960 resultados para Irrigation water.


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The fruit maturation stage is considered the optimal phenological stage for implementing water deficitin jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.), since a low, moderate or severe water deficit at this time has no effect onyield, fruit volume or eating quality. However, no information exists at fruit water relations level on themechanisms developed by Z. jujuba to confront drought. The purpose of the present study was to increaseour understanding of the relationship between leaf and fruit water relations of jujube plants under dif-ferent irrigation conditions during fruit maturation, paying special attention to analysing whether fruitsize depends on fruit turgor. For this, adult jujube trees (cv. Grande de Albatera) were subjected to fiveirrigation treatments. Control plants (T0) were irrigated daily above their crop water requirements inorder to attain non-limiting soil water conditions in 2012 and 2013. T1 plants were subjected to deficitirrigation throughout the 2012 season, according to the criteria frequently used by the growers in thearea. T2 (2012), T3 and T4 (2013) were irrigated as T0 except during fruit maturation, in which irrigationwas withheld for 32, 17 and 24 days, respectively. The results indicated that the jujube fruit maturationperiod was clearly sensitive to water deficit. During most of this stage water could enter the fruits viathe phloem rather than via the xylem. From the beginning of water withholding to when maximumwater stress levels were achieved, fruit and leaf turgor were maintained in plants under water deficit.However, a direct relation between turgor and fruit size was not found in jujube fruits, which could bedue to an enhancement of a cell elasticity mechanism (elastic adjustment) which maintains fruit turgorby reducing fruit cells size or to the fact that jujube fruit growth depends on the fruit growth-effectiveturgor rather than just turgor pressure.


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Estudou-se atraves de um experimento em blocos ao acaso, os efeitos de quatro niveis de nitrogenio, em diferentes condicoes de umidade, sobre os estagios de crescimento, embonecamento, formacao de graos e prdutividade do milho (Zea mays L.) e as relacoes entre a produtividade e os tres primeiros estagios. Os fatores da resposta de producaobaseados na equacao de Doorenbos e Kassam variaram acentuadamente, nao so com os diferentes estatios de crescimento, mas tambem com diferentes niveis de nitrogenio e os diferentes niveis de agua. Assim, esta equacao nao pareceu ser valida para explicar a resposta de produtividade a niveis de agua. Sugeriu-se um equacao linear modificada. Nesta equacao, a intercessao K1 e inclinacao K2 sao os fatores da resposta de producao. Estes fatores para a cultura do milho foram desenvolvidos para todos os quatro estagios de crescimento e nveis de nitrogenio. Pode-se obter uma eficiencia media do uso de agua, em termos de produtividade, de, aproximadamente, 57,5 kg/ha-cm de agua, sendo, contudo, pequeno o incremento, em face dos niveis crescentes de nitrogenio aplicado ate 120 kg/ha. Os coeficientes de cutura (Kc) calculados estao muito abaixo da estimativa da FAO, para todos os niveis de nitrogenio. Por essa razao, deve haver consideravel economica de agua se estes coeficientes forem usados em lugar da estimativa da FAO. A informacao mostradapode imediatamente ser utilizada para turno de irrigacao e para projetos de irrigacao suplementar planejado para as condicoes doe Nordeste do Brasil.


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This paper presents the results of four field experiments carried out with the objetive of evaluating the feaibility of irrigation by porous capsule method, from 1979 to 1983, at Bebedouro Experiment Station, EMBRAPA-CPATSA, Petrolina, PE, Brazil. The irrigation system consisted of fulcrum of cone shaped porous capsules, interconnected with conduit pipe and installed in the soil at equidistance and 0.10 m deep along contour lines. The hydrostatic pressures studies did not significantly influence the crop yield, but influenced, at 0.10 level, the daily water release from porous unit. The mean yields for watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Shard), var. Charleston Gray, for muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) var. Valenciano Amarelo, and for maize (Zea mays L.), var. Centralmex, estimated in ton/2,500 units/ha or in cobs/2,500 units/ha, were 28.5, 10 and 17,500, respectively. The water consumption for watermelon, musk melon and maize was, respectively, 60 mm, 60 mm and 100 mm in a deep sandy yellow-red latosol. The cost of the system was US$ 1.677,41/ha.


