944 resultados para JENSEN-HAISE
[EN] To determine whether conditions for O2 utilization and O2 off-loading from the hemoglobin are different in exercising arms and legs, six cross-country skiers participated in this study. Femoral and subclavian vein blood flow and gases were determined during skiing on a treadmill at approximately 76% maximal O2 uptake (V(O2)max) and at V(O2)max with different techniques: diagonal stride (combined arm and leg exercise), double poling (predominantly arm exercise), and leg skiing (predominantly leg exercise). The percentage of O2 extraction was always higher for the legs than for the arms. At maximal exercise (diagonal stride), the corresponding mean values were 93 and 85% (n = 3; P < 0.05). During exercise, mean arm O2 extraction correlated with the P(O2) value that causes hemoglobin to be 50% saturated (P50: r = 0.93, P < 0.05), but for a given value of P50, O2 extraction was always higher in the legs than in the arms. Mean capillary muscle O2 conductance of the arm during double poling was 14.5 (SD 2.6) ml.min(-1).mmHg(-1), and mean capillary P(O2) was 47.7 (SD 2.6) mmHg. Corresponding values for the legs during maximal exercise were 48.3 (SD 13.0) ml.min(-1).mmHg(-1) and 33.8 (SD 2.6) mmHg, respectively. Because conditions for O2 off-loading from the hemoglobin are similar in leg and arm muscles, the observed differences in maximal arm and leg O2 extraction should be attributed to other factors, such as a higher heterogeneity in blood flow distribution, shorter mean transit time, smaller diffusing area, and larger diffusing distance, in arms than in legs.
[EN] That muscular blood flow may reach 2.5 l kg(-1) min(-1) in the quadriceps muscle has led to the suggestion that muscular vascular conductance must be restrained during whole body exercise to avoid hypotension. The main aim of this study was to determine the maximal arm and leg muscle vascular conductances (VC) during leg and arm exercise, to find out if the maximal muscular vasodilatory response is restrained during maximal combined arm and leg exercise. Six Swedish elite cross-country skiers, age (mean +/-s.e.m.) 24 +/- 2 years, height 180 +/- 2 cm, weight 74 +/- 2 kg, and maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2,max)) 5.1 +/- 0.1 l min(-1) participated in the study. Femoral and subclavian vein blood flows, intra-arterial blood pressure, cardiac output, as well as blood gases in the femoral and subclavian vein, right atrium and femoral artery were determined during skiing (roller skis) at approximately 76% of VO(2,max) and at VO(2,max) with different techniques: diagonal stride (combined arm and leg exercise), double poling (predominantly arm exercise) and leg skiing (predominantly leg exercise). During submaximal exercise cardiac output (26-27 l min(-1)), mean blood pressure (MAP) (approximately 87 mmHg), systemic VC, systemic oxygen delivery and pulmonary VO2(approximately 4 l min(-1)) attained similar values regardless of exercise mode. The distribution of cardiac output was modified depending on the musculature engaged in the exercise. There was a close relationship between VC and VO2 in arms (r= 0.99, P < 0.001) and legs (r= 0.98, P < 0.05). Peak arm VC (63.7 +/- 5.6 ml min(-1) mmHg(-1)) was attained during double poling, while peak leg VC was reached at maximal exercise with the diagonal technique (109.8 +/- 11.5 ml min(-1) mmHg(-1)) when arm VC was 38.8 +/- 5.7 ml min(-1) mmHg(-1). If during maximal exercise arms and legs had been vasodilated to the observed maximal levels then mean arterial pressure would have dropped at least to 75-77 mmHg in our experimental conditions. It is concluded that skeletal muscle vascular conductance is restrained during whole body exercise in the upright position to avoid hypotension.
