862 resultados para Glycine Metabolism


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High resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (¹H MRS) can be used to detect biochemical changes in vitro caused by distinct pathologies. It can reveal distinct metabolic profiles of brain tumors although the accurate analysis and classification of different spectra remains a challenge. In this study, the pattern recognition method partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to classify 11.7 T ¹H MRS spectra of brain tissue extracts from patients with brain tumors into four classes (high-grade neuroglial, low-grade neuroglial, non-neuroglial, and metastasis) and a group of control brain tissue. PLS-DA revealed 9 metabolites as the most important in group differentiation: γ-aminobutyric acid, acetoacetate, alanine, creatine, glutamate/glutamine, glycine, myo-inositol, N-acetylaspartate, and choline compounds. Leave-one-out cross-validation showed that PLS-DA was efficient in group characterization. The metabolic patterns detected can be explained on the basis of previous multimodal studies of tumor metabolism and are consistent with neoplastic cell abnormalities possibly related to high turnover, resistance to apoptosis, osmotic stress and tumor tendency to use alternative energetic pathways such as glycolysis and ketogenesis.


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Dietary fat composition can interfere in the development of obesity due to the specific roles of some fatty acids that have different metabolic activities, which can alter both fat oxidation and deposition rates, resulting in changes in body weight and/or composition. High-fat diets in general are associated with hyperphagia, but the type of dietary fat seems to be more important since saturated fats are linked to a positive fat balance and omental adipose tissue accumulation when compared to other types of fat, while polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6, seem to increase energy expenditure and decrease energy intake by specific mechanisms involving hormone-sensitive lipase, activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) and others. Saturated fat intake can also impair insulin sensitivity compared to omega-3 fat, which has the opposite effect due to alterations in cell membranes. Obesity is also associated with impaired mitochondrial function. Fat excess favors the production of malonyl-CoA, which reduces GLUT4 efficiency. The tricarboxylic acid cycle and beta-oxidation are temporarily uncoupled, forming metabolite byproducts that augment reactive oxygen species production. Exercise can restore mitochondrial function and insulin sensitivity, which may be crucial for a better prognosis in treating or preventing obesity.


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The present review evaluates the role of sleep and its alteration in triggering problems of glucose metabolism and the possible involvement of adipokines in this process. A reduction in the amount of time spent sleeping has become an endemic condition in modern society, and a search of the current literature has found important associations between sleep loss and alterations of nutritional and metabolic contexts. Studies suggest that sleep loss is associated with problems in glucose metabolism and a higher risk for the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The mechanism involved may be associated with the decreased efficacy of regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis by negative feedback mechanisms in sleep-deprivation conditions. In addition, changes in the circadian pattern of growth hormone (GH) secretion might also contribute to the alterations in glucose regulation observed during sleep loss. On the other hand, sleep deprivation stress affects adipokines - increasing tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) and decreasing leptin and adiponectin -, thus establishing a possible association between sleep-debt, adipokines and glucose metabolism. Thus, a modified release of adipokines resulting from sleep deprivation could lead to a chronic sub-inflammatory state that could play a central role in the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Further studies are necessary to investigate the role of sleep loss in adipokine release and its relationship with glucose metabolism.


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Skeletal muscle is the major deposit of protein molecules. As for any cell or tissue, total muscle protein reflects a dynamic turnover between net protein synthesis and degradation. Noninvasive and invasive techniques have been applied to determine amino acid catabolism and muscle protein building at rest, during exercise and during the recovery period after a single experiment or training sessions. Stable isotopic tracers (13C-lysine, 15N-glycine, ²H5-phenylalanine) and arteriovenous differences have been used in studies of skeletal muscle and collagen tissues under resting and exercise conditions. There are different fractional synthesis rates in skeletal muscle and tendon tissues, but there is no major difference between collagen and myofibrillar protein synthesis. Strenuous exercise provokes increased proteolysis and decreased protein synthesis, the opposite occurring during the recovery period. Individuals who exercise respond differently when resistance and endurance types of contractions are compared. Endurance exercise induces a greater oxidative capacity (enzymes) compared to resistance exercise, which induces fiber hypertrophy (myofibrils). Nitrogen balance (difference between protein intake and protein degradation) for athletes is usually balanced when the intake of protein reaches 1.2 g·kg-1·day-1 compared to 0.8 g·kg-1·day-1 in resting individuals. Muscular activities promote a cascade of signals leading to the stimulation of eukaryotic initiation of myofibrillar protein synthesis. As suggested in several publications, a bolus of 15-20 g protein (from skimmed milk or whey proteins) and carbohydrate (± 30 g maltodextrine) drinks is needed immediately after stopping exercise to stimulate muscle protein and tendon collagen turnover within 1 h.


