967 resultados para Intuitive Expertise


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Le Cipret-Valais, la Société Médicale du Valais (SMV), Pharmavalais et Promotion Santé Valais, ont lancé en 2013 une campagne de sensibilisation sur l'impact du tabac sur les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV). Cette campagne, qui sera déclinée sur trois ans (2013-2016), informe et sensibilise la population sur les liens existant entre le tabagisme et les MCV. La campagne suit différents axes : sensibiliser les fumeurs de plus de 40 ans aux conséquences du tabagisme sur leur risque de MCV, les encourager à contrôler leur pression artérielle (en pharmacie) et les inciter à prendre les mesures nécessaires à la réduction de leur risque de MCV. Dans une seconde phase, les fumeurs seront guidés dans leur démarche d'arrêt, avec des offres de désaccoutumance. Cette évaluation, qui concerne la première partie de la campagne (novembre 2013 et mars 2014), a pour but d'apporter un complément qualitatif aux données quantitatives récoltées au cours de la campagne (valeurs de tension artérielle (TA)). Des entretiens ont ainsi été menés avec le responsable du Cipret-Valais (A. Dubuis) et le président du Cipret-Valais, également responsable de la SMV pour cette campagne (Dr. D. Evéquoz). Un focus-group avec un échantillon de pharmacien était également prévu. N'ayant pu avoir lieu du fait d'une participation trop faible, il a été remplacé par des entretiens téléphoniques. Pour la partie quantitative de l'évaluation, les données sur les prises de TA en pharmacie ont été fournies par le Cipret-Valais et Pharmavalais, et celles sur la fréquentation du site internet par Cipret-Valais.


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When sex determination in a species is predominantly genetic but environmentally reversible, exposure to (anthropogenic) changes in the environment can lead to shifts in a population's sex ratio. Such scenarios may be common in many fishes and amphibians, yet their ramifications remain largely unexplored. We used a simple model to study the (short-term) population consequences of environmental sex reversal (ESR). We examined the effects on sex ratios, sex chromosome frequencies, and population growth and persistence after exposure to environmental forces with feminizing or masculinizing tendencies. When environmental feminization was strong, X chromosomes were driven to extinction. Analogously, extinction of normally male-linked genetic factors (e.g., Y chromosomes) was caused by continuous environmental masculinization. Although moderate feminization was beneficial for population growth in the absence of large viability effects, our results suggest that the consequences of ESR are generally negative in terms of population size and the persistence of sex chromosomes. Extreme sex ratios resulting from high rates of ESR also reduced effective population sizes considerably. This may limit any evolutionary response to the deleterious effects of ESR. Our findings suggest that ESR changes population growth and sex ratios in some counter-intuitive ways and can change the predominant factor in sex determination from genetic to fully environmental, often within only a few tens of generations. Populations that lose genetic sex determination may quickly go extinct if the environmental forces that cause sex reversal cease.


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La présente communication a pour objet la communication entre experts forensiques et magistrats. En confrontant les notions juridiques d'expertise (notamment en regard du nouveau Code de procédure pénale), d'expert judiciaire aux pratiques habituellement admises dans le milieu forensique, elle met en lumière les décalages existant entre les attentes des juristes et les réponses que peuvent apporter les experts aux questions d'expertise qui leur sont posées. La contribution se conclura par quelques brèves recommandations pouvant constituer les prémisses d'un vadémécum de la communication destiné tant aux experts qu'aux magistrats.


