988 resultados para Hospital Bed Capacity
The impact of metals (Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn) on growth, cell volume and cell division of the freshwateralga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata exposed over a period of 72 h was investigated. The algal cells wereexposed to three nominal concentrations of each metal: low (closed to 72 h-EC10values), intermediate(closed to 72 h-EC50values) and high (upper than 72 h-EC90values). The exposure to low metal concen-trations resulted in a decrease of cell volume. On the contrary, for the highest metal concentrations anincrease of cell volume was observed; this effect was particularly notorious for Cd and less pronouncedfor Zn. Two behaviours were found when algal cells were exposed to intermediate concentrations ofmetals: Cu(II) and Cr(VI) induced a reduction of cell volume, while Cd(II) and Zn(II) provoked an oppositeeffect. The simultaneous nucleus staining and cell image analysis, allowed distinguishing three phases inP. subcapitata cell cycle: growth of mother cell; cell division, which includes two divisions of the nucleus;and, release of four autospores. The exposure of P. subcapitata cells to the highest metal concentrationsresulted in the arrest of cell growth before the first nucleus division [for Cr(VI) and Cu(II)] or after thesecond nucleus division but before the cytokinesis (release of autospores) when exposed to Cd(II). Thedifferent impact of metals on algal cell volume and cell-cycle progression, suggests that different toxic-ity mechanisms underlie the action of different metals studied. The simultaneous nucleus staining andcell image analysis, used in the present work, can be a useful tool in the analysis of the toxicity of thepollutants, in P. subcapitata, and help in the elucidation of their different modes of action.
The objective of the present work was to carry out a survey of soil samples taken from different areas of a hospital of infectious disease located in the city of Cordoba, where three AIDS patients were hospitalized during different periods in the same ward. The three of them returned with meningeal cryptococcosis between three or five months after having been discharged. Cryptococcus neoformans was isolated in 8/10 samples collected outside the hospital, near the pigeon house. The samples collected from the AIDS patients ward and its surroundings were negative. These findings suggest that the patients may have been infected by the fungus during their first stay in hospital.
A retrospective survey of 473 cases of snake bite admitted to a Brazilian teaching hospital from 1984 to 1990 revealed 91 cases of bite without envenoming and/or caused by non-venomous snakes. In 17 of these cases the snake was identified, and one patient was bitten by a snake-like reptile (Amphisbaena mertensii). In 43 cases diagnosis was made on clinical grounds (fang marks in the absence of signs of envenoming). The other 30 cases were of patients who complained of being bitten but who did not show any sign of envenoming or fang mark. Most cases occurred in men (66;73%), in the 10-19 years age group (26;29%), in the lower limbs (51/74;69%), between 6 A. M. and 2 P.M. (49;61%) and in the month of April (16; 18%). One patient bitten by Philodryas olfersii developed severe local pain, swelling and redness at the site of the bite, with normal clotting time. The patient bitten by Drymarcon corais was misdiagnosed as being bitten by a snake of the genus Bothrops, was given the specific antivenom, and developed anaphylaxis. One patient bitten by Sibynomorphus mikanii presented prolonged clotting time, and was also given antivenom as a case of Bothrops bite. Correct identification of venomous snakes by physicians is necessary to provide correct treatment to victims of snake bite, avoiding unnecessary distress to the patient, and overprescription of antivenom, which may eventually cause severe untoward effects.
Este trabalho escrito visa relatar a experiência vivenciada com o Grupo de Teatro Terapêutico do Júlio de Matos do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa na preparação de um espectáculo de teatro pelo grupo. Nele vêm-se descritas as actividades referentes ao levantamento do trabalho teatral com um grupo de pessoas com diagnóstico psiquiátrico e ligadas a uma instituição hospitalar, e são referenciadas as práticas e teorias terapêuticas que são associadas à dinamização do grupo. Terminando com a reflexão sobre a componente terapêutica indissociável à natureza do processo artístico.
