999 resultados para K-arc


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This paper presents the advanced analytical methodologies such as Double- G and Double - K models for fracture analysis of concrete specimens made up of high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete. Brief details about characterization and experimentation of HSC, HSC1 and UHSC have been provided. Double-G model is based on energy concept and couples the Griffith's brittle fracture theory with the bridging softening property of concrete. The double-K fracture model is based on stress intensity factor approach. Various fracture parameters such as cohesive fracture toughness (4), unstable fracture toughness (K-Ic(c)), unstable fracture toughness (K-Ic(un)) and initiation fracture toughness (K-Ic(ini)) have been evaluated based on linear elastic fracture mechanics and nonlinear fracture mechanics principles. Double-G and double-K method uses the secant compliance at the peak point of measured P-CMOD curves for determining the effective crack length. Bi-linear tension softening model has been employed to account for cohesive stresses ahead of the crack tip. From the studies, it is observed that the fracture parameters obtained by using double - G and double - K models are in good agreement with each other. Crack extension resistance has been estimated by using the fracture parameters obtained through double - K model. It is observed that the values of the crack extension resistance at the critical unstable point are almost equal to the values of the unstable fracture toughness K-Ic(un) of the materials. The computed fracture parameters will be useful for crack growth study, remaining life and residual strength evaluation of concrete structural components.


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The capacity region of the 3-user Gaussian Interference Channel (GIC) with mixed strong-very strong interference was established in [1]. The mixed strong-very strong interference conditions considered in [1] correspond to the case where, at each receiver, one of the interfering signals is strong and the other is very strong. In this paper, we derive the capacity region of K-user (K ≥ 3) Discrete Memoryless Interference Channels (DMICs) with a mixed strong-very strong interference. This corresponds to the case where, at each receiver one of the interfering signals is strong and the other (K - 2) interfering signals are very strong. This includes, as a special case, the 3-user DMIC with mixed strong-very strong interference. The proof is specialized to the 3-user GIC case and hence an alternative derivation for the capacity region of the 3-user GIC with mixed strong-very strong interference is provided.


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This work derives inner and outer bounds on the generalized degrees of freedom (GDOF) of the K-user symmetric MIMO Gaussian interference channel. For the inner bound, an achievable GDOF is derived by employing a combination of treating interference as noise, zero-forcing at the receivers, interference alignment (IA), and extending the Han-Kobayashi (HK) scheme to K users, depending on the number of antennas and the INR/SNR level. An outer bound on the GDOF is derived, using a combination of the notion of cooperation and providing side information to the receivers. Several interesting conclusions are drawn from the bounds. For example, in terms of the achievable GDOF in the weak interference regime, when the number of transmit antennas (M) is equal to the number of receive antennas (N), treating interference as noise performs the same as the HK scheme and is GDOF optimal. For K >; N/M+1, a combination of the HK and IA schemes performs the best among the schemes considered. However, for N/M <; K ≤ N/M+1, the HK scheme is found to be GDOF optimal.


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In this paper, we address a physics based closed form model for the energy band gap (E-g) and the transport electron effective mass in relaxed and strained 100] and 110] oriented rectangular Silicon Nanowire (SiNW). Our proposed analytical model along 100] and 110] directions are based on the k.p formalism of the conduction band energy dispersion relation through an appropriate rotation of the Hamiltonian of the electrons in the bulk crystal along 001] direction followed by the inclusion of a 4 x 4 Luttinger Hamiltonian for the description of the valance band structure. Using this, we demonstrate the variation in Eg and the transport electron effective mass as function of the cross-sectional dimensions in a relaxed 100] and 110] oriented SiNW. The behaviour of these two parameters in 100] oriented SiNW has further been studied with the inclusion of a uniaxial strain along the transport direction and a biaxial strain, which is assumed to be decomposed from a hydrostatic deformation along 001] with the former one. In addition, the energy band gap and the effective mass of a strained 110] oriented SiNW has also been formulated. Using this, we compare our analytical model with that of the extracted data using the nearest neighbour empirical tight binding sp(3)d(5)s* method based simulations and has been found to agree well over a wide range of device dimensions and applied strain. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The structure of the Arpropargyl alcohol (ArPA) complex is determined from the rotational spectra of the parent complex and its two deuterated isotopologues, namely ArPA-D(OD) and ArPA-D(CD). The spectra confirm a geometry in which PA exists in the gauche form with Ar located in between OH and CCH groups. All a, b and c types of transitions show small splitting due to some large-amplitude motion dominated by COH torsion, as in the monomer. Splittings in a- and b-type transitions are of the order of a few kilohertz, whereas splitting in the c-type transitions is relatively larger (0.92.6 MHz) and decreases in the order ArPA>ArPA-D(CD)>ArPA-D(OD). The assignments are well supported by ab initio calculations. Atoms in molecules (AIM) and electrostatic potential calculations are used to explore the nature of the interactions in this complex. AIM calculations not only reveal the expected OHAr and Ar interactions in the Argauche-PA complex, but also novel CAr (of CH2OH group) and OHAr interactions in the Artrans-PA complex. Similar interactions are also present in the Armethanol complex.


