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Knowledge of the He-3(He-3,2p)He-4 reaction is important for understanding stellar burning and solar neutrino production. Previous measurements have found a surprisingly large rise in the cross section at low energies that could be due to a low-energy resonance in the He-3 + He-3 (Be-6) system or electron screening. In the Be-6 nucleus, however, no excited states have been observed above the first 2(+) state at E (x) = 1.67 MeV up to 23 MeV, even though several are expected. The H-2(Be-7,H-3)Be-6 reaction has been studied for the first time to search for resonances in the Be-6 nucleus that may affect our understanding of the He-3(He-3,2p)He-4 reaction. A 100-MeV radioactive Be-7 beam from the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) was used to bombard CD2 targets, and tritons were detected by using the silicon detector array (SIDAR). A combination of reaction mechanisms appears to be necessary to explain the observed triton energy spectrum.


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Aim: This study examines if injection of cobalt chloride (CoCl2) or antagonists of muscarinic cholinergic (atropine), mu(1)-opioid (naloxonazine) or 5-HT1 serotonergic (methiothepin) receptors into the dorsal or ventral portions of the anterior pretectal nucleus (APtN) alters the antinociceptive effects of stimulating the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) in rats. Main method: Changes in the nociceptive threshold were evaluated using the tail flick or incision pain tests in rats that were electrically stimulated at the RSC after the injection of saline, CoCl2 (1 mM, 0.10 mu L) or antagonists into the dorsal or ventral APtN. Key findings: The injection of CoCl2, naloxonazine (5 mu g/0.10 mu L) or methiothepin (3 mu g/0.10 mu L) into the dorsal APtN reduced the stimulation-produced antinociception from the RSC in the rat tail flick test. Reduction of incision pain was observed following stimulation of the RSC after the injection of the same substances into the ventral APtN. The injection of atropine (10 ng/0.10 mu L) or ketanserine (5 mu g/0.10 mu L) into the dorsal or ventral APtN was ineffective against the antinociception resulting from RSC stimulation. Significance: mu(1)-opioid- and 5-HT1-expressing neurons and cell processes in dorsal and ventral APtN are both implicated in the mediation of stimulation-produced antinociception from the RSC in the rat tail flick and incision pain tests, respectively. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, we investigated the involvement of beta-adrenoceptors in the medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA) in cardiovascular responses evoked in rats submitted to an acute restraint stress. We first pretreated Wistar rats with the nonselective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol microinjected bilaterally into the MeA (10, 15, and 20 nmol/100 nL) 10 min before exposure to acute restraint. The pretreatment with propranolol did not affect the blood pressure (BP) increase evoked by restraint. However, it increased the tachycardiac response caused by acute restraint when animals were pretreated with a dose of 15 nmol, without a significant effect on the BP response. This result indicates that beta-adrenoceptors in the MeA have an inhibitory influence on restraint-evoked heart rate (HR) changes. Pretreatment with the selective beta(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist ICI 118,551 (10, 15, and 20 nmol/100 nL) significantly increased the restraint-evoked tachycardiac response after doses of 15 and 20 nmol, an effect that was similar to that observed after the pretreatment with propranolol at a dose of 15 nmol, without a significant effect on the BP response. Pretreatment of the MeA with the selective beta(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist CGP 20712 (10, 15, and 20 nmol/100 nL) caused an opposite effect on the HR response, and a significant decrease in the restraint-evoked tachycardia was observed only after the dose of 20 nmol, without a significant effect on the BP response. Because propranolol is an equipotent antagonist of both beta(1) and beta(2)-adrenoceptors, and opposite effects were observed after the treatment with the higher doses of the selective antagonists ICI 118,551 and CGP 20712, the narrow window in the dose-response to propranolol could be explained by a functional antagonism resulting from the simultaneous inhibition of beta(1) and beta(2)-adrenoceptors by the treatment with propranolol. The present results suggest that beta(2)-adrenoceptors have an inhibitory influence on the restraint-evoked tachycardiac response, whereas beta(1)-adrenoceptors have a facilitatory influence on the restraint-evoked tachycardiac response. (c) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mesopontine rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg) is a mostly ?