891 resultados para Industria de la piel y calzado


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The present paper gives a full description of the organization of Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, a not well known member of the Rhodophyllidaceae as well as gives for the first time description of the male and tetrasporic plants. Detailed organization of the carpogonial branches, spermatia and tetraspores is also presented. Nineteen figures illustrate the text (material collected at Deseado port, Santa Cruz prov., Argentina). The following text is the content of the discussion. From the description it is possible to confirm the position of Acanthococcus in the Rhodophyllidaceac as was done by Kylin (Kylin 1960, p. 290 et seg.). It has many similarities in the development of the carpogenic branches and in the formation of spermatia as well in the production of the zonately divided tetrasporangia with the genera of the family whose reproduction is known; Cystoclonium purpureum (Hudson) Batters and Rhodopyllis bifada (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylin 1923); Calliblepharis jubata (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylín 1928) and Craspedocarpus erosus (Hook. et Harvey) Sehmitz (Kylin 1932). Apparently the distinguishing feature of Acanthococcus is the structure of the vegetative frond, with the abundant development of rhizoidal filaments in the medula, besides the characteristic appendages of the cystocarps. Harvey's figure (Harvey 1847, P. 181, Fig. 3) of the tranverse section of the plant shows the central portion composed of a dense small-celled medula limited by a region of large cells which is externally covered by a small-celled cortex. As we have seen the small-celled filaments are not restricted to the central portion, but extend into the large-celled portion and can reach the cortex. On the other hand, the eros section of Acanthococcus depicted by Kützing (Kützing 1867, T. 93, Fig. h, under Callophyllis antartica), apparently belongs to another plant, so different in the structure when one compares his figure with Harvey's and the ones in this paper. RESUMEN EN ESPAÑOL Este trabajo presenta una completa descripción de la organización de Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, un miembro poco conocido de las Rodofilidáceas, así como presenta por primera vez descripciones de las plantas masculinas y de las tetraspóricas. También por primera vez es presentada la organización detallada de las ramas carpogoniales, de los espermecios y de las trásporas. Diecinueve figuras completan el texto (material coleccionado en Puerto Deseado, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina).


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The paper deals with the spawning cycle of the hake, Merluccius merluccius hubbsi in the fishing area of the Argentine fleet, SW Atlantic (35°- 46° L. S.: 53°- 63° L.W.; 30-160 fathoms depth). It was made on the basis of the weekly sampling of the commercial catch in the period January 1965 - March 1968. The results have been compared with those of the exploratory surveys made by the United Nations Fisheries Development Program (República Argentina - FAO). The histological study, which was made with 741 specimens, was most intensive in females than in males. The results have been compared with the sexual stage determinations of both sexes in the total samples during the period before mentioned. The conclusions are: 1. The analysis of the ovocytes frequency distributions showed a period of resting or slow recuperation (April - August) with a mode of 120 ~k and one of rapid transformation (October - December) from 120 μ tíll 830 ~k. After December it appears again the mode of 120 ~k which indicated the reserve stock. 2. The maturity factor shows in both sexes a period of low values , 0,52 to 2% (April - September) and, another with higher values (October - March). In the first period the values are concentrated, while in the second one a large dispersion is observed produced by the rapidity of the growth process of the gonads. It is more evident between November and December. 3. The liver weight variations, compared with the degree of ingestion and the values of the maturity factor, in time, demonstrated that: a) after two periods of abundant ingestion (March - April and October- November) there are two increases of the liver index; b) the increase of the Iiver index has a direct relation to the maturity factor; c) at the end of the summer season, when the values of the maturity factor decrease, those of the liver index are still high. This demonstrates that the hake does not arrive exhausted at the end of the spawning season and that a rapid recuperation for a new spawning by part of the stock is possible. 4. Females predominate in the samples during most of the year. In the period October - December, when sexual activation occurs, as it is demonstrated by the high values of the maturity factor, proportions are nearly 1 :1, and males at times are more numerous than females. 5. The analisys of the advaneed maturity stages, in relation to total length shows that in the hake, Iike in other fishes, the largest ones mature first. This applies for both sexes. 6. The study of the maturity factor values and the sexual stages of the samples allows the recognition of two spawning periods, the main one in summer (October - March) and another in winter (June - July). 7. Part of the summer spawners, with a rapid recuperation, should be able to spawn again in winter. This indicates that the hake population, acording to our samples, has two different possibilities of spawning. 8. After analysis of the frequency percentages composition of mature specimens it is concluded that during the summer season, when hake is fished in shallow waters and in a wide area (38°– 43° L.S.) the fleet is fishing on the spawning stocks. Some winter spawners specimens have been found at 37°- 38° L.S. and in waters of more than 100 fathoms depth. 9. A new maturity scale of seven stages is proposed, instead of the one of six stages now in use. The new added stage corresponds to the postspawners during its resting period.


