999 resultados para Infected peritoneal cavity
Lagochilascariosis, a disease caused by Lagochilascaris minor, affects the neck, sinuses, tonsils, lungs, the sacral region, dental alveoli, eyeballs and the central nervous system of humans. A cycle of autoinfection may occur in human host tissues characterized by the presence of eggs, larvae and adult worms. This peculiarity of the cycle hinders therapy, since there are no drugs that exhibit ovicidal, larvicidal and vermicidal activity. Given these facts, we studied the action of levamisole hydrochloride on third-stage larvae in the migration phase (G1) and on encysted larvae (G3) of L. minor. To this end, 87 inbred mice of the C57BL/6 strain were divided into test groups comprising 67 animals (G1-37; G3-30) and a control group (G2-10; G4-10) with 20 animals. Each animal was inoculated orally with 2,000 infective eggs of the parasite. The animals of the test groups were treated individually with a single oral dose of levamisole hydrochloride at a concentration of 0.075 mg. The drug was administered either 30 minutes prior to the parasite inoculation (G1 animals) or 120 days after the inoculation (G3 animals). The mice in the control groups were not treated with the drug. After the time required for the migration and the encysting of L. minor larvae, all the animals were euthanized and their tissues examined. The data were analyzed using the Student's unpaired t-test and the Levene test. The groups showed no statistically significant difference. Levamisole hydrochloride was ineffective on third-stage larvae of L. minor. These findings explain the massive expulsion of live adult worms, as well as the use of long treatment schemes, owing to the persistence of larvae and eggs in human parasitic lesions.
The spectrum of neurological complications associated with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is broad. The most frequent etiologies include primary diseases (caused by HIV itself) or secondary diseases (opportunistic infections or neoplasms). Despite these conditions, HIV-infected patients are susceptible to other infections observed in patients without HIV infection. Here we report a rare case of a brain abscess caused by Staphylococcus aureus in an HIV-infected patient. After drainage of the abscess and treatment with oxacilin, the patient had a favorable outcome. This case reinforces the importance of a timely neurosurgical procedure that supported adequate management of an unusual cause of expansive brain lesions in HIV-1 infected patients.
A enterocolite necrosante (ECN) constitui o problema gastrointestinal mais grave e mais frequente no recém-nascido (RN) de baixo peso. A melhoria na taxa de sobrevivência tem sido atribuída ao diagnóstico mais precoce e à experiência adquirida no tratamento do recém-nascido pré-termo em estado crítico. Desde 1977 que a drenagem peritoneal como actuação prioritária nos quadros de ECN tem sido preconizada nos recém- -nascidos de peso inferior a 1500 g com perfuração intestinal, e nos de peso superior a 1500 g com instabilidade hemodinâmica. Neste artigo relata-se o caso de um recém-nascido, com 1473 g de peso e 30 semanas de idade gestacional, ECN, sinais de perfuração intestinal e de instabilidade hemodinâmica, o qual foi submetido a drenagem peritoneal com evolução favorável e sem sequelas. Na discussão faz-se referência especial, de acordo com dados de literatura, aos mecanismos que explicam os bons resultados do procedimento em cerca de 2/3 dos casos de ECN com perfuração, os quais estão relacionados com as características particulares da cicatrização nos tecidos imaturos. Em conclusão, admite-se que a drenagem peritoneal deverá constituir a forma de actuação prioritária nos casos de ECN com perfuração e instabilidade hemodinâmica em RN pré-termo de muito baixo peso.
INTRODUCTION: With the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), prognosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has been improved and kidney transplantation (KT) in HIV-positive patients became possible. METHODS: We reviewed the demographic, clinical, laboratory, and therapeutic data of all the HIV-infected patients who underwent KT between 2009 (first KT in Portugal in a HIV-infected patient) and May 2014. Case accrual was through all Portuguese KT centers where a KT in an HIV-infected patient was performed. Patients were transplanted following the American and Spanish guideline recommendations that included maintenance on cART, undetectable plasma HIV RNA copies, and absolute CD4 counts of ≥ 200 cells/μL in the last 6 months. RESULTS: Fourteen KT were performed on men and 3 on women. The mean age of patients at the time of transplantation was 49.9 ± 11.7 years. HIV status was known for 12 ± 5 years. Eight patients had AIDS in the past and all patients received grafts from deceased donors. Twelve patients (64.7%) underwent induction therapy with basiliximab and 2 patients experienced early graft loss. In 2 patients, humoral rejection was diagnosed and in 3 patients, cellular rejection. Two patients died and an additional patient had early graft loss. CONCLUSION: KT is a possible, but challenging, renal replacement therapy in selected HIV-positive patients. Even in those with AIDS criteria in the past, when the disease is controlled, and after the reconstitution of the immune system with cART, KT can be performed. Nevertheless, the risk-benefit ratio for each patient needs to be taken in consideration.