-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic structure believed to be a node for signaling aversive events to dopamine (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The RMTg receives glutamatergic inputs from the lateral habenula (LHb) and sends substantial GABAergic projections to the VTA, which also receives direct projections from the LHb. To further specify the topography of LHb projections to the RMTg and VTA, small focal injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin were aimed at different subdivisions of the LHb. The subnuclear origin of LHb inputs to the VTA and RMTg was then confirmed by injections of the retrograde tracer cholera toxin subunit b into the VTA or RMTg. Furthermore, we compared the topographic position of retrogradely labeled neurons in the RMTg resulting from VTA injections with that of anterogradely labeled axons emerging from the LHb. As revealed by anterograde and retrograde tracing, LHb projections were organized in a strikingly topographic manner, with inputs to the RMTg mostly arising from the lateral division of the LHb (LHbL), whereas inputs to the VTA mainly emerged from the medial division of the LHb (LHbM). In the RMTg, profusely branched LHb axons were found in close register with VTA projecting neurons and were frequently apposed to the latter. Overall, our findings demonstrate that LHb inputs to the RMTg and VTA arise from different divisions of the LHb and provide direct evidence for a disynaptic pathway that links the LHbL to the VTA via the RMTg. J. Comp. Neurol. 520:12781300, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The symptoms of lumbar disc herniation, such as low back pain and sciatica, have been associated with local release of cytokines following the inflammatory process induced by the contact of the nucleus pulposus (NP) with the spinal nerve. Using an animal experimental model of intervertebral disc herniation and behavioral tests to evaluate mechanical (electronic von Frey test) and thermal (Hargreaves Plantar test) hyperalgesia in the hind paw of rats submitted to the surgical model, this study aimed to detect in normal intervertebral disc the cytokines known to be involved in the mechanisms of inflammatory hyperalgesia, to observe if previous exposure of the intervertebral disc tissue to specific antibodies could affect the pain behavior (mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia) induced by the NP, and to observe the influence of the time of contact of the NP with the fifth lumbar dorsal root ganglion (L5-DRG) in the mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia. The cytokines present at highest concentrations in the rat NP were TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CINC-1. Rats submitted to the disc herniation experimental model, in which a NP from the sacrococcygeal region is deposited over the right L5-DRG, showed increased mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia that lasted at least 7 weeks. When the autologous NP was treated with antibodies against the three cytokines found at highest concentrations in the NP (TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CINC-1), there was decrease in both mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia in different time points, suggesting that each cytokine may be important for the hyperalgesia in different steps of the inflammatory process. The surgical remotion of the NP from herniated rats 1 week after the implantation reduced the hyperalgesia to the level similar to the control group. This reduction in the hyperalgesia was also observed in the group that had the NP removed 3 weeks after the implantation, although the intensity of the hyperalgesia did not decreased totally. The removal of the NP after 5 weeks did not changed the hyperalgesia observed in the hind paw, which suggests that the longer the contact of the NP with the DRG, the greater is the possibility of development of chronic pain. Together our results indicate that specific cytokines released during the inflammatory process induced by the herniated intervertebral disc play fundamental role in the development of the two modalities of hyperalgesia (mechanical and thermal) and that the maintenance of this inflammation may be the most important point for the chronification of the pain.