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Our objective was to evaluate the concentrations of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], serum calcium, serum phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, and parathormone (PTH) in patients with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and to associate them with disease duration and activity, bone mineral density and use of medications. In a cross-sectional and controlled study, 30 patients with polyarticular JIA were evaluated and compared to 30 healthy individuals matched for age and gender. Clinical status, anthropometry, laboratory markers in both patients and controls, and bone mineral density, only in the patients, were measured. Of the 30 patients included in the study, 23 (76.7%) were female and 16 (53.3%) non-Caucasian; mean age was 14 years (range = 4 to 20 years). Mean disease duration was 5 years (range = 1 to 12 years). The mean concentrations of serum albumin-corrected calcium (9.04 ± 0.41 mg/dL) and alkaline phosphatase (153.3 ± 100.1 IU) were significantly lower in patients with JIA than in controls (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.001, respectively). No differences in 25(OH)D, PTH or serum phosphorus were observed between JIA and control subjects. Regarding 25(OH)D concentration, 8 patients (26.7%) and 5 controls (16.7%) had 25(OH)D concentrations compatible with deficiency (lower than 20 ng/mL) and 14 patients (46.7%) and 18 controls (60%) had concentrations compatible with insufficiency (20-32 ng/mL). These values were not associated with disease activity, use of medications or bone mineral density. We observed a high frequency of 25(OH)D insufficiency and deficiency in the study sample. The compromised bone metabolism emphasizes the importance of follow-up of JIA patients.


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Hyperuricemia has been associated with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome. We studied the association between hyperuricemia and glycemic status in a nonrandomized sample of primary care patients. This was a cross-sectional study of adults ≥20 years old who were members of a community-based health care program. Hyperuricemia was defined as a value >7.0 mg/dL for men and >6.0 mg/dL for women. The sample comprised 720 participants including controls (n=257) and patients who were hypertensive and euglycemic (n=118), prediabetic (n=222), or diabetic (n=123). The mean age was 42.4±12.5 years, 45% were male, and 30% were white. The prevalence of hyperuricemia increased from controls (3.9%) to euglycemic hypertension (7.6%) and prediabetic state (14.0%), with values in prediabetic patients being statistically different from controls. Overall, diabetic patients had an 11.4% prevalence of hyperuricemia, which was also statistically different from controls. Of note, diabetic subjects with glycosuria, who represented 24% of the diabetic participants, had a null prevalence of hyperuricemia, and statistically higher values for fractional excretion of uric acid, Na excretion index, and prevalence of microalbuminuria than those without glycosuria. Participants who were prediabetic or diabetic but without glycosuria had a similarly elevated prevalence of hyperuricemia. In contrast, diabetic patients with glycosuria had a null prevalence of hyperuricemia and excreted more uric acid and Na than diabetic subjects without glycosuria. The findings can be explained by enhanced proximal tubule reabsorption early in the course of dysglycemia that decreases with the ensuing glycosuria at the late stage of the disorder.


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Although the metabolism of early bovine embryos has not been fully elucidated, several publications have addressed this important issue to improve culture conditions for cattle reproductive biotechnologies, with the ultimate goal of producing in vitro embryos similar in quality to those developing in vivo. Here, we review general aspects of bovine embryo metabolism in vitro and in vivo, and discuss the use of metabolic analysis of embryos produced in vitro to assess viability and predict a viable pregnancy after transference to the female tract.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of exercise training on triglyceride deposition and the expression of musclin and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) in a rat model of insulin resistance. Thirty male Sprague-Dawley rats (8 weeks old, weight 160±10 g) were fed a high-fat diet (40% calories from fat) and randomly divided into high-fat control group and swimming intervention group. Rats fed with standard food served as normal control. We found that 8-week swimming intervention significantly decreased body weight (from 516.23±46.27 to 455.43±32.55 g) and visceral fat content (from 39.36±2.50 to 33.02±2.24 g) but increased insulin sensitivity index of the rats fed with a high-fat diet. Moreover, swimming intervention improved serum levels of TG (from 1.40±0.83 to 0.58±0.26 mmol/L) and free fatty acids (from 837.80±164.25 to 556.38±144.77 μEq/L) as well as muscle triglycerides deposition (from 0.55±0.06 to 0.45±0.02 mmol/g) in rats fed a high-fat diet. Compared with rats fed a standard food, musclin expression was significantly elevated, while GLUT4 expression was decreased in the muscles of rats fed a high-fat diet. In sharp contrast, swimming intervention significantly reduced the expression of musclin and increased the expression of GLUT4 in the muscles of rats fed a high-fat diet. In conclusion, increased musclin expression may be associated with insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, and exercise training improves lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity probably by upregulating GLUT4 and downregulating musclin.