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The Mara River Basin (MRB) is endowed with pristine biodiversity, socio-cultural heritage and natural resources. The purpose of my study is to develop and apply an integrated water resource allocation framework for the MRB based on the hydrological processes, water demand and economic factors. The basin was partitioned into twelve sub-basins and the rainfall runoff processes was modeled using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) after satisfactory Nash-Sutcliff efficiency of 0.68 for calibration and 0.43 for validation at Mara Mines station. The impact and uncertainty of climate change on the hydrology of the MRB was assessed using SWAT and three scenarios of statistically downscaled outputs from twenty Global Circulation Models. Results predicted the wet season getting more wet and the dry season getting drier, with a general increasing trend of annual rainfall through 2050. Three blocks of water demand (environmental, normal and flood) were estimated from consumptive water use by human, wildlife, livestock, tourism, irrigation and industry. Water demand projections suggest human consumption is expected to surpass irrigation as the highest water demand sector by 2030. Monthly volume of water was estimated in three blocks of current minimum reliability, reserve (>95%), normal (80–95%) and flood (40%) for more than 5 months in a year. The assessment of water price and marginal productivity showed that current water use hardly responds to a change in price or productivity of water. Finally, a water allocation model was developed and applied to investigate the optimum monthly allocation among sectors and sub-basins by maximizing the use value and hydrological reliability of water. Model results demonstrated that the status on reserve and normal volumes can be improved to ‘low’ or ‘moderate’ by updating the existing reliability to meet prevailing demand. Flow volumes and rates for four scenarios of reliability were presented. Results showed that the water allocation framework can be used as comprehensive tool in the management of MRB, and possibly be extended similar watersheds.


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The reuse of treated wastewater could be a promising measure to attenuate the water scarcity burden. In agriculture, irrigation with wastewater may contribute to improve production yields, reduce the ecological footprint and promote socioeconomic benefits. However, it cannot be considered exempt of adverse consequences in environmental and human health. Apart from the introduction of some biological and chemical hazardous agents, the disturbance of the indigenous soil microbial communities and, thus, of vital soil functions impacting soil fertility may occur. The consequences of these disturbances are still poorly understood. This chapter summarises the physicochemical and microbiological alterations in soil resultant from irrigation with treated wastewater that are described in scientific literature. These alterations, which involve a high complexity of variables (soil, wastewater, climate, vegetal cover), may have impacts on soil quality and productivity. In addition, possible health risks may arise, in particular through the direct or indirect contamination of the food chain with micropollutants, pathogens or antibiotic resistance determinants. The current state of the art suggests that irrigation with treated wastewater may have a multitude of long-term implications on soil productivity and public health. Although further research is needed, it seems evident that the analysis of risks associated with irrigation with treated wastewater must take into account not only the quality of water, but other aspects as diverse as soil microbiota, soil type or the cultivated plant species.


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Understanding the variation in physiological response to deficit irrigation together with better knowledge on physiological characteristics of different genotypes that contribute to drought adaptation mechanisms would be helpful in transferring different irrigation technologies to farmers. A field experiment was carried to investigate the physiological response of four tomato cultivars (Fetan, Chali, Cochoro and ARP Tomato d2) to moderate water deficit induced by alternate furrow irrigation (AFI) and deficit irrigation (DI) under semi-arid condition of Ethiopia during 2013 and 2014. The study also aimed at identifying physiological attributes to the fruit yield of tomato under different deficit irrigation techniques. A factorial combination of irrigation treatments and cultivar were arranged in a complete randomized design with three replicates. Results showed that stomatal conductance (g_s) was significantly reduced while photosynthetic performance measured as chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv’/Fm’), relative water content (RWC) and leaf ash content remained unaffected under deficit irrigations. Significant differences among cultivars were found for water use efficiency (WUE), g_s, chlorophyll content (Chl_SPAD), normal difference vegetation index (NDVI), leaf ash content and fruit growth rate. However, cultivar differences in WUE were more accounted for by the regulation of g_s, therefore, g_s could be useful for breeders for screening large numbers of genotypes with higher WUE under deficit irrigation condition. The study result also demonstrated that cultivar with traits that contribute to achieve higher yields under deficit irrigation strategies has the potential to increase WUE.


