613 resultados para Karhu, Sami


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This paper aims at devising scenarios for the development of the financial system in the southern and eastern Mediterranean countries (SEMCs), for the 2030 horizon. The results of our simulations indicate that bank credit to the private sector, meta-efficiency and stock market turnover could reach at best 108%, 78% and 121%, respectively, if the SEMCs adopt the best practices in Europe. These scenarios are much higher than those of the present levels in the region but still lower than the best performers in Europe. More specifically, we find that improving the quality of institutions, increasing per capita GDP, opening further capital account and lowering inflation are needed to enable the financial system in the region to converge with those of Europe.


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Casual observation shows that that the financial systems in the southern and eastern Mediterranean are unable (or unwilling) to divert the financial resources that are available to them as funding opportunities to private enterprises. Using a sample of both northern and southern Mediterranean countries for the years 1985 to 2009, this study empirically assesses the reasons underlying such conditions. The results show that strong legal institutions, good democratic governance and adequate implementation of financial reforms can have a substantial positive impact on financial development only when they are present collectively. Moreover, inflation appears to undermine banking development, but less so when the capital account is open. Government debt growth appears to weaken credit growth, which confirms that public debt ‘crowds out’ private debt. Lastly, capital inflows appear to primarily have an income effect, increasing income and thereby national savings, and thus increasing the availability of credit.


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This MEDPRO Technical Report shows that the monetary and exchange rate policies conducted by central banks in the South Mediterranean region display apparent homogeneity in their operational frameworks, albeit with some specificities and differing degrees of advancement. While central banks state that price stability is their ultimate objective, failures to control interest rates as operational objectives of monetary policy result in monetary authorities resorting to quantitative approaches to monetary policy, meaning that monetary aggregates and credit targets are being used as intermediate targets of monetary policy. An econometric exercise limited to Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia) has been conducted to analyse the potential scenarios of convergence and monetary policy coordination. Given the high structural heterogeneity and the slow pace of real convergence due to weak commercial integration in the Maghreb, results nevertheless show alternative dynamics in the integration of effective nominal exchange rates, as well as a complete convergence dynamic in exchange rate policies. Partial convergence of monetary policies regarding the stabilisation of inflation rates remains an open option for a transitional phase where financial integration is low.


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This MEDPRO Technical Report confirms the importance of commercial openness and macroeconomic performance (i.e. the control of inflation and stability of current account balance and exchange rate) on growth dynamics in the south Mediterranean countries. In particular, the positive impact of capital account liberalisation is conditioned by the imperative reinforcement of institutional quality, country risk reduction, and government stability. An examination of the Tunisian case shows that only sectors subject to tariff dismantlement within the framework of the Association Agreement with the EU appear to benefit from capital account liberalisation. Furthermore, the report shows that a scenario of capital account liberalisation requires the anticipation of monetary policy reaction functions. It follows that the mechanisms for interest rate adjustment, or inter alia, the interest rates’ reaction to price fluctuations, are weakly volatile. In turn, the analysis shows that an active control of inflation mismatches occurs essentially through exchange rate corrections, thus highlighting the greater interest central banks have in exchange rate stability over real stability. A capital account liberalisation scenario would hence impose a tightening of monetary policy.


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This paper serves as a background for the International High Level Energy Conference organised by Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations - and the Development Group in Brussels on 10th May 2012


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From the Introduction. In order to address the different challenges and opportunities on energy cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Levant Basin, EGMONT – The Royal Institute for International Relations of Belgium – together with the Atlantic Council, and supported by H. E. Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders, opened an expert dialogue in 2013 in order to look at how the management of the new energy resources could act as a vector of cooperation instead of conflict between the concerned countries. The activities have targeted finding new possibilities for cooperation on political and security challenges, energy infrastructure development, the regulatory and legal framework, environmental concerns, and bilateral and regional structures, in a manner that enhances stability and security in the region, increases European energy security, contributes to rather than hinders a comprehensive Cyprus settlement, and promotes wider regional cooperation.