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O trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a atividade inibitória de tripsina em produtos comerciais de soja consumidos pela população, tais como bebidas à base de extrato de soja, e fómulas não-lácteas à base de proteína isolada de soja, para os intolerantes ao leite. Os resultados mostraram que, excetuando-se os produtos à base de extrato de soja, os demais apresentam valores baixos de atividade inibitória de tripsina, em torno de 5% do valor encontrado para a farinha desengordurada. Além disso, através de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com revelação para inibidores de tripsina, demonstrou-se que em alguns casos a inibição observada através do método colorimétrico de KAKADE, SIMONS & LIENER [8] se deve provavelmente à inibição não específica provocada por outros componentes da amostra.


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Foi estudada a viabilidade de consumo da cultivar de soja IAC PL-1 enlatada como grão verde e sua melhor época de colheita para enlatamento. Para tanto procederam-se cinco colheitas a partir do 48º dia após a floração (DAF) até a extinção da coloração verde. O processamento iniciou-se pelo branqueamento das vagens, debulha e enlatamento. Aos cinco lotes obtidos adicionou-se um sexto lote para estudar o efeito do armazenamento. Para qualificar os seis lotes de grãos enlatados foram efetuadas medidas de peso, cor, textura e características do líquido de enlatamento. Foram realizados estudos das propriedades sensoriais dos grãos enlatados para dimensionar a aceitação pela degustação e aparência. O enlatamento foi otimizado para 121ºC com tempo de esterilização em torno de 4 minutos. A maturidade fisiológica dos grãos ocorreu entre o 61º ao 64º DAF. O processo térmico conservou a cor verde dos grãos enlatados e não induziu perda expressiva da massa dos grãos; a textura firme dos grãos aumentou com a maturação. Os provadores demonstraram boa aceitação dos produtos e não ocorreu preferência em relação aos estádios de maturação. O trabalho conclui que grãos verdes de soja IAC PL-1 proporcionam enlatados com boas características técnicas e gustativas. Foi observado que grãos colhidos no ponto convencional de maturação, armazenados e enlatados obtiveram boa aceitação gustativa, concluindo-se que a cultivar IAC PL-1 é também adequada para o consumo e enlatada após o armazenamento.


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The effects of fat from tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), an Amazonian fish, on some nutritional and lipid parameters in rats were evaluated. Weaned Wistar rats were fed for 6 weeks with hypercholesterolemic diets containing 7.5% of soybean oil (SO), cod liver oil (CO), lard (LA), or tambaqui fat (TF). Food consumption, weight gain, and food conversion were measured weekly. Plasma triglycerides was determined at the beginning and on the 6th week of experiment. Plasma cholesterol was determined at 0, 2, 4 and 6 weeks. After the sacrifice, hepatic lipids (triglycerides and cholesterol) and plasma triglycerides, total cholesterol and HDL fractions were determined. Food consumption and weight gain were the same for all groups. There were no differences in plasma triglycerides among the four groups in the 1st and 6th weeks. Regarding the cholesterolemia, TF animals were similar to those fed SO diet, significantly lower than in LA group but higher compared to the CO group. The levels of very low density lipoprotein + low density lipoprotein (VLDL+LDL) were higher in the TF and LA groups compared to the CO and SO groups. However, TA fed animals had high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels higher than the CO group. The ratio (VLDL+LDL)/HDL was higher in the LA group when compared with the remaining groups. In the TA group, the triglycerides and cholesterol concentrations in the liver were similar to the SO group. It may be concluded that tambaqui fat is a good dietary source of lipids as a substitute for lard and similar to soybean oil, as far as atherosclerosis risks is concerned.


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Obesity is one of the key challenges to health care system worldwide and its prevalence is estimated to rise to pandemic proportions. Numerous adverse health effects follow with increasing body weight, including increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, musculoskeletal pain and cancer. Current evidence suggests that obesity is associated with altered cerebral reward circuit functioning and decreased inhibitory control over appetitive food cues. Furthermore, obesity causes adverse shifts in metabolism and loss of structural integrity within the brain. Prior cross-sectional studies do not allow delineating which of these cerebral changes are recoverable after weight loss. We compared morbidly obese subjects with healthy controls to unravel brain changes associated with obesity. Bariatric surgery was used as an intervention to study which cerebral changes are recoverable after weight loss. In Study I we employed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to detect the brain basis of volitional appetite control and its alterations in obesity. In Studies II-III we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to quantify the effects of obesity and the effects of weight loss on structural integrity of the brain. In study IV we used positron emission tomography (PET) with [18F]-FDG in fasting state and during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia to quantify effects of obesity and weight loss on brain glucose uptake. The fMRI experiment revealed that a fronto-parietal network is involved in volitional appetite control. Obese subjects had lower medial frontal and dorsal striatal brain activity during cognitive appetite control and increased functional connectivity within the appetite control circuit. Obese subjects had initially lower grey matter and white matter densities than healthy controls in VBM analysis and loss of integrity in white matter tracts as measured by DTI. They also had initially elevated glucose metabolism under insulin stimulation but not in fasting state. After the weight loss following bariatric surgery, obese individuals’ brain volumes recovered and the insulin-induced increase in glucose metabolism was attenuated. In conclusion, obesity is associated with altered brain function, coupled with loss of structural integrity and elevated glucose metabolism, which are likely signs of adverse health effects to the brain. These changes are reversed by weight loss after bariatric surgery, implicating that weight loss has a causal role on these adverse cerebral changes. Altogether these findings suggest that weight loss also promotes brain health.Key words: brain, obesity, bariatric surgery, appetite control, structural magnetic resonance


