830 resultados para Key protections


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cancer is a multistep process that begins with the transformation of normal epithelial cells and continues with tumor growth, stromal invasion and metastasis. The remodeling of the peritumoral environment is decisive for the onset of tumor invasiveness. This event is dependent on epithelial–stromal interactions, degradation of extracellular matrix components and reorganization of fibrillar components. Our research group has studied in a new proposed rodent model the participation of cellular and molecular components in the prostate microenvironment that contributes to cancer progression. Our group adopted the gerbil Meriones unguiculatus as an alternative experimental model for prostate cancer study. This model has presented significant responses to hormonal treatments and to development of spontaneous and induced neoplasias. The data obtained indicate reorganization of type I collagen fibers and reticular fibers, synthesis of new components such as tenascin and proteoglycans, degradation of basement membrane components and elastic fibers and increased expression of metalloproteinases. Fibroblasts that border the region, apparently participate in the stromal reaction. The roles of each of these events, as well as some signaling molecules, participants of neoplastic progression and factors that promote genetic reprogramming during epithelial–stromal transition are also discussed.


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Rykellus anibali n. sp. and Rykellus mineiroi n. sp. are described from adult females and males collected from litter and soil in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. A key for the identification of females of the eight recognisable world species of Rykellus is provided.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Diagnosing oncogenic osteomalacia is still a challenge. The disorder is characterized by osteomalacia caused by renal phosphate wasting and low serum concentration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 occurring in the presence of a tumor that produces high levels of fibroblast growth factor 23. However, it is possible that the disease is much more misdiagnosed than rare. We present the case of a 42-year-old man with a long-term history of undiagnosed progressive muscle weakness. His laboratory results mainly showed low serum phosphate. Surgical removal of a nasal hemangiopericytoma that had been diagnosed five years earlier, brought him to a symptom-free condition. Even though knowing the underlying etiology would explain his osteomalacia, the patient sought medical help from countless physicians for five consecutive years, and only after adequate treatment a rewarding outcome was achieved.


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Key management is a core mechanism to ensure the security of applications and network services in wireless sensor networks. It includes two aspects: key distribution and key revocation. Many key management protocols have been specifically designed for wireless sensor networks. However, most of the key management protocols focus on the establishment of the required keys or the removal of the compromised keys. The design of these key management protocols does not consider the support of higher level security applications. When the applications are integrated later in sensor networks, new mechanisms must be designed. In this paper, we propose a security framework, uKeying, for wireless sensor networks. This framework can be easily extended to support many security applications. It includes three components: a security mechanism to provide secrecy for communications in sensor networks, an efficient session key distribution scheme, and a centralized key revocation scheme. The proposed framework does not depend on a specific key distribution scheme and can be used to support many security applications, such as secure group communications. Our analysis shows that the framework is secure, efficient, and extensible. The simulation and results also reveal for the first time that a centralized key revocation scheme can also attain a high efficiency.


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Key management is a core mechanism to ensure the security of applications and network services in wireless sensor networks. It includes two aspects: key distribution and key revocation. Key distribution has been extensively studied in the context of sensor networks. However, key revocation has received relatively little attention. Existing key revocation schemes can be divided into two categories: centralized key revocation scheme and distributed key revocation scheme. In this paper, we first summarize the current key revocation schemes for sensor networks. Then, we propose an efficient centralized key revocation scheme, KeyRev, for wireless sensor networks. Unlike most proposed key revocation schemes focusing on removing the compromised keys, we propose to use key updating techniques to obsolesce the keys owned by the compromised sensor nodes and thus remove the nodes from the network. Our analyses show that the KeyRev scheme is secure inspite of not removing the pre-distributed key materials at compromised sensor nodes. Simulation results also indicate that the KeyRev scheme is scalable and performs very well in wireless sensor networks.


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Most of the proposed key management protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the literature assume that a single base station is used and that the base station is trustworthy. However, there are applications in which multiple base stations are used and the security of the base stations must be considered. This paper investigates a key management protocol in wireless sensor networks which include multiple base stations. We consider the situations in which both the base stations and the sensor nodes can be compromised. The proposed key management protocol, mKeying, includes two schemes, a key distribution scheme, mKeyDist, supporting multiple base stations in the network, and a key revocation scheme, mKeyRev, used to efficiently remove the compromised nodes from the network. Our analyses show that the proposed protocol is efficient and secure against the compromise of the base stations and the sensor nodes.


