997 resultados para IMPRENSA PORTUGUESA
Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Lngua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
The main goal of this work is to evaluate the realization of the linguistic phenomenon of preposition and also to investigate how current normative pressures influence the production and the perception of processes of variation and change in Brazilian Portuguese. We analyze the use of prepositions a and para in verbal complementation contexts in contemporary journalistic texts from So Paulos press the web newspapers. The contexts considered are constructions with complements of direction, movement with transference, material transference, and verbal/perceptual predicators (Berlinck, 1996; Corra, Canado, 2006). Because written texts tend to be more conservative (i.e. more normative) this research provides an important linguistic investigation that contributes to the sociolinguistic knowledge of the language. However, the newspapers also tend to reflect the use, so they constitute a privileged place for us to understand the conflicting relationship between norm and use. Besides this, the research is relevant for General Linguistics for considering linguistic and extralinguistic factors which determine the use and frequency of the prepositions, like syntactic-semantic relations between the preposition, the verb, the complement, and the text genre. We collected data from web newspapers from Araraquara, with small and medium circulation. Based on previous results, we have ascertained the predominance of the use of the preposition a in the newspapers from So Paulo in the 20th century. However, we have also ascertained representative records of variation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This paper proposes a reflection on processes of variation and change that occurred with the portuguese prepositions a, ate, em and para, taken as a parameter for answers in a broader context, the confrontation between the norm and use and between standard and linguistic variation. We conducted the study based on a corpus composed of all occurrences of the prepositions in question removed news of the newspaper O Combate and O Estado de Sao Paulo. Whereas the main objective of the study is to present and describe the use of these particles in newspaper articles of the Imprensa Paulista, data were collected and quantified by using the statistical package GOLDVARB, and interpretation of results relied (i) assumptions regarding the process variation in the use of prepositions and prepositions replace weak, as the preposition to, for strong prepositions (para, em, at), (ii) in comparison with the grammatical rule in effect at the time, (iii) and in the search for the existence of some historical factor that justifies the selection of a preposition rather than another. Among the hypotheses, we investigate the relationship between these prepositions and whose kind of preachers they introduce supplements: the direction of motion (abstract or concrete) or transfer (material and verbal / perceptual). This theoretical perspective was the Labovian sociolinguistics (Labov, 1972, 1994), which defines the linguistic variable as a representation of two or more different ways to convey a certain information content, being necessary to define it the following criteria set exact number of variants to establish all the multiplicity of contexts in which it appears; develop a quantitative index for measuring the values of variables
Este trabalho tem por finalidade fazer uma anlise do jornal Correio da Noroeste. Os cinco primeiros anos desse jornal (1930-35) de grande circulao na cidade de Bauru, localizada no oeste paulista, sero abordados atravs das questes urbanas, da sociedade local e da relao com as tendncias jornalsticas do incio do sculo XX. Sua importncia consiste na explicitao da relao existente entre jornalismo e sociedade local, permitindo delinear os diversos posicionamentos polticos do jornal, bem como diante das transformaes que ocorreram na cidade em que o dirio circulava
The objective of this work is to compare how manifests the ideological positioning in the hegemonic media productions, according to Gramsci's conception, in relation to the radical alternative media, proposed by John Downing. The research has as opinionated content sample printed newspaper O Estado de s. Paulo, contrasting with the expressions of NON-PROFIT bauruense environmental Instituto Ambiental Vidgua on the proposals of the new Brazilian forest Code. The analysis will hold in an interval between the adoption of the code by the Chamber of deputies in April 2012, and the provisional measure of President Dilma Rousseff with 32 modifications, after vetoing 12 articles proposed initially in may 2012. To support the study, will be crafted Gramsci hegemony; What is the alternative and radical media as it manifests itself; the relationship between the environmental journalism with the environmental NGOs; opinionated journalism and journalistic genres opinionated; theories of journalism and framing of matter
This study aimed to gather information about the social and linguistic reality of students 1. years of elementary school and community that came, in order to identify aspects of their lexical phonological levels, morphological and morphosyntactic and thus identify and describe the alternative variants of non-standard rule. The methodology chosen was that of variational sociolinguistics addressing quantitative and qualitative aspects in the treatment of the data collected through participant observation and audio recordings of speeches of the students. The results indicate that the level of phonological variants are the most frequent in the speech of students. Because the literacy phase, how the student speaks serves you a guide to the act of writing, so it is necessary to work with the students the difference between oral and written form and monitoring of these two modes according to the context of the discourse