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Key points center dot Active calcium signal propagation occurs when an initial calcium trigger elicits calcium release through endoplasmic reticulum (ER) receptors. A high concentration of the calcium trigger in thin-calibre dendrites would suppress release of calcium through hippocampal inositol trisphosphate receptors (InsP3Rs). center dot Could the high-density expression of A-type K+ channels in thin-calibre dendrites be a mechanism for inhibiting this suppression, thereby restoring the utility of the ER as a substrate for active calcium propagation? center dot Quantitative analyses involving experimentally constrained models reveal a bell-shaped dependence of calcium released through InsP3Rs on the A-type K+ channel density, during the propagation of a calcium wave. center dot A-type K+ channels regulated the relative contribution of ER calcium to the induction of synaptic plasticity in the presence of model metabotropic glutamate receptors. center dot These results identify a novel form of interaction between active dendrites and the ER membrane and suggest that A-type K+ channels are ideally placed for inhibiting the suppression of InsP3Rs in thin-calibre dendrites. Abstract The A-type potassium current has been implicated in the regulation of several physiological processes. Here, we explore a role for the A-type potassium current in regulating the release of calcium through inositol trisphosphate receptors (InsP3R) that reside on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. To do this, we constructed morphologically realistic, conductance-based models equipped with kinetic schemes that govern several calcium signalling modules and pathways, and constrained the distributions and properties of constitutive components by experimental measurements from these neurons. Employing these models, we establish a bell-shaped dependence of calcium release through InsP3Rs on the density ofA-type potassium channels, during the propagation of an intraneuronal calcium wave initiated through established protocols. Exploring the sensitivities of calcium wave initiation and propagation to several underlying parameters, we found that ER calcium release critically depends on dendritic diameter and that wave initiation occurred at branch points as a consequence of a high surface area to volume ratio of oblique dendrites. Furthermore, analogous to the role ofA-type potassium channels in regulating spike latency, we found that an increase in the density ofA-type potassium channels led to increases in the latency and the temporal spread of a propagating calcium wave. Next, we incorporated kinetic models for the metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) signalling components and a calcium-controlled plasticity rule into our model and demonstrate thatthe presence of mGluRs induced a leftward shift in a BienenstockCooperMunro-like synaptic plasticity profile. Finally, we show that the A-type potassium current could regulate the relative contribution of ER calcium to synaptic plasticity induced either through 900 pulses of various stimulus frequencies or through theta burst stimulation. Our results establish a novel form of interaction between active dendrites and the ER membrane, uncovering a powerful mechanism that could regulate biophysical/biochemical signal integration and steer the spatiotemporal spread of signalling microdomains through changes in dendritic excitability.


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Non-negative matrix factorization [5](NMF) is a well known tool for unsupervised machine learning. It can be viewed as a generalization of the K-means clustering, Expectation Maximization based clustering and aspect modeling by Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA). Specifically PLSA is related to NMF with KL-divergence objective function. Further it is shown that K-means clustering is a special case of NMF with matrix L2 norm based error function. In this paper our objective is to analyze the relation between K-means clustering and PLSA by examining the KL-divergence function and matrix L2 norm based error function.


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Ingots with compositions CrSi2-x (with 0 < x < 0.1) were synthesized by vacuum arc melting followed by uniaxial hot pressing for densification. This paper reports the temperature and composition dependence of the electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal conductivity of CrSi2-x samples in the temperature range of 300 K to 800 K. The silicon-deficient samples exhibited substantial reductions in resistivity and Seebeck coefficient over the measured temperature range due to the formation of metallic secondary CrSi phase embedded in the CrSi2 matrix phase. The thermal conductivity was seen to exhibit a U-shaped curve with respect to x, exhibiting a minimum value at the composition of x = 0.04. However, the limit of the homogeneity range of CrSi2 suppresses any further decrease of the lattice thermal conductivity. As a consequence, the maximum figure of merit of ZT = 0.1 is obtained at 650 K for CrSi1.98.


