924 resultados para Jay, Martin: Songs of experience
Primero comenzamos por describir la situación global histórica de la transformación del entorno. Luego se describe cómo evoluciona la Educación Ambiental bajo el concepto del desarrollo, constituyéndose como la Educación Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sustentable. Continuamos describiendo la situación de la EA a nivel internacional; se pasa luego al ámbito nacional, teniendo como escenario a México, aquí se hace un análisis del estado que guarda la EA en el país. Después se continua con el ámbito estatal, para lo cual se analiza la situación de la EA en el estado de Zacatecas, en este plano se toca el tema de la participación de las instituciones de educación superior en el intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos para el fortalecimiento de programas de EADS. Luego pasamos a un ámbito municipal, el caso a tratar es el municipio de Monte Escobedo Zacatecas, se hace una descripción general del municipio y se tratan los antecedentes que han motivado este proyecto, para luego pasar a describir el caso específico de la Sierra de Monte Escobedo; a partir de las características de ésta y retomando una propuesta previa de integrar la Sierra al sistema de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de México, se hacen dos propuestas: La primera es sobre el diseño de un Centro de Interpretación y Educación Ambiental; la segunda es para la realización de un Sendero de interpretación. Ambas propuestas pretenden contribuir al aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos y desarrollo de la comunidad.
En la actualidad, la computación de altas prestaciones está siendo utilizada en multitud de campos científicos donde los distintos problemas estudiados se resuelven mediante aplicaciones paralelas/distribuidas. Estas aplicaciones requieren gran capacidad de cómputo, bien sea por la complejidad de los problemas o por la necesidad de solventar situaciones en tiempo real. Por lo tanto se debe aprovechar los recursos y altas capacidades computacionales de los sistemas paralelos en los que se ejecutan estas aplicaciones con el fin de obtener un buen rendimiento. Sin embargo, lograr este rendimiento en una aplicación ejecutándose en un sistema es una dura tarea que requiere un alto grado de experiencia, especialmente cuando se trata de aplicaciones que presentan un comportamiento dinámico o cuando se usan sistemas heterogéneos. En estos casos actualmente se plantea realizar una mejora de rendimiento automática y dinámica de las aplicaciones como mejor enfoque para el análisis del rendimiento. El presente trabajo de investigación se sitúa dentro de este ámbito de estudio y su objetivo principal es sintonizar dinámicamente mediante MATE (Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning Environment) una aplicación MPI empleada en computación de altas prestaciones que siga un paradigma Master/Worker. Las técnicas de sintonización integradas en MATE han sido desarrolladas a partir del estudio de un modelo de rendimiento que refleja los cuellos de botella propios de aplicaciones situadas bajo un paradigma Master/Worker: balanceo de carga y número de workers. La ejecución de la aplicación elegida bajo el control dinámico de MATE y de la estrategia de sintonización implementada ha permitido observar la adaptación del comportamiento de dicha aplicación a las condiciones actuales del sistema donde se ejecuta, obteniendo así una mejora de su rendimiento.
La Facultat de Ciències de la Salut i de la Vida ha utilitzat des de 2004 la metodologia d'aprenentatge basat en problemes (en endavant ABP) com a mètode docent en els seus estudis de Biologia. En aquest període hem après algunes de les claus de l'aplicació del mètode en els nostres estudis. En primer lloc, cal disposar d'elements formatius que afavoreixin la formació dels tutors que participin en el projecte. Per assolir aquest objectiu hem dissenyat un portal on els nostres professors poden disposar de materials útils per a la seva activitat, així com de documents que permetin entendre millor el que suposa l'ABP. En segon lloc, el projecte tenia l'objectiu de dissenyar i avaluar activitats que permetessin integrar les pràctiques de laboratori en la lògica de la resolució de problemes pròpia de l'ABP. En aquest sentit vam dissenyar dues activitats en el tercer curs de la llicenciatura que anomenaren aprenentatge basat en el laboratori (ABL). Per aquest motiu es van dissenyar problemes que tinguessin una primera part de resolució a l'aula en grup de tutoria i una segona que obligués els estudiants a realitzar experiments de laboratori dirigits a entendre i resoldre les qüestions plantejades al grup de tutoria. L'ABL-1 fou un projecte de biologia cel·lular i destinat a aprofundir en els mecanismes implicats en els fenòmens de diferenciació dels miòcits. L'ABL-2 era un projecte conjunt dels professors de Fisiologia vegetal, Bioestadística i Microbiologia. En aquest cas es desitjava que els estudiants plantegessin la resolució a un problema que suposava la manipulació genètica de cèl·lules vegetals per fer possible que produïssin una substància específica, l'escopolamina. Finalment els estudiants havien d'escriure un article original com a projecte final de cada ABL. Els resultats dels dos anys d'experimentació han esta altament satisfactoris, d'acord amb les enquestes completades per alumnes i professors.
