961 resultados para Iron Transport-system


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El propósito principal de éste trabajo tiene que ver con los procesos de modelado del espacio social, utilizando como campo de estudio los efectos sobre la morfología urbana generados por la implantación del sistema de transporte Masivo Transbarca en la ciudad venezolana de Barquisimeto. La investigación se apoya en buena medida en las teorías de la morfología social elaboradas por el sociólogo E. Durkheim y desarrolladas sobre todo en el campo del urbanismo por M. Halbwachs. En ellas se vincula la morfología social con su sustrato material, la forma urbana, desde una perspectiva sociológica. De igual manera se consideran categorías conceptuales como fragmentación y segregación, según otros enfoques (M. Castells y Reales). El trabajo se desarrolla según una metodología empírica, realizando análisis cuantitativos de los fenómenos que se consideran indicativos (el mercado de vivienda, por ejemplo) y comprobando su relación con la cualificación del espacio urbano donde destacan los procesos de remodelación de la centralidad que resultan de la implantación del Transporte Masivo. Desde esta perspectiva, la solución al transporte colectivo adquiere una dimensión que trasciende su papel como pieza fundamental para el buen funcionamiento de la ciudad moderna en crecimiento, con independencia de que sea capaz de ofrecer una solución a ese desafío, para convertirse en un instrumento de ordenación de la ciudad que afecta a la morfología social y urbana, que supone profundas alteraciones del centro urbano propiamente dicho, que implica una redistribución de los grupos sociales en el espacio reformado de la ciudad: un proceso de remodelación y transformación del espacio funcional y social, presentado como una solución a los problemas de movilidad. También en Venezuela, como en otras partes, la evolución de la morfología social está relacionada con profundos cambios ocurridos en los sustratos físico-estructurales de las ciudades, que a su vez se vinculan con la dinámica de los procesos de globalización que nutren la dinámica interna de construcción y reconstrucción de esos espacios. SUMMARY The main purpose of this work deals with modeling processes of social space, using as a field of study the effects on urban morphology generated by the implementation of the transport system Transbarca Mass in the Venezuelan city of Barquisimeto. The research was based largely on theories of social morphology developed by sociologist E. Durkheim and developed primarily in the field of urban M. Halbwachs. They linked the social morphology with its substrate material, urban form, from a sociological perspective. Similarly conceptual categories are considered as fragmentation and segregation, as other approaches (M. Castells and Royals). The work is developed as an empirical methodology, performing quantitative analysis of the phenomena that are considered indicative (the housing market, for example) and checking its relation to the qualification of urban space which include remodeling processes resulting from the centrality the implementation of mass transportation. From this perspective, collective transport solution acquires a dimension that transcends its role as a cornerstone for the functioning of the modern city growing, regardless of who is able to offer a solution to this challenge, to become an instrument of City management affecting the social and urban morphology, reflecting profound alterations in the city center itself, which implies a redistribution of social groups in the city renovated space: a process of renovation and transformation of social and functional space presented as a solution to mobility problems. Also in Venezuela, as elsewhere, the development of social morphology is associated with profound changes in the physical and structural substrates of cities, which in turn are linked to the dynamics of globalization processes that nourish the internal dynamics construction and reconstruction of these areas.


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Assessing users’ benefit in a transport policy implementation has been studied by many researchers using theoretical or empirical measures. However, few of them measure users’ benefit in a different way from the consumer surplus. Therefore, this paper aims to assess a new measure of user benefits by weighting consumer surplus in order to include equity assessment for different transport policies simulated in a dynamic middle-term LUTI model adapted to the case study of Madrid. Three different transport policies, including road pricing, parking charge and public transport improvement have been simulated through the Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator, MARS, the LUTI calibrated model for Madrid). A social welfare function (WF) is defined using a cost benefit analysis function that includes mainly costs and benefits of users and operators of the transport system. Particularly, the part of welfare function concerning the users, (i.e. consumer surplus), is modified by a compensating weight (CW) which represents the inverse of household income level. Based on the modified social welfare function, the effects on the measure of users benefits are estimated and compared with the old WF ́s results as well. The result of the analysis shows that road pricing leads a negative effect on the users benefits specially on the low income users. Actually, the road pricing and parking charge implementation results like a regressive policy especially at long term. Public transport improvement scenario brings more positive effects on low income user benefits. The integrated (road pricing and increasing public services) policy scenario is the one which receive the most user benefits. The results of this research could be a key issue to understanding the relationship between transport systems policies and user benefits distribution in a metropolitan context.


