965 resultados para Italian languages.
This volume focuses on word formation processes in smaller and so far underrepresented indigenous languages of South America. The data for the analyses have been mainly collected in the field by the authors. The several language families described here, among them Arawakan, Takanan, and Guaycuruan, as well as language isolates, such as Yurakaré and Cholón, reflect the linguistic diversity of South America. Equally diverse are the topics addressed, relating to word formation processes like reduplication, nominal and verbal compounding, clitic compounding, and incorporation. The traditional notions of the processes are discussed critically with respect to their implementation in minor indigenous languages. The book is therefore not only of interest to readers with an Amerindian background but also to typologists and historical linguists, and it is a supplement to more theory-driven approaches to language and linguistics.
In diesem Artikel möchten wir anhand eigener Untersuchungen und der Präsentation bereits vorhandener Studien einerseits einen Einblick in die Welt der 50+ Sprachkurse geben und andererseits mögliche Lösungen für eine an das Zielpublikum angepasste Didaktik vorstellen. Bei den erforschten Sprachkursen handelt es sich um drei unterschiedliche Kurstypen mit den dazugehörigen Kursteilnehmertypologien. Das erste Forschungsfeld umfasst Sprachkurse, die von der Berner Volkshochschule angeboten und teilweise von Personen im Alter von 50 und älter besucht werden. Zum zweiten Kurstyp gehören solche Kurse, die im Ausland besucht werden. Im vorliegenden Fall ein Italienischkurs in Sizilien mit einem expliziten Freizeitprogramm für Personen ab 50. Das dritte Untersuchungsfeld betrifft einen etwas anderen Typ von Kursteilnehmern, da es sich um einen Deutschkurs für pensionierte italienische MigrantInnen in Bern handelt. Die abschliessenden Vorschläge für eine an die älteren Kursteilnehmer angepasste Didaktik sollen dabei nicht als allgemeingültige Rezepte betrachtet werden, sondern als erste Anregungspunkte.
The term 'paunch calf syndrome' encompasses the multi-organic lethal developmental dysplasia reported in the Romagnola breed of cattle and is characterised by facial deformities, an enlarged and floating abdomen containing considerable abdominal effusion, and hepatic fibrosis. Paunch calf syndrome is caused by a missense mutation in the KDM2B gene (c.2503G>A) that is thought to lead to an amino acid exchange (p.D835N). In this study, the prevalence of carriers of the mutant KDM2B allele (and thus the frequency of the allele) was assessed in selected subpopulations of Romagnola cattle. The prevalence of carriers within top-ranked Romagnola sires over the years 2007-2012 was 29.3% (allele frequency 14.6%). In young bull calves, 30.9% were carriers with an allele frequency of 15.4%.
The present study investigates life stories of established Italian workforce migrants living in the city of Berne, Switzerland, in regard to “language related major life events” (De Bot, 2007). These events are important in terms of changes happening in the linguistic setting during the life span and influence language development. In this sense, during the process of retirement, a new phase of life begins, which, amongst other things, has to be reorganized in relation to social contact and language use. One of my main questions is how the subjects handle the changes happening within and after the process of retirement in respect to the use of different languages and how this “language related major life event” is constructed and described by the migrants. One of these changes happens due to the fact that, after retirement, the social network at the workplace (the primary source of language input) can get (partially) lost and with it, the use of the local language. The fact that migrants living in Berne are confronted with diglossia (Standard German and Swissgerman), that the Canton of Berne is bilingual (German and French) and that the migrants' mother tongue (Italian) is one of the Swiss national languages, makes this question even more interesting. A second question will consider the influence of the fact that most of the subjects in question lived with the idea of return migration, but as shown in a previous study (Alter/Vieillesse/Anziani, NFP 32, 1999), only a third returned back while another third remained in the host country and the final third chose the commuting option. I will first examine these processes, changes and influences by using quantitative questionnaires in order to obtain general information on demographic data, the social situation, and a self-assessment of linguistic skills. Secondly, I will use qualitative interviews to get in-depth information of the subjects’ life stories and language biographies. The results of this project are meant to deliver insight into different aspects that have not been looked at in detail to this point: which factors of the life stories of Italian workforce migrants, who decided to remain in Switzerland after retirement, influence the linguistic changes in general and the ones happening around retirement in particular.
OBJECTIVES: The research question for this project mainly concentrates on the sociolinguistic aspects of a socalled “language related major life event” (De Bot, 2007): retirement. “Language related major life events” are events in the lifespan that are important for changes happening in the linguistic setting which influence the language development. In my paper I will explore changes happening around retirement in regard to multilingual competence. The focus will be on two groups: Italian migrants living in the city of Berne and Swissgerman-speakers, both at the age around retirement. The above mentioned changes can take place on two levels. (1) On the one hand, people have more time for curricular activities after retirement, which they can use in order to learn new languages or to improve their language skills. In this case we are dealing with the concept of “lifelong learning”. (2) On the other hand, language competence can be lost due to the (partial) loss of the retiree’s social network at their former workplace. METHODS: I will first examine these processes by using quantitative questionnaires in order to obtain general information on demographic data, the social situation, and a self-assessment of linguistic skills. Secondly, I will use qualitative interviews to gain in-depth information on the linguistic changes happening around retirement and their link to different factors, such as social networks, education, gender or the language biography. RESULTS: Since the project is still in its early stages of development, clear results can’t be mentioned yet. By May 2012 I will be able to present results of the quantitative study as well as a first glance into the results of the qualitative part of the project. CONCLUSION: The results of this project are meant to benefit the better insight into different aspects that haven’t been looked at in detail till this point. (1) What is the general and linguistic situation of Italian migrants who decided to remain in Switzerland after retirement and how can their linguistic skills affect their quality of living? (2) Who decides to learn a new language after retirement and how should language courses for older people be designed?