During the past 20 years, therapeutic and rehabilitative modalities in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation have been diversified in becoming more specific. We have the possibility to offer individualized rehabilitation programs as well as in the general field of socio-professional goals as in the clinical field according to the patients' needs and personal assets. The content of these programs associates various forms of specialized medical and paramedical services. The indications are established trough a careful assessment. The rehabilitation unit of the University Department of Psychiatry in Lausanne has developed a multidisciplinary assessment method based on the bio-psychosocial integrative model and the vulnerability-stress model in integrating the level of experience of Wood for the analysis of the psychosocial functioning. This results in a structured assessment program, which leads to a multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment (difficulties versus adaptative resources)
La recerca Atenció Primària: una aproximació a l'experiència vital de l'educand com a element educatiu, posa de relleu la importància de l'experiència viscuda en un individu com a element motivador i capacitador de les pròpies expectatives personals, de les ganes de superació en el procés educatiu que s'està duent a terme entre l'educador o educadora i l'educand com a subjecte de l'experiència. El treball que presento vol ser una primera aproximació a un element tan important com és l'experiència vital de l'educand. Preguntes com quin paper juga l'experiència, el record, la posada en pràctica i la seva recuperació, sempre des d'un punt de vista educatiu i no terapèutic, són les que m'he plantejat en la recerca. Exploro com la recuperació d’allò que cadascú viu com a bon saber i posar-lo en pràctica de nou, pot ser un element facilitador en el procés educatiu. Reflexionar sobre unes accions ja realitzades és tornar-les a pensar des d'una memòria reflexiva, perquè no comencem de zero, sinó que comencem des d'aquella acció que en el seu moment ja ens va dur a un resultat positiu. Suposa aprendre a pensar millor, a utilitzar el pensament com un processador de la experiència i la informació. L’educador/a social, en aquesta relació, fa “de mirall” del propi educand, ajudant a sortir-se'n, acompanyant-lo en el recorregut de l'aprenentatge.
The treatment of wounds is a challenge that caregivers of all specialities encounter daily in the care of an ageing population and chronically ill patients. An interdisciplinary group has been created in recent years within the Hospices-CHUV to assist caregivers in their care of patients with wounds. This group has developed a variety of tools to assist decision-making and offers a range of continuing education for those employees involved in wound care. The authors describe the approach of the group and the documents produced during the first two years of experience.
Although a disease of great antiquity, scientific studies of schistosomiasis began only 150 years ago. The complete life-cycle was not described until just before the First World War, making it possible at last to plan proper community control programmes. Inadequate tools prevented their effective implementation until well after the Second World War when new tools became available, thanks to the newly formed World Health Organization. Molluscicides spearheaded control programmes until the late 1970s but were then replaced by the newly developed, safe drugs still used today. Whatever the method used, the initial goal of eradication was, in the light of experience and cost, gradually replaced by less ambitious targets; first to stop transmission and then to reduce morbidity. The most successful programmes combined several methods to minimise reinfection after chemotherapy. Comparisons between different programmes are difficult without using appropriate, standardised diagnostic techniques and the correct epidemiological measurements. Some examples will be presented, mainly from our studies on Schistosoma mansoni in Kenya. Drug resistance on a scale comparable with malaria has not occurred in schistosomiasis but the likely withdrawal of all drugs except praziquantel leaves its control extremely vulnerable to this potential problem. An effective, affordable vaccine for use in endemic countries is unlikely to be ready for at least 5 years, and developing strategies for its use could take a further decade or more, judging from experience with drugs and molluscicides. In the interim, by analogy with malaria, the most cost-effective approach would the use of drugs combined with other methods to stop transmission, including molluscicides. The cost of molluscicides needs to be reduced and fears allayed about their supposedly adverse ecological effects.
