777 resultados para Intraocular lenses
With the advent of the laser in the year 1960, the field of optics experienced a renaissance from what was considered to be a dull, solved subject to an active area of development, with applications and discoveries which are yet to be exhausted 55 years later. Light is now nearly ubiquitous not only in cutting-edge research in physics, chemistry, and biology, but also in modern technology and infrastructure. One quality of light, that of the imparted radiation pressure force upon reflection from an object, has attracted intense interest from researchers seeking to precisely monitor and control the motional degrees of freedom of an object using light. These optomechanical interactions have inspired myriad proposals, ranging from quantum memories and transducers in quantum information networks to precision metrology of classical forces. Alongside advances in micro- and nano-fabrication, the burgeoning field of optomechanics has yielded a class of highly engineered systems designed to produce strong interactions between light and motion.
Optomechanical crystals are one such system in which the patterning of periodic holes in thin dielectric films traps both light and sound waves to a micro-scale volume. These devices feature strong radiation pressure coupling between high-quality optical cavity modes and internal nanomechanical resonances. Whether for applications in the quantum or classical domain, the utility of optomechanical crystals hinges on the degree to which light radiating from the device, having interacted with mechanical motion, can be collected and detected in an experimental apparatus consisting of conventional optical components such as lenses and optical fibers. While several efficient methods of optical coupling exist to meet this task, most are unsuitable for the cryogenic or vacuum integration required for many applications. The first portion of this dissertation will detail the development of robust and efficient methods of optically coupling optomechanical resonators to optical fibers, with an emphasis on fabrication processes and optical characterization.
I will then proceed to describe a few experiments enabled by the fiber couplers. The first studies the performance of an optomechanical resonator as a precise sensor for continuous position measurement. The sensitivity of the measurement, limited by the detection efficiency of intracavity photons, is compared to the standard quantum limit imposed by the quantum properties of the laser probe light. The added noise of the measurement is seen to fall within a factor of 3 of the standard quantum limit, representing an order of magnitude improvement over previous experiments utilizing optomechanical crystals, and matching the performance of similar measurements in the microwave domain.
The next experiment uses single photon counting to detect individual phonon emission and absorption events within the nanomechanical oscillator. The scattering of laser light from mechanical motion produces correlated photon-phonon pairs, and detection of the emitted photon corresponds to an effective phonon counting scheme. In the process of scattering, the coherence properties of the mechanical oscillation are mapped onto the reflected light. Intensity interferometry of the reflected light then allows measurement of the temporal coherence of the acoustic field. These correlations are measured for a range of experimental conditions, including the optomechanical amplification of the mechanics to a self-oscillation regime, and comparisons are drawn to a laser system for phonons. Finally, prospects for using phonon counting and intensity interferometry to produce non-classical mechanical states are detailed following recent proposals in literature.
As feature size decreases, especially with the use of resolution enhancement technique, requirements for the coma aberrations in the projection lenses of the lithographic tools have become extremely severe. So, fast and accurate in situ measurement of coma is necessary. In the present paper, we present a new method for characterizing the coma aberrations in the projection lens using a phase-shifting mask and a transmission image sensor. By measuring the image positions at multiple NA and partial coherence settings, we are able to extract the coma aberration. The simulation results show that the accuracy of coma measurement increases approximately 20% compared to the previous straightforward measurement technique. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The diffraction properties of volume holographic gratings are studied when the gratings are illuminated by an ultrashort pulsed beam with different polarization states. The developed coupled wave theory of Kogelnik is used. Considering the dispersion effect of the grating media, solutions for the diffracted and transmitted intensities, diffraction efficiencies and the bandwidths of the gratings are given in transmission volume holographic gratings and reflection volume holographic gratings. The bandwidths of the gratings are reduced by the dispersion effect of the grating media. They also have different influences on the diffraction of an ultrashort pulsed beam with different polarization states. For different values of the ratio of the spectral bandwidth of the input pulse to that of the grating, the changes of the spectral and temporal distributions of the diffracted intensities, as well as the diffraction efficiencies of the gratings are shown.
