600 resultados para Herva, Tuomas


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Atlantin lohen (Salmo salar) kannanhoidollisia toimenpiteitä varten vaaditaan tietoa lisääntymisjoissa olevien habitaattien määrästä ja laadusta. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin Tenojoen pääuoman erilaisten habitaattien määrää ja niiden merkitystä lohen poikashabitaatteina. Tenojoen pääuoma kartoitettiin lohen habitaattien kartoitukseen kehitetyllä mesohabitaatti-luokittelulla, jossa joki kartoitetaan havainnoimalla sen hydromorfologisia piirteitä, virtausnopeutta, syvyyttä ja pohjan raekokoa. Lisäksi mitattiin suojakolojen määrää ja syvyysluokkaa erilaisilla substraateilla, ja tämän perusteella arvioitiin pohjan raekoon vaikutusta suojakolojen määriin ja syvyyteen. Lohenpoikasten esiintyvyyttä erilaisilla mesohabitaateilla, syvyyksillä ja substraateilla selvitettiin koekalastamalla laajoja alueita erityisvalmisteisella sähkökoekalastusveneellä. Raekoon, syvyyden ja suojakolojen vaikutusta lohenpoikastiheyksiin testattiin lisäksi tilastollisin menetelmin käyttämällä Luonnonvarakeskuksen tekemiä sähkökoekalastuksia. Mesohabitaattikartoituksen ja veneellä tehtyjen sähkökoekalastuksien aikana virtaama Tenojoessa oli lähellä vuosittaista minimiä. Mesohabitaattikartoituksesta selvisi, että Tenojoesta valtaosa (67 %) kuului hiekkapohjaiseen ja >50 cm/s virtaavaan mesohabitaattiin. Veneellä tehdyissä sähkökoekalastuksissa näiltä hiekka-alueilta saatiin vain vähäisiä määriä lohenpoikasia, ja nekin rantavyöhykkeiltä, joilla oli kivien ja lohkareiden muodostamia suojapaikkoja. Noin 32 % Tenojoesta on pienen virtaaman aikana lohen poikashabitaattina merkittäviä, nivamaisia tai koskimaisia alueita, jotka voidaan luokitella syvyyden ja virtausnopeuden mukaan eri mesohabitaattiluokkiin. Suojakolomittauksien perusteella vallitseva raekoko vaikuttaa merkitsevästi suojakolojen määrään ja syvyyteen. Kesän vanhat (0+) ja vanhemmat (>0+) poikaset suosivat eri syvyisiä suojakoloja, ja etenkin >0+ poikasten määrä ja >10 cm syvien suojakolojen määrän välillä oli voimakas positiivinen korrelaatio (p = 0,01). Ympäristöparametrien (syvyys, virtausnopeus ja raekoko) ja poikastiheyksien välinen suhde vastasi hyvin aiempia tutkimuksia, mutta sekä kesän vanhoja (0+) ja vanhempia (>0+) poikasia havaittiin aikaisempien tutkimuksien preferenssiarvoja syvemmillä alueilla. Veneellä tehdyissä sähkökoekalastuksissa havaittiin suurempia poikastiheyksiä rannanläheisillä linjoilla verrattuna joen keskellä tehtyihin koekalastuslinjoihin, kun vertailtiin habitaattiolosuhteiltaan samankaltaisia linjoja, jotka olivat ainakin osittain joen pituussuunnassa päällekkäin.


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Grammar has always been an important part of language learning. Based on various theories, such as the universal grammar theory (Chomsky, 1959) and, the input theory (Krashen, 1970), the explicit and implicit teaching methods have been developed. Research shows that both methods may have some benefits and disadvantages. The attitude towards English grammar teaching methods in schools has also changed and nowadays grammar teaching methods and learning strategies, as a part of language mastery, are one of the discussion topics among linguists. This study focuses on teacher and learner experiences and beliefs about teaching English grammar and difficulties learners may face. The aim of the study is to conduct a literature review and to find out what scientific knowledge exists concerning the previously named topics. Along with this, the relevant steering documents are investigated focusing on grammar teaching at Swedish upper secondary schools. The universal grammar theory of Chomsky as well as Krashen’s input hypotheses provide the theoretical background for the current study. The study has been conducted applying qualitative and quantitative methods. The systematic search in four databases LIBRIS, ERIK, LLBA and Google Scholar were used for collecting relevant publications. The result shows that scientists’ publications name different grammar areas that are perceived as problematic for learners all over the world. The most common explanation of these difficulties is the influence of learner L1. Research presents teachers’ and learners’ beliefs to the benefits of grammar teaching methods. An effective combination of teaching methods needs to be done to fit learners’ expectations and individual needs. Together, they will contribute to the achieving of higher language proficiency levels and, therefore, they can be successfully applied at Swedish upper secondary schools.