The primary purpose of the Cross-Border conference was the pooling of experience and expertise in relation to health promotion initiatives currently being implemented in Northern Ireland and in the Republic. The main focus of the conference was the identification of effective health promotion strategies and projects designed to achieve health gain and social gain for older people in both parts of the island Download the Report here
This series of Good Practice Guides is designed to share important information about health inequalities and some of the evidence-based measures that can be taken to reduce the stark differences in health and wellbeing within populations. It is recognised that leadership and coordinated, effective action at a number of levels can reduce this gap. Ensuring concerted, evidence-based action on health and wellbeing inequalities demands the efforts of government, statutory organisations and the community, voluntary and private sectors. The Good Practice Guides were developed to inform and support joined-up working across these sectors. It is known that health inequalities are closely linked with degrees of social disadvantage and with the unequal distribution of power, income, goods and services. According to the World Health Organization, there are also powerful social and psychological factors and life circumstances that can serve to compound health and wellbeing inequalities. The topics included in the Good Practice Guide series reflect the wider determinants of health and the range of approaches necessary to reduce health inequalities. This first set of three guides is designed, in part, to test their usefulness. There are many other issues and areas where evidence of what works may be needed. It is envisaged that further guides will follow on other issues. All of the guides will be kept under review and amended in light of experience.
Background: In children, video game experience improves spatial performance, a predictor of surgical performance. This study aims at comparing laparoscopic virtual reality (VR) task performance of children with different levels of experience in video games and residents. Participants and methods: A total of 32 children (8.4 to 12.1 years), 20 residents, and 14 board-certified surgeons (total n = 66) performed several VR and 2 conventional tasks (cube/spatial and pegboard/fine motor). Performance between the groups was compared (primary outcome). VR performance was correlated with conventional task performance (secondary outcome). Results: Lowest VR performance was found in children with low video game experience, followed by those with high video game experience, residents, and board-certified surgeons. VR performance correlated well with the spatial test and moderately with the fine motor test. Conclusions: The use of computer games can be considered not only as pure entertainment but may also contribute to the development of skills relevant for adequate performance in VR laparoscopic tasks. Spatial skills are relevant for VR laparoscopic task performance.
Background: Health professionals who care for patients with imported diseases often lack enough training. The aim of the study is to assess the knowledge of Chagas disease among doctors and nurses attending at-risk pregnant women in our province. Method: descriptive study through a performed anonymous and voluntary knowledge questionnaire for 278 physicians and nurses working at maternity and children's health services in the three hospitals in the province. In Poniente Hospital was established in 2007 a program of screening for the disease in pregnant women. For statistical analysis, quantitative variables were described using the mean and standard deviation. For comparison of qualitative variables we used the chi-square test or Fisher exact test as appropriate. Differences in age and years of experience depending on the hospital were measured by Brown-Forsythe robust test. Results: 116 (41.7%) professionals agreed to participate in the study. 80 (69%) were women and 36 (31%)men,mean age 36.78 years. By professional categories, physicians have a mean of 73.9% correct responses, the nurses 50.7%. Poniente Hospital had the highest percentage of correct answers on aspects of the geographical distribution of the disease (73.7%), the mechanisms of transmission (86%) and diagnosis (82.5%). Conclusions: The Poniente Hospital professionals generally have a better Knowledge about Chagas disease compared with two other professionals hospitals, which probably is related to the existence of the screening program for the disease.
Este trabalho versa sobre a análise de rentabilidade através da margem de contribuição e tem por objectivo evidenciar como a margem de contribuição pode ser utilizada pelos gestores, na rentabilidade dos clientes, dos produtos, dos canais de distribuição e dos segmentos de mercado em que as empresas operam. O estudo está assente num referencial teórico que faz incursões nos principais conceitos conexos ao tema principal nomeadamente: análise custo – volume – resultado, métodos apuramento dos resultados na óptica da absorção e da contribuição, e a curva ABC. Na aplicação prática, procurámos utilizar alguns instrumentos de gestão nomeadamente o ponto de equilíbrio, apuramento dos resultados por segmentos de clientes, negócios e territórios de comercialização e a aplicação da curva de experiência ABC. O caso de estudo incide sobre a empresa nacional de moagem (Moave S.A) e restringe-se ao plano de produção e embalagem através do pequeno ensaque. O processo de colecta de dados foi obtido directamente das informações fornecidas pela Direcção da empresa, nomeadamente os produtos a serem embalados, a estrutura de custos, o plano de produção, a capacidade máxima da máquina e o calendário de trabalho diário e mensal. Os resultados evidenciaram que a utilização da margem de contribuição como ferramenta de gestão, constitui um importante instrumento de análise e avaliação da rentabilidade dos produtos, dos clientes, dos canais de distribuição bem como dos territórios de comercialização. This work focuses on the analysis of profitability through contribution margin and aims to highlight the contribution margin can be used by managers, in the profitability of customers, products, distribution channels and market segments in which companies operate. The study is based on the referential theoretical that makes inroads in key concepts related to the main topic, namely: cost analysis – volume – result, methods of clearance results in optical absorption and contribution, and ABC. In practice, we try to use some management tools in the balance, such as breakeven point, clearance of results by segments of customers, business and marketing territories and the application of experience curve ABC. The case study focuses on the national milling company (Moave s.a), and restricts itself to plan production and packaging through small bagging. The process of collecting data was obtained directly from the information provided by the management of the undertaking, in particular the products to be packed, the cost structure, the production plan, the maximum capacity of the machine and the daily work schedule and monthly. The results showed that the use of the contribution margin as a management tool constitutes an important instrument of analysis and assessment of the profitability of products, customers, distribution channels and marketing territories.