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We have previously reported that noradrenaline (NA) microinjected into the lateral septal area (LSA) caused pressor and bradicardic responses that were mediated by vasopressin release into the circulation through the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (PVN). Although PVN is the final structure involved in the cardiovascular responses caused by NA in the LSA, there is no evidence of direct connections between these areas, suggesting that some structures could be links in this pathway. In the present study, we verified the effect of reversible synaptic inactivation of the medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA), bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) or diagonal band of Broca (DBB) with Cobalt Chloride (CoCl2) on the cardiovascular response to NA microinjection into the LSA of unanesthetized rats. Male Wistar rats had guide cannulae implanted into the LSA and the MeA, BNST or DBB for drug administration, and a femoral catheter for blood pressure and heart rate recordings. Local microinjection of CoCl2 (1 mm in 100 nL) into the MeA significantly reduced the pressor and bradycardic responses caused by NA microinjection (21 nmol in 200 nL) into the LSA. In contrast, microinjection of CoCl2 into the BNST or DBB did not change the cardiovascular responses to NA into the LSA. The results indicate that synapses within the MeA, but not in BNST or DBB, are involved in the cardiovascular pathway activated by NA microinjection into the LSA.


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Medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA) neurotransmission has an inhibitory influence on cardiovascular responses in rats submitted to restraint, which are characterized by both elevated blood pressure (BP) and intense heart rate (HR) increase. In the present study, we investigated the involvement of MeA adrenoceptors in the modulation of cardiovascular responses that are observed during an acute restraint. Male Wistar rats received bilateral microinjections of the selective alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist WB4101 (10, 15, and 20 nmol/100 nL) or the selective alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist RX821002 (10, 15, and 20 nmol/nL) into the MeA, before the exposure to acute restraint. The injection of WB4101 reduced the restraint-evoked tachycardia. In contrast, the injection of RX821002 increased the tachycardia. Both drugs had no influence on BP increases observed during the acute restraint. Our findings indicate that alpha 1 and alpha 2-adrenoceptors in the MeA play different roles in the modulation of the HR increase evoked by restraint stress in rats. Results suggest that alpha 1-adrenoceptors and alpha 2-adrenoceptors mediate the MeA-related facilitatory and inhibitory influences on restraint-related HR responses, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Studies on the environmental consequences of stress are relevant for economic and animal welfare reasons. We recently reported that long-term heat stressors (31 +/- 1 degrees C and 36 +/- 1 degrees C for 10 h/d) applied to broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) from d 35 to 42 of life increased serum corticosterone concentrations, decreased performance variables and the macrophage oxidative burst, and produced mild, multifocal acute enteritis. Being cognizant of the relevance of acute heat stress on tropical and subtropical poultry production, we designed the current experiment to analyze, from a neuroimmune perspective, the effects of an acute heat stress (31 +/- 1 degrees C for 10 h on d 35 of life) on serum corticosterone, performance variables, intestinal histology, and peritoneal macrophage activity in chickens. We demonstrated that the acute heat stress increased serum corticosterone concentrations and mortality and decreased food intake, BW gain, and feed conversion (P < 0.05). We did not find changes in the relative weights of the spleen, thymus, and bursa of Fabricius (P > 0.05). Increases in the basal and the Staphylococcus aureus-induced macrophage oxidative bursts and a decrease in the percentage of macrophages performing phagocytosis were also observed. Finally, mild, multifocal acute enteritis, characterized by the increased presence of lymphocytes and plasmocytes within the lamina propria of the jejunum, was also observed. We found that the stress-induced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation was responsible for the negative effects observed on chicken performance and immune function as well as for the changes in the intestinal mucosa. The data presented here corroborate with those presented in other studies in the field of neuroimmunomodulation and open new avenues for the improvement of broiler chicken welfare and production performance.


