778 resultados para Hankins, Barry
PURPOSE: To compare two techniques used to create a larger animal model of venous valve incompetence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To achieve vein dilatation as the primary cause of valve incompetence, common carotid jugular vein (JV) fistulas were created and optional filters were placed into the JV of sheep. Altogether, nine inferior vena cava filters were placed in three sheep in two stages. Six filters were placed caudal to the most caudal JV valve in three sheep and removed 6 weeks later. Then, three filters were placed across the most caudal valve in two sheep with competent valves and removed 3 weeks later. A common carotid artery-JV fistula was created in three sheep and followed-up for 1-3 weeks. Ascending and descending venograms were obtained to determine the JV sizes and function of their valves. The JVs removed at necropsy were studied with venoscopy. RESULTS: Only one of the six JVs with filters caudal to the most caudal valve had incompetent valves after filter removal at 6 weeks. In addition, only one of three JVs with the filter across the valve had incompetent valves after filter removal at 3 weeks. At 1-3-week follow-up of the group with common carotid artery-JV fistula, all three JVs had incompetent valves in the cephalad vein portion, but only one JV had an incompetent valve in its caudal portion. At venoscopy, the incompetent valves showed various degrees of damage ranging from shortening to the destruction of valve leaflets. CONCLUSION: Dilation of the valve annulus with a removable vena cava filter failed to produce valve incompetence. The promising results with the common carotid artery-JV fistula justify further detailed research.
Percutaneous autologous venous valve transplantation: short-term feasibility study in an ovine model
BACKGROUND: Limited experience with bioprosthetic venous valve percutaneously inserted into femoral veins in 15 patients has been promising in short-term results only to show disappointing long-term results. Percutaneous autogenous venous valve (PAVV) transplantation was explored in an ovine model as a possible alternative treatment. METHODS: PAVV consisted of a vein segment containing a valve that was attached to a stent template. The stent templates (n = 9) were designed and hand made in our research laboratory. They consist of two stainless steel square stents 13 or 15 mm in diameter to fit the ovine jugular veins (JV), which ranges from 10 to 15 mm in diameter. A valve-containing segment of JV was harvested and attached with sutures and barbs inside the stent template (n = 9). The valve devices were then manually folded and front loaded inside the 4 cm chamber of the 13F delivery sheath and delivered into the contralateral JV by femoral vein approach. Transplanted PAVVs were studied by immediate and 3 months venograms. Animals were euthanized at 3 months, and jugular veins harvested to perform angioscopic evaluations in vitro. RESULTS: PAVV transplantation was successful in all nine animals. Good valve function with no reflux was observed on immediate and 3 months venograms in eight valves. The transplanted maximal JV diameter ranged from 10.2 mm to 15.4 mm (mean 13.1 +/- 1.5 mm). Venoscopic examination revealed intact, flexible, nonthickened valve leaflets in eight specimens. One PAVV exhibited normal function of one leaflet only; the other cusp was accidentally cut during the transplantation procedure. All transplanted autologous valves were free of thrombus and incorporated into the vein wall of the host vessel. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that autogenous valve transplants remained patent and competent without long-term anticoagulation for up to 3 months. The percutaneous autogenous venous valve may provide in future minimally invasive treatment for patients with chronic deep venous insufficiency, but long-term studies need to be done to document its continued patency and function.
PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility, outcomes, and amount of small intestinal submucosa (SIS) material needed for embolization of jugular vein (JV) in a swine and sheep model. Our hypothesis was that SIS would cause vein occlusion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The external JVs (EJV) in swine (n = 6) and JVs in sheep (n = 6) were occluded with SIS fan-folded compressed strips. After percutaneous puncture of the peripheral portion of the EJV or JV, a TIPS set was used to exit their lumen centrally through the skin. The SIS strips were delivered into the isolated venous segment with a pull-through technique via a 10-Fr sheath. Follow-up venograms were done immediately after placement and at the time of sacrifice at 1 or 3 months. Gross examinations focused on the EJV or JV and their surrounding structures. Specimens were evaluated by histology. RESULTS: SIS strip(s) placement was successful in all cases, with immediate vein occlusion seen in 23 of 24 veins (95.8%). All EJVs treated with two strips and all JVs treated with three or four strips remained closed on 1- and 3-month follow-up venograms. Two EJVs treated with one strip and one JV treated with two strips were partially patent on venograms at 1 and 3 months. There has been one skin inflammatory reaction. Necropsies revealed excluded EJV or JV segments with SIS incorporation into the vein wall. Histology demonstrated various stages of SIS remodeling with fibrocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, capillaries, and inflammatory cells. CONCLUSION: We conclude that EJV and JV ablation with SIS strips using percutaneous exit catheterization is feasible and effective in animal models. Further exploration of SIS as vein ablation material is recommended.
PURPOSE: To demonstrate the feasibility of direct angioscopic visualization of an optional inferior vena cava (IVC) filter in situ and during retrieval. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Angioscopy was used for direct visualization of optional IVC filters in six sheep. Cavograms were obtained before the filters were retrieved. After successful filter retrieval, segmental IVC perfusion was performed to evaluate filter retrieval-related damage to the IVC wall. Therefore, all branch vessels were ligated before the IVC segment was flushed with normal saline solution until it was fully distended. Then, the inflow was terminated and the IVC segment observed for deflation. Subsequently, the IVC was harvested en bloc, dissected, and inspected macroscopically. RESULTS: The visibility of IVC filters at angioscopy was excellent. During the retrieval procedure, filter collapse and retraction into the sheath were clearly demonstrated. Angioscopy provided additional information to that obtained with cavography, demonstrating adherent material in three filters. Three filters in place for more than 2 months could not be retrieved because the filter legs were incorporated into the IVC wall. After filter retrieval, there was no perforation at segmental IVC perfusion. At macroscopic inspection of the IVC lumen, a small piece of detached endothelium was found in one animal. CONCLUSION: Angioscopy enabled the direct evaluation of optional IVC filters in situ and during retrieval. Compared with cavography, angioscopy provided additional information about the filter in situ and the retrieval procedure. Future applications of this technique could include studies of filter migration, compression, and clot-trapping efficacy.
Experimental models of tricuspid regurgitation (TR) are needed to study the percutaneous placement of prosthetic atrioventricular valves. The purpose of this study was to develop an appropriate simple and reproducible percutaneous experimental model for creation of tricuspid regurgitation. Tricuspid regurgitation was successfully created through papillary muscle avulsion using a guide-wire loop in seven sheep with regurgitation documented on right ventricular angiograms and a significant increase in heart rate and right atrial pressures. Acute onset of tricuspid regurgitation was poorly tolerated in one animal that died. Autopsy examinations showed avulsion of one papillary muscle in four animals and two papillary muscles in three animals.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to create an animal model for thoracic aortic transection that is suitable for thoracic endograft research. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Percutaneous aortic transection creation was attempted in 12 sheep. A custom collapsible circumferential cutting device was inserted into the proximal descending thoracic aorta via a femoral approach with an 11-F delivery catheter. The device was deployed 2 cm distal to the left subclavian artery origin and rotated 20 times to create aortic transection. Aortic diameters, mean aortic pressures, and heart rates were tested for degrees of difference between measurements before and after the creation of transection. On necropsy, the extent of aortic damage was classified as none, nontransmural, or transmural, and aortic transection was classified as none, partial, or circumferential. RESULTS: On angiography, creation of transmural thoracic aortic transection was successful in 91.7% (11/12) of animals. Aortic transection was circumferential in 54.4% (6/11) of animals and partial in 45.6% (5/11) of animals. Mean aortic diameter was 19.6 +/- 3.4 mm (range 12-24 mm) pre-transection and 25.8 +/- 4.5 mm (range 17.8-33 mm) post-transection (P = .0003). Pre-transection, mean aortic pressure was 79 +/- 13.8 mmHg, and 64.6 +/- 15.8 mmHg 15 min post-transection (P = .041). Pre-transection, mean heart rate was 94.5 +/- 17.2 beats per minute (bpm), and 105.8 +/- 17.2 bpm 15 min post-transection (P = .0057). CONCLUSIONS: Thoracic aortic transection was successfully created percutaneously in most animals. The animals remained in hemodynamically stable condition for as long as 240 minutes after the creation of aortic injury. This percutaneous animal model is straightforward and may be of potential value for future thoracic endograft research.