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We propose a Physical layer Network Coding (PNC) scheme for the K-user wireless Multiple Access Relay Channel, in which K source nodes want to transmit messages to a destination node D with the help of a relay node R. The proposed scheme involves (i) Phase 1 during which the source nodes alone transmit and (ii) Phase 2 during which the source nodes and the relay node transmit. At the end of Phase 1, the relay node decodes the messages of the source nodes and during Phase 2 transmits a many-to-one function of the decoded messages. To counter the error propagation from the relay node, we propose a novel decoder which takes into account the possibility of error events at R. It is shown that if certain parameters are chosen properly and if the network coding map used at R forms a Latin Hypercube, the proposed decoder offers the maximum diversity order of two. Also, it is shown that for a proper choice of the parameters, the proposed decoder admits fast decoding, with the same decoding complexity order as that of the reference scheme based on Complex Field Network Coding (CFNC). Simulation results indicate that the proposed PNC scheme offers a large gain over the CFNC scheme.


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In this paper, we consider the inference for the component and system lifetime distribution of a k-unit parallel system with independent components based on system data. The components are assumed to have identical Weibull distribution. We obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown parameters based on system data. The Fisher information matrix has been derived. We propose -expectation tolerance interval and -content -level tolerance interval for the life distribution of the system. Performance of the estimators and tolerance intervals is investigated via simulation study. A simulated dataset is analyzed for illustration.


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We introduce the class Sigma(k)(d) of k-stellated (combinatorial) spheres of dimension d (0 <= k <= d + 1) and compare and contrast it with the class S-k(d) (0 <= k <= d) of k-stacked homology d-spheres. We have E-1(d) = S-1(d), and Sigma(k)(d) subset of S-k(d) ford >= 2k-1. However, for each k >= 2 there are k-stacked spheres which are not k-stellated. For d <= 2k - 2, the existence of k-stellated spheres which are not k-stacked remains an open question. We also consider the class W-k(d) (and K-k(d)) of simplicial complexes all whose vertex-links belong to Sigma(k)(d - 1) (respectively, S-k(d - 1)). Thus, W-k(d) subset of K-k(d) for d >= 2k, while W-1(d) = K-1(d). Let (K) over bar (k)(d) denote the class of d-dimensional complexes all whose vertex-links are k-stacked balls. We show that for d >= 2k + 2, there is a natural bijection M -> (M) over bar from K-k(d) onto (K) over bar (k)(d + 1) which is the inverse to the boundary map partial derivative: (K) over bar (k)(d + 1) -> (K) over bar (k)(d). Finally, we complement the tightness results of our recent paper, Bagchi and Datta (2013) 5], by showing that, for any field F, an F-orientable (k + 1)-neighbourly member of W-k(2k + 1) is F-tight if and only if it is k-stacked.


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The most common valencies associated with K and O atoms are 1+ and 2-. As a result, one expects K2O to be the oxide of potassium which is the most stable with respect to its constituents. Calculating the formation energy within electronic structure calculations using hybrid functionals, one finds that K2O2 has the largest formation energy, implying the largest stability of this oxide of potassium with respect to its constituents. This is traced to the presence of oxygen dimers in the K2O2 structure which interact strongly resulting in a larger formation energy compared to the more ionic K2O.


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Let k be an integer and k >= 3. A graph G is k-chordal if G does not have an induced cycle of length greater than k. From the definition it is clear that 3-chordal graphs are precisely the class of chordal graphs. Duchet proved that, for every positive integer m, if G m is chordal then so is G(m+2). Brandst `` adt et al. in Andreas Brandsadt, Van Bang Le, and Thomas Szymczak. Duchet- type theorems for powers of HHD- free graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 177(1- 3): 9- 16, 1997.] showed that if G m is k - chordal, then so is G(m+2). Powering a bipartite graph does not preserve its bipartitedness. In order to preserve the bipartitedness of a bipartite graph while powering Chandran et al. introduced the notion of bipartite powering. This notion was introduced to aid their study of boxicity of chordal bipartite graphs. The m - th bipartite power G(m]) of a bipartite graph G is the bipartite graph obtained from G by adding edges (u; v) where d G (u; v) is odd and less than or equal to m. Note that G(m]) = G(m+1]) for each odd m. In this paper we show that, given a bipartite graph G, if G is k-chordal then so is G m], where k, m are positive integers with k >= 4