One of the disadvantages of old age is that there is more past than future: this,however, may be turned into an advantage if the wealth of experience and, hopefully,wisdom gained in the past can be reflected upon and throw some light on possiblefuture trends. To an extent, then, this talk is necessarily personal, certainly nostalgic,but also self critical and inquisitive about our understanding of the discipline ofstatistics. A number of almost philosophical themes will run through the talk: searchfor appropriate modelling in relation to the real problem envisaged, emphasis onsensible balances between simplicity and complexity, the relative roles of theory andpractice, the nature of communication of inferential ideas to the statistical layman, theinter-related roles of teaching, consultation and research. A list of keywords might be:identification of sample space and its mathematical structure, choices betweentransform and stay, the role of parametric modelling, the role of a sample spacemetric, the underused hypothesis lattice, the nature of compositional change,particularly in relation to the modelling of processes. While the main theme will berelevance to compositional data analysis we shall point to substantial implications forgeneral multivariate analysis arising from experience of the development ofcompositional data analysis…
abstract: Cape Verde is a country of bilingual characteristics, where coexist two languages: the mother tongue – the Creole of Cape Verde (CCV) or the Capeverdian Language (LCV) and the Non Maternal language – the Portuguese that is the official language and, therefore, the language used in the process of education and learning. This situation generates conflicts so much to linguistic level as to cultural level. The two languages presents some lexical resemblances, what drives, many times, to misconceptions and linguistics errors that complicate children in the learning, in particular, of reading that constitute the base for the learning of others knowledge. The learning of reading, in the Non Maternal language, requires a development of the oral language in Portuguese Language, which stimulates the reasoning of the child through playful exercises and cognitivists and construtivists approaches. In this way, the competences of phonological processing in the acquisition of the competences of reading are important for the discrimination of written text and favor the learning and the development of reading. The child, through the discovery, begins to elaborate concepts in the way to obtain a relation with the written language, by functional form. Adopting a methodology of case study and through questionnaires, direct observation and collect of documentary information, this dissertation presents and analyzes connected aspects to the literacy of capeverdian children in the beginning of the schooling and to the learning of reading as basic support for the learning of Non Maternal language. The subsidies collected by the study, presented in this dissertation will contribute for the education progress of reading and, also, for implement successfully the learning of reading of the students, developing to practical of reading and the expectations in uncover the multiplicity of the dimensions of experience in that domain and contribute for a relative comprehension of written and reading modes.
abstract: Cape Verde is a country of bilingual characteristics, where coexist two languages: the mother tongue – the Creole of Cape Verde (CCV) or the Capeverdian Language (LCV) and the Non Maternal language – the Portuguese that is the official language and, therefore, the language used in the process of education and learning. This situation generates conflicts so much to linguistic level as to cultural level. The two languages presents some lexical resemblances, what drives, many times, to misconceptions and linguistics errors that complicate children in the learning, in particular, of reading that constitute the base for the learning of others knowledge. The learning of reading, in the Non Maternal language, requires a development of the oral language in Portuguese Language, which stimulates the reasoning of the child through playful exercises and cognitivists and construtivists approaches. In this way, the competences of phonological processing in the acquisition of the competences of reading are important for the discrimination of written text and favor the learning and the development of reading. The child, through the discovery, begins to elaborate concepts in the way to obtain a relation with the written language, by functional form. Adopting a methodology of case study and through questionnaires, direct observation and collect of documentary information, this dissertation presents and analyzes connected aspects to the literacy of capeverdian children in the beginning of the schooling and to the learning of reading as basic support for the learning of Non Maternal language. The subsidies collected by the study, presented in this dissertation will contribute for the education progress of reading and, also, for implement successfully the learning of reading of the students, developing to practical of reading and the expectations in uncover the multiplicity of the dimensions of experience in that domain and contribute for a relative comprehension of written and reading modes.