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L’objectiu del present TFM és explorar les possibilitats del programa matemàtic MATLAB i la seva eina Entorn de Disseny d’Interfícies Gràfiques d’Usuari (GUIDE), desenvolupant un programa d’anàlisi d’imatges de provetes metal·logràfiques que es pugui utilitzar per a realitzar pràctiques de laboratori de l’assignatura Tecnologia de Materials de la titulació de Grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica que s’imparteix a la Universitat de Vic. Les àrees d’interès del treball són la Instrumentació Virtual, la programació MATLAB i les tècniques d’anàlisi d’imatges metal·logràfiques. En la memòria es posa un èmfasi especial en el disseny de la interfície i dels procediments per a efectuar les mesures. El resultat final és un programa que satisfà tots els requeriments que s’havien imposat en la proposta inicial. La interfície del programa és clara i neta, destinant molt espai a la imatge que s’analitza. L’estructura i disposició dels menús i dels comandaments ajuda a que la utilització del programa sigui fàcil i intuïtiva. El programa s’ha estructurat de manera que sigui fàcilment ampliable amb altres rutines de mesura, o amb l’automatització de les rutines existents. Al tractar-se d’un programa que funciona com un instrument de mesura, es dedica un capítol sencer de la memòria a mostrar el procediment de càlcul dels errors que s’ocasionen durant la seva utilització, amb la finalitat de conèixer el seu ordre de magnitud, i de saber-los calcular de nou en cas que variïn les condicions d’utilització. Pel que fa referència a la programació, malgrat que MATLAB no sigui un entorn de programació clàssic, sí que incorpora eines que permeten fer aplicacions no massa complexes, i orientades bàsicament a gràfics o a imatges. L’eina GUIDE simplifica la realització de la interfície d’usuari, malgrat que presenta problemes per tractar dissenys una mica complexos. Per altra banda, el codi generat per GUIDE no és accessible, cosa que no permet modificar manualment la interfície en aquells casos en els que GUIDE té problemes. Malgrat aquests petits problemes, la potència de càlcul de MATLAB compensa sobradament aquestes deficiències.


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Few subjects have caught the attention of the entire world as much as those dealing with natural hazards. The first decade of this new millennium provides a litany of tragic examples of various hazards that turned into disasters affecting millions of individuals around the globe. The human losses (some 225,000 people) associated with the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, the economic costs (approximately 200 billion USD) of the 2011 Tohoku Japan earthquake, tsunami and reactor event, and the collective social impacts of human tragedies experienced during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 all provide repetitive reminders that we humans are temporary guests occupying a very active and angry planet. Any examples may have been cited here to stress the point that natural events on Earth may, and often do, lead to disasters and catastrophes when humans place themselves into situations of high risk. Few subjects share the true interdisciplinary dependency that characterizes the field of natural hazards. From geology and geophysics to engineering and emergency response to social psychology and economics, the study of natural hazards draws input from an impressive suite of unique and previously independent specializations. Natural hazards provide a common platform to reduce disciplinary boundaries and facilitate a beneficial synergy in the provision of timely and useful information and action on this critical subject matter. As social norms change regarding the concept of acceptable risk and human migration leads to an explosion in the number of megacities, coastal over-crowding and unmanaged habitation in precarious environments such as mountainous slopes, the vulnerability of people and their susceptibility to natural hazards increases dramatically. Coupled with the concerns of changing climates, escalating recovery costs, a growing divergence between more developed and less developed countries, the subject of natural hazards remains on the forefront of issues that affect all people, nations, and environments all the time.This treatise provides a compendium of critical, timely and very detailed information and essential facts regarding the basic attributes of natural hazards and concomitant disasters. The Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards effectively captures and integrates contributions from an international portfolio of almost 300 specialists whose range of expertise addresses over 330 topics pertinent to the field of natural hazards. Disciplinary barriers are overcome in this comprehensive treatment of the subject matter. Clear illustrations and numerous color images enhance the primary aim to communicate and educate. The inclusion of a series of unique ?classic case study? events interspersed throughout the volume provides tangible examples linking concepts, issues, outcomes and solutions. These case studies illustrate different but notable recent, historic and prehistoric events that have shaped the world as we now know it. They provide excellent focal points linking the remaining terms in the volume to the primary field of study. This Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards will remain a standard reference of choice for many years.


