995 resultados para Lacoste, Luis Oscar


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OBJECT: Brain tissue acidosis is known to mediate neuronal death. Therefore the authors measured the main parameters of cerebral acid-base homeostasis, as well as their interrelations, shortly after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in humans. METHODS: Brain tissue pH, PCO2, PO2, and/or lactate were measured in 151 patients with severe head injuries, by using a Neurotrend sensor and/or a microdialysis probe. Monitoring was started as soon as possible after the injury and continued for up to 4 days. During the 1st day following the trauma, the brain tissue pH was significantly lower, compared with later time points, in patients who died or remained in a persistent vegetative state. Six hours after the injury, brain tissue PCO2 was significantly higher in patients with a poor outcome compared with patients with a good outcome. Furthermore, significant elevations in cerebral concentrations of lactate were found during the 1st day after the injury, compared with later time points. These increases in lactate were typically more pronounced in patients with a poor outcome. Similar biochemical changes were observed during later hypoxic events. CONCLUSIONS: Severe human TBI profoundly disturbs cerebral acid-base homeostasis. The observed pH changes persist for the first 24 hours after the trauma. Brain tissue acidosis is associated with increased tissue PCO2 and lactate concentration; these pathobiochemical changes are more severe in patients who remain in a persistent vegetative state or die. Furthermore, increased brain tissue PCO2 (> 60 mm Hg) appears to be a useful clinical indicator of critical cerebral ischemia, especially when accompanied by increased lactate concentrations.


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OBJECT: Glycerol is considered to be a marker of cell membrane degradation and thus cellular lysis. Recently, it has become feasible to measure via microdialysis cerebral extracellular fluid (ECF) glycerol concentrations at the patient's bedside. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the ECF concentration and time course of glycerol after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its relationship to patient outcome and other monitoring parameters. METHODS: As soon as possible after injury for up to 4 days, 76 severely head-injured patients were monitored using a microdialysis probe (cerebral glycerol) and a Neurotrend sensor (brain tissue PO2) in uninjured brain tissue confirmed by computerized tomography scanning. The mean brain tissue glycerol concentration in all monitored patients decreased significantly from 206 +/- 31 micromol/L on Day 1 to 9 +/- 3 micromol/L on Day 4 after injury (p < 0.0001). Note, however, that there was no significant difference in the time course between patients with a favorable outcome (Glasgow Outcome Scale [GOS] Scores 4 and 5) and those with an unfavorable outcome (GOS Scores 1-3). Significantly increased glycerol concentrations were observed when brain tissue PO2 was less than 10 mm Hg or when cerebral perfusion pressure was less than 70 mm Hg. CONCLUSIONS: Based on results in the present study one can infer that microdialysate glycerol is a marker of severe tissue damage, as seen immediately after brain injury or during profound tissue hypoxia. Given that brain tissue glycerol levels do not yet add new clinically significant information, however, routine monitoring of this parameter following traumatic brain injury needs further validation.


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Hsp70s mediate protein folding, translocation, and macromolecular complex remodeling reactions. Their activities are regulated by proteins that exchange ADP for ATP from the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) of the Hsp70. These nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) include the Hsp110s, which are themselves members of the Hsp70 family. We report the structure of an Hsp110:Hsc70 nucleotide exchange complex. The complex is characterized by extensive protein:protein interactions and symmetric bridging interactions between the nucleotides bound in each partner protein's NBD. An electropositive pore allows nucleotides to enter and exit the complex. The role of nucleotides in complex formation and dissociation, and the effects of the protein:protein interactions on nucleotide exchange, can be understood in terms of the coupled effects of the nucleotides and protein:protein interactions on the open-closed isomerization of the NBDs. The symmetrical interactions in the complex may model other Hsp70 family heterodimers in which two Hsp70s reciprocally act as NEFs.


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Es war bisher unbekannt, dass die deutschsprachige Musikhistoriographie dem Komponisten Tomás Luis de Victoria relativ viel Beachtung geschenkt hat. Als iberischer Counterpart des Heroen Palestrina spielt er bei der Gestaltung eines Geschichtsbildes der musikalischen Renaissance daher eine viel wichtigere Rolle als bisher vermutet. Die Auseinandersetzung deutscher Musikwissenschaftler mit Victoria spielte eine zentrale Rolle bei der Würdigung des Komponisten durch die spanische Historiographie.