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Systemic administration of cannabidiol (CBD) attenuates cardiovascular and behavioral changes induced by re-exposure to a context that had been previously paired with footshocks. Previous results from our group using cFos immunohistochemistry suggested that the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is involved in this effect. The mechanisms of CBD effects are still poorly understood, but could involve 5-HT1A receptor activation. Thus, the present work investigated if CBD administration into the BNST would attenuate the expression of contextual fear conditioning and if this effect would involve the activation of 5-HT1A receptors. Male Wistar rats with cannulae bilaterally implanted into the BNST were submitted to a 10 min conditioning session (six footshocks, 1.5 mA/3 s). Twenty-four hours later freezing and cardiovascular responses (mean arterial pressure and heart rate) to the conditioning box were measured for 10 min. CBD (15, 30 or 60 nmol) or vehicle was administered 10 min before the re-exposure to the aversive context. The second experiment was similar to the first one except that animals received microinjections of the 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY100635 (0.37 nmol) 5 min before CBD (30 nmol) treatment. The results showed that CBD (30 and 60 nmol) treatment significantly reduced the freezing and attenuated the cardiovascular responses induced by re-exposure to the aversive context. Moreover, WAY100635 by itself did not change the cardiovascular and behavioral response to context, but blocked the CBD effects. These results suggest that CBD can act in the BNST to attenuate aversive conditioning responses and this effect seems to involve 5-HT1A receptor-mediated neurotransmission.


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We evaluated the involvement of paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in the changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) during an orthostatic challenge (head up tilt, HUT). Adult male Wistar rats, instrumented with guide cannulas to PVN and artery and vein catheters were submitted to MAP and HR recording in conscious state and induction of HUT. The HUT induced an increase in MAP and HR and the pretreatment with prazosin and atenolol blocked these effects. After inhibition of neurotransmission with cobalt chloride (1 mM/100 nl) into the PVN the HR parameters did not change, however we observed a decrease in MAP during HUT. Our data suggest the involvement of PVN in the brain circuitry involved in cardiovascular adjustment during orthostatic challenges. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.


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Several studies from our group have indicated that the BNST play an important role in baroreflex modulation. However, the involvement of the BNST in the chemoreflex activity is unknown. Thus, in the present study, we investigated the effect of the local bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) neurotransmission inhibition by bilateral microinjections of the non-selective synaptic blocker cobalt chloride (CoCl2) on the cardiovascular responses to chemoreflex activation in rats. For this purpose, chemoreflex was activated with KCN (i.v.) before and after microinjections of CoCl2 into the BNST. Reversible BNST inactivation produced no significant changes in the magnitude and durations of both pressor and bradycardic responses to intravenous KCN infusion. These findings suggesting that BNST neurotransmission have not influence on both sympathoexcitatory and parasympathoexcitatory components of the peripheral chemoreflex activation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent evidence indicates that the administration of inhibitors of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) induces antidepressant-like effects in animal models such as the forced swimming test (FST). However, the neural circuits involved in these effects are not yet known. Therefore, this study investigated the expression of Fos protein, a marker of neuronal activity, in the brain of rats submitted to FST and treated with the preferential nNOS inhibitor, 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), or with classical antidepressant drugs (Venlafaxine and Fluoxetine). Male Wistar rats were submitted to a forced swimming pretest (PT) and, immediately after, started receiving a sequence of three ip injections (0, 5, and 23 h after PT) of Fluoxetine (10 mg/kg), Venlafaxine (10 mg/kg), 7-NI (30 mg/kg) or respective vehicles. One hour after the last drug injection the animals were submitted to the test session, when immobility time was recorded. After the FST they were sacrificed and had their brains removed and processed for Fos immunohistochemistry. Independent group of non-stressed animals received the same drug treatments, or no treatment (naive). 7-NI, Venlafaxine or Fluoxetine reduced immobility time in the FST, an antidepressant-like effect. None of the treatments induce significant changes in Fos expression per se. However, swimming stress induced significant increases in Fos expression in the following brain regions: medial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, locus coeruleus, raphe nuclei, striatum, hypothalamic nucleus, periaqueductal grey, amygdala, habenula, paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, and bed nucleus of stria terminalis. This effect was attenuated by 7-NI, Venlafaxine or Fluoxetine. These results show that 7-NI produces similar behavioral and neuronal activation effects to those of typical antidepressants, suggesting that these drugs share common neurobiological substrates.