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The implementation of a charging policy for heavy goods vehicles in European Union (EU) member countries has been imposed to reflect costs of construction and maintenance of infrastructure as well as externalities such as congestion, accidents and environmental impact. In this context, EU countries approved the Eurovignette directive (1999/62/EC) and its amending directive (2006 /38/EC) which established a legal framework to regulate the system of tolls. Even if that regulation seek s to increase the efficien cy of freight, it will trigger direct and indirect effects on Spain’s regional economies by increasing transport costs. This paper presents the development of a multiregional Input-Output methodology (MRIO) with elastic trade coefficients to predict in terregional trade, using transport attributes integrated in multinomial logit models. This method is highly useful to carry out an ex-ante evaluation of transport policies because it involves road freight transport cost sensitivity, and determine regional distributive and substitution economic effect s of countries like Spain, characterized by socio-demographic and economic attributes, differentiated region by region. It will thus be possible to determine cost-effective strategies, given different policy scenarios. MRIO mode l would then be used to determine the impact on the employment rate of imposing a charge in the Madrid-Sevilla corridor in Spain. This methodology is important for measuring the impact on the employment rate since it is one of the main macroeconomic indicators of Spain’s regional and national economic situation. A previous research developed (DESTINO) using a MRIO method estimated employment impacts of road pricing policy across Spanish regions considering a fuel tax charge (€/liter) in the entire shortest cost path network for freight transport. Actually, it found that the variation in employment is expected to be substantial for some regions, and negligible for others. For example, in this Spanish case study of regional employment has showed reductions between 16.1% (Rioja) and 1.4% (Madrid region). This variation range seems to be related to either the intensity of freight transport in each region or dependency of regions to transport intensive economic sect ors. In fact, regions with freight transport intensive sectors will lose more jobs while regions with a predominantly service economy undergo a fairly insignificant loss of employment. This paper is focused on evaluating a freight transport vehicle-kilometer charge (€/km) in a non-tolled motorway corridor (A-4) between Madrid-Sevilla (517 Km.). The consequences of the road pricing policy implementation show s that the employment reductions are not as high as the diminution stated in the previous research because this corridor does not affect the whole freight transport system of Spain.


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Durante las últimas décadas se observa una tendencia sostenida al crecimiento en las dimensiones de los grandes buques portacontenedores, que produce, que las infraestructuras portuarias y otras destinadas al tráfico de contenedores deban adaptarse para poder brindar los servicios correspondientes y mantenerse competitivas con otras para no perder el mercado. Esta situación implica importantes inversiones y modificaciones en los sistemas de transporte de contenedores por el gran volumen de carga que se debe mover en un corto periodo de tiempo, lo que genera la necesidad de tomar previsiones relacionadas con la probable evolución a futuro de las dimensiones que alcanzarán los grandes buques portacontenedores. En relación a los aspectos citados surge la inquietud de determinar los condicionantes futuros del crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores, con una visión totalizadora de todos los factores que incidirán en los próximos años, ya sea como un freno o un impulso a la tendencia que se verifica en el pasado y en el presente. En consideración a que el tema a tratar y resolver se encuentra en el futuro, con un horizonte de predicción de veinte años, se diseña y se aplica una metodología prospectiva, que permite alcanzar conclusiones con mayor grado de objetividad sobre probables escenarios futuros. La metodología prospectiva diseñada, conjuga distintas herramientas metodológicas, cualitativas, semi-cuantitativas y cuantitativas que se validan entre sí. Sobre la base del pasado y el presente, las herramientas cuantitativas permiten encontrar relaciones entre variables y hacer proyecciones, sin embargo, estas metodologías pierden validez más allá de los tres a cuatro años, por los vertiginosos y dinámicos cambios que se producen actualmente, en las áreas política, social y económica. Las metodologías semi-cuantitativas y cualitativas, empleadas en forma conjunta e integradas, permiten el análisis de circunstancias del pasado y del presente, obteniendo resultados cuantitativos que se pueden proyectar hacia un futuro cercano, los que integrados en estudios cualitativos proporcionan resultados a largo plazo, facilitando considerar variables cualitativas como la creciente preocupación por la preservación del medio ambiente y la piratería. La presente