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对于稀土与非稀土所组成的二元复合氧化物的研究国外已有较多的报导。但是,对于稀土和锑的复合氧化物只是近年来才开始有些研究工作。含锑与稀土的多元复合氧化物的报导就更少。本文在我们实验室张静筠等人三元复合氧化物研究的基础上,开展Mo—Sb_2O_5—R_2O_3—R'_2O_3—Bi_2O_3多元体系的研究工作,这对于我国丰产元素稀土和锑的应用以及利用Bi~(3+)的激活与敏化将是有益的。本文按Thornton等人的方法合成了Ba_2BiSbO_6,Ba_2GdSbO_6,按EγΦECEHKO等人的方法合成了M_2RSbO_6 (M = Ba、Sr、Ca, R = La Y)。并以M_2RSbO_6为基质,掺Sm~(3+)、Eu~(3+)、Dy~(3+)、Ho~(3+)、Er~(3+)、Tm~(3+)和Bi~(3+),研究它们的化学组成,晶体结构与发光性能的关系及规律,Bi~(3+)的荧光和敏作用。同时研究了它们的磁学和热学性能。化学组成的分析结果表明,计算的含量与实验测得的含量符合较好,说明化学反应是按化学计量比进行的。通过X-射线粉沫物相分析和晶胞参数的理论计算确定M_2RSbO_6(M = Ba、Sr、R = LaY、Gd、Bi)复合氧化物是属于立方钙钛太型化合物。空间群为Fm3m,点群为Oh。用计算机计算了Ca_2YSbO_6的晶胞参数并结合荧光光谱分析确定它属于畸变的单斜钙钛矿,空间群为P_(21)。用磁天平测量了样品M_2RSbO_6 (M = Ba、Sr、Ca; R = Gd、Y、Bi)的磁化率。除Ba_2GdSbO_6是顺磁性物质外共余的都是反磁性的物质。按所用原料Sb_2O_5计算的磁化率与测量值符合较好,表明在所研究的M_2RSbO_6化合物中锑是正五价的。用热重热差分析仪测量了样品在反应中的热性能,观察到在化合物形成的过程中所用原料Sb_2O_3大约在520 ℃左右氧化变为Sb_2O_5。除所用原料碳酸盐分解外没有挥发性的物质,这就进一步证明化学组成分析和磁化率测量的结果是正确的。光学测量的结果表明,所有的磷光体随着激活离子浓度的不同其光谱都发生规律性的变化。对于不同Eu~(3+)浓度的Ba_2YSbO_6:Eu~(3+)和Br_2YSbO_6:Eu~(3+), Bi~(3+)体系用254nm激发时均能观察到Eu~(3+)于595nm的尖峰发射。用基质和Bi~(3+)的激发峰325nm激发时,明显地看到敏化剂Bi~(3+)到Eu~(3+)的能量传递,使Eu~(3+)于595nm的发射大大增强,我们认为Bi~(3+)对Eu~(3+)的敏化作用是由于基质和Bi~(3+)的~1S。→ 3P_1的跃迁吸收了激发的能量,然后无辐射弛豫到Eu~(3+)的激发态~5D_0,产生~5D_0 → 7F_1的磁偶极跃迁。对于不同Eu~(3+)浓度的Sr_2YSbO_6:Eu~(3+)和Sr_2YSbO_6:Eu~(3+), Bi~(3+)体系用245nm激发时均能观察到Eu~(3+)于595nm的尖峰发射。用基质和Bi~(3+)的激发峰335nm激发时,观察到基质和Bi~(3+)对Eu~(3+)具有某种能量传递。敏化作用机理与上述的Ba_2YSbO_6:Eu~(3+)和Ba_2YSbO_6:Eu~(3+), Bi~(3+)体系相同。对于不同Eu~(3+)浓度的Ca_2YSbO_6:Eu~(3+)和Ca_2YSbO_6:Eu~(3+), Bi~(3+)体系用396nm激发时,均能观察到Eu~(3+)于613nm很强的尖峰发射。用基质和Bi~(3+)的激发峰313nm激发时,见到Bi~(3+)和基质对Eu~(3+)具有某种能量传递,这种敏化作用主要是由于基质和Bi~(3+)的3P_1 → ~1S_0的400nm的宽带发射和Eu~(3+)的~7F_0 → ~5L_6的396nm的吸收相匹配产生~5L_6→~5D_0→~7F_2的跃迁。通过对激发光谱和荧光光谱的分析给出了Ca_2Y_(0.96)Eu_(0.04)SbO_6的能级图,从实验上可见,Eu~(3+)的发光强烈地依赖于钙钛矿的结构,当Eu~(3+)在空间群为Fm3m 的Ba_2YSbO_6和Sr_2YSbO_6中处于Oh点对称性时,主要是~5D_0 → ~7F_1的磁偶极跃迁。当Eu~(3+)在空间群为P_(21)的单斜钙钛矿中时,主要是~5D_0 → ~7F_2的电偶极跃迁。对于不同掺杂浓度M_2YSbO_6:R~(13+)(M = Ba、Ca; R' = Sm、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm)体系,通过激发和荧光光谱的研究,合理地确定了谱项。发现基质对Sm~(3+)、Dy~(3+)、Ho~(3+)具有敏化作用。对不同Bi~(3+)浓度的Ca_2YSbO_6:Bi~(3+),由激发和荧光光谱可见Bi~(3+)具有二个激发带,第一激发带位于240nm处相当于~1S_0 → ~1P_1的跃迁,第二激发带位于315nm处相当于~1S_0 → ~3P_1的跃迁。有一个很强的兰紫色发射位于400nm处相当于~3P_1 →~1S_0的跃迁。


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In this paper, the luminescence properties of Dy3+ and Eu3+ in M3Ln2 (BO3)4 (M = Ca,Sr,Ba; Ln = La, Gd, Y) were systematically studied. The hypersensitive transitions of Dy3+ and Eu3+ were investigated in relation to the host compositions; the relationship between the energy of Eu3+ charge-transfer band and M2+ ion was discussed, and the concentration quenching of Dy3+ luminescence was reported.


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0,097 IN-RECS (2011) Q2, posición 52 de 162 (Educación)


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