886 resultados para González Mancebo, José Antonio -- Interviews


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Tras una serie de consideraciones sobre el papel de los paradigmas en Ciencia y Tecnología, se presenta uno de los posibles avances que podrá tener lugar en los próximos años, basado en el estudio de los sistemas biológicos como modelos para la realización de funciones concretas. Según se muestra, este nuevo planteamiento podría desarrollar una forma mucho más efectiva de consecución de objetivos que la actualmente obtenida con sistemas artificiales. Como ejemplo concreto se muestra el caso de la visión en los mamíferos


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Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOAs) have mainly found application in optical telecommunication networks for optical signal regeneration, wavelength switching or wavelength conversion. The objective of this paper is to report the use of semiconductor optical amplifiers for optical sensing taking into account their optical bistable properties. As it was previously reported, some semiconductor optical amplifiers, including Fabry-Perot and Distributed-Feedback Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (FPSOAs and DFBSOAs), may exhibit optical bistability. The characteristics of the attained optical bistability in this kind of devices are strongly dependent on different parameters including wavelength, temperature or applied bias current and small variations lead to a change on their bistable properties. As in previous analyses for Fabry-Perot and DFB SOAs, the variations of these parameters and their possible application for optical sensing are reported in this paper for the case of the Vertical-Cavity Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (VCSOA). When using a VCSOA, the input power needed for the appearance of optical bistability is one order of magnitude lower than that needed in edge-emitting devices. This feature, added to the low manufacturing costs of VCSOAs and the ease to integrate them in 2-D arrays, makes the VCSOA a very promising device for its potential use in optical sensing applications.


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Possible switching architectures, with Optically Programmable Logic Cells - OPLCs - will be reported in this paper. These basic units, previously employed by us for some other applications mainly in optical computing, will be employed as main elements to switch optical communications signals. The main aspect to be considered is that because the nternal components of these cells have nonlinear behaviors, namely either pure bistable or SEED-like properties, several are the possibilities to be obtained. Moreover, because their properties are dependent, under certain condition, of the signal wavelength, they are apt to be employed in WDM systems and the final result will depend on the orresponding optical signal frequency. We will give special emphasis to the case where self-routing is achieved, namely to structures of the Batcher or Banyan type. In these cases, as it will be shown, there is the possibility to route any packet input to a certain direction according to its first bits. The number of possible outputs gives the number of bits needed to route signals. An advantage of this configuration is that a very versatile behavior may be allowed. The main one is the possibility to obtain configurations with different kinds of behavior, namely, Strictly Nonblocking, Wide-Sense Nonblocking or Rearrangeably Nonblocking as well as to eliminate switching conflicts at a certain intermediate stages.


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Optical signal processing in any living being is more complex than the one obtained in artificial systems. Cortex architecture, although only partly known, gives some useful ideas to be employed in communications. To analyze some of these structures is the objective of this paper. One of the main possibilities reported is handling signals in a parallel way. As it is shown, according to the signal characteristics each signal impinging onto a single input may be routed to a different output. At the same time, identical signals, coming to different inputs, may be routed to the same output without internal conflicts. This is due to the change of some of their characteristics in the way out when going through the intermediate levels. The simulation of this architecture is based on simple logic cells. The basis for the proposed architecture is the five layers of the mammalian retina and the first levels of the visual cortex.


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A major research area is the representation of knowledge for a given application in a compact manner such that desired information relating to this knowledge is easily recoverable. A complicated procedure may be required to recover the information from the stored representation and convert it back to usable form. Coder/decoder are the devices dedicated to that task. In this paper the capabilities that an Optical Programmable Logic Cell offers as a basic building block for coding and decoding are analyzed. We have previously published an Optically Programmable Logic Cells (OPLC), for applications as a chaotic generator or as basic element for optical computing. In optical computing previous studies these cells have been analyzed as full-adder units, being this element a basic component for the arithmetic logic structure in computing. Another application of this unit is reported in this paper. Coder and decoder are basic elements in computers, for example, in connections between processors and memory addressing. Moreover, another main application is the generation of signals for machine controlling from a certain instruction. In this paper we describe the way to obtain a coder/decoder with the OPLC and which type of applications may be the best suitable for this type of cell.