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The capabilities of postmodern biotechnology inevitably lead to questioning if it is morally acceptable to use all possibilities offered by technology. In sport, this very complex issue is dealt with by drawing clear boundaries between naturalness and artificiality. Currently, new biotechnology is constantly being produced and with this, boundaries between naturalness and artificiality, between normal and abnormal, human and hybrid are constantly shifting . “Human enhancement” is a fascinating prism that reflects contemporary questions of participation, justice, equality and the autonomy of the subject in all social fields. The area of elite sports is particularly affected by “human enhancement”, according to the principle of exceeding what has come before, of aiming higher, faster and further. This paper analyses the postulated “naturalness” in the regulative and normalising function in the area of elite sports, in connection with Foucault’s theory of governmentality. The example of the South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius appears to be particularly suited to illustrate current definition difficulties in the area of disabled and non-disabled people in differentiated competitive sports. His is a vivid example of a multifaceted body-sociological analysis of current sport culture and the construction of reality or naturalness in the framework of the discourse of drafting and negotiating the accreditation for sprint competitions of non-disabled athletes, most recently in the London Olympics 2012. Using the case study of Oscar Pistorius, the negotiating processes in relation to the argumentation logic, dynamics and resistance in shifting distinctions are presented in detail using the fundamental documents of the IOC, IPC, CAS and IAAF. Represented through the inclusion and exclusion processes are hierarchies of the body that are (re)consolidated and transformed. The central question emerges as to how the worth of equal opportunity and fairness in regard to “naturalness” can be reconsolidated or transformed.


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BACKGROUND Retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) permits quantification of retinal layer atrophy relevant to assessment of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis (MS). Measurement artefacts may limit the use of OCT to MS research. OBJECTIVE An expert task force convened with the aim to provide guidance on the use of validated quality control (QC) criteria for the use of OCT in MS research and clinical trials. METHODS A prospective multi-centre (n = 13) study. Peripapillary ring scan QC rating of an OCT training set (n = 50) was followed by a test set (n = 50). Inter-rater agreement was calculated using kappa statistics. Results were discussed at a round table after the assessment had taken place. RESULTS The inter-rater QC agreement was substantial (kappa = 0.7). Disagreement was found highest for judging signal strength (kappa = 0.40). Future steps to resolve these issues were discussed. CONCLUSION Substantial agreement for QC assessment was achieved with aid of the OSCAR-IB criteria. The task force has developed a website for free online training and QC certification. The criteria may prove useful for future research and trials in MS using OCT as a secondary outcome measure in a multi-centre setting.


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Erhöhte Depressivität und Ängstlichkeit sowie ein erhöhtes subjektives Belastungserleben sind bei Angehörigen von Menschen mit einer Hirnverletzung häufig. Die vorliegende Pilotuntersuchung widmet sich der Evaluation einer neuartigen Intervention, dem OSCAR Online-Coaching, einer internetbasierten Mehrkomponentenintervention. In einer randomisierten, kontrollierten Pilotstudie mit 35 TeilnehmerInnen wurde ein 16-wöchiges therapeutengeleitetes Selbsthilfeprogramm mit einer Wartekontrollgruppe verglichen. Als primäre Ergebnismasse wurde der Perceived Stress Questionnaire und das Zarit Burden Interview eingesetzt. Intention-to-treat-Analysen der unmittelbaren Effekte direkt nach der Intervention zeigten keine signifikanten Gruppenunterschiede auf den primären und auf sekundären Ergebnismassen. Im 6-Monate Follow-up, nach Zugang der Kontrollgruppe zur Intervention, wurde in der Gesamtstichprobe eine signifikante Reduktion des Caregiver Burden, depressiver Symptome, der Angst, sowie eine Zunahme positiver Emotionen gefunden. Die Zufriedenheit mit dem Programm war gut.