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Biological invasions can bring both the invader and native taxa into contact with novel parasites. As cane toads ( Rhinella marina ) have spread through Australia, they have encountered lungworms (Rhabdias hylae) that occur in native frogs. Field surveys suggest that these lungworms have not host-switched to toads. In our laboratory studies, R. hylae infected cane toads as readily as it infected native frogs, but failed to reach the lungs of the novel host (i.e., were killed by the toads' immune response). Plausibly, then, R. hylae might reduce the viability both of their native hosts (frogs, that can exhibit high parasite burdens) and cane toads (that must deal with infective larvae traveling through the host body). Our laboratory trials suggest, however, that the impacts of the parasite on infected anuran hosts (both frogs and toads) were minimal, with no significant decrements to host survival, activity, growth, or locomotor performance. Ironically, the lack of impact of the parasite on its native hosts appears to be an outcome of co-evolution (frogs tolerate the lungworm), whereas the lack of impact on the novel host is due to a lack of co-evolution (toads can recognize and eliminate the lungworm).
La thèse propose une analyse du rôle des objets dans quatre tragédies (Ajax, Trachiniennes, Electre, Philoctèté) et un drame satyrique (Limiers) de Sophocle. Le propos est d'étayer le constat selon lequel les objets ont un rôle prépondérant dans l'économie générale de chacune de ces intrigues et de dégager ce rôle chez cet auteur. L'introduction met en évidence l'émergence du material turn en sciences humaines jusque dans les sciences de l'Antiquité en passant par la littérature et l'anthropologie, souligne le caractère souple et opératoire de la catégorie de l'objet, le lien avec la question du signe et du langage non verbal et relève l'absence d'équivalent en grec ancien pour cette catégorie, avec le problème épistémologique que cela implique pour la présente recherche. L'objet n'est pas abordé ici comme accessoire, mais comme entité participant d'une fiction théâtrale. On distingue les moments où les objets sont susceptibles d'apparaître sur scène des moments où ils apparaissent dans des récits ou des évocations. Dans le monde fictionnel constitué par chaque intrigue, sont envisagés les modes d'apparition textuels et poétiques d'objets intra-fictionnels, dans le cadre du genre théâtral, qui combine discours et actions, avec les décalages et les phénomène de dissimulation et d'ostentation que cela implique. Les métaphores et les images jouent ici un rôle prépondérant. Des analyses circonstanciées en 5 chapitres thématisant les objets et leurs fonctions. Dans I'Ajax, les valeurs liées aux armes, en particulier l'épée d'Hector et le bouclier d'Eurysacès, telles qu'elles apparaissent dans l'épopée, sont transposées dans une logique tragique où le prestige lié à ces armes devient polémique et problématique. Le vêtement sacrificiel des Trachiniennes, auquel répond la figure d'Iole, un personnage largement réifiés, thématise le déséquilibre qui caractérise les relations entre Héraclès et Déjanire, dans le cadre des institutions du mariage et du sacrifice, où s'immisce une dimension sauvage et sournoise. Dans l'Electre, au contexte funéraire et d'appel à la vengeance, auquel renvoie une multitude d'objets (sceptre, hache, lit et autres pièces de mobilier, offrandes, etc.) se superpose une dimension méta-fictionnelle et méta-théâtrale investie par l'urne vide. L'arc du Philoctèté constitue l'enjeu dramatique principal de la tragédie et cristallise un débat polémique de valeurs humaines instables auquel s'oppose une logique divine et collective attachée au passé de l'objet, qui se trouve réorienté vers un avenir glorieux. Un passage par le seul drame satyrique conservé de Sophocle permet de constater que l'objet, une tortue-lyre, possède des caractéristiques similaires transposées dans le contexte satyrique, où l'hybridité, les marqueurs de la civilisation, les attributions des Satyres, mais aussi des traits comiques, jouent un rôle prépondérant. La conclusion tente une synthèse et identifie plusieurs observations transversales : jeux sur la présence et l'absence, décalages entre discours et actions, entre langage verbal et non verbal, modalités d'allusion à des personnages, temporalités et espaces absents, détournement des fonctions d'usage, modalités du don, de l'échange et de la privation, procédures de personnification et de réification, rôle prépondérant dans les modalités de l'accomplissement du destin. A la faveur de l'identification de ces caractéristiques transversales, on tente d'ouvrir le propos sur la question du cadavre, dont le statut semble intermédiaire entre personnage et objet, notamment aussi dans \'Antigone, et la figure d'Oedipe, qui apparaît comme un héros- objet dans les deux tragédies que lui consacre Sophocle, l'Oedipe-roi, et \'Oedipe à Colone.