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Nowadays, in order to take advantage of fiber optic bandwidth, any optical communications system tends to be WDM. The way to extract a channel, characterized by a wavelength, from the optical fiber is to filter the specific wavelength. This gives the systems a low degree of freedom due to the fact of the static character of most of the employed devices. In this paper we will present a different way to extract channels from an optical fiber with WDM transmission. The employed method is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cells (OPLC) previously published by us, for other applications as a chaotic generator or as basic element for optical computing. In this paper we will describe the configuration of the OPLC to be employed as a dropping device. It acts as a filter because it will extract the data carried by a concrete wavelength. It does depend, internally, on the wavelength. We will show how the intensity of the signal is able to select the chosen information from the line. It will be also demonstrated that a new idea of redundant information it is the way of selecting the concrete wavelength. As a matter of fact this idea is apparently the only way to use the OPLC as a dropping device. Moreover, based on these concepts, a similar way to route signals to different routes is reported. The basis is the use of photonic switching configurations, namely Batcher or Bayan structures, where the unit switching cells are the above indicated OPLCs.


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The study of the Vertical-Cavity Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (VCSOAs) for optical signal processing applications is increasing his interest. Due to their particular structure, the VCSOAs present some advantages when compared to their edge-emitting counterparts including low manufacturing costs, high coupling efficiency to optical fibers and the ease to fabricate 2-D arrays of this kind of devices. As a consequence, all-optical logic gates based on VCSOAs may be very promising devices for their use in optical computing and optical switching in communications. Moreover, since all the boolean logic functions can be implemented by combining NAND logic gates, the development of a Vertical-Cavity NAND gate would be of particular interest. In this paper, the characteristics of the dispersive optical bistability appearing on a VCSOA operated in reflection are studied. A progressive increment of the number of layers compounding the top Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) of the VCSOA results on a change on the shape of the appearing bistability from an S-shape to a clockwise bistable loop. This resulting clockwise bistability has high on-off contrast ratio and input power requirements one order of magnitude lower than those needed for edge-emitting devices. Based on these results, an all-optical vertical-cavity NAND gate with high on-off contrast ratio and an input power for operation of only 10|i\V will be reported in this paper.


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We present simulation results on how power output-input characteristic Instability in Distributed FeedBack -DFB semiconductor laser diode SLA can be employed to implemented Boolean logic device. Two configurations of DFB Laser diode under external optical injection, either in the transmission or in the reflective mode of operation, is used to implement different Optical Logic Cells (OLCs), called the Q- and the P-Device OLCs. The external optical injection correspond to two inputs data plus a cw control signal that allows to choose the Boolean logic function to be implement. DFB laser diode parameters are choosing to obtain an output-input characteristic with the values desired. The desired values are mainly the on-off contrast and switching power, conforming shape of hysteretic cycle. Two DFB lasers in cascade, one working in transmission operation and the other one in reflective operation, allows designing an inputoutput characteristic based on the same respond of a self-electrooptic effect device is obtained. Input power for a bit'T' is 35 uW(70uW) and a bit "0" is zero for all the Boolean function to be execute. Device control signal range to choose the logic function is 0-140 uW (280 uW). Q-device (P-device)


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Laser Diodes have been employed many times as light sources on different kinds of optical sensors. Their main function in these applications was the emission of an optical radiation impinging onto a certain object and, according to the characteristics of the reflected light, some information about this object was obtained. Laser diodes were acting, in a certain way, just as passive devices where their only function was to provide the adequate radiation to be later measured and analyzed. The objective of this paper is to report a new concept on the use of laser diodes taking into account their optical bistable properties. As it has been shown in several places, different laser diodes as, for example, DFB lasers and FP lasers, offer bistable characteristics being these characteristics a function of different parameters as wavelength, light polarization or temperature. Laser Bistability is strongly dependent on them and any small variation of above parameters gives rise to a strong change in the characteristics of its non-linear properties. These variations are analyzed and their application in sensing reported. The dependence on wavelength, spectral width, input power and phase variations, mainly for a Fabry-Perot Laser structure as basic configuration, is shown in this paper.