tesis, tiene como objetivo principal “identificar los condicionantes futuros del crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores y determinar sus escenarios”. Para lo cual, la misma se estructura en fases consecutivas y que se retroalimentan continuamente. Las tres primeras fases son un enfoque sobre el pasado y el presente, que establece el problema a resolver. Se estudian los antecedentes y el estado del conocimiento en relación a los factores y circunstancias que motivaron y facilitaron la tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques. También se estudia el estado del conocimiento de las metodologías para predecir el futuro y se diseña de una metodología prospectiva. La cuarta fase, denominada Resultados, se desarrolla en distintas etapas, fundamentadas en las fases anteriores, con el fin de resolver el problema dando respuestas a las preguntas que se formularon para alcanzar el objetivo fijado. En el proceso de esta fase, con el objeto de predecir probables futuros, se aplica la metodología prospectiva diseñada, que contempla el análisis del pasado y el presente, que determina los factores cuya influencia provocó el crecimiento en dimensiones de los grandes buques hasta la actualidad, y que constituye la base para emplear los métodos prospectivos que permiten determinar qué factores condicionarán en el futuro la evolución de los grandes buques. El probable escenario futuro formado por los factores determinados por el criterio experto, es validado mediante un modelo cuantitativo dinámico, que además de obtener el probable escenario futuro basado en las tendencias de comportamiento hasta el presente de los factores determinantes considerados, permite estudiar distintos probables escenarios futuros en función de considerar un cambio en la tendencia futura de los factores determinantes. El análisis del pasado indica que la tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores hasta el presente, se ha motivado por un crecimiento económico mundial que se tradujo en un aumento del comercio internacional, particularmente entre los países de Asia, con Europa y Estados Unidos. Esta tendencia se ha visto favorecida por el factor globalización y la acelerada evolución tecnológica que ha permitido superar los obstáculos que se presentaron. Es de destacar que aún en periodos de crisis económicas, con pronósticos de contracciones en el comercio, en los últimos años continuó la tendencia al crecimiento en dimensiones, en busca de una economía de escala para el transporte marítimo de contenedores, en las rutas transoceánicas. La investigación de la evolución de los grandes buques portacontenedores en el futuro, se efectúa mediante el empleo de una metodología prospectiva en la que el criterio experto se valida con un método cuantitativo dinámico, y además se fundamenta en una solida base pre-prospectiva. La metodología diseñada permite evaluar con un alto grado de objetividad cuales serán los condicionantes que incidirán en el crecimiento en tamaño de los grandes buques portacontenedores en el escenario con mayor probabilidad de acontecer en los próximos veinte años (2032), y también en otros escenarios que podrían presentarse en el caso de que los factores modifiquen su tendencia o bien se produzcan hechos aleatorios. El resultado se sintetiza en que la tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores en los próximos 20 años se verá condicionada por factores en relación a los conceptos de oferta (los que facilitan u obstaculizan la tendencia), demanda (los que motivan o impulsan la tendencia) y factores externos (los que desestabilizan el equilibrio entre oferta y demanda). La tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores se verá obstaculizada / limitada principalmente por factores relacionados a las infraestructuras, resultando los pasos y/o canales vinculados a las rutas marítimas, los limitantes futuros al crecimiento en dimensiones de los grandes buques portacontenedores; y la interacción buque / infraestructura (grúas) un factor que tenderá a obstaculizar esta tendencia de los grandes portacontenedores. El desarrollo económico mundial que estimula el comercio internacional y los factores precio del petróleo y condicionantes medioambientales impulsarán la tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores. Recent years have seen a sustained tendency towards the growth in the dimensions of large container ships. This has meant that port and other infrastructure used for container traffic has had to be adapted in order to provide the required services and to maintain a competitive position, so as not to lose market share. This situation implies the need for major investments in modifications to the container transport system, on account of the large volume of traffic to be handled in a short period of time. This in turn has generated a need to make provision for the probable future evolution of the ultimate dimensions that will be reached by large container ships. Such considerations give rise to the question of what are the future determinants for the growth of large container ships, requiring an overall vision of all the factors that will apply in future years, whether as a brake on or an incentive to the growth tendency which has