A região de Itutinga foi alvo de estudos prospectivos por parte da empresa BP mineração na década de 80, onde foram encontradas mineralizações em lentes de sulfetos metálicos (Zn-Cu-Ag-Fe) associados a rochas komatiíticas peridotíticas e basaltos toleíticos (anfibolitos) do greenstone belts, nas proximidades da fazenda São Jerônimo, enquadrando-se em um depósito do tipo VMS. A partir destas informações encontradas na literatura propôs-se estudar a estaurolita, a magnetita e a ilmenita para, a partir da determinação do seu conteúdo em zinco, indicar a aplicabilidade destes três minerais como traçadores desses tipos de depósitos. Para isso foram coletadas amostras de sedimentos de corrente e concentrados de batéia na região próxima à ocorrência, no entorno da cidade de Itutinga, e também em uma região próxima a cidade de Itumirim, já que existem semelhanças litológicas entre as duas áreas. Os sedimentos de corrente, as frações magnéticas e as frações de 0,3A (separador eletromagnético Frantz) foram enviados para análises químicas por absorção atômica e ICP-OES. Os concentrados de batéia foram descritos, separando-se cristais de estaurolita de cada amostra coletada, e analisando-os em MEV-EDS para determinação da química mineral. Os resultados dos sedimentos de corrente apontaram que os pontos da fazenda São Jerônimo (ME-03, Itutinga 51,7 ppm de Zn) e o ponto do Ribeirão Santa Cruz, (ME-06, Itumirim 36,1 ppm de Zn) foram os que apresentaram melhores resultados, indicando anomalias em zinco nas duas áreas estudadas . As estaurolitas, retiradas dos concentrados de batéia de cada ponto estudado, foram divididas em três conjuntos, de acordo com os teores de ZnO encontrados: 1 - entre 2,96% e 3,25% de ZnO em peso; 2 - entre 2,03% e 2,76% de ZnO em peso; 3 - < 1,67% de ZnO em peso, sendo comparável com outras estaurolitas encontradas em diversos depósitos de Zn do mundo, como Dry River, Austrália e Palmeirópolis Goiás. Assim, as estaurolitas apresentam bons resultados como minerais indicadores na área estudada. Em relação as magnetitas e ilmenitas estudadas, o número de amostras coletadas no presente estudo foram muito pequenas para se ter informações conclusivas sobre o papel destes minerais como traçadores. Por outro lado, os resultados das análises químicas nos concentrados de ilmenita (até 856 ppm de Zn) e nos concentrados de magnetita (até 216 ppm de Zn), indicam a disponibilidade deste metal nas áreas estudadas. Assim, é possível se detectar a presença do zinco por dois meios: através de sedimentos de corrente, através de halos de dispersão química do elemento zinco, e através dos minerais resistatos (estaurolita zincífera, magnetita e ilmenita), a partir de uma dispersão clástica do grão.
In contrast to previous two-dimensional coated photonic crystals, in this paper we propose a left-handed one that is made of dielectric tubes arranged in a close-packed hexagonal lattice. Without metallic cores, this structure is low-loss and convenient to fabricate. Negative refraction and its resulting focusing are investigated by dispersion characteristic analysis and numerical simulation of the field pattern. With proper modification at the interface, the image is improved. With better isotropy than that with noncircular rods, planoconcave lenses made by dielectric tubes focus a Gaussian beam exactly at R//n - 1/.
High-density optical data storage requires high-numerical-aperture (NA) lenses and short wavelengths, But, with increasing NA and decreasing wavelength, the depth of focus (DOF) decreases rapidly. We propose to use pure-phase superresolution apodizers to optimize the axial intensity distribution and extend the DOF of an optical pickup. With this kind of apodizer, the expected DOF can be 2-4.88 times greater than that of the original system, and the spot size will be smaller than that of the original system. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.
利用激光诱导等离子体开关技术,对355 nm脉冲激光自削波进行了实验和理论研究。分别采用5种不同焦距的透镜,集中讨论了透镜焦距及激光器输出单脉冲能量对脉宽压缩的影响,发现采用焦距为200 mm的透镜能够获得最佳的脉冲压缩效果。在聚焦透镜焦距200 mm,单脉冲能量160 mJ时,获得最短脉宽3.47 ns;在激光电离Cu小孔内壁表面及空气击穿共同作用下,获得了脉宽最短达2.11 ns的脉冲激光输出。此外,根据实验结果得到了355 nm激光空气击穿阈值,并与理论估算值进行比较,两者结果较为一致。
[Es]Este documento muestra un análisis de los requisitos para el micro-fresado de un molde. Es importante remarcar que este molde será usado para producir micro-lentes. La herramienta realizará una matriz de cavidades en una pieza cilíndrica y el tamaño de estas coincidirá con el tamaño de las microlentes. Este proyecto será programado mediante el software de MATLAB. El objetivo es calcular tanto la trayectoria de la herramienta, como su inclinación, velocidad, aceleración y jerk. Además este programa calculará las fuerzas de corte en cada instante del mecanizado. Por último, cabe mencionar que los resultados de este proyecto darán soporte a otros proyectos.
[Es]El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en calcular los movimientos que son necesarios en los actuadores de la plataforma de un mecanismo de cinemática paralela, a fin de poder localizar la pieza en la posición adecuada para poder llevar a cabo la operación de microfresado de la misma. Para desarrollar el proyecto se necesitará un software de programación como es Matlab. Este trabajo surge de la necesidad de dar soporte a un proyecto mayor que consiste en el diseño de un manipulador de cinemática paralela cuyas juntas funcionan por deformación. Se pretende que mientras la herramienta se encuentra inmóvil, se consiga el microfresado de moldes para la fabricación de microlentes mediante el movimiento del manipulador. Se ha resuelto la cinemática inversa y se ha calculado el espacio de trabajo. En este documento se van a presentar las tareas, el presupuesto y los riesgos del proyecto así como unos anexos en los que se incluirá el código de la programación.