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With the global population projected to reach 9 billion in 2050, demand for food is expected to increase by over 50% in 2030 and 70% in 2050 (UN-Water, 2013). Already agriculture is the largest user of water with irrigation accounting for nearly 70% of all freshwater withdrawals (UN-Water, 2016).


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Olive tree sap flow measurements were collected in an intensive orchard near Évora, Portugal, during the irrigation seasons of 2013 and 2014, to calculate daily tree transpiration rates (T_SF). Meteorological variables were also collected to calculate reference evapotranspiration (ETo). Both data were used to assess values of basal crop coefficient (Kcb) for the period of the sap flow observations. The soil water balance model SIMDualKc was calibrated with soil, biophysical ground data and sap flow measurements collected in 2013. Validated in 2014 with collected sap flow observations, the model was used to provide estimates of dual e single crop coefficients for 2014 crop growing season. Good agreement between model simulated daily transpiration rates and those obtained with sapflow measurements was observed for 2014 (R2=0.76, RMSE=0.20 mm d-1), the year of validation, with an estimation average absolute error (AAE) of 0.20 mm d-1. Olive modeled daily actual evapotranspiration resulted in atual ETc values of 0.87, 2.05 and 0.77 mm d-1 for 2014 initial, mid- and end-season, respectively. Actual crop coefficient (Kc act) values of 0.51, 0.43 and 0.67 were also obtained for the same periods, respectively. Higher Kc values during spring (initial stage) and autumn (end-stage) were published in FAO56, varying between 0.65 for Kc ini and 0.70 for Kc end. The lower Kc mid value of 0.43 obtained for the summer (mid-season) is also inconsistent with the FAO56 expected Kc mid value of 0.70 for the period. The modeled Kc results are more consistent with the ones published by Allen & Pereira [1] for olive orchards with effective ground cover of 0.25 to 0.5, which vary between 0.40 and 0.80 for Kc ini, 0.40–0.60 for Kc mid with no active ground cover, and 0.35–0.75 for Kc end, depending on ground cover. The SIMDualKc simulation model proved to be appropriate for obtaining evapotranspiration and crop coefficient values for our intensive olive orchard in southern Portugal.


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Berry size and crop yield are widely recognized as important factors that contribute to wine quality. The final berry size indirectly affects the phenolic concentration of the wine due to skin surface-to-berry volume ratio. The effects of different irrigation levels, soil management and plant crop level on growth of ‘Trincadeira’ berries were studied. In order to test the influence of different irrigation levels (rainfed, pre-veraison and post-veraison), different soil management (tillage and natural cover crops) and different plant crop levels (8 and 16 clusters per vine), leaf water potential, skin anthocyanin, polyphenols, berry skin and seed fresh weight were measured in fruits. The segregation of berries into three different berry classes: small, medium and large, allowed to identify different levels of contribution of soil management and irrigation level into berry, skin and seeds ratios. As expected, higher water availability due to irrigation and soil tillage management during berry development induced an increase in berry flesh weight and this was more evident in larger berries; however, berry skin and seed fresh weight remained unchanged. Also, anthocyanins did not show significant differences.


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Water is now considered the most important but vulnerable resource in the Mediterranean region. Nev ertheless, irrigation expanded fast in the region (e.g. South Portugal and Spain) to mitigate environmental stress and to guarantee stable grape yield and quality. Sustainable wine production depends on sustain able water use in the wine’s supply chain, from the vine to the bottle. Better understanding of grapevine stress physiology (e.g. water relations, temperature regulation, water use efficiency), more robust crop monitoring/phenotyping and implementation of best water management practices will help to mitigate climate effects and will enable significant water savings in the vineyard and winery. In this paper, we focused on the major vulnerabilities and opportunities of South European Mediterranean viticulture (e.g. in Portugal and Spain) and present a multi-level strategy (from plant to the consumer) to overcome region’s weaknesses and support strategies for adaptation to water scarcity, promote sustainable water use and minimize the environmental impact of the sector.