[EN] To study the role of muscle mass and muscle activity on lactate and energy kinetics during exercise, whole body and limb lactate, glucose, and fatty acid fluxes were determined in six elite cross-country skiers during roller-skiing for 40 min with the diagonal stride (Continuous Arm + Leg) followed by 10 min of double poling and diagonal stride at 72-76% maximal O(2) uptake. A high lactate appearance rate (R(a), 184 +/- 17 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1)) but a low arterial lactate concentration ( approximately 2.5 mmol/l) were observed during Continuous Arm + Leg despite a substantial net lactate release by the arm of approximately 2.1 mmol/min, which was balanced by a similar net lactate uptake by the leg. Whole body and limb lactate oxidation during Continuous Arm + Leg was approximately 45% at rest and approximately 95% of disappearance rate and limb lactate uptake, respectively. Limb lactate kinetics changed multiple times when exercise mode was changed. Whole body glucose and glycerol turnover was unchanged during the different skiing modes; however, limb net glucose uptake changed severalfold. In conclusion, the arterial lactate concentration can be maintained at a relatively low level despite high lactate R(a) during exercise with a large muscle mass because of the large capacity of active skeletal muscle to take up lactate, which is tightly correlated with lactate delivery. The limb lactate uptake during exercise is oxidized at rates far above resting oxygen consumption, implying that lactate uptake and subsequent oxidation are also dependent on an elevated metabolic rate. The relative contribution of whole body and limb lactate oxidation is between 20 and 30% of total carbohydrate oxidation at rest and during exercise under the various conditions. Skeletal muscle can change its limb net glucose uptake severalfold within minutes, causing a redistribution of the available glucose because whole body glucose turnover was unchanged.
Una teoria degli insiemi alternativa alla più nota e diffusa teoria di Zermelo-Fraenkel con l'Assioma di Scelta, ZFC, è quella proposta da W. V. O. Quine nel 1937, poi riveduta e corretta da R. Jensen nel 1969 e rinominata NFU (New foundations with Urelementen). Anche questa teoria è basata sui concetti primitivi di insieme e appartenenza, tuttavia differisce notevolmente da quella usuale perché si ammettono solo formule stratificate, cioè formule in cui è rispettata una gerarchizzazione elemento-insieme che considera priva di significato certe scritture. L'unico inconveniente di NFU è dovuto alle conseguenze della stratificazione. I pregi invece sono notevoli: ad esempio un uso molto naturale delle relazioni come l'inclusione, o la possibilità di considerare insiemi anche collezioni di oggetti troppo "numerose" (come l'insieme universale) senza il rischio di cadere in contraddizione. NFU inoltre risulta essere più potente di ZFC, in quanto, grazie al Teorema di Solovay, è possibile ritrovare in essa un modello con cardinali inaccessibili di ZFC ed è ammessa la costruzione di altri modelli con cardinali inaccessibili della teoria classica.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di evidenziare, attraverso varie analisi statistiche ed applicazione di modelli stocastici, il comportamento strutturale e funzionale dei dinucleotidi che compongono le sequenze di DNA di diversi organismi. Gli organismi che abbiamo scelto di prendere in considerazione sono l'uomo, il topo e l'Escherichia coli. Questa scelta non è stata casuale, ma oculata, al fine di mettere in risalto alcune differenze tra organismi eucarioti, quali l'uomo e il topo, ed organismi procarioti come il batterio E.coli. Nella prima parte del nostro studio, abbiamo computato le distanze che intercorrono tra occorrenze successive dello stesso dinucleotide lungo la sequenza, usando un metodo di non sovrapposizione, ed abbiamo iterato il calcolo per tutti i 16 dinucleotidi. Dopodiché ci siamo preoccupati di graficare le distribuzioni di distanza dei 16 dinucleotidi per l'E.Coli, il topo e l'uomo; gli istogrammi evidenziano un comportamento anomalo della distribuzione di CG che accomuna gli organismi eucarioti e di cui, invece, è esente l'organismo procariote esaminato. Questo dato statistico trova una spiegazione nei processi biologici di metilazione che possono innescarsi sul dinucleotide CG nelle sequenze eucariotiche. In seguito, per determinare quanto ciascuna delle 16 distribuzioni si discosti dalle altre abbiamo usato la divergenza di Jensen-Shannon. Per quantificare le differenze sostanziali tra le distribuzioni di CG dei 3 organismi considerati abbiamo deciso di verificare quale fosse il miglior fit per tali curve tra un esponenziale ed una power-law. L'esponenziale rappresenta un buon fit per le code delle distribuzioni di CG del topo e dell'uomo; ciò rivela la presenza di una lunghezza caratteristica per entrambi gli organismi. Nella seconda parte dello studio, i risultati vengono confrontati con modelli markoviani: sequenze random generate con catene di Markov di ordine zero (basate sulle frequenze relative dei nucleotidi) e uno (basate sulle probabilità di transizione tra diversi nucleotidi). Quest'ultima riproduce abbastanza fedelmente la sequenza biologica di partenza, per cui abbiamo scelto di utilizzare la catena Markov del 1° ordine per altre analisi statistiche riguardanti le distribuzioni dei nucleotidi, dinucleotidi, ed anche dei trinucleotidi con particolare interesse per quelli in cui è contenuto CG, in modo da verificare se l'anomalia si ripercuote anche in essi. Riteniamo pertanto che metodi basati su questo approccio potrebbero essere sfruttati per confermare le peculiarità biologiche e per migliorare l'individuazione delle aree di interesse, come le isole CpG, ed eventualmente promotori e Lamina Associated Domains (LAD), nel genoma di diversi organismi.