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Establishing a conservation tree planting can be a challenge in semiarid regions like western Nebraska, where annual precipitation of 20 inches or less is the norm. Tree planting failure commonly occurs as a result of poor site preparation coupled with inadequate weed and grass control the first three to five years after planting. Effective site preparation begins the year before planting. The results help young trees survive and grow in several ways. This NebGuide explains when and how to do site preparation for conservation tree planting in Western Nebraska.


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Objectives: Limbal stem cells (LSC) are self-renewing, highly proliferative cells in vitro, which express a set of specific markers and in vivo have the capacity to reconstruct the entire corneal epithelium in cases of ocular surface injury. Currently, LSC transplantation is a commonly used procedure in patients with either uni- or bilateral total limbal stem cells deficiency (TLSCD). Although LSC transplantation holds great promise for patients, several problems need to be overcome. In order to find an alternative source of cells that can partially substitute LSC in cornea epithelium reconstruction, we aimed at investigating whether human immature dental pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) would present similar key characteristics as LSC and whether they could be used for corneal surface reconstruction in a rabbit TLSCD model. Materials: We used hIDPSC, which co-express mesenchymal and embryonic stem cell markers and present the capacity to differentiate into derivative cells of the three germinal layers. TLSCD was induced by chemical burn in one eye of rabbits. After 30 days, the opaque tissue formed was removed by superficial keratectomy. Experimental group received undifferentiated hIDPSC, while control group only received amniotic membrane (AM). Both groups were sacrificed after 3 months. Results and conclusions: We have demonstrated, using immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, that hIDPSCs express markers in common with LSC, such as ABCG2, integrin beta 1, vimentin, p63, connexin 43 and cytokeratins 3/12. They were also capable of reconstructing the eye surface after induction of unilateral TLSCD in rabbits, as shown by morphological and immunohistochemical analysis using human-specific antibodies against limbal and corneal epithelium. Our data suggest that hIDPSCs share similar characteristics with LSC and might be used as a potential alternative source of cells for corneal reconstruction.


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An identification key based on characters of the soldier caste is provided for species of Angularitermes. Soldiers of previously described species in the genus, A. clypeatus, A. nasutissimus, A. orestes, A. pinocchio and A. tiguassu, are illustrated along with a new species, Angularitermes coninasus, n. sp., that is described and illustrated from soldier and worker castes. Samples of the new species were collected from epigeal nests at the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. The soldier of A. coninasus, n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners by having a short conical frontal tube, much wider at its base.


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Two new species of Toxophora Meigen are described and illustrated-T. paulistana sp. nov. (Neotropical) and T. azteca sp. nov. (Nearctic and Neotropical). An identification key to the New World species is also presented. Morphological differences between populations of T. aurea Macquart (1848) are recorded, illustrated and added to the key. The new species are easily recognized by: scape with long, yellow scales laterally; presence of yellow scales on mesonotum margins; posterior margin of mesonotum with a pre-scutellar pair of setae; and yellow scales forming thin bands on posterior margins of abdominal tergites in T. paulistana sp. nov., and scape entirely covered with long dark-brown scales and yellow scales forming a broad, longitudinal stripe on center of abdominal tergites III-VII in T. azteca sp. nov.


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Two new species of Jupiaba Zanata are described from Brazil. Jupiaba iasy, new species, is described from rio Teles Pires and rio Jamanxim, tributaries of rio Tapajos, and from rio Aripuana, in the rio Madeira drainage. It is distinguished from its congeners by its color pattern consisting of a single posteriorly displaced dark crescent-shaped humeral blotch, situated over the first 5 to 7 lateral line scales, and an inconspicuous dark spot at the end of caudal peduncle. It also differs from all remaining Jupiaba for the following combination of characters: 34-36 lateral line scales, 19-21 branched anal-fin rays, 8-10 predorsal scales arranged in a regular row, 6 horizontal series of scales above and 4 series below lateral line, body depth 32.3-36.1% of SL, and absence of filamentous rays in the first dorsal and anal-fin rays. Jupiaba paranatinga, new species, is described from rio Teles Pires, tributary of rio Tapajos. It is distinguished by having 34-35 lateral line scales, two vertically elongated humeral blotches, a conspicuous caudal spot at the end of the caudal peduncle, extending over 8-10 median caudal-fin rays, eye diameter 43.7-46.9% of HL, and relatively low body depth (31.3-35.5% of SL). Additionally, comments on the putative relationships of the new species with their congeners and an updated key to the species of the genus are provided.