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The communicative approach to language learning is widely taught in Western education, and yet its predecessor, the grammar-translation method, is still commonly employed in other parts of the world. In Sweden, the increasing popularity of the communicative approach is often justified by the high level of students’ communicative skills (Öhman, 2013). At the same time, students’ written texts and speech contain many grammatical errors (Öhman, 2013). Consequently, being aware of their tendency to produce grammatical errors, some students express beliefs regarding both the explicit and implicit learning of grammar (Sawir, 2005; Boroujeni, 2012). The objective of this thesis is to gain more knowledge regarding students’ beliefs concerning the learning of English grammar at the upper secondary level, in Sweden. With this purpose a survey was conducted in two schools in Sweden, where 49 upper-secondary English students participated. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied to process the collected data. Despite some difference in the participants’ ages, there were many similarities in their attitudes towards the teaching and learning of grammar. The results show that the participants in both schools believe that only by applying both, explicit and implicit methods, can they obtain a high level of language proficiency. The results of this study can help teachers in planning different activities that enhance the students’ knowledge of grammar.


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AIMS The purpose of this study was to identify novel genetic variants influencing circulating asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) levels and to evaluate whether they have a prognostic value on cardiovascular mortality. METHODS AND RESULTS We conducted a genome-wide association study on the methylarginine traits and investigated the predictive value of the new discovered variants on mortality. Our meta-analyses replicated the previously known locus for ADMA levels in DDAH1 (rs997251; P = 1.4 × 10(-40)), identified two non-synomyous polymorphisms for SDMA levels in AGXT2 (rs37369; P = 1.4 × 10(-40) and rs16899974; P = 1.5 × 10(-38)) and one in SLC25A45 (rs34400381; P = 2.5 × 10(-10)). We also fine-mapped the AGXT2 locus for further independent association signals. The two non-synonymous AGXT2 variants independently associated with SDMA levels were also significantly related with short-term heart rate variability (HRV) indices in young adults. The major allele (C) of the novel non-synonymous rs16899974 (V498L) variant associated with decreased SDMA levels and an increase in the ratio between the low- and high-frequency spectral components of HRV (P = 0.00047). Furthermore, the SDMA decreasing allele (G) of the non-synomyous SLC25A45 (R285C) variant was associated with a lower resting mean heart rate during the HRV measurements (P = 0.0046), but not with the HRV indices. None of the studied genome-wide significant variants had any major effect on cardiovascular or total mortality in patients referred for coronary angiography. CONCLUSIONS AGXT2 has an important role in SDMA metabolism in humans. AGXT2 may additionally have an unanticipated role in the autonomic nervous system regulation of cardiac function.


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We study projections onto non-degenerate one-dimensional families of lines and planes in R 3 . Using the classical potential theoretic approach of R. Kaufman, one can show that the Hausdorff dimension of at most 12 -dimensional sets [Math Processing Error] is typically preserved under one-dimensional families of projections onto lines. We improve the result by an ε , proving that if [Math Processing Error], then the packing dimension of the projections is almost surely at least [Math Processing Error]. For projections onto planes, we obtain a similar bound, with the threshold 12 replaced by 1 . In the special case of self-similar sets [Math Processing Error] without rotations, we obtain a full Marstrand-type projection theorem for 1-parameter families of projections onto lines. The [Math Processing Error] case of the result follows from recent work of M. Hochman, but the [Math Processing Error] part is new: with this assumption, we prove that the projections have positive length almost surely.