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Previous studies using morphine-treated dams reported a role for the rostral lateral periaqueductal gray (rIPAG) in the behavioral switching between nursing and insect hunting, likely to depend on an enhanced seeking response to the presence of an appetitive rewarding cue (i.e., the roach). To elucidate the neural mechanisms mediating such responses, in the present study, we first observed how the rIPAG influences predatory hunting in male rats. Our behavioral observations indicated that bilateral rIPAG NMDA lesions dramatically interfere with prey hunting, leaving the animal without chasing or attacking the prey, but do not seem to affect the general levels of arousal, locomotor activity and regular feeding. Next, using Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L), we have reviewed the rIPAG connection pattern, and pointed out a particularly dense projection to the hypothalamic orexinergic cell group. Double labeled PHA-L and orexin sections showed an extensive overlap between PHA-L labeled fibers and orexin cells, revealing that both the medial/perifornical and lateral hypothalamic orexinergic cell groups receive a substantial innervation from the rIPAG. We have further observed that both the medial/perifornical and lateral hypothalamic orexinergic cell groups up-regulate Fos expression during prey hunting, and that rIPAG lesions blunted this Fos increase only in the lateral hypothalamic, but not in the medial/perifornical, orexinergic group, a finding supposedly associated with the lack of motivational drive to actively pursue the prey. Overall, the present results suggest that the rIPAG should exert a critical influence on reward seeking by activating the lateral hypothalamic orexinergic cell group. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), located in the brainstem, is one of the main nuclei responsible for integrating different signals in order to originate a specific and orchestrated autonomic response. Antihypertensive drugs are well known to stimulate alpha(2)-adrenoceptor (alpha(2R)) in brainstem cardiovascular regions to induce reduction in blood pressure. Because alpha(2R) impairment is present in several models of hypertension, the aim of the present study was to investigate the distribution and density of alpha(2R) binding within the NTS of Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats during development (1,15,30 and 90 day-old) by an in vitro autoradiographical study. The NTS shows heterogeneous distribution of alpha(2R) in dorsomedial/dorsolateral, subpostremal and medial/intermediate subnuclei. Alpha(2R) increased from rostral to caudal dorsomedial/dorsolateral subnuclei in 30 and 90 day-old SHR but not in WKY. Alpha(2R) decreased from rostral to caudal subpostremal subnucleus in 15, 30 and 90 day-old SHR but not in WKY. Medial/intermediate subnuclei did not show any changes in alpha(2R) according to NTS levels. Furthermore, alpha(2R) are decreased in SHR as compared with WKY in all NTS subnuclei and in different ages. Surprisingly, alpha(2R) impairment was also found in pre-hypertensive stages, specifically in subpostremal subnucleus of 15 day-old rats. Finally, alpha(2R) decrease from 1 to 90 day-old rats in all subnuclei analyzed. This decrease is different between strains in rostral dorsomedial/dorsolateral and caudal subpostremal subnuclei within the NTS. In summary, our results highlight the importance of alpha(2R) distribution within the NTS regarding the neural control of blood pressure and the development of hypertension. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new measurement of the B-11(p,alpha(0))Be-8 has been performed applying the Trojan horse method (THM) to the H-2(B-11,alpha Be-8(0))n quasi-free reaction induced at a laboratory energy of 27 MeV. The astrophysical S(E) factor has been extracted from similar to 600 keV down to zero energy by means of an improved data analysis technique and it has been compared with direct data available in the literature. The range investigated here overlaps with the energy region of the light element LiBeB stellar burning and with that of future aneutronic fusion power plants using the B-11+p fuel cycle. The new investigation described here confirms the preliminary results obtained in the recent TH works. The origin of the discrepancy between the direct estimate of the B-11(p,alpha(0))Be-8 S(E)-factor at zero energy and that from a previous THM investigation is quantitatively corroborated. The results obtained here support, within the experimental uncertainties, the low-energy S(E)-factor extrapolation and the value of the electron screening potential deduced from direct measurements.