This paper aims to discuss the influence of new technologies in the field of media, more specifically, within the press. The discussion will contribute on concepts that emerge from new technologies in the environment of cyberspace, acceleration time; cyberculture, besides raising discussions on the social sphere in relation to the democratization of information via the Internet and the interests of political and marketing, which permeates the universe of the press professional. The intention of this work is to create an agenda for discussion around new technologies and their influence in changing the paradigm of communication and its impact cibersocial. Finally, the discussion of new technologies as an auxiliary tool in the work of the communicator in contemporary times
The purpose of this experimental project was to characterize the reports by the press offices of three public universities in So Paulo higher education, two state and one federal, evaluating what prerogatives of corporate communication are present in the public communication made by them. From the perspective of the content analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin and; based on the concepts involved in the definition of public communication by Pierre Zmor and Corporate Communications by Jorge Duarte, it was made an analysis of the method of construction of news from the three universities. It was used a methodology in which interspersed of quantitative analysis procedures with qualitative analysis procedures
The present monograph is a historical research of one of the brazilian newspapers in a journalistic heterogeneous effervescence, referring to the proliferation of vehicles on alternative libertarians of the 60/70. The project gives visibility to the Rolling Stone newspaper as the document that disproved their own relevancy in the viability of the music production and counterculture inspired by North America, developing the repercussion of the new behavior of young flower power in the country. The personality of those who were in the journalistic team, the production schema, editorial and proposed tariffs would be in total congruency with the countercultural movement
Este trabalho analisa os jornais O Baur (publicado entre 1906 e 1924), da cidade de Bauru, e O Operrio (publicado entre 1909 e 1913), de Sorocaba, com nfase no perodo entre 1909 e 1913, para identificar em que medida os dois veculos representavam polticas correntes entre os operrios no perodo (anarquismo, socialismo e anticlericalismo, por exemplo), e faziam parte da experincia comunicacional do incio de sculo XX, na qual segmentos operrios e aliados puderam atuar diretamente na produo impressa, visando organizao poltica de classe
O trabalho de concluso de curso, que tem por tema A imprensa interiorana: anlise das dinmicas sociais e urbanas em O Progresso, 1925-1927 e O Linense, 1928-1929, visa analisar os peridicos aqui apontados, enquanto representativos dos jornais circulantes no interior paulista do incio do sculo XX, inseridos dentro de um contexto de urbanizao das cidades do noroeste do estado de So Paulo, mais especificamente, Lins. Esses peridicos sero, portanto, objeto de estudo e, concomitantemente, as principais ferramentas de pesquisa sobre a cidade aqui estudada e de identificao das temticas relativas ao assunto cidade/urbano. Este trabalho serve como um complemento pesquisa de iniciao cientfica A Imprensa em Lins: temas da cidade e do urbano em O Progresso, 1925-1927 e O Linense, 1928-1929, que teve como proposta fazer o levantamento de temas sobre a vida, as transformaes e as dinmicas urbanas de Lins, municpio do oeste paulista, mapeando diversas dimenses da cidade publicadas nos jornais O Progresso, do perodo de 1925 a 1927 e O Linense, de 1928 a 1929. Dessa maneira, o trabalho visa contribuir para os estudos sobre as cidades da Zona Noroeste paulista e, a partir da anlise dos jornais, realizar uma leitura da imprensa interiorana do incio do sculo XX em So Paulo. Cabe salientar que a pesquisa est vinculada ao Projeto Temtico Saberes Eruditos e Tcnicos na Configurao e Reconfigurao do Espao Urbano Estado de So Paulo, sculos XIX e XX (processo 05/55338-0), com coordenao do grupo de professores da Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicao da UNESP-Bauru. O subtema desse projeto, sob a responsabilidade especfica do orientador Clio Jos Losnak, chama-se As dimenses poltica e cultural da circulao dos saberes nas cidades do oeste paulista: legislao, processos decisrios... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)
Esta monografia resultado da pesquisa de iniciao cientfica A imprensa em Ava: a cidade e o urbano no AVAHY-JORNAL, 1927 1931, e tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento e mapeamento de temas sobre as dinmicas e transformaes urbanas da cidade de Ava - localizada na regio oeste paulista -, presentes no peridico AVAHY-JORNAL no perodo compreendido entre novembro de 1927 a dezembro de 1931. Por meio da articulao entre a leitura e fichamento do jornal, documentao especfica sobre o municpio e fontes bibliogrficas das temticas acerca da Cidade e do Urbano, Histria da Imprensa, Histria de Ava, da regio e do estado de So Paulo, este trabalho tambm pretende esboar uma problematizao sobre a questo social, poltica e econmica de Ava do final dos anos 1920 e incio dos anos 1930, alm de analisar o veculo pesquisado
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