La nostra proposta presenta alcuni aspetti e risultati di un progetto dell'Università di Berna che si occupa delle conseguenze del pensionamento sulle competenze plurilingui di immigrati italiani nella Svizzera tedesca. Rifacendoci a De Bot (2007), che ha definito come “language related major life events” i momenti nella vita rilevanti per mutamenti delle competenze linguistiche, ipotizziamo che il pensionamento possa costituire un punto di svolta nella biografia linguistica di migranti (ma non solo) anche se finora mancano gli studi sull’argomento. Nel caso delle persone prese in considerazione il pensionamento rappresenta un momento fondamentale, quasi paragonabile, per le conseguenze che implica, al momento della migrazione. Se quest'ultima è stata, nella maggior parte dei casi, caratterizzata dalla ricerca di lavoro, la nuova fase della vita dopo il pensionamento comporta mutamenti nelle reti sociali e ha conseguenze anche per l'uso delle lingue. Un punto centrale della ricerca è la domanda di come i migranti affrontino questo momento all’interno della situazione diglossica della Svizzera tedesca, in cui lo svizzero tedesco è stato imparato attraverso il contatto strumentale e accanto ad esso si è mantenuta la lingua d'origine (cfr.Berruto 1991). La metodologia applicata consiste in due fasi: nella prima si utilizzano questionari per ottenere informazioni generali sui dati demografici e sulla situazione sociale, e per elicitare autovalutazioni delle competenze linguistiche. Nella seconda si effettuano interviste semiguidate per ottenere informazioni più approfondite sulla vita e sulle biografie linguistiche. Per ottenere dati relativi alle competenze linguistiche, viene inoltre utilizzato un test di competenza dello svizzero tedesco, sviluppato all’interno del progetto sulla base del SOPI (cfr.Kenyon 2000).
Ein soziolinguistisch angelegtes Projekt der Universität Bern greift die Idee der „language related major life events“ – die neue sprachliche und soziale Räume schaffen – auf. Das Forschungsprojekt besteht aus drei Modulen. Module 1 und 2 untersuchen Personen, die beim Übergang von der Grundausbildung in eine weiterführende Ausbildung mit einem Wechsel der Umgebungssprache konfrontiert sind: und zwar (1) frankofone Lernende in Biel/Bienne, die – im Kontext dieser zweisprachigen Stadt – neben ihrer Herkunftssprache mit Schweizerdeutsch konfrontiert sind, und (2) frankofone und italofone Studierende, die an Universitäten und Hochschulen der deutschen Schweiz studieren müssen, weil es das betreffende Fach weder in der Romandie noch im Tessin gibt. Im Modul 3 werden zwei Personengruppen untersucht (italienische MigrantInnen und Deutsch-schweizerInnen), die sich vor, im und nach dem Prozess der Pensionierung befinden, die bestehende berufliche Netzwerke verlieren, eventuell neue aufbauen und denen sich neue kommunikative Anforderungen stellen. Im Rahmen dieses Forschungsprojekts wurden wir mit der Frage konfrontiert, wie die Sprachkenntnisse erfasst und analysiert werden könnten. Die erste Hürde bestand darin, dass wir als Ausgangslage nur ein bis zwei Interviews in der Muttersprache der Probanden (Italienisch oder Französisch) führen würden und nicht klar war, wie wir in diesem Kontext zu zuverlässigen Sprachdaten auf Schweizerdeutsch kommen: - Sollten wir selbst oder eine zweite Person die Fragen stellen? oder - Wie standardisieren wir den Fragenkatalog? Nach langer Suche nach einem geeigneten Testinstrument entschieden wir uns eine eigene Methode zu entwickeln die auf SOPI/OPI basiert. Auch hier stellten sich mehrere Fragen, wie zum Beispiel: - Welchen Schweizerdeutsch Dialekt wird verwendet? - Welche Fragen stellen wir (unterschiedliche Probandengruppen)? - Wie stellen wir einen wachsenden Schwierigkeitsgrad her? Während der Durchführung der Tests begegneten wir neuen Problematiken. Aufgrund der negativ konnotierten Testsituation fühlten sich einzelne Probanden z.B. angegriffen. Weiter wurden wir mit dem Beobachterparadoxon konfrontiert und konnten bei wiederholten Tests Gewöhnungseffekte feststellen. Zusätzlich erwiesen sich einige Fragen als problematisch (z.B. in diesem Kontext nicht sinnvoll oder verschieden interpretierbar). Am Ende werden wir mit den verschieden Problemen der Analyse konfrontiert sein. Wir fragen uns aufgrund welcher Kriterien eine Analyse sinnvoll ist und ob unsere Daten überhaupt vergleichbar sind. In unserem Paper möchten wir die oben genannten methodischen Probleme darstellen und unsere Lösungsansätze diskutieren.
In this paper we introduce a class of descriptors for regular languages arising from an application of the Stone duality between finite Boolean algebras and finite sets. These descriptors, called classical fortresses, are object specified in classical propositional logic and capable to accept exactly regular languages. To prove this, we show that the languages accepted by classical fortresses and deterministic finite automata coincide. Classical fortresses, besides being propositional descriptors for regular languages, also turn out to be an efficient tool for providing alternative and intuitive proofs for the closure properties of regular languages.