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[Table des matières] 1 Contexte de la saisine. - 2 Définitions et terminologie. - 3 Minéralogie et géologie du talc. - 4 Production et utilisation du talc. - 5 Echantillonnage et analyse des fibres. - 6 Exposition professionnelle à la poussière de talc. - 7 Réglementation. - 8 Effets sur la santé - données cliniques - autres effets que le cancer. - 9 Etudes épidémiologiques. - 10 Données toxicologiques. - 11 Conclusions. - 12 Recommandations. - 13 Bibliographie. - Annexe 1: Liste des organismes sollicités dans le cadre de l'expertise. - Annexe 2: Compte rendu des auditions. - Annexe 3 : Analyse critique des études épidémiologiques menées en industrie extractive. - Annexe 4 : Importations françaises du talc de 2007 à 2009


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Through networking, Iowa’s manufacturers share expertise in lean manufacturing, supply chain efficiency and rapid prototyping, strengthening the powerful environment for success. The Iowa Department of Economic Development builds on these strengths with a focus on advanced manufacturing, extending financial and tax benefits to companies making substantial investments and creating higher skill, higher paying jobs. Many companies these days are finding that it pays to explore options in Iowa as they plan manufacturing expansions. You can get in touch with us at www.iowalifechanging.com.


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In the fall of 2007, a group of individuals representing a wide range of aspects of the wind industry gathered together and voted to establish the Iowa Wind Energy Association (IWEA). Now in its second year and operated out of Iowa Lakes Community College in Estherville, our association’s increasing membership rolls parallel the phenomenal growth of the wind energyindustry in our state. IWEA has just concluded our second annual meeting which brought together a host of wind energy experts to share their knowledge and expertise. Attending were wind energy companies, wind developers, agricultural landowners, large- and small-scale wind farm producers, construction companies, energy companies, educators and students. This broad range of interests pursuing common goals has made the Iowa WindEnergy Association one of the largest state wind organizations in the nation.


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This paper presents a pilot project (INTERNORM) funded by the University of Lausanne (2010 - 2013) to support the involvement of civil society organisations (CSO) in international standard setting bodies such as the ISO. It analyses how a distinct participatory mechanism can influence the institutional environment of technical diplomacy in which standards are shaped. The project is an attempt to respond to the democratic deficit attested in the field of international standardisation, formally open to civil society participation, but still largely dominated by expert knowledge and market players. Many international standards have direct implications on society as a whole, but CSOs (consumers and environmental associations, trade unions) are largely under-represented in negotiation arenas. The paper draws upon international relations literature on new institutional forms in global governance and studies of participation in science and technology. It argues that there are significant limitations to the rise of civil society participation in such global governance mechanisms. The INTERNORM project has been designed as a platform of knowledge exchange between CSO and academic experts, with earmarked funding and official membership to a national standardisation body. But INTERNORM cannot substitute for a long- established lack of resources in time, money and expertise of CSOs. Despite high entry costs into technical diplomacy, participation thus appears as less a matter of upstream engagement, or of procedure only, than of dedicated means to shift the geometry of actors and the framing of socio-technical change.


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Le cas d'une épicondylite, atteinte musculosquelettique au coude, a été reconnu comme maladie professionnelle par le Tribunal fédéral et le Tribunal cantonal des Assurances, suite à une longue bataille juridique. Cette victoire, très encourageante pour les spécialistes de la santé au travail, a été possible grâce à une expertise qui a comparé deux situations professionnelles. Cela a permis la mise en évidence de facteurs de risque liés "de manière nettement prépondérante" aux contitions de travail.