been seen in the past and present In view of the fact that the theme to be dealt with and resolved relates to the future, with a forecasting horizon of some 20 years, a foresight methodology has been designed and applied so as to enable conclusions about probable future scenarios to be reached with a greater degree of objectivity. The designed methodology contains different methodological tools, both qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative, which are internally consistent. On the basis of past and present observations, the quantitative elements enable relationships to be established and forecasts to be made. Nevertheless such an approach loses validity more than three or four years into the future, on account of the very rapid and dynamic changes which may be seen at present in political, social and economic spheres. The semi-quantitative and qualitative methodologies are used coherently together and allow the analysis of past and present conditions, thus obtaining quantitative results which for short-term projections, which when integrated with the qualitative studies provide results for the long-term, facilitating the consideration of qualitative variables such as the increasing importance of environmental protection and the impact of piracy. The principal objective of the present thesis is "to identify the future conditions affecting the growth of large container ships and to determine possible scenarios". The thesis is structured in consecutive and related phases. The first three phases focus on the past and present in order to determine the problem to be resolved. The background is studied in order to establish the state of knowledge about the factors and circumstances which have motivated and facilitated the growth tendency for large container ships and the methodologies that have been used. In this way a specific foresight methodology is designed. The fourth phase, Results, is developed in distinct stages based on the previous phases, so as to resolve the problem posed and responding to the questions that arise. In this way the determined objective is reached. The fourth phase sees the application of the methodology that has been designed in order to predict posible futures. This includes analysis of the past and present factors which have caused the growth in the dimensions of large container ships up to the present. These provide the basis on which to apply the foresight methods which enable the future factors which will condition the development of such large container ships. The probable future scenarios are made up of the factors identified by expert judgement (using the Delphi technique) and validated by means of a dynamic quantitative model. This model both identifies the probable future scenarios based on past and present factors and enables the different future scenarios to be analysed as a function of future changes in the conditioning factors. Analysis of the past shows that the growth tendency up to the present for large container ships has been motivated by the growth of the world economy and the consequent increased international trade, especially between the countries of Asia with Europe and the United States. This tendency has been favoured by the trend towards globalization and by the rapid technical evolution in ship design, which has allowed the obstacles encountered to be overcome. It should be noted that even in periods of economic crisis, with an expectation for reduced trade, as experienced in recent years, the tendency towards increased ship dimensions has continued in search of economies of scale for the maritime transport of containers on transoceanic routes. The present investigation of the future evolution of large container ships has been done using a foresight methodology in which the expert judgement is validated by a dynamic quantitative methodology, founded on a firm pre-foresight analysis. The methodology that has been designed permits the evaluation, with a high degree of objectivity, of the future factors that will affect the growth of large container ships for the most probable scenario expected in the next 20 years (up to 2032). The evaluation applies also to other scenarios which may arise, in the event that their component factors are modified or indeed in the light of random events. In summary, the conclusión is that the tendency for growth in large container ships in the future 20 years will be determined by: factors related to supply, which slow or halt the tendency; factors related to demand, which encourage the tendency and finally, external factors which interrupt the equilibrium between supply and demand. The tendency for increasing growth in large container ships will be limited or even halted by factors related to infrastructure, including the natural and man-made straits and canals used by maritime transport. In addition the infrastructure required to serve such vessels both in port (including cranes and other equipment) and related transport, will tend to slow the growth tendency. The factors which will continue to encourage the tendency towards the growth of large container ships include world economic development, which stimulates international trade, and an increasing emphasis on environmental aspects.