Resumo Objectivos: Avaliação da Tosse em doentes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC). Identificar e determinar a relação dos factores preditivos que contribuem para a deterioração da capacidade de tosse nestes indivíduos. Tipo de estudo: Estudo observacional descritivo de natureza transversal. Definição dos casos: Os critérios de diagnóstico da DPOC são o quadro clínico e o Gold standard para diagnóstico da DPOC – a espirometria. População-alvo: Todos os utentes com patologia primária de DPOC diagnosticada que se desloquem ao serviço de função respiratória do Hospital de Viseu, para realizar provas. Método de Amostragem: Foi utilizada uma amostra aleatória constituída por todos os indivíduos, que cumpriram os critérios de inclusão, conscientes e colaborantes, que aceitaram participar neste estudo. Dimensão da amostra: Uma amostra de 55 indivíduos que se deslocaram ao serviço de função respiratória, entre Janeiro e Junho de 2009, para realizar provas de função respiratória. Condução do estudo: Os utentes que aceitaram participar neste estudo foram sujeitos a um questionário de dados clínicos e realizaram 5 testes: índice de massa corporal (IMC), estudo funcional respiratório e gasometria arterial, avaliação da força dos músculos respiratórios (PImax e PEmax) e avaliação do débito máximo da tosse (Peak Cough Flow). Análise estatística: Foram obtidos dados caracterizadores da amostra em estudo, sendo posteriormente correlacionado o valor de débito máximo da tosse (Peak Cough Flow) com os resultados obtidos para as avaliações do IMC, estudo funcional respiratório, PImax e PEmax, gasometria, avaliação da capacidade de Tosse e número de internamentos no último ano por agudização da DPOC. Tendo sido encontrados os valores de correlação entre o Peak Cough Flow e os restantes parâmetros. Resultados: Após análise dos resultados, foram obtidos os valores de Peak Cough Flow para a população com DPOC e verificou-se valores diminuídos em comparação com os valores normais da população, tendo-se verificado maiores valores de PCF em indivíduos do sexo masculino, em comparação aos valores do sexo feminino. Foi analisada a relação entre o PCF e a idade, peso, altura e IMC, não tendo sido encontrada relação, dado que a tosse não apresenta uma variação segundo os valores antropométricos, tal como a relação com os valores espirométricos. Quanto aos parâmetros funcionais respiratórios foram analisadas as relações com o PCF. Verificou-se relações significativas entre o PCF e o FEV1, a FVC, o PEF, apresentando uma relação positiva, onde maiores valores destes parâmetros estão correlacionados com maiores picos de tosse. Quanto a RAW e RV, o PCF apresenta uma relação negativa, onde uma maior resistência da via aérea ou doentes mais hiperinsuflados leva a menores valores de PCF. Por outro lado não foi encontrada relação entre o PCF e a FRC e o TLC. Quanto à força dos músculos respiratórios, verificou-se relação significativa com o PImax e a PEmax em que a fraqueza ao nível dos músculos respiratórios contribuem para um menor valor de PCF. Relativamente aos valores da gasometria arterial, verificou-se relação entre o PCF e a PaO2 de forma positiva, em que doentes hipoxémicos apresentam menores valores de tosse, e a PaCO2, de forma negativa, em que os doentes hipercápnicos apresentam menores valores de PCF tendo sido verificada relação entre o PCF e o pH e sO2. Quanto à relação entre o número de internamentos por agudização da DPOC no último ano e o PCF verificou-se uma relação significativa, onde um menor valor de PCF contribui para uma maior taxa de internamento por agudização da DPOC. Conclusão: Este conjunto de conclusões corrobora a hipótese inicialmente formulada, de que o Peak Cough Flow se encontra diminuído nos indivíduos com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica onde a variação do PCF se encontra directamente relacionada com os parâmetros funcionais respiratórios, com a força dos músculos respiratórios e com os valores de gasometria arterial. ABSTRACT: Aims: Cough evaluation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients. Identify and determine the relation of the predictive factors that contribute to the cough capacity degradation in this type of patients. Type of study: Descriptive observational study of transversal nature. Case definition: The COPD diagnosis criteria are the clinical presentation and the gold standard to the COPD diagnosis- the Spirometry. Target Population: Every patients, with primary pathology of COPD diagnosed, who went to the respiratory function service of Viseu hospital to perform tests. Sampling Method: It was used a random sample constituted by all the, conscious and cooperating individuals, who complied with the inclusion criteria and who accepted to make part of this study. Sample size: A sample of 55 individuals that went to the respiratory function service between January and June 2009 to perform respiratory function tests. Study: The patients who accepted to make part of this study were submitted to a clinical data questionary and performed 5 tests: body mass