While the supply of water to dry or arid mountain regions has long been a major challenge, the on-going processes of climatic and socio-economic change currently affecting the hydrosystems of the Alps raise the spectre of renewed pressure on water resources and possible local shortages. In such a context, questions relating to fair distribution of water are all the more sensitive given the tendency to neglect the social dimension of sustainability. The present paper makes both a conceptual and empirical contribution to this debate by analysing a system of distribution that has a long experience of water scarcity management: the community governance models traditionally linked to the irrigation channels, or bisses, typical of the Swiss Alpine canton of Valais. More specifically, we evaluate these models in terms of accessibility and equity, characteristics that we use to operationalize the notion of 'fair distribution'. We examine these dimensions in three case studies with a view to highlighting the limitations of the aforementioned models. Indeed, despite their cooperative and endogenous nature, they tend to not only exclude certain members of the population, but also to reproduce rather than reduce social inequalities within the community. In general, these results challenge the rosy picture generally found in the literature relating to these community governance models.
Ipilimumab and tremelimumab are human monoclonal antibodies (Abs) against cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4). Ipilimumab was the first agent to show a statistically significant benefit in overall survival in advanced melanoma patients. Currently, there is no proven association between the BRAFV600 mutation and the disease control rate in response to ipilimumab. This analysis was carried out to assess if BRAFV600 and NRAS mutation status affects the clinical outcome of anti-CTLA-4-treated melanoma patients. This is a retrospective multi-center analysis of 101 patients, with confirmed BRAF and NRAS mutation status, treated with anti-CTLA-4 antibodies from December 2006 until August 2012. The median overall survival, defined from the treatment start date with the anti-CTLA-4. Abs-treatment to death or till last follow up, of BRAFV600 or NRAS mutant patients (n = 62) was 10.12 months (95% CI 6.78-13.2) compared to 8.26 months (95% CI 6.02-19.9) in BRAFV600/NRASwt subpopulation (n = 39) (p = 0.67). The median OS of NRAS mutated patients (n = 24) was 12.1 months and although was prolonged compared to the median OS of BRAF mutated patients (n = 38, mOS = 8.03 months) or BRAFV600/NRASwt patients (n = 39, mOS = 8.26 months) the difference didn't reach statistical significance (p = 0.56). 69 patients were able to complete 4 cycles of anti-CTLA-4 treatment. Of the 24 patients treated with selected BRAF- or MEK-inhibitors, 16 patients received anti-CTLA 4 Abs following either a BRAF or MEK inhibitor with only 8 of them being able to finish 4 cycles of treatment. Based on our results, there is no difference in the median OS in patients treated with anti-CTLA-4 Abs implying that the BRAF/NRAS mutation status alone is not sufficient to predict the outcome of patients treated with anti-CTLA-4 Abs.
BACKGROUND: Variations in physical activity (PA) across nations may be driven by socioeconomic position. As national incomes increase, car ownership becomes within reach of more individuals. This report characterizes associations between car ownership and PA in African-origin populations across 5 sites at different levels of economic development and with different transportation infrastructures: US, Seychelles, Jamaica, South Africa, and Ghana. METHODS: Twenty-five hundred adults, ages 25-45, were enrolled in the study. A total of 2,101 subjects had valid accelerometer-based PA measures (reported as average daily duration of moderate to vigorous PA, MVPA) and complete socioeconomic information. Our primary exposure of interest was whether the household owned a car. We adjusted for socioeconomic position using household income and ownership of common goods. RESULTS: Overall, PA levels did not vary largely between sites, with highest levels in South Africa, lowest in the US. Across all sites, greater PA was consistently associated with male gender, fewer years of education, manual occupations, lower income, and owning fewer material goods. We found heterogeneity across sites in car ownership: after adjustment for confounders, car owners in the US had 24.3 fewer minutes of MVPA compared to non-car owners in the US (20.7 vs. 45.1 minutes/day of MVPA); in the non-US sites, car-owners had an average of 9.7 fewer minutes of MVPA than non-car owners (24.9 vs. 34.6 minutes/day of MVPA). CONCLUSIONS: PA levels are similar across all study sites except Jamaica, despite very different levels of socioeconomic development. Not owning a car in the US is associated with especially high levels of MVPA. As car ownership becomes prevalent in the developing world, strategies to promote alternative forms of active transit may become important.