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VladBot es un robot autónomo diseñado para posicionar en interiores un micrófono de medida. Este prototipo puede valorar la idea de automatizar medidas acústicas en interiores mediante un robot autónomo. Posee dos ruedas motrices y una rueda loca. Ésta rueda loca aporta maniobrabilidad al robot. Un soporte extensible hecho de aluminio sostiene el micrófono de medida. VladBot ha sido diseñado con tecnologías de bajo coste y bajo una plataforma abierta, Arduino. Arduino es una plataforma electrónica libre. Esto quiere decir que los usuarios tienen libre acceso a toda la información referente a los micro-controladores (hardware) y referente al software. Ofrece un IDE (Integrated Development Environment, en español, Entorno de Desarrollo Integrado) de forma gratuita y con un sencillo lenguaje de programación, con el que se pueden realizar proyectos de cualquier tipo. Además, los usuarios disponen de un foro donde encontrar ayuda, “Arduino Forum”. VladBot se comunica con el usuario a través de Bluetooth, creando un enlace fiable y con un alcance suficiente (aproximadamente 100 metros) para que controlar a VladBot desde una sala contigua. Hoy en día, Bluetooth es una tecnología implantada en casi todos los ordenadores, por lo que no necesario ningún sistema adicional para crear dicho enlace. Esta comunicación utiliza un protocolo de comunicaciones, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). JSON hace que la comunicación sea más fiable, ya que sólo un tipo de mensajes preestablecidos son reconocidos. Gracias a este protocolo es posible la comunicación con otro software, permitiendo crear itinerarios en otro programa externo. El diseño de VladBot favorece su evolución hasta un sistema más preciso ya que el usuario puede realizar modificaciones en el robot. El código que se proporciona puede ser modificado, aumentando las funcionalidades de VladBot o mejorándolas. Sus componentes pueden ser cambiados también (incluso añadir nuevos dispositivos) para aumentar sus capacidades. Vladbot es por tanto, un sistema de transporte (de bajo coste) para un micrófono de medida que se puede comunicar inalámbricamente con el usuario de manera fiable. ABSTRACT. VladBot is an autonomous robot designed to indoor positioning of a measurement microphone. This prototype can value the idea of making automatic acoustic measurements indoor with an autonomous robot. It has two drive wheels and a caster ball. This caster ball provides manoeuvrability to the robot. An extendible stand made in aluminium holds the measurement microphone. VladBot has been designed with low cost technologies and under an open-source platform, Arduino. Arduino is a freeFsource electronics platform. This means that users have free access to all the information about micro-controllers (hardware) and about the software. Arduino offers a free IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with an easy programming language, which any kind of project can be made with. Besides, users have a forum where find help, “Arduino Forum”. VladBot communicates with the user by Bluetooth, creating a reliable link with enough range (100 meters approximately) for controlling VladBot in the next room. Nowadays, Bluetooth is a technology embedded in almost laptops, so it is not necessary any additional system for create this link. This communication uses a communication protocol, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). JSON makes the communication more reliable, since only a preFestablished kind of messages are recognised. Thanks to this protocol is possible the communication with another software, allowing to create routes in an external program. VladBot´s design favours its evolution to an accurate system since the user can make modifications in the robot. The code given can be changed, increasing VladBot´s uses or improving these uses. Their components can be changed too (even new devices can be added) for increasing its abilities. So, VladBot is a (low cost) transport system for a measurement microphone, which can communicate with the user in a reliable way.


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La planificación y las políticas de transporte no pueden descuidar la calidad del servicio, considerando que influye notablemente en el cambio modal del coche hacia otros medios de transporte más sostenibles. El concepto se aplica también a los intercambiadores de transporte público, los nodos del sistema donde se cruzan las distintas redes del transporte público y privado. Aunque se han logrado numerosos avances para medir y evaluar la calidad en el sector del transporte público, se han dedicado relativamente pocos esfuerzos a investigar estos aspectos relacionados con la calidad de los intercambiadores del transporte público. Este trabajo de investigación se concentra en la calidad del servicio de la transferencia modal en los intercambiadores interurbanos, según la perspectiva de los viajeros. Su objetivo es identificar los factores clave de la calidad del servicio y los perfiles de los viajeros en los intercambiadores. La investigación es exploratoria y ofrece información acerca de la percepción de los viajeros intermodales relacionada con los aspectos de la calidad, aportando