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L'exposition aux mélanges de contaminants (environnementaux, alimentaires ou thérapeutiques) soulève de nombreuses interrogations et inquiétudes vis-à-vis des probabilités d'interactions toxicocinétiques et toxicodynamiques. Une telle coexposition peut influencer le mode d’action des composants du cocktail et donc de leur toxicité, suite à un accroissement de leurs concentrations internes. Le bisphénol A (4 dihydroxy-2,2-diphenylpropane) est un contaminant chimique répandu de manière ubiquitaire dans notre environnement, largement utilisé dans la fabrication des plastiques avec l’un des plus grands volumes de production à l’échelle mondiale. Il est un perturbateur endocrinien par excellence de type œstrogèno-mimétique. Cette molécule est biotransformée en métabolites non toxiques par un processus de glucuronidation. L'exposition concomitante à plusieurs xénobiotiques peut induire à la baisse le taux de glucuronidation du polluant chimique d'intérêt, entre autres la co-exposition avec des médicaments. Puisque la consommation de produits thérapeutiques est un phénomène grandissant dans la population, la possibilité d’une exposition simultanée est d’autant plus grande et forte. Sachant que l'inhibition métabolique est le mécanisme d'interaction le plus plausible pouvant aboutir à une hausse des niveaux internes ainsi qu’à une modulation de la toxicité prévue, la présente étude visait d'abord à confirmer et caractériser ce type d'interactions métaboliques entre le bisphénol A et le naproxène, qui est un anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdiennes (AINS), sur l'ensemble d'un organe intact en utilisant le système de foie de rat isolé et perfusé (IPRL). Elle visait ensuite à déterminer la cinétique enzymatique de chacune de ces deux substances, seule puis en mélange binaire. Dans un second temps, nous avons évalué aussi l’influence de la présence d'albumine sur la cinétique métabolique et le comportement de ces deux substances étudiées en suivant le même modèle de perfusion in vivo au niveau du foie de rat. Les constantes métaboliques ont été déterminées par régression non linéaire. Les métabolismes du BPA et du NAP seuls ont montré une cinétique saturable avec une vélocité maximale (Vmax) de 8.9 nmol/min/ mg prot de foie et une constante d'affinité de l'enzyme pour le substrat (Km) de 51.6 μM pour le BPA et de 3 nmol/min/mg prot de foie et 149.2 μM pour le NAP. L'analyse des expositions combinées suggère une inhibition compétitive partielle du métabolisme du BPA par le NAP avec une valeur de Ki estimée à 0.3542 μM. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’analyse de risque pour les polluants environnementaux doit donc prendre en considération la consommation des produits pharmaceutiques comme facteur pouvant accroitre le niveau interne lors d’une exposition donnée. Ces données in vivo sur les interactions métaboliques pourraient être intégrées dans un modèle pharmacocinétique à base physiologique (PBPK) pour prédire les conséquences toxicococinétique (TK) de l'exposition d'un individu à ces mélanges chimiques.


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Özege, M. S. Eski harflerle,


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"S 5-iu gravirovannymi tablit͡sami."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Bound with Donner, Otto. Lieder der Lappen. [Helsingfors, 1876].


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Long-period fibre gratings (LPGs) have previously been used to detect quantities such as temperature, strain and refractive index (RI). The responsivity to surrounding refractive index means that, potentially, LPGs could be realised as optical biosensors for applications in biochemical and biomedical application areas. We report here to our best knowledge the first investigation on refractive index sensing properties of LPGs with sol-gel derived titanium and silicon oxide coatings. It is revealed that the RI sensitivity of an LPG is affected by both the thickness and the index value of the coating; the coating with higher index and thickness will enhance the LPG RI sensitivity significantly. The surrounding refractive index induced LPG resonance shift has been evaluated over the LPGs’ most sensitive RI region from 1.42 to 1.44. We have identified that, in this region, the uncoated LPG has an RI sensitivity of (-673.0±0.4)nm/uri (unit of refractive index) while the LPG coated with titanium oxide exhibits a sensitivity as high as (-1067.15±0.04)nm/uri.


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A review of the extant literature concludes that market-driven intangibles and innovations are increasingly considered to be the most critical firm-specific resources, but also finds a lack of elaboration of which types of these resources are most important. In this paper, we incorporate these observations into a conceptual model and link it to highly developed institutional settings for the model evaluation. From the point of view of firm revenue management, we can anticipate that performance advantages created through deployment of intellectual and relational capital in marketing and innovation are more likely to be superior. In essence, they constitute the integration of organisational intangibles both in cognitive and behavioural level to create an idiosyncratic combination for each firm. Our research findings show feasible paths for sharpening the edge of market-driven intangibles and innovations. We discuss the key results for research and practice.