Background. HIV infected women have higher rates of infertility. Objective. The purpose of this literature review is to evaluate the effectiveness of fresh IVF/ICSI cycles in HIV infected women. Materials and Methods. A search of the PubMed database was performed to identify studies assessing fresh nondonor oocyte IVF/ICSI cycle outcomes of serodiscordant couples with an HIV infected female partner. Results and Discussion. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. Whenever a comparison with a control group was available, with the exception of one case, ovarian stimulation cancelation rate was higher and pregnancy rate (PR) was lower in HIV infected women. However, statistically significant differences in both rates were only seen in one and two studies, respectively. A number of noncontrolled sources of bias for IVF outcome were identified. This fact, added to the small size of samples studied and heterogeneity in study design and methodology, still hampers the performance of a meta-analysis on the issue. Conclusion. Prospective matched case-control studies are necessary for the understanding of the specific effects of HIV infection on ovarian response and ART outcome.
Fibromyoma of the round ligament should be considered as a possible etiology for a large preperitoneal tumor. We report a case of a 44-year-old female who was found to have a fibroleiomyoma that measured 14 cm, weighed 3599 gr and had grown in the abdominal wall between the muscle and the peritoneum, taking as its starting point the right round ligament.
Mice were infected with blood forms of 17 Trypanosoma cruzi strains recently isolated from chronic patients, which were dassified as of low, medium or high virulence on grounds of the prepatent period, parasitemia and mortality at the acute phase. A total of 212 mice were studied after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of infection. In the chronic phase, intracellular parasites were detected in 11.0%,27.9%and 54.0,% of mice inoculated, respectively, with the low, medium and high virulent strains (r= 0.98, p < 0.005). Heart fibrosis was also related to virulence, affecting 5.7%, 11.6%and30.8% (r = 0.98, p < 0.001) of the mice inoculated with the above strains; a similar relationship was observed between intensity and frequency of the heart inflammatory reaction and the severity of infection at its early stage. Necrotizing arteritis was detected in 12.2% of the inoculated animals and this lesion was related to the infection duration rather than to strain characteristics. Inflammatory lesions and tissue parasitism were stable within the period of observation, whereas fibrosis was Progressive. The findings suggest that mice may reproduce heart lesions resembling human pathology and that organ damage apparently depends on the parasite virulence.
Antibodies against striated muscle (cardiac and skeletal) were studied in serum samples from 36 purebred prepubertal Pinscher dogs (15 Controls without infection and 21 infected with Trypanosoma cruzi from 7 to 400 days after infection with 1000 trypomastigotes/gram body weight of the Colombiana strain by the intraperitoneal route). Although three different immunohistological pattems of tissue-reacting immunoglobulins were found their presence was not correlated with any peculiar characteristics or with the severity of the disease in each particular dog.
Proteinuria was detected in 24.7% of 89 individuals with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and in only 4.6% of 86 subjects with mild hepato-intestinal schistosomiasis, all of them living in comparable conditions in two endemic areas in Bahia, Brazil. From nine individuals who hadproteinuria over30 mg/100ml, eight had hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. These findings maybe related to the presence of schistosomal nephropathy and reveal the significance of this condition in thefield in endemic areas of schistosomiasis.
Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi in mice depresses hepatic granuloma formation around Schistosoma mansoni eggs. This immunodepressive effect occurred in mice with Chagas' disease at the acute and/or chronic phases, granulomas being signijicantly smaller than those in Controls. Data suggest that Chagas ' disease depresses the delayed hypersensitivity immune response directly.
A competitive antibody enzyme immunoassay, using a monoclonal antibody against the species-specific Trypanosoma crnzi antigen 5, was used to investigate the presence of anti-component 5 antibodies in sera of opossums, dogs, rabbits and rats infected with this parasite. The sera from 51 Venezuelan patients with Chagasdisease were also tested. About 90% of the infected subjects showed significant levels of anti-component 5 antibodies. Nevertheless, these antibodies were not detected in the sera of dogs, rats and opossums infected with T. cruzl Some sera from infected rabbits presented significant results but close to the limit ofpositivity ofthe test. These findings suggest that the immune response in animals naturally or experimentally infected with T. cruzi is different from that observed in human Chagasdisease.
Male Indian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves were submitted to Schistosoma mansoni infection by percutaneous, oral and subcutaneous routes. No worms or eggs were found in four of the animals tested. Bubalus bubalis appears to be refractory for S. mansoni.
Mice infected with adult Schistosoma mansoni were dosed with a single oral dose of 125 or 250 mg/kg oltipraz, 50 or 100 mg/kg oxamniquine, or 200 or 400 mg/kg praziquantel. The mortality rate of worms and oogram changes were determined between 1 and 16 weeks after dosing. The time required between dosing and postmortem to obtain maximum effectiveness was 1 week for praziquantel, 2 weeks for oxamniquine and 8 weeks for oltipraz. Changes in oograms persisted throughout most of the experiment, although relapse has been observed at the 4th week on.