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of apical surgery is to hermetically seal the root canal system after root-end resection, thereby enabling periradicular healing. The objective of this nonrandomized prospective clinical study was to report results of 2 different root-end preparation and filling methods, ie, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and an adhesive resin composite (Retroplast). METHODS: The study included 353 consecutive cases with endodontic lesions limited to the periapical area. Root-end cavities were prepared with sonic microtips and filled with MTA (n = 178), or alternatively, a shallow concavity was prepared in the cut root face, with subsequent placement of an adhesive resin composite (Retroplast) (n = 175). Patients were recalled after 1 year. Cases were defined as healed when no clinical signs or symptoms were present and radiographs demonstrated complete or incomplete (scar tissue) healing of previous radiolucencies. RESULTS: The overall rate of healed cases was 85.5%. MTA-treated teeth demonstrated a significantly (P = .003) higher rate of healed cases (91.3%) compared with Retroplast-treated teeth (79.5%). Within the MTA group, 89.5%-100% of cases were classified as healed, depending on the type of treated tooth. In contrast, more variable rates ranging from 66.7%-100% were found in the Retroplast group. In particular, mandibular premolars and molars demonstrated considerably lower rates of healed cases when treated with Retroplast. CONCLUSIONS: MTA can be recommended for root-end filling in apical surgery, irrespective of the type of treated tooth. Retroplast should be used with caution for root-end sealing in apical surgery of mandibular premolars and molars.
To compare the haemostatic effect and tissue reactions of different agents and methods used for haemorrhage control in apical surgery.
INTRODUCTION: Apical surgery has seen continuous development with regard to equipment and surgical technique. However, there is still a shortage of evidence-based information regarding healing determinants. The objective of this meta-analysis was to review clinical articles on apical surgery with root-end filling in order to assess potential prognostic factors. METHODS: An electronic search of PubMed and Cochrane databases was performed in 2008. Only studies with clearly defined healing criteria were included, and data for at least two categories per prognostic factor had to be reported. Prognostic factors were divided into patient-related, tooth-related, or treatment-related factors. The reported percentages of healed teeth ("the healed rate") were pooled per category. The statistical method of Mantel-Haenszel was applied to estimate the odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: With regard to tooth-related factors, the following categories were significantly associated with higher healed rates: cases without preoperative pain or signs, cases with good density of root canal filling, and cases with absence or size < or = 5 mm of periapical lesion. With regard to treatment-related factors, cases treated with the use of an endoscope tended to have higher healed rates than cases without the use of an endoscope. CONCLUSIONS: Although the clinician may be able to control treatment-related factors (by choosing a certain technique), patient- and tooth-related factors are usually beyond the surgeon's power. Nevertheless, patient- and tooth-related factors should be considered as important prognostic determinants when planning or weighing apical surgery against treatment alternatives.
Previous experimental studies have indicated that locally administered enamel matrix derivative (EMD) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) may have a stimulatory effect on bone formation. However, it is not clear if the positive effect of EMD is related to its effect on the periodontium as a whole or directly on the bone-forming cells. In addition, it is not known if the presentation of PTH by adding the amino acid sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) is essential for its osteopromotive effect. Local delivery of a bioactive substance at the right time and in the right concentration often constitutes a major challenge. Polyethylene glycol-based hydrogel (PEG) is a degradable vehicle developed for delivery of bioactive proteins. To enhance the mechanical stability of the PEG-bioactive substance complex, an osteoconductive bone substitute material is often needed.