nuevos elementos y datos para adentrarse en estudios más detallados. La metodología del trabajo combina técnicas de análisis estadístico multivariante para analizar los datos de las encuestas sobre la satisfacción de los clientes y se subdivide en tres etapas. En primer lugar, se ha implementado el análisis de correspondencias múltiples para explorar los constructos latentes relacionados con la satisfacción de las características cualitativas de los intercambiadores interurbanos, identificando así los factores clave de la calidad. En segundo lugar, se ha aplicado un análisis de conglomerados de k-medias sobre los factores clave de calidad para clasificar a los viajeros en grupos de usuarios de transportes homogéneos, de acuerdo con su percepción de satisfacción, identificando de este modo los perfiles de los viajeros. Por último, se han formulado sugerencias y recomendaciones sobre la calidad para respaldar la formulación de políticas, estableciendo las prioridades para los intercambiadores interurbanos. La metodología se aplicó en cuatro intercambiadores interurbanos (estaciones de ferrocarriles o de autobuses ) en Madrid, Zaragoza, Gothenburg y Lion, analizando los datos recogidos mediante una encuesta de satisfacción del cliente llevada a cabo en 2011 en los cuatro casos de estudio, donde se interconectan distintos medios de transporte público y privado, de corta y larga distancia. Se recogieron datos sobre la satisfacción de los viajeros con 26 criterios de calidad, así como información sobre aspectos socio-económicos y pautas de comportamiento de viajes. Mediante el análisis de correspondencias múltiples se identificaron 4-5 factores clave de calidad en cada intercambiador, que se asocian principalmente con el sistema de emisión de billetes, el confort y la interconexión, mientras que los viajeros no perciben los temas clásicos como la información. Mediante el análisis de conglomerados se identificaron 2-5 perfiles de viajeros en cada intercambiador. Se reconocieron dos grupos de viajeros en casi todos los casos de estudio: viajeros de cercanía/trabajadores y turistas. Por lo que concierne a las prioridades para apoyar a las partes interesadas en la formulación de políticas, la expedición de billetes es el factor clave para los intercambiadores interurbanos españoles, mientras que la interconexión y los aspectos temporales se destacan en los intercambiadores de Francia y Suecia. Quality of Service can not be neglected in public transport planning and policy making, since it strongly influences modal shifts from car to more sustainable modes. This concept is also related to Public Transport interchanges, the nodes of the transport system where the different sub-systems of public passenger transport and personal vehicles meet. Although a lot of progress has been generally done to measure and assess quality in public transport sector, relatively little investigation has been conducted on quality at PT interchanges. This research work focusses on Quality of Service in the use of transfer facilities at interurban interchanges, according to current travellers’ perspective. It aims at identifying key quality factors and travellers profiles at interurban interchanges. The research is exploratory and offers insight into intermodal travellers’ perception on quality aspects, providing new elements and inputs for more definitive investigation. The methodology of the work combines multivariate statistical techniques to analyse data from customer satisfaction surveys and is subdivided in three steps. Firstly, multiple correspondence analysis was performed to explore latent constructs as concern satisfaction of quality attributes at interurban interchanges, thus identifying the so-called Key Quality Factor. Secondly, k-means cluster analysis was implemented on the key quality factors to classify travellers in homogeneous groups of transport users, according to their perception of satisfaction, thus identifying the so-called Travellers Profiles. Finally, hints and recommendations on quality were identified to support policy making, setting priorities for interurban interchanges. The methodology was applied at four interurban interchanges in Madrid, Zaragoza, Gothenburg and Lyon, analysing the data collected through a customer satisfaction survey carried out in 2011 at the four railway or bus stations where different modes of public and private transport are interconnected covering both short and long trips. Data on travellers’ satisfaction with 26 quality attributes were collected, as well as information on socio-economical and travel patterns. Through multiple correspondence analysis were identified 4-5 key quality factors per interchange. They are mainly related to ticketing, comfort and connectivity, while classical issues, as information, are not perceived as important by travellers’. Through cluster analysis were identified 2-5 travellers profiles per interchange. Two groups of travellers can be found in almost all case studies: commuter / business travellers and holiday travellers. As regards the priorities to support stakeholders in policy making, ticketing is the key-issue for the Spanish interurban interchanges, while connectivity and temporal issues emerge in the French and Swedish case studies.