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Fibras alimentares obtidas de cotilédones de soja original (FAO) e micronizada (FAM) foram fracionadas e avaliadas quanto a polissacarídeos e monossacarídeos constituintes. O componente majoritário foi a hemicelulose, totalizando 59% em FAO e 51% na FAM, a pectina representou em média 14% e a celulose 8,5%. As duas amostras de fibras apresentaram 17 mg.g-1 de ácidos urônicos e a mesma composição de monossacarídeos, sendo galactose, glicose e arabinose/ramnose os principais componentes. As proteínas de concentrado protéico, farinha desengordurada e fibras alimentares (FAO e FAM) foram avaliadas quanto à solubilidade em diferentes solventes (NaCl, água, etanol e NaOH) e quanto ao peso molecular. A farinha desengordurada de soja teve a maior parte das proteínas passível de extração com solução salina, e o concentrado protéico e as fibras de cotilédones com solução alcalina. A fração protéica que não foi extraída com nenhum dos quatro solventes utilizados permaneceu no resíduo, o maior percentual estava no concentrado, seguido pela fibra alimentar micronizada e a farinha, já a menor quantidade estava na fibra alimentar original. A eletroforese das proteínas dos quatro ingredientes alimentares mostrou as subunidades que constituem as frações β-conglicinina e glicinina. Bandas com peso molecular próximo aos 30 kDa foram reveladas nas proteínas extraídas das fibras de cotilédones de soja, sendo provavelmente glicoproteínas de parede celular, ricas em hidroxiprolina.


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We evaluated the effects of defatted amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.) snacks on plasma lipids in moderate hypercholesterolemic patients. Twenty-two subjects [30-65 years old), 11 males, with total cholesterol (TC) > 240 mg.dL-1, low-density cholesterol (LDL-c) 160-190 mg.dL-1 and plasma triglycerides (TG) < 400 mg.dL-1] were randomized in a double blind clinical trial to receive an amaranth snack (50 g/day) or equivalent corn snack (placebo) for 2 months. There were no differences between amaranth and placebo on TC and LDL-c, and TG respectively: -8.4 and -5.7% (p = 0.17); -12.3 and -9.7% (p = 0.41) and -0.6 and -7.3% (p = 0.47). However, amaranth snacks significantly reduced high-density cholesterol (HDL-c): -15.2 vs. -4% (p = 0.03). In conclusion, the intake of 50 g of extruded amaranth daily during 60 days did not significantly reduce LDL-c in moderate hypercholesterolemic subjects; furthermore there was a significant reduction in HDL-c. Studies with greater number of subjects and greater quantity of this food are necessary to test the effects of amaranth on lipid metabolism in humans.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main causes of death in the Western world. Among the risk factors that are modifiable by diet, for reducing cardiovascular disease risks, the total plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and HDL-C are the most important. Dietary measures can balance these components of the lipid profile thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The main food components that affect the lipid profile and can be modified by diet are the saturated and trans fats, unsaturated fats, cholesterol, phytosterols, plant protein, and soluble fiber. A wealth of evidence suggests that saturated and trans fats and cholesterol in the diet raise the total plasma cholesterol and LDL-C. Trans fats also reduce HDL-C, an important lipoprotein for mediating the reverse cholesterol transport. On the other hand, phytosterols, plant proteins, isoflavones, and soluble fiber are protective diet factors against cardiovascular diseases by modulating plasma lipoprotein levels. These food components at certain concentrations are able to reduce the total cholesterol, TG, and LDL-C and raise the plasma levels of HDL-C. Therefore, diet is an important tool for the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases, and should be taken into account as a whole, i.e., not only the food components that modulate plasma concentrations of lipoproteins, but also the diet content of macro nutrients and micronutrients should be considered.