997 resultados para Joint reconstruction


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A holographic rendering algorithm using a layer-based structure with angular tiling supports view-dependent shading and accommodation cues. This approach also has the advantages of rapid computation speed and visual reduction of layer gap artefacts compared to other approaches. Holograms rendered with this algorithm are displayed using an SLM to demonstrate view-dependent shading and occlusion. © 2013 SPIE-IS&T.


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We demonstrate how the Gaussian process regression approach can be used to efficiently reconstruct free energy surfaces from umbrella sampling simulations. By making a prior assumption of smoothness and taking account of the sampling noise in a consistent fashion, we achieve a significant improvement in accuracy over the state of the art in two or more dimensions or, equivalently, a significant cost reduction to obtain the free energy surface within a prescribed tolerance in both regimes of spatially sparse data and short sampling trajectories. Stemming from its Bayesian interpretation the method provides meaningful error bars without significant additional computation. A software implementation is made available on www.libatoms.org.


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We demonstrate how a prior assumption of smoothness can be used to enhance the reconstruction of free energy profiles from multiple umbrella sampling simulations using the Bayesian Gaussian process regression approach. The method we derive allows the concurrent use of histograms and free energy gradients and can easily be extended to include further data. In Part I we review the necessary theory and test the method for one collective variable. We demonstrate improved performance with respect to the weighted histogram analysis method and obtain meaningful error bars without any significant additional computation. In Part II we consider the case of multiple collective variables and compare to a reconstruction using least squares fitting of radial basis functions. We find substantial improvements in the regimes of spatially sparse data or short sampling trajectories. A software implementation is made available on www.libatoms.org.


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The behaviour of cast-iron tunnel segments used in London Underground tunnels was investigated using the 3-D finite element (FE) method. A numerical model of the structural details of cast-iron segmental joints such as bolts, panel and flanges was developed and its performance was validated against a set of full-scale tests. Using the verified model, the influence of structural features such as caulking groove and bolt pretension was examined for both rotational and shear loading conditions. Since such detailed modelling of bolts increases the computational time when a full scale segmental tunnel is analysed, it is proposed to replace the bolt model to a set of spring models. The parameters for the bolt-spring models, which consider the geometry and material properties of the bolt, are proposed. The performance of the combined bolt-spring and solid segmental models are evaluated against a more conventional shell-spring model. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper outlines necessary and sufficient conditions for network reconstruction of linear, time-invariant systems using data from either knock-out or over-expression experiments. These structural system perturbations, which are common in biological experiments, can be formulated as unknown system inputs, allowing the network topology and dynamics to be found. We assume that only partial state measurements are available and propose an algorithm that can reconstruct the network at the level of the measured states using either time-series or steady-state data. A simulated example illustrates how the algorithm successfully reconstructs a network from data. © 2013 EUCA.


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Previous studies of transonic shock control bumps have often been either numerical or experimental. Comparisons between the two have been hampered by the limitations of either approach. The present work aims to bridge the gap between computational fluid dynamics and experiment by planning a joint approach from the outset. This enables high-quality validation data to be produced and ensures that the conclusions of either aspect of the study are directly relevant to the application. Experiments conducted with bumps mounted on the floor of a blowdown tunnel were modified to include an additional postshock adverse pressure gradient through the use of a diffuser as well as introducing boundary-layer suction ahead of the test section to enable the in-flow boundary layer to be manipulated. This has the advantage of being an inexpensive and highly repeatable method. Computations were performed on a standard airfoil model, with the flight conditions as free parameters. The experimental and computational setups were then tuned to produce baseline conditions that agree well, enabling confidence that the experimental conclusions are relevant. The methods are then applied to two different shock control bumps: a smoothly contoured bump, representative of previous studies, and a novel extended geometry featuring a continuously widening tail, which spans the wind-tunnel width at the rear of the bump. Comparison between the computational and experimental results for the contour bump showed good agreement both with respect to the flow structures and quantitative analysis of the boundary-layer parameters. It was seen that combining the experimental and numerical data could provide valuable insight into the flow physics, which would not generally be possible for a one-sided approach. The experiments and computational fluid dynamics were also seen to agree well for the extended bump geometry, providing evidence that, even though thebumpinteracts directly with the wind-tunnel walls, it was still possible to observe the key flow physics. The joint approach is thus suitable even for wider bump geometries. Copyright © 2013 by S. P. Colliss, H. Babinsky, K. Nubler, and T. Lutz. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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An approach of rapid hologram generation for the realistic three-dimensional (3-D) image reconstruction based on the angular tiling concept is proposed, using a new graphic rendering approach integrated with a previously developed layer-based method for hologram calculation. A 3-D object is simplified as layered cross-sectional images perpendicular to a chosen viewing direction, and our graphics rendering approach allows the incorporation of clear depth cues, occlusion, and shading in the generated holograms for angular tiling. The combination of these techniques together with parallel computing reduces the computation time of a single-view hologram for a 3-D image of extended graphics array resolution to 176 ms using a single consumer graphics processing unit card. © 2014 SPIE and IS and T.


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There is an increasing attention of exploiting compliant materials for the purpose of legged locomotion, because they provide significant advantages in locomotion performance with respect to energy efficiency and stability. Toward establishing a fundamental basis for this line of research, a minimalistic locomotion model of a single legged system is explored in this paper. By analyzing the dynamic behavior of the system in simulation and a physical robotic platform, it is shown that a stable locomotion process can be achieved without the necessity of sensory feedback. In addition, further analysis characterizes the relation between motor control and the natural body dynamics determined by morphological properties such as body mass and spring constant. © 2006 The authors.


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The natural reproduction of grass carp, black carp, silver carp, and bighead will be affected adversely by the Three Gorges Project in the Yangtze River. One of the methods to save the fish is to regulate the water levels, keeping them suited for the species to spawn. Nine factors associated with the scale of larvae-flood of the four species are classified into five levels, and the ranges of these factors producing larvae-floods are given by using the "factor-criteria system reconstruction analysis" method. Moderate beginning water levels and flow, with high daily increases in the rate of water level and flow, and a long duration of water level rising are important for the production of a large larvae-flood.


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Butt joint line-defect-waveguide microlasers are demonstrated on photonic crystal slabs with airholes in a triangular lattice. Such microlaser is designed to increase the output power from the waveguide edge directly. The output power is remarkably enhanced to 214 times higher by introducing chirped structure in the output waveguide. The lasing mode operates in the linear dispersion region of the output waveguide so that the absorption loss due to the band-edge effect is reduced. The laser resonance is illustrated theoretically using the finite difference time domain method. A practical high power efficiency of 20% is obtained in this microlaser. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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A 1.55 mu m InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiple-quantum-well electro-absorption modulator (EAM) monolithically integrated with a distributed feedback laser (DFB) diode has been realized based on a novel butt-joint scheme by ultra-low metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy for the first time. The threshold current of 25 mA and an extinction ratio of more than 30 dB are obtained by using the novel structure. The beam divergence angles at the horizontal and vertical directions are as small as 19.3 degrees x 13 degrees, respectively, without a spot-size converter by undercutting the InGaAsP active region. The capacitance of the ridge waveguide device with a deep mesa buried by polyimide was reduced down to 0.30 pF.