791 resultados para Gestão do conhecimento


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This article presents a discussion about the fetishism of the intellectual capital, analysing the ideology of knowledge and the need of adaptation of the worker in connection with the restructuring of capital in recent decades. We analyze the emergence of this ideology - through the concepts of knowledge society, information society, intellectual capital, among others - in some authors of the area human resource management, following it presents the critique of this notion based on the analysis of some authors of critical social thought. Finally we position ourselves in order to assert that this is a new version of fetishism in the time of globalization of the capital.


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This paper reports on the trajectory of knowledge in educational administration, as published by the Brazilian National Association of Educational Policy and Administration (ANPAE). It reviews four early booklets on school administration – Cadernos de Administração Escolar – published between 1961 and 1968, and selected issues of ANPAE´s journal – Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação – published between 1983 and 2000, under different categories, and analyses those classified under the concepts of administration and management. The author refers to conceptual limitations, but concedes that the publications present relevant contributions on the theoretical development of educational administration in Brazil.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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The problem of solid waste has caused discussions about the huge amount that is generated in Brazilian cities, in particular the waste from construction and demolition (CDW), called spoil. In many cases these wastes are disposed of improperly and even criminally in urban areas, causing serious economic, social and environmental problems. Due to the lack of public policies and appropriate management of such waste came up with the CONAMA, in its resolution nº 307 of 2002, the obligation of municipalities in deploy the integrated management of construction and demolition wastes for the resolution of problems caused by inadequate management and disposal of such waste. By following a methodology suggested by Pinto & González (2005), with adaptations of other authors, it is proposed in this work the lifting of a diagnosis of the CDW in the municipality of Guaratinguetá-SP, through theoretical analysis and field research, with purpose to guide the public servants in the elaboration and implementation of integrated management. The results must contain information necessary for that end, such as the knowledge of generators, agents, collectors and transporters, disposition areas and the disposal of waste


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Cultural clashes are part of the intercultural relationships, and especially in the organizations, they cause differences interfering in the process of sharing experiences, expertise and coexistence. This study outlines some communicational actions, built to improve the management of intercultural relations in organizations. This study also is related to the sharing and discussions on the communication planning process and its importance in intercultural differences detained and promoting interfaces between public of “different worlds”. The discussion is supported by theoretical theory of organizations and organizational culture in order to demonstrate a number of aspects related to this subject, which are directly accustomed to public relations activities. It also presents an analysis of the multinational AB InBev, in order to illustrate the process of knowledge and relationships that is built through the construction of the meaning in intercultural environments, as is the case of this organization


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Ao viver uma gestação, a mulher passa por mudanças biológicas, somáticas, psicológicas e sociais. É de fundamental importância que as gestantes recebam apoio, sejam orientadas sobre tais mudanças e também sobre o parto, momento comumente temido por elas. A assistência pré-natal é oferecida em nível nacional pelo Ministério da Saúde, que propõem a realização de ações educativas e a criação de grupos de apoio, que visam complementar o atendimento realizado nas consultas médicas. Porém, apesar de serem preconizadas, tais ações ainda são insuficientes ou insatisfatórias. O presente estudo visa contribuir com a área de Educação em Saúde buscando, a partir do conhecimento da realidade de gestantes, realizar uma ação de orientação, com a intenção de complementar o pré-natal