Already in ancient Greece, Hippocrates postulated that disease showed a seasonal pattern characterised by excess winter mortality. Since then, several studies have confirmed this finding, and it was generally accepted that the increase in winter mortality was mostly due to respiratory infections and seasonal influenza. More recently, it was shown that cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality also displayed such seasonality, and that the magnitude of the seasonal effect increased from the poles to the equator. The recent study by Yang et al assessed CVD mortality attributable to ambient temperature using daily data from 15 cities in China for years 2007-2013, including nearly two million CVD deaths. A high temperature variability between and within cities can be observed (figure 1). They used sophisticated statistical methodology to account for the complex temperature-mortality relationship; first, distributed lag non-linear models combined with quasi-Poisson regression to obtain city-specific estimates, taking into account temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure; then, a meta-analysis to obtain the pooled estimates. The results confirm the winter excess mortality as reported by the Eurowinter3 and other4 groups, but they show that the magnitude of ambient temperature.
A la lumière des archives du fonds Claude Autant-Lara déposé à la Cinémathèque suisse, cet article aborde la naissance d'une collaboration entre le réalisateur et le tandem de scénaristes Jean Aurenche et Pierre Bost, à travers la genèse scénaristique du film Douce (1942-1943). Les discours de réception désignent habituellement "Aurenchébost" comme s'il s'agissait d'un auteur unique avec une méthode de création. Il convient de reconsidérer leur travail dans l'historicité et la contingence des pratiques d'écriture. A ce titre, les documents scénaristiques procèdent à la fois d'une dimension processuelle - un texte en devenir - et une dimension interlocutive - le fruit d'une activité concertée. Cette dernière implique, entre autres, un jeu de formatage et de pagination dans la rédaction de la continuité dialogue et du découpage technique. Enfin, la scénarisation ne se limite pas à des tours d'écriture mais doit être également considérée en termes de rédactions conversationnelles.
A rare germ-line polymorphism in codon 47 of the p53 gene replaces the wild-type proline (CCG) with a serine (TCG). Restriction analysis of 101 human samples revealed the frequency of the rare allele to be 0% (n = 69) in Caucasians and 4.7% (3/64, n = 32) among African-Americans. To investigate the consequence of this amino acid substitution, a cDNA construct (p53 mut47ser) containing the mutation was introduced into a lung adenocarcinoma cell line (Calu-6) that does not express p53. A growth suppression similar to that obtained after introduction of a wild-type p53 cDNA construct was observed, in contrast to the result obtained by introduction of p53 mut143ala. Furthermore, expression of neither p53 mut47ser nor wild-type p53 was tolerated by growing cells. In transient expression assays, both mut47ser and wild-type p53 activated the expression of a reporter gene linked to a p53 binding sequence (PG13-CAT) and inhibited the expression of the luciferase gene under the control of the Rous sarcoma virus promoter (RSVluc). In the same assay, mut143ala did not activate the expression of PG13-CAT and produced only a slight inhibitory effect on RSVluc. These findings indicate that the p53 variant with a serine at codon 47 should be considered as a rare germ-line polymorphism that does not alter the growth-suppression activity of p53.
Hypertrophic osteoarthrpathy (HO) is a rare paraneoplasic syndrome associated with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The pathophysiology of HO is unknown but was recently related to enhanced levels of urine prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Here, we report the case of a patient that presented HO in association with a resectable left upper lobe NSCLC. Following surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy, HO resolved and did not recur with development of a brain metastasis 1 year later. Interestingly, tumor cyclooxygenase-2, an enzyme responsible the synthesis of PGE2, was expressed in the primary tumor but not in the resected metastasis.