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Assessing social benefits in transport policy implementation has been studied by many researchers using theoretical or empirical measures. However, few of them measure social benefit using different discount rates including the inter-temporal preferences rate of users, the private investment discount rate and the inter-temporal preferences rate of the government. In general, the social discount rate used is the same for all social actors. Therefore, this paper aims to assess a new method by integrating different types of discount rate belonging to different social actors in order to measure the real benefits of each actor in the short, medium and long term. A dynamic simulation is provided by a strategic Land-Use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) model. The method is tested by optimizing a cordon toll scheme in Madrid considering socio- economic efficiency and environmental criteria. Based on the modified social welfare function (WF), the effects on the measure of social benefits are estimated and compared with the classical WF results as well. The results of this research could be a key issue to understanding the relationship between transport system policies and social actors' benefits distribution in a metropolitan context. The results show that the use of more suitable discount rates for each social actor had an effect on the selection and definition of optimal strategy of congestion pricing. The usefulness of the measure of congestion toll declines more quickly overtime.


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Many researchers have used theoretical or empirical measures to assess social benefits in transport policy implementation. However, few have measured social benefits by using discount rates, including the intertemporal preference rate of users, the private investment discount rate, and the intertemporal preference rate of the government. In general, the social discount rate used is the same for all social actors. This paper aims to assess a new method by integrating different types of discount rates belonging to different social actors to measure the real benefits of each actor in the short term, medium term, and long term. A dynamic simulation is provided by a strategic land use and transport interaction model. The method was tested by optimizing a cordon toll scheme in Madrid, Spain. Socioeconomic efficiency and environmental criteria were considered. On the basis of the modified social welfare function, the effects on the measure of social benefits were estimated and compared with the classical welfare function measures. The results show that the use of more suitable discount rates for each social actor had an effect on the selection and definition of optimal strategy of congestion pricing. The usefulness of the measure of congestion toll declines more quickly over time. This result could be the key to understanding the relationship between transport system policies and the distribution of social actors? benefits in a metropolitan context.


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El WCTR es un congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte y aunque las actas publicadas están en formato digital y sin ISSN ni ISBN, lo consideramos lo suficientemente importante como para que se considere en los indicadores. Policies trying to increase walking within urban mobility modal split usually highlight the importance of the functional patterns and the environmental quality of the urban space as major drivers of citizens modal choices. Functional characteristics would be mainly associated to an appropriate mix of land uses within neighbourhoods, whereas environmental quality would be associated to the characteristics of urban spaces. The purpose of this research is threefold: first, to identify relevant proxy indicators, which could characterize pedestrian-friendly land use mix and environmental quality. Second, to assess, for both traits, existing disparities among neighbourhoods in a major metropolitan area. And finally, to explore the association between both indicators and children mobility patterns: according to their built environment, which neighbourhoods have a greater proportion of children and, how is their mobility? Using data from the 2004 household mobility survey in the 128 neighbourhoods of the municipality of Madrid, this paper concludes that potentially favourable conditions at the neighbourhood level seem to have only a modest influence in,mobility patterns , in terms of both, selection of closer destinations and a higher share of walking within modal split. The citys policy choices, with intensive investment in road and public transport infrastructure may explain why short-distance mobility is not as important as it could have been expected in those neighbourhoods with more pedestrian-friendly conditions. The metropolitan transport system is providing mobility conditions, which make far-away destinations attractive to most citizens.


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El presente proyecto tiene como objeto la evaluación del parámetro distancia entre focos de emisión de CO2 y estructuras geológicas apropiadas para su almacenamiento, según los datos publicados por el Registro Estatal de Emisiones y Fuentes Contaminantes (PRTR España) y por el proyecto ALGECO2. El parámetro distancia analizado es referido a proyectos de Captura, Transporte y Almacenamiento de CO2 (proyectos CAC) a gran escala. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio en la zona de la Cuenca del Duero aplicando criterios de selección tanto técnicos como socio-económicos, según las recomendaciones de organizaciones como la Agencia Internacional de la Energía o el CCS Institute entre otros. A lo largo de este estudio se ha propuesto y evaluado un sistema de transporte por tubería “punto a punto” o un sistema en “red” determinando cuáles son los más recomendables para un futuro trazado de las líneas de transporte desde un punto de vista sostenible. This present project’s objective is to evaluate the distance parameter among several CO2 sources and adequate geological structures for storage, following the released data by the Registro Estatal de Emisiones y Fuentes Contaminantes (PRTR España) and the ALGECO2 project. The analysed distance parameter is applied to large-scale Carbon Captures and Storage (CCS) projects. For this study, a research has been carried out in the Cuenca del Duero area, utilizing selective criteria as technical as socio-economic, according to recommendations made by organizations such as International Energy Agency and CCS Institute among others. During this research it has been proposed and evaluated a “point to point” pipeline transport system or a “network” transport system, aiming to find the most effective future route selection of the transportation lines from a sustainable point of view.