index (BMI), respiratory functional study, arterial blood gas level, evaluation of respiratory muscles strength (maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP)), and Peak Cough Flow evaluation. Statistic Analysis: Were obtained characterizing data of the sample in study, and later correlated the value of the Peak Cough Flow with the results from the evaluation of the body mass index (BMI), the respiratory functional study the MIP and MEP, the arterial blood gas level and also with the ability to cough evaluation and the number of hospitalizations in the last year for COPD exacerbations. The values of correlation between the Peak Cough Flow and the other parameters were found. Results: After analyzing the results, were obtained the values of Peak Cough Flow for the population with COPD. There were decreased values compared with the population normal values, having been found higher values of PCF in males compared to female values. It was analyzed the relation between the PCF and the age, weight, height and BMI but no relation was found on account of the fact that the cough does not show a variation according to anthropometric parameters, such as the relation with spirometric values. As for the respiratory functional parameters were analyzed relations with the PCF. There were significant relations between the PCF and FEV1, the FVC, the PEF, presenting a positive relation, where higher values of these parameters are correlated with higher incidence of cough. Concerning the RAW and RV, the PCF has a negative relation, in which a higher airway resistance or in more hyperinflated patients, leads to lower values of PCF. On the other hand no correlation was found between the PCF and the FRC and TLC. Regarding the respiratory muscle strength, there was a significant relation with the MIP and MEP, in which the weakness at the level of respiratory muscles contribute to a lower value of PCF. For values of arterial blood gas level, there was no relation between the PCF and PaO2, in a positive way, in which patients with hypoxemia present lower values of cough, and PaCO2, in a negative way in which hypercapnic patients had lower values of PCF, having being founded a relation between the PCF and the pH and sO2. As for the relation between the number of hospitalizations for COPD exacerbation in the last year and the PCF was found a significant relation, in which a smaller value of PCF contributes to a higher rate of hospitalization for COPD exacerbation. Conclusion: This set of findings supports the hypothesis first formulated that Peak Cough Flow is decreased in individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, in which the variation of the PCF is directly related to the respiratory function parameters, the strength of respiratory muscles and the values of arterial blood gases.
RESUMO: O Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio (EAM) representa um dos principais problemas de saúde pública em Portugal. A rápida intervenção nos factores de risco determinantes da saúde cardíaca pode ter um impacto positivo em vários indicadores de saúde. O objectivo final dessa intervenção passa por capacitar a pessoa, para que, autonomamente, adopte um conjunto de comportamentos de saúde, baseados em estilos de vida protectores da saúde cardíaca, que favorecem positivamente o processo de reabilitação. Esta procura e aquisição do comportamento de saúde, adesão ao regime terapêutico, deve ser desenvolvido em parceria com os profissionais de saúde. O hospital representa a porta de entrada da pessoa com EAM no sistema de saúde. É neste contacto que se inicia uma intervenção de sensibilização e promoção da adesão ao regime terapêutico. Sendo os enfermeiros um grupo profissional que estabelece uma relação continua com a pessoa, importa conhecer um conjunto de dimensões do desempenho dos enfermeiros na promoção da adesão ao regime terapêutico. Breve referência ao desenho de estudo. Foram incluídas no estudo 143 enfermeiros de 9 serviços hospitalares da Região de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário auto-preenchido. Os dados mostraram que a população de enfermeiros é jovem (M= 30,5: dp= 8,0), 49% têm uma idade £ 26 anos e apresenta pouca experiência profissional (M=7,7; dp= 7,6), 48,2% exerce a profissão há menos de 3 anos. A antiguidade no serviço actual é reduzida (M= 4,7; dp= 4,6), 48,9% estão no serviço há menos de 2 anos. Os enfermeiros acreditam que deviam intervir com mais frequência nos factores de risco fisiológicos e comportamentais que nos factores psicossociais e ambientais; a confiança que têm nas capacidades para intervir nos factores de risco fisiológicos e comportamentais é maior que nos factores psicossociais e ambientais e no último ano, intervieram mais frequentemente nos factores de risco fisiológicos e comportamentais que nos psicossociais e ambientais. O “ensaio” da validação da escala de Will scale de Anderson et al (2004), sobre a capacidade de intervenção na saúde cardíaca, mostrou que o teste de Esfericidade de Bartlett e Medida de adequação da amostragem de Kaiser-Meyer- Olkin (KMO) permitiram a realização da análise factorial em componentes principais (AFCP). Da AFCP emergiram 16 factores, os mesmos que no estudo original de Anderson et al (2004), que revelaram boa consistência interna, com valores de alpha de Cronbach que variaram entre 0,71 a 0,98. Os resultados revelam a necessidade de sensibilizar os enfermeiros para valorizar a intervenção no âmbito dos factores de risco psicossociais e ambientais para promover a adesão ao regime terapêutico. Sugerem ainda que a intervenção baseada na evidência pode ser potenciada de forma a melhorar as práticas de cuidados dos enfermeiros. ABSTRACT: Myocardial infarction (MI) is one of the most important problems in public health in Portugal. A prompt intervention in cardiac health determinants means a positive impact in health outcomes, individually and collectively. The main purpose of this intervention lays on patient’s empowerment so he or she becomes able to choose healthy behaviours, based on heart health protective life styles, and therefore to manage his/hers therapeutic regime. This search and acquisition of health behaviours leading to therapeutic regime adherence may positively have an influence on the whole rehabilitation process and it must be developed in partnership with health workers. MI patients’ first contact with the Health System usually happens at the Hospital. Here the first steps are taken to start an intervention in order to promote therapeutic regime adherence. Nurses are a group of health workers who establish a unique and continuous relation with patients, so it matters to have knowledge of their performance skills that can actually promote a healthy behaviours and increase therapeutic regime adherence. Short Study design The study sample includes 143 nurses working on 9 different hospital wards, belonging to the Lisboa and Tejo’s Valley Health Region, in the district of Lisbon. Data were collected trough a self-administered questionnaire. It revealed that the nurses sample is a young population (M=30,5; dp=8,0), 49% of whom are aged less than 26 years old and has little professional experience (M=7,7; dp= 7,6); 48,2% work has nurses for less than 3 years. There’s a low percentage of seniority (M=4,7; dp=4,6), 48,9% of nurses work in these wards for less than 2 years. Nurses believe they should have intervene more frequently in physiological and behaviour risk factors than in psychological, social and environmental factors; they have greater confidence in their ability to intervene in physiological and behaviour risk factors than to intervene in psychological, social and environmental factors. In last year they took interventions more frequently in physiological and behaviour risk factors than in the other health determinants. The Scale Validation “essay” on Will Scale (Anderson et al, 2004), about heart health intervention capacity, revealed that the Bartlett’s test sphericity and the Kaiser-Meyer- Olkin’s (KMO) appropriate sample measure allowed the factorial analysis on main components (FAMC). From FAMC emerged 16 factors, the same number found on Anderson’s et al (2004) study, revealing good internal consistence, with Cronbach’s alpha values that varied between 0,71 and 0,98. The results point a need for nurses to attribute bigger value to other health determinants intervention - such as psychological, social and environmental determinants - so they’ll take part in promoting therapeutic regime adherence. The results also suggest t
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação de Doutora Alcina Dias
Actas da Reunião Internacional de História da Medicina; Lisboa - 2001
River Flow, Vol. 2
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 11, November 1, 2009
Several reports have related Legionella pneumophila with pneumonia in renal transplant patients, however this association has not been systematically documented in Brazil. Therefore this paper reports the incidence, by serologycal assays, of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 in these patients during a five year period. For this purpose sera from blood samples of 70 hospitalized patients with pneumonia from the Renal Transplant Unit of Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP collected at the acute and convalescent phase of infection were submitted to indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) to demonstrate anti-Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antibodies. Of these 70 patients studied during the period of 1988 to 1993,18 (25.71 %) had significant rises in specific antibody titers for Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. Incidence was interrupted following Hospital water decontamination procedures, with recurrence of infections after treatment interruption. In this study, the high susceptibility (25.71%) of immunodepressed renal transplant patients to Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 nosocomial infections is documented. The importance of the implementation and maintenance of water decontamination measures for prophylaxis of the infection is also clearly evident.
