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Ellipticine and its derivatives are a class of molecules that show antitumor and cytotoxic activity with a multimodal mechanism of action. In this paper we report a preliminary Austin Method One (AM1) study of ellipticine and some molecules derived from it. We have observed a relationship between charge density distribution and biological selectivity. A mechanism that could improve cytotoxic activity is proposed.


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Synthesis and X-ray structure of a dinuclear platinum(II) complex with the ligand saccharin(sac) are described. The structure shows two approximately square-planar platinum centers. Each platinum atom is coordinated to one water molecule and three N-bonded saccharinate ligands. The two centers are linked through two potassium atoms. Each potassium atom interacts with six oxygen atoms from hydration and coordinated water molecules and from carbonyl and sulfonate groups of the ligands. It is suggested that, in aqueous solution, the dimeric structure of the complex is dissociated and the monomeric species K[Pt(sac)(3)(H2O)] is formed. The complex was dissolved in water and submitted to in vitro cytotoxic analyses using HeLa cells (human cervix cancer). It was shown that the monomeric complex elicited a potent cytotoxic activity when compared to the vehicle-treated cells. The IC50 value for the monomeric complex is 6.8 mu M, a little bit higher than that obtained for cisplatin. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the capability of an egamma collider to unravel the hadronic content of the photon. The experimental problem for probing the gluonic structure of the photon is that small-x triggers overwhelmingly select soft photons rather than soft gluons in hard photons. We show that the problem can be finessed in experiments where laser back-scattering is used to prepare a source of very hard photons. We illustrate their power for studying the parton distributions of the photon and, specifically, for separating the quark and gluon components in events where dijets, jet-gamma pairs, and heavy quark pairs are produced.


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Samarium doped PbTiO3 (PT:Sm) and pure PbTiO3 (PT) powders were obtained by polymeric precursor method. These powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and theoretical calculations using the CRYSTAL98 program. The effect of the samarium atom is taken into account only indirectly. The experimental models were compared with the cubic (ideal) and tetragonal theoretical models. The structure deformations existent in the experimental compounds were analyzed from the tiny structural differences that lead to perturbations in the crystal orbital splittings. This paper proposes an efficient alternative methodology for defining structural distortions. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The compound di(mu,N-Seta2-2-quinoline-2-thiolate)-bis[(N,N-dimethylbenzylamine-C2,N)palladium(II)] was synthesized and studied by IR, NMR and X-ray diffraction: monoclinic, a = 20.138(3), b = 10.831(1), c = 14.973(2) angstrom, beta = 98.04(1)-degrees, Z = 4, space group P2(1)/c, R = 0.032. The compound is dimeric with the two [Pd(N,N-dimethylbenzylamine)]moieties being connected by the two vicinal bridging eta2-N,S-quinoline-2-thiolate anions in a square-planar coordination geometry for the palladium atoms.


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The duct of the swine sweat gland crosses the dermis and epidermis in sequence. The cells of the dermic segment seem to be related with cellular secretion and absorption. In the epidermic segment of the duct the whole morphology of the cells resembles the cellular morphology of the epidermic cells.


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Structurally the boundary tissue of the vampire bat seminiferous tubuli showed 2 to 5 layers of connective tissue in which elongated contractile cells and lamellar and/or fibrillar collagen were noticed. This boundary tissue forms the seminiferous tubular lamina propria. Its structure was more complex around the seminiferous tubuli near the Capsula testicularis than between the adjacent and contiguous tubuli into the testicular lobuli. The whole ultrastructural organization of the seminiferous lamina propria was described here.


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Structurally the ductuli efferentes of the hamster showed 2 distinct segments, a testicular and an epididymal. Both of these segments were lined by a pseudostratified epithelium, which showed basically non-ciliated and ciliated cells. In the testicular segment a 3rd type of oval dark cells was observed. The ultrastructural characteristics of these cells were presented and discussed in this report.


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The structure of {[(PhCH2)3PO]2H} 2CuCl4 has been shown to contain four [(PhCH 2)3PO]2H+ cations with extremely short O-H-O distances of 2.295, 2.364, 2.394, and 2.404 Å, respectively.


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We investigate the capability of an ey collider to unravel the hadronic content of the photon. The experimental problem for probing the gluonic structure of the photon is that small-x triggers overwhelmingly select soft photons rather than soft gluons in hard photons. We show that the problem can be finessed in experiments where laser back-scattering is used to prepare a source of very hard photons. We illustrate their power for studying the parton distributions of the photon and, specifically, for separating the quark and gluon components in events where dijets, jet-y pairs, and heavy quark pairs are produced.


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The structure of the title compound, [RuCl3(NO)(AsPh3)2], has been determined by X-ray diffraction. The ruthenium atom is octahedrally coordinated with the arsine ligands in the trans configuration. The ν(NO) was found at 1869 cm-1 in the IR spectrum, which is consistent with the linearity of the RuNO bond angle. © 1995.


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The articular disc of the temporomandibular joint was studied in fetuses (16 to 39 weeks of intrauterine life), infants (up to 4 months of age), dentulous adults (aged 30 to 39 years), and completely edentulous adults (aged 60 to 69 years) by scanning electron microscopy. The constituent bundles of collagen fibers were stratified and were oriented anteroposteriorly, laterolaterally, and obliquely in the middle portion of the disc. A ring of laterolateral bundles constituted the main feature of the thick posterior portion. In the anterior portion of the disc, the fibers were anteroposteriorly and obliquely oriented. On the superior and inferior surfaces of the disc, a thin layer of perpendicularly arranged collagen fibers covered the underlying, thick, laterolateral oriented collagen fibers.