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El presente proyecto tiene como objeto la evaluación del parámetro distancia entre focos de emisión de CO2 y estructuras geológicas apropiadas para su almacenamiento, según los datos publicados por el Registro Estatal de Emisiones y Fuentes Contaminantes (PRTR España) y por el proyecto ALGECO2. El parámetro distancia analizado es referido a proyectos de Captura, Transporte y Almacenamiento de CO2 (proyectos CAC) a gran escala. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio en la zona de la Cuenca del Duero aplicando criterios de selección tanto técnicos como socio-económicos, según las recomendaciones de organizaciones como la Agencia Internacional de la Energía o el CCS Institute entre otros. A lo largo de este estudio se ha propuesto y evaluado un sistema de transporte por tubería “punto a punto” o un sistema en “red” determinando cuáles son los más recomendables para un futuro trazado de las líneas de transporte desde un punto de vista sostenible. Abstract This present project’s objective is to evaluate the distance parameter among several CO2 sources and adequate geological structures for storage, following the released data by the Registro Estatal de Emisiones y Fuentes Contaminantes (PRTR España) and the ALGECO2 project. The analysed distance parameter is applied to large-scale Carbon Captures and Storage (CCS) projects. For this study, a research has been carried out in the Cuenca del Duero area, utilizing selective criteria as technical as socio-economic, according to recommendations made by organizations such as International Energy Agency and CCS Institute among others. During this research it has been proposed and evaluated a “point to point” pipeline transport system or a “network” transport system, aiming to find the most effective future route selection of the transportation lines from a sustainable point of view


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Policies trying to increase walking within urban mobility modal split usually highlight the importance of the functional patterns and the environmental quality of the urban space as major drivers of citizens modal choices. Functional characteristics would be mainly associated to an appropriate mix of land uses within neighbourhoods, whereas environmental quality would be associated to the characteristics of urban spaces. The purpose of this research is threefold: first, to identify relevant proxy indicators, which could characterize pedestrian-friendly land use mix and environmental quality. Second, to assess, for both traits, existing disparities among neighbourhoods in a major metropolitan area. And finally, to explore the association between both indicators and children mobility patterns: according to their built environment, which neighbourhoods have a greater proportion of children and, how is their mobility? Using data from the 2004 household mobility survey in the 128 neighbourhoods of the municipality of Madrid, this paper concludes that potentially favourable conditions at the neighbourhood level seem to have only a modest influence in,mobility patterns , in terms of both, selection of closer destinations and a higher share of walking within modal split. The city s policy choices, with intensive investment in road and public transport infrastructure may explain why short-distance mobility is not as important as it could have been expected in those neighbourhoods with more pedestrian-friendly conditions. The metropolitan transport system is providing mobility conditions, which make far-away destinations attractive to most citizens.


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Urban mobility in Europe is always a responsibility of the municipalities which propose measures to reduce CO2 emissions in terms of mobility aimed at reducing individual private transport (car). The European Commission's Action Plan on Urban Mobility calls for an increase in the take-up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Europe. SUMPs aim to create a sustainable urban transport system. Europe has got some long term initiatives and has been using some evaluation procedures, many of them through European projects. Nevertheless, the weak point with the SUMPs in Spain, has been the lack of concern about the evaluation and the effectiveness of the measures implemented in a SUMP. For this reason, it is difficult to know exactly whether or not the SUMPs have positively influenced in the modal split of the cities, and its contribution to reduce CO2 levels. The case of the City of Burgos is a very illustrative example as it developed a CiViTAS project during the years 2005-2009, with a total investment of 6M?. The results have been considered as ?very successful? even at European level. The modal split has changed considerably for better, The cost-effectiveness ratio of the SUMP in the city can be measured with the CO2 ton saved, specifically 36 ? per CO2 ton saved, which is fully satisfactory and in line with calculations from other European researchers. Additionally, the authors propose a single formula to measure the effectiveness of the activities developed under the umbrella of a SUMP.