RESUMO - A flexibilidade dos contratos de trabalho é cada vez mais uma realidade. Em 2009, cerca de 18% da população activa em Portugal tinha um vínculo instável. Na instituição onde se realizou o estudo, 38,8% dos profissionais de saúde têm este tipo de vínculo. Este estudo foi realizado num hospital distrital com a participação de 103 prestadores de cuidados directos – assistentes operacionais, enfermeiros, médicos e técnicos de diagnóstico e terapêutica - aos quais foi dado um questionário de auto-resposta. Através deste, fez-se a comparação dos níveis de satisfação dos profissionais com diferentes tipos de vínculo. Concluiu-se que as dimensões mais valorizadas são as relacionais e condições de trabalho e saúde. A dimensão da Segurança no Emprego surge no meio da tabela. Ao contrário do que dizem os estudos, a autonomia e poder foi das menos valorizadas. Os profissionais com vínculo laboral instável dão maior importância à segurança. As dimensões relacionais são as que apresentam maiores níveis de satisfação. As que apresentam menores níveis são a Remuneração, Condições de Trabalho e Saúde e Segurança no Emprego, sendo que nesta ultima se registam diferenças significativas entre profissionais com diferentes tipos de vínculo. Verifica-se com 95% de confiança que existem diferenças significativas na dimensão da Segurança no Emprego, onde os profissionais com vínculo instável apresentam menores níveis de satisfação. Os profissionais com vínculo instável demonstram que este facto lhes trouxe consequências negativas ao nível pessoal e social. Não existe significância na diferença entre os níveis da satisfação dos profissionais de saúde com diferentes vínculos. -----------------------------------ABSTRACT - Employment contract flexibility is becoming a reality with each passing day. In 2009, around 18% of the active population in Portugal had an unstable bond. In the institution where this study was conducted, 38.8% of the health professionals have this kind of arrangement. This study was conducted in a district hospital with the participation of 103 direct care providers - operating assistants, nurses, doctors and technical diagnostic and therapeutic - that were given a self-response questionnaire. Through this questionnaire, the levels of satisfaction of the professionals with different types of employment bond were compared. It was concluded that the most valued dimensions are relational and work and health conditions. Work security appears in the middle of the table. Contrary to what studies say, autonomy and power were less valued. Professionals with an unstable bond give greater importance to safety. The relational dimensions are those with higher levels of satisfaction. Those with lower levels are the wages, working conditions and health and safety in employment, where in health and safety in employment show significant differences between professionals with different types of employment bond. We can verify with a 95% confidence interval that there are significant differences in the work safety dimension, where professionals with unstable employment bonds present lower levels of satisfaction. Professionals with an unstable employment bond show that this fact brought them negative consequences at the personal and social level. There is no significant difference between the levels of satisfaction of health professionals with different types of employment bond.
Some epidemiological and immunological characteristics and the methodology of diagnosis of 44 cases of histoplasmosis (HP); 36 (27 males and 9 women) associated with AIDS (HP+AIDS) and 8 (7 males and 1 female) with other predisposing factors (HP+non AIDS), diagnosed in the Muñiz Hospital (MH) during 1994, were retrospectively studied. The median age (MA) of HP+AIDS patients was 28 years; 25.5 (22-40) in the women and 28.5 (20-42) in the men and 50 (22-58) years in the HP+non AIDS patients. The more frequent risk factors for HIV infection were intravenous drug addiction (55%) and homo/bisexuality (19%). The MA of these groups were 28 (20-39) and 41 (26-42) years, respectively. Tobaccoism was a predisposing factor in 83% of HP+non AIDS patients. The muco-cutaneous lesions scraping and blood-cultures established the initial diagnosis in 53% and 36% of HP+AIDS patients, respectively and the muco-cutaneous lesions biopsies in 75% of HP+non AIDS cases. At time of diagnosis, all HP+AIDS patients had <200 while HP+non AIDS patients had > 200 CD4 + lymphocytes/µl. Seventy two per cent of HP+AIDS patients were born in Buenos Aires (Bs As) city and 62% of HP+non AIDS patients were born in provinces of Argentina other than Bs As. At moment of diagnosis, 87.5% of HP+AIDS and 62.5% of HP+non AIDS patients lived in Bs As city and Bs As outskirts.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica
The most frequent form of acquisition of Chagas' disease in endemic areas was the transmission through the feces of contaminated triatominae. However, special attention should be paid in urban areas to transmission by blood transfusion, justifying the compulsory screening of blood donors. Early investigations at blood banks in the town of Londrina, Brazil, demonstrated that the seroprevalence of anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies among blood donors was approximately 7.0% in the fifties9,34. Further studies demonstrated pratically the same seroprevalence until the eighties4,32,41. In an attempt to obtain data about the real dimension of the seropositivity for anti-Trypasonoma cruzi antibodies in the region, the authors carried out a large-scale study on 45,774 serum samples from blood donors of the Hemocentro of Hospital Universitário Regional do Norte do Paraná (HURNP), Universidade Estadual de Londrina. The immunological tests were done at the Division of Clinical Immunology of HURNP from May 1990 to December 1994. The serum samples were studied by the indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA, using kits commercially obtained from EBRAM) and by indirect immunofluorescence (IFI, using kits from LIO SERUM) with anti-human IgG conjugate (LABORCLIN). The results demonstrated that 643 serum samples were positive in both assay corresponding to a seroprevalence of 1.4%, i.e., a significant decrease in anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in the region in comparison with the previously mentioned rates. Data correlating sex and age of seropositive blood donors are presented, as well as the possible factors that may have contributed to the results observed.