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OBJECTIVES The aetiology of hyposalivation in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients is not fully understood. This study examined the effects of treatment-related aetiological factors, particularly medications, on stimulated salivary flow in HSCT recipients. SUBJECTS AND METHODS Adult HSCT recipients (N = 118, 66 males, 27 autologous and 91 allogeneic transplants) were examined. Stimulated whole salivary flow rates (SWSFR) were measured before HSCT and at 6 and 12 months post-HSCT. Linear regression models were used to analyse the associations of medications and transplant-related factors with salivary flow rates, which were compared to salivary flow rates of generally healthy controls (N = 247). RESULTS The SWSFR of recipients were lower pre-HSCT (mean ± standard deviation, 0.88 ± 0.56 ml/min; P < 0.001), 6 months post-HSCT (0.84 ± 0.61; P < 0.001) and 12 months post-HSCT (1.08 ± 0.67; P = 0.005) than the SWSFR of controls (1.31 ± 0.65). In addition, hyposalivation (<0.7 ml/min) was more frequent among HSCT recipients pre-HSCT (P < 0.001), 6 months post-HSCT (P < 0.001) and 12 months post-HSCT (P = 0.01) than among controls. The SWSFR was observed to improve over time being significantly higher 12 months post-HSCT compared to pre-HSCT (P < 0.001). The observed decrease of salivary flow could not be explained by the examined transplant-related factors and medications. CONCLUSIONS Decreased stimulated salivary flow rates could not be explained by the examined factors alone; these findings indicate that hyposalivation in HSCT recipients exhibits a multifactorial aetiology. CLINICAL RELEVANCE All HSCT recipients should be considered to be at high risk of hyposalivation and consequent oral diseases, and they should be treated accordingly.


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The bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 suppresses plant innate immunity with effector proteins injected by a type III secretion system (T3SS). The cysteine protease effector HopN1, which reduces the ability of DC3000 to elicit programmed cell death in non-host tobacco, was found to also suppress the production of defence-associated reactive oxygen species (ROS) and callose when delivered by Pseudomonas fluorescens heterologously expressing a P. syringae T3SS. Purified His 6 -tagged HopN1 was used to identify tomato PsbQ, a member of the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II (PSII), as an interacting protein. HopN1 localized to chloroplasts and both degraded PsbQ and inhibited PSII activity in chloroplast preparations, whereas a HopN1 D299A non-catalytic mutant lost these abilities. Gene silencing of NtPsbQ in tobacco compromised ROS production and programmed cell death.


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Antimicrobial peptides constitute an important factor in the defense of plants against pathogens, and bacterial resistance to these peptides have previously been shown to be an important virulence factor in Dickeya dadantii, the causal agent of soft-rot disease of vegetables. In order to understand the bacterial response to antimicrobial pep- tides, a transcriptional microarray analysis was performed upon treatment with sub-lethal concentration of thionins, a widespread plant peptide. In all, 36 genes were found to be overexpressed, and were classified according to their deduced function as i) transcriptional regulators, ii) transport, and iii) modification of the bacterial membrane. One gene encoding a uricase was found to be repressed. The majority of these genes are known to be under the control of the PhoP/PhoQ system. Five genes representing the different functions induced were selected for further analysis. The results obtained indicate that the presence of antimicrobial peptides induces a complex response which includes peptide-specific elements and general stress-response elements contributing differentially to the virulence in different hosts.


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The genome of the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida harbours a complete set of xcp genes for a type II protein secretion system (T2SS). This study shows that expression of these genes is induced under inorganic phosphate (Pi ) limitation and that the system enables the utilization of various organic phosphate sources. A phosphatase of the PhoX family, previously designated UxpB, was identified, which was produced under low Pi conditions and transported across the cell envelope in an Xcp-dependent manner demonstrating that the xcp genes encode an active T2SS. The signal sequence of UxpB contains a twin-arginine translocation (Tat) motif as well as a lipobox, and both processing by leader peptidase II and Tat dependency were experimentally confirmed. Two different tat gene clusters were detected in the P.?putida genome, of which one, named tat-1, is located adjacent to the uxpB and xcp genes. Both Tat systems appeared to be capable of transporting the UxpB protein. However, expression of the tat-1 genes was strongly induced by low Pi levels, indicating a function of this system in survival during Pi starvation.