An optional inferior vena cava (IVC) filter prototype was evaluated for safety and long-term retrievability as an initial feasibility study in an animal model. This filter has four centering struts that have the ability to disengage from the filtering cone portion, allowing the legs to slide out of endothelial growth. Retrieval of six filters in three animals was successful up to 27 weeks. There was no substantial filter tilt, migration, or IVC damage. In conclusion, this filter design may help overcome some of the shortcomings in currently approved optional IVC filters, including long-term retrieval difficulties, tilting, or migration.
In August 1977 excavation was conducted at the Big Creek Lake site -24RA34- at the outlet of the 91g Creek Lakes, Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area, Ravalli County, Montana. The site contained shallow, disturbed deposits and lacks any statisgraphic separation. One of these occupations was identified by a projectile point type not previously reported from the area. This was termed Big Creek Corner Notched and its temporal affiliation is not precisely known. Comparative material from Colorado and Alberta suggest either Early Archaic or Late Archaic affiliation. The occupations exemplified by Big Creek Corner Notched points and by Pelican Lake-Elko points (Late Archaic 1000 B.B – A.D. 200) were the most prevalent at the site. Less intensive occupations are by ·Middle Plains Archaic McKean points and Late Prehistoric small side notche arrow points. Microscopic analysis of tool working edges shows several of the projectile point forms were used as multi-functional implements. especially as butchering tools. Many of the types of chipped stone recovered from the site are from known sources in western Montana; indicating group movements within the eastern portion of the Intermountain region. Based on the numerous projectile points and cutting tools, the site is interpreted as a seasonally occupied base camp for hunters.
To what extent is “software engineering” really “engineering” as this term is commonly understood? A hallmark of the products of the traditional engineering disciplines is trustworthiness based on dependability. But in his keynote presentation at ICSE 2006 Barry Boehm pointed out that individuals’, systems’, and peoples’ dependency on software is becoming increasingly critical, yet that dependability is generally not the top priority for software intensive system producers. Continuing in an uncharacteristic pessimistic vein, Professor Boehm said that this situation will likely continue until a major software-induced system catastrophe similar in impact to the 9/11 World Trade Center catastrophe stimulates action toward establishing accountability for software dependability. He predicts that it is highly likely that such a software-induced catastrophe will occur between now and 2025. It is widely understood that software, i.e., computer programs, are intrinsically different from traditionally engineered products, but in one aspect they are identical: the extent to which the well-being of individuals, organizations, and society in general increasingly depend on software. As wardens of the future through our mentoring of the next generation of software developers, we believe that it is our responsibility to at least address Professor Boehm’s predicted catastrophe. Traditional engineering has, and continually addresses its social responsibility through the evolution of the education, practice, and professional certification/licensing of professional engineers. To be included in the fraternity of professional engineers, software engineering must do the same. To get a rough idea of where software engineering currently stands on some of these issues we conducted two surveys. Our main survey was sent to software engineering academics in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. Among other items it sought detail information on their software engineering programs. Our auxiliary survey was sent to U.S. engineering institutions to get some idea about how software engineering programs compared with those in established engineering disciplines of Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering. Summaries of our findings can be found in the last two sections of our paper.
in this issue...Sweetheart Swirl Dance, R J Trio, Air Force Base, Civil Rights, Bill Barry's Boxing Club, International Club, Donald E. Mahagin, Main Hall