OBJECTIVE: To identify and quantify sources of variability in scores on the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ) and its short forms among normal-hearing and hearing-impaired subjects using a French-language version of the SSQ. DESIGN: Multi-regression analyses of SSQ scores were performed using age, gender, years of education, hearing loss, and hearing-loss asymmetry as predictors. Similar analyses were performed for each subscale (Speech, Spatial, and Qualities), for several SSQ short forms, and for differences in subscale scores. STUDY SAMPLE: One hundred normal-hearing subjects (NHS) and 230 hearing-impaired subjects (HIS). RESULTS: Hearing loss in the better ear and hearing-loss asymmetry were the two main predictors of scores on the overall SSQ, the three main subscales, and the SSQ short forms. The greatest difference between the NHS and HIS was observed for the Speech subscale, and the NHS showed scores well below the maximum of 10. An age effect was observed mostly on the Speech subscale items, and the number of years of education had a significant influence on several Spatial and Qualities subscale items. CONCLUSION: Strong similarities between SSQ scores obtained across different populations and languages, and between SSQ and short forms, underline their potential international use.
La plupart des inhibiteurs de protéines kinases développés en nombre à la suite de l'imatinib partagent avec celui-ci les caractéristiques des médicaments candidats au suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique : importante variabilité pharmacocinétique entre patients, influences de traits pharmacogénétiques et d'atteintes d'organes, potentiel d'interactions médicamenteuses, relations stables entre exposition et efficacité ou toxicité, index thérapeutique restreint. Alors que le profilage génétique des tumeurs ouvre la voie vers une oncologie personnalisée quant au choix des molécules thérapeutiques, le monitoring des concentrations et l'individualisation des posologies devraient assurer que chaque patient est exposé aux concentrations lui garantissant la meilleure efficacité pour le minimum de toxicité. Pour cela, il faut d'abord disposer d'études observationnelles décrivant la pharmacocinétique de population du médicament et les concentrations attendues sous une posologie donnée. Des études pharmacodynamiques doivent aussi déterminer les relations concentration-efficacité-toxicité, dont découlent les cibles d'exposition à viser par le traitement. Sur ces bases, une stratégie rationnelle de monitoring peut être élaborée, puis testée dans des essais cliniques randomisés contrôlés. Les progrès se font attendre dans ce domaine, en raison non seulement du désintérêt des groupes pharmaceutiques, des cliniciens et des autorités, mais aussi des difficultés inhérentes au processus de suivi des concentrations, tel qu'il se pratique aujourd'hui. Des innovations technologiques associant des méthodes de mesure miniaturisées intégrées à des systèmes électroniques et une connexion à des outils informatiques d'assistance à l'interprétation pourraient prochainement mettre ce monitoring à la disposition immédiate des oncologues sur le lieu de consultation.
No data have been reported yet on treatment outcome in persons who inject drugs (PWID) infected with hepatitis C virus treated with boceprevir or telaprevir in combination with peginterferon (Peg IFN) and ribavirin (RBV). Additionally, there are concerns about the safety of boceprevir and telaprevir in some subgroups of patients with hepatitis C (HCV). In a cohort of HCV patients infected with genotype 1 in Belgium, treatment outcome of patients infected due to IV drug use was analyzed and compared with patients who have no history of substance use. The study population consisted of 179 patients: 78 PWID and 101 controls treated with boceprevir (n = 79) or telaprevir (n = 100) additional to Peg IFN and RBV; 53 (30%) had advanced disease (F3, F4) and 79 (44%) had an antiviral therapy previously. There were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics between both groups, except that PWID patients were more frequently infected with genotype 1a (67% vs 21%), were younger and were predominantly male. Psychiatric complaints during follow-up occurred more frequently in the PWID patients: 24% versus 11% (P = .02). Treatment failure for other reasons than absence of viral response was 70% and 64% in PWID and non-PWID respectively. The sustained viral response (SVR) rates were similar in both groups (71% in PWID vs 72% in non-PWID); with a non-inferiority test with -5% margin there is a difference of -1% (95% CI [-15%, 13%]) and P = 0.30. There are no reasons to exclude PWID from treatment with boceprevir, telaprevir and novel antiviral therapies. J. Med. Virol. 88:94-99, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.