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Scaling of the streamwise velocity spectrum phi(11)(k(1)) in the so-called sink-flow turbulent boundary layer is investigated in this work. The present experiments show strong evidence for the k(1)(-1) scaling i.e. phi(11)(k(1)) = Lambda(1)U(tau)(2)k(1)(-1), where k(1)(-1) is the streamwise wavenumber and U-tau is the friction velocity. Interestingly, this k(1)(-1) scaling is observed much farther from the wall and at much lower flow Reynolds number (both differing by almost an order of magnitude) than what the expectations from experiments on a zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flow would suggest. Furthermore, the coefficient A(1) in the present sink-flow data is seen to be non-universal, i.e. A(1) varies with height from the wall; the scaling exponent -1 remains universal. Logarithmic variation of the so-called longitudinal structure function, which is the physical-space counterpart of spectral k(1)(-1) scaling, is also seen to be non-universal, consistent with the non-universality of A(1). These observations are to be contrasted with the universal value of A(1) (along with the universal scaling exponent of 1) reported in the literature on zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers. Theoretical arguments based on dimensional analysis indicate that the presence of a streamwise pressure gradient in sink-flow turbulent boundary layers makes the coefficient A(1) non-universal while leaving the scaling exponent -1 unaffected. This effect of the pressure gradient on the streamwise spectra, as discussed in the present study (experiments as well as theory), is consistent with other recent studies in the literature that are focused on the structural aspects of turbulent boundary layer flows in pressure gradients (Harun etal., J. Flui(d) Mech., vol. 715, 2013, pp. 477-498); the present paper establishes the link between these two. The variability of A(1) accommodated in the present framework serves to clarify the ideas of universality of the k(1)(-1) scaling.


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We report detailed evidence for a new paleo-suture zone (the Kumta suture) on the western margin of southern India. The c. 15-km-wide, westward dipping suture zone contains garnet-biotite, fuchsite-haematite, chlorite-quartz, quartz-phengite schists, biotite augen gneiss, marble and amphibolite. The isochemical phase diagram estimations and the high-Si phengite composition of quartz-phengite schist suggest a near-peak condition of c. 18 kbar at c. 550 degrees C, followed by near-isothermal decompression. The detrital SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from quartz-phengite schist give four age populations ranging from 3280 to 2993 Ma. Phengite from quartz-phengite schist and biotite from garnet-biotite schist have K-Ar metamorphic ages of ca. 1326 and ca. 1385 Ma respectively. Electron microprobe-CHIME ages of in situ zircons in quartz-phengite schist (ca. 3750 Ma and ca. 1697 Ma) are consistent with the above results. The Bondla ultramafic-gabbro complex in the west of the Kumta suture compositionally represents an arc with K-Ar biotite ages from gabbro in the range 1644-1536 Ma. On the eastern side of the suture are weakly deformed and unmetamorphosed shallow westward-dipping sedimentary rocks of the Sirsi shelf, which has the following upward stratigraphy: pebbly quartzite/sandstone, turbidite, magnetite iron formation, and limestone; farther east the lower lying quartzite has an unconformable contact with ca. 2571 Ma quartzo-feldspathic gneisses of the Dharwar block with a ca. 1733 Ma biotite cooling age. To the west of the suture is a c. 60-km-wide Karwar block mainly consisting of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) and amphibolite. The TTGs have U-Pb zircon magmatic ages of ca. 3200 Ma with a rare inherited core age of ca. 3601 Ma. The K-Ar biotite cooling age from the TTGs (1746 Ma and 1796 Ma) and amphibolite (ca. 1697 Ma) represents late-stage uplift. Integration of geological, structural and geochronological data from western India and eastern Madagascar suggest diachronous ocean closure during the amalgamation of Rodinia; in the north at around ca. 1380 Ma, and a progression toward the south until ca. 750 Ma. Satellite imagery based regional structural lineaments suggests that the Betsimisaraka suture continues into western India as the Kumta suture and possibly farther south toward a suture in the Coorg area, representing in total a c. 1000 km long Rodinian suture. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.