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Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 (Pto) is the causal agent of the bacterial speck of tomato, which leads to significant economic losses in this crop. Pto inhabits the tomato phyllosphere, where the pathogen is highly exposed to light, among other environmental factors. Light represents a stressful condition and acts as a source of information associated with different plant defence levels. Here, we analysed the presence of both blue and red light photoreceptors in a group of Pseudomonas. In addition, we studied the effect of white, blue and red light on Pto features related to epiphytic fitness. While white and blue light inhibit motility, bacterial attachment to plant leaves is promoted. Moreover, these phenotypes are altered in a blue-light receptor mutant. These light-controlled changes during the epiphytic stage cause a reduction in virulence, highlighting the relevance of motility during the entry process to the plant apoplast. This study demonstrated the key role of light perception in the Pto phenotype switching and its effect on virulence.


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The genome of the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida harbours a complete set of xcp genes for a type II protein secretion system (T2SS). This study shows that expression of these genes is induced under inorganic phosphate (Pi ) limitation and that the system enables the utilization of various organic phosphate sources. A phosphatase of the PhoX family, previously designated UxpB, was identified, which was produced under low Pi conditions and transported across the cell envelope in an Xcp-dependent manner demonstrating that the xcp genes encode an active T2SS. The signal sequence of UxpB contains a twin-arginine translocation (Tat) motif as well as a lipobox, and both processing by leader peptidase II and Tat dependency were experimentally confirmed. Two different tat gene clusters were detected in the P.?putida genome, of which one, named tat-1, is located adjacent to the uxpB and xcp genes. Both Tat systems appeared to be capable of transporting the UxpB protein. However, expression of the tat-1 genes was strongly induced by low Pi levels, indicating a function of this system in survival during Pi starvation.


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Erwinia amylovora causes fire blight in economically important plants of the family Rosaceae. This bacterial pathogen spends part of its life cycle coping with starvation and other fluctuating environmental conditions. In many Gram-negative bacteria, starvation and other stress responses are regulated by the sigma factor RpoS. We obtained an E. amylovora rpoS mutant to explore the role of this gene in starvation responses and its potential implication in other processes not yet studied in this pathogen. Results showed that E. amylovora needs rpoS to develop normal starvation survival and viable but nonculturable (VBNC) responses. Furthermore, this gene contributed to stationary phase cross-protection against oxidative, osmotic, and acid stresses and was essential for cross-protection against heat shock, but nonessential against acid shock. RpoS also mediated regulation of motility, exopolysaccharide synthesis, and virulence in immature loquats, but not in pear plantlets, and contributed to E. amylovora survival in nonhost tissues during incompatible interactions. Our results reveal some unique roles for the rpoS gene in E. amylovora and provide new knowledge on the regulation of different processes related to its ecology, including survival in different environments and virulence in immature fruits.


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Herein we report the clinical, histopathological, and molecular features of a cancer syndrome with predisposition to uterine leiomyomas and papillary renal cell carcinoma. The studied kindred included 11 family members with uterine leiomyomas and two with uterine leiomyosarcoma. Seven individuals had a history of cutaneous nodules, two of which were confirmed to be cutaneous leiomyomatosis. The four kidney cancer cases occurred in young (33- to 48-year-old) females and displayed a unique natural history. All these kidney cancers displayed a distinct papillary histology and presented as unilateral solitary lesions that had metastasized at the time of diagnosis. Genetic-marker analysis mapped the predisposition gene to chromosome 1q. Losses of the normal chromosome 1q were observed in tumors that had occurred in the kindred, including a uterine leiomyoma. Moreover, the observed histological features were used as a tool to diagnose a second kindred displaying the phenotype. We have shown that predisposition to uterine leiomyomas and papillary renal cell cancer can be inherited dominantly through the hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) gene. The HLRCC gene maps to chromosome 1q and is likely to be a tumor suppressor. Clinical, histopathological, and molecular tools are now available for accurate detection and diagnosis of this cancer syndrome.