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The Rebuild Iowa Education Task Force is composed of Iowans with experience and expertise related to the impact of the tornadoes, storms, and floods of 2008 on the educational system in Iowa. The massive damage greatly impacted educational facilities and enrollment, resulting in thousands of displaced students and significant long-term rebuilding needs. In addition, the education system is a “community center,” and in many ways acts as a first responder to Iowans experiencing the disasters. It is important to also recognize this role and the need for “non-educational” (and often non-quantifiable) supports as a part of the overall recovery effort. There are a few parts of the state that sustained significant structural and other damage as a result of the disasters. However, many school districts and educational institutions throughout the state experienced damage that resulted in re-allocating building usage, enrollment issues (because of housing and relocation issues in the community), or use of school facilities to assist in the recovery efforts (by housing displaced community agencies and providing temporary shelter for displaced Iowans). At this time, damage estimates are only estimates and numbers are revised often. Estimates of damage are being developed by multiple agencies, including FEMA, the Iowa Department of Education, insurance companies, and schools themselves, since there are many different types of damage to be assessed and repaired. In addition to structural damage, educational institutions and communities are trying to find ways to quantify sometimes unquantifiable data, such as future revenue capabilities, population declines, and impact on mental health in the long-term. The data provided in this report is preliminary and as up to date as possible; information is updated on a regular basis as assessments continue and damage estimates are finalized.


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The Rebuild Iowa Education Task Force is composed of Iowans with experience and expertise related to the impact of the tornadoes, storms, and floods of 2008 on the educational system in Iowa. The massive damage greatly impacted educational facilities and enrollment, resulting in thousands of displaced students and significant long-term rebuilding needs. In addition, the education system is a “community center,” and in many ways acts as a first responder to Iowans experiencing the disasters. It is important to also recognize this role and the need for “non-educational” (and often non-quantifiable) supports as a part of the overall recovery effort. There are a few parts of the state that sustained significant structural and other damage as a result of the disasters. However, many school districts and educational institutions throughout the state experienced damage that resulted in re-allocating building usage, enrollment issues (because of housing and relocation issues in the community), or use of school facilities to assist in the recovery efforts (by housing displaced community agencies and providing temporary shelter for displaced Iowans). At this time, damage estimates are only estimates and numbers are revised often. Estimates of damage are being developed by multiple agencies, including FEMA, the Iowa Department of Education, insurance companies, and schools themselves, since there are many different types of damage to be assessed and repaired. In addition to structural damage, educational institutions and communities are trying to find ways to quantify sometimes unquantifiable data, such as future revenue capabilities, population declines, and impact on mental health in the long-term. The data provided in this report is preliminary and as up to date as possible; information is updated on a regular basis as assessments continue and damage estimates are finalized. Supplemental Information to the August 2008 Education Task Force Report


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The new Swiss federal law on organ and transplantation strengthens the responsibilities of the intensive care units. In Italian and French speaking parts of Switzerland, the Programme Latin pour le Don d'Organe (PLDO) has been launched to foster a wider collaboration between intensivists and donation coordinators. The PLDO aims at optimising knowledge and expertise in organ donation through improvements in identification, notification and management of organ donors and their next of kin. The PLDO dispenses education to all professionals involved. Such organisation should allow increasing the number of organs available, while improving healthcare professionals experience and next of kin emotion throughout the donation process.


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SUMMARY: ExpressionView is an R package that provides an interactive graphical environment to explore transcription modules identified in gene expression data. A sophisticated ordering algorithm is used to present the modules with the expression in a visually appealing layout that provides an intuitive summary of the results. From this overview, the user can select individual modules and access biologically relevant metadata associated with them. AVAILABILITY: http://www.unil.ch/cbg/ExpressionView. Screenshots, tutorials and sample data sets can be found on the ExpressionView web site.


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A static comparative study on set-solutions for cooperative TU games is carried out. The analysis focuses on studying the compatibility between two classical and reasonable properties introduced by Young (1985) in the context of single valued solutions, namely core-selection and coalitional monotonicity. As the main result, it is showed that coalitional monotonicity is not only incompatible with the core-selection property but also with the bargaining-selection property. This new impossibility result reinforces the tradeoff between these kinds of interesting and intuitive economic properties. Positive results about compatibility between desirable economic properties are given replacing the core selection requirement by the core-extension property.