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Water is now considered the most important but vulnerable resource in the Mediterranean region. Nevertheless, irrigation expanded fast in the region (e.g. South Portugal and Spain) to mitigate environmental stress and to guarantee stable grape yield and quality. Sustainable wine production depends on sustainable water use in the wine’s supply chain, from the vine to the bottle. Better understanding of grapevine stress physiology (e.g. water relations, temperature regulation, water use efficiency), more robust crop monitoring/phenotyping and implementation of best water management practices will help to mitigate climate effects and will enable significant water savings in the vineyard and winery. In this paper, we focused on the major vulnerabilities and opportunities of South European Mediterranean viticulture (e.g. in Portugal and Spain) and present a multi-level strategy (from plant to the consumer) to overcome region’s weaknesses and support strategies for adaptation to water scarcity, promote sustainable water use and minimize the environmental impact of the sector.


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São Paulo state, Brazil, has been highlighted by the sugarcane crop expansion. The actual scenario of climate and land use changes, bring attention for the large-scale water productivity (WP) analyses. MODIS images were used together with gridded weather data for these analyses. A generalized sugarcane growing cycle inside a crop land mask, from September 2011 to October 2012, was considered in the main growing regions of the state. Actual evapotranspiration (ET) is quantified by the SAFER (Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving) algorithm, the biomass production (BIO) by the RUE (Radiation Use Efficiency) Monteith?s model and WP is considered as the ratio of BIO to ET. During the four generalized sugarcane crop phases, the mean ET values ranged from 0.6 to 4.0 mm day-1; BIO rates were between 20 and 200 kg ha-1 day-1, resulting in WP ranging from 2.8 to 6.0 kg m-3. Soil moisture indicators are applied, indicating benefits from supplementary irrigation during the grand growth phase, wherever there is water availability for this practice. The quantification of the large-scale water variables may subsidize the rational water resources management under the sugarcane expansion and water scarcity scenarios.


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Water is one of the most important factors influencing crop production in rainfed cropping systems. In tropical regions, supplemental irrigation reduces the risk of yield losses associated to water deficit due to insufficient rainfall. Water deficit in regions with irregularities in rainfall may be overcome with the use of supplemental irrigation, a technique based on the application of water at amounts below the crop?s evapotranspiration (ETc). We investigated the potential of supplemental irrigation as a strategy to increase yield of maize grown under tropical conditions. We used the CSM-CERES-Maize model of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) to simulate irrigation strategies of maize in six counties in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Our results indicate significant differences on simulated crop yield in response to supplemental irrigation. As a consequence, water productivity was improved with reductions of 10% and 15% of full irrigation depths in one of the six counties while in two the water productivity was higher when full irrigation was applied.


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Aims: With this research, we wanted to investigate and promote the conservation of biodiversity in the network of drainage canals of the Po Valley Study area: The canal network of Bologna plain, long more than 1150 km (Po Valley, North Italy) Methods: In Chapter II we analyzed the geographical patterns that characterize our transects, the land use of their upstream basins, the water quality at the closure points of their river basins. In Chapter III we described the plant communities with some ecological information and we also tested the effect of the canal size on the plant communities. In Chapter IV we described the relation beetween some functional traits of the plant species sampled and some environmental parameters Results: A total of 272 species were sampled in 118 transects. The plant communities of the drainage canals have been found to have a significant influence: the geographical pattern "proximity to protected areas", the class of land use "agrozootechnical settlements", and some water parameters. The analysis of the parameter "canal depth" indicated a significant distinction between small and large canals based on plant communities. The functional composition of the plant communities was affected by the bank aspect, the inclusion/exclusion from the protected areas and the upstream basin land uses. Moreover, the functional groups of species responded differently to environmental drivers, water quality gradients and were influenced by a combination of environmental stresses Conclusions: This research confirms the key role of the canals network in sustaining the plant richness in oversimplified landscapes. Considering the fragility of the floodplains and the global warming that is taking place, it is necessary to rethink the role of irrigation canals and their plant communities in the near future. This work reinforces the belief that long-term sampling plans and greater knowledge about canal management practices are needed