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Mujeres, Actividad Física, Deporte y Ocio


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En este artículo se presenta la integración de un amplificador de envolvente de una etapa con un amplificador de clase E mediante la técnica de Kahn o Eliminación y restauración de envolvente (EER). Esta técnica se basa en la combinación de un amplificador de potencia conmutado de alto rendimiento alimentado por una fuente de alimentación modulada. El amplificador de envolvente se ha implementado con un convertidor reductor síncrono con red de cancelación de rizado, lo cual permite reducir la relación entre la frecuencia de conmutación y el ancho de banda de gran señal del amplificador de envolvente, que es uno de los factores de diseño más limitantes en esta aplicación. Para la mejora de la linealidad se ha usado la técnica de predistorsión realizándose una validación experimental. El amplificador de envolvente conmuta a 4MHz y el amplificador de clase E a 100MHz. El rendimiento total obtenido para una modulación de amplitud en cuadratura (QAM) es del 68%, con un relación de potencia del canal adyacente (ACPR) de 40dB. Para una modulación por multiplexación por división de frecuencias ortogonales (OFDM), se ha obtenido un rendimiento total del 57% y un ACPR de 32dB.1


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In high performance digital systems as well as in RF systems, voltage scaling and modulation techniques have been adopted to achieve a more efficient processing of the energy. The implementation of such techniques relies on a power supply that is capable of rapidly adjusting the system supply voltage. In this paper, a pulsewidth modulation multiphase topology with magnetic coupling is proposed for its use in voltage modulation techniques. Since the magnetic coupling in this topology is done with transformers instead of coupled inductors, the energy storage is reduced and very fast voltage changes are achieved. Advantages and drawbacks of this topology have been previously presented in the literature and in this paper, the design criteria for implementing a power supply for the envelope elimination and restoration technique in an RF system are presented along with an implementation of the power supply.


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La energía basada en turbinas hidráulicas de reducida potencia es, a menudo, un ejemplo- modelo dentro del campo de las energías renovables desde su aparición a finales del S. XIX, aunque los ingenios precursores surgen mucho antes. Entre los testimonios más antiguos destacan la saqia o rueda persa y la rueda hidráulica romana que había sido previamente implementada en Extremo Oriente, y que después llega a Europa a través de Egipto. Más tarde, durante la Edad Media y el Renacimiento, se generaliza el uso de los molinos hidráulicos, además de los eólicos. Ejemplos de ello son las norias de Alepo (Siria) y de Córdoba (España). Otro caso interesante es el de los molinos de regolfo en la Península Ibérica e Iberoamérica, muy cercanos en su forma y fundamentos a las turbinas hidráulicas. Algunos de estos ingenios siguen activos en los ríos de España. Posteriormente los estudios de Euler, Burdin y Fourneyron prepararon las bases para el definitivo avance de Pelton, Kaplan, Francis, y otros, pero ya como máquinas motrices de los generadores eléctricos. En la actualidad, se admite como límite superior para minihidráulica aquellas centrales con una potencia instalada de 5000 kW, y considerando que cuando las potencias son inferiores a 100 kW se denomina micro hidráulica, aunque en Latinoamérica este límite se fija en 20 kW. El estudio del recurso hídrico, ayudado del geotécnico, constituyen la base sobre la que podremos proyectar el aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico: selección del tipo de central dentro de la tipología disponible, diseño y cálculos de la turbina, obra civil necesaria (azud, presa, canal, tubería forzada, edificio, aspiración, desagüe, etc.) y equipo electromecánico. El proyecto tecnológico se complementa con el estudio de impacto ambiental y de viabilidad económica. Muchos de estos proyectos tratan de reducir la falta de acceso a la energía en poblaciones desfavorecidas, entendida esta carencia como un factor determinante de la pobreza. Así la energía mini y micro-hidráulica adquiere un nuevo valor como tecnología para el desarrollo humano.


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RESUMEN EN ESPAÑOL El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster comprende un diagnóstico general del sector del acceso al agua potable y el saneamiento en la Ecorregión Lachuá (Guatemala), considerando la comunidad Las Promesas – Nueve Cerros como caso de estudio representativo del resto de comunidades de la región Se presenta diversa información recopilada sobre aspectos del sector que resultan relevantes desde el punto de vista de las intervenciones de cooperación al desarrollo humano. En primer lugar, se caracteriza la situación a nivel de la ERL, atendiendo a la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos y al estado del acceso al agua y el saneamiento en el conjunto de sus comunidades. A continuación se realiza una descripción de la comunidad estudiada, incluyendo tanto sus características biofísicas como las socioeconómicas. Posteriormente, se describe la situación actual del acceso al agua y el saneamiento en la comunidad, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como la calidad y cantidad de los recursos hídricos disponibles en su territorio, así como los modos de acceso al agua por parte de su población y las formas de saneamiento existentes. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se identifica la problemática referente al sector en cuestión en la comunidad y se propone una serie de aspectos de organización y de alternativas técnicas que podrían formar parte de la solución, tomando en consideración las opiniones, preferencias y demandas que la población tiene al respecto. Finalmente, se analiza la viabilidad de esas alternativas y se describe de forma general la solución propuesta. ABSTRACT The present Master’s Thesis covers a general diagnosis of the drinking water and sanitation access sector in Ecorregión Lachuá (Guatemala), considering Las Promesas – Nueve Cerros community as a representative study case of the whole region communities. Diverse information compiled about these sector aspects which are relevant from the human development cooperation interventions point of view is given. First of all, a characterization is made in the ERL level, attending to the availability of water resources and the condition of water and sanitation access of all the communities. Then, a description of the studied community is undertaken, including both biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics. Subsequently, the current community water and sanitation access is described, considering aspects such as the quality and quantity of the water resources available in the territory as well as the population access modes and the existing sanitation forms. Based on the obtained results, the community problems of the sector in question are identified and a series of organizational aspects and technical alternatives are proposed as part of the solution, considering the local population opinions, preferences and demands. Finally, the viability of these alternatives is analyzed and the proposed solution is broadly described.


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The biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are interlinked by primary production, respiration and decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems. It has been suggested that the C, N and P cycles could become uncoupled under rapid climate change because of the different degrees of control exerted on the supply of these elements by biological and geochemical processes. Climatic controls on biogeochemical cycles are particularly relevant in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems (drylands) because their biological activity is mainly driven by water availability. The increase in aridity predicted for the twenty-first century in many drylands worldwide may therefore threaten the balance between these cycles, differentially affecting the availability of essential nutrients. Here we evaluate how aridity affects the balance between C, N and P in soils collected from 224 dryland sites from all continents except Antarctica. We find a negative effect of aridity on the concentration of soil organic C and total N, but a positive effect on the concentration of inorganic P. Aridity is negatively related to plant cover, which may favour the dominance of physical processes such as rock weathering, a major source of P to ecosystems, over biological processes that provide more C and N, such as litter decomposition. Our findings suggest that any predicted increase in aridity with climate change will probably reduce the concentrations of N and C in global drylands, but increase that of P. These changes would uncouple the C, N and P cycles in drylands and could negatively affect the provision of key services provided by these ecosystems.