wildlife disease. First, to what extent can or should 'bioethics' be broadened beyond direct concerns with human welfare to animal welfare and environmental welfare? Second, how should the irreducible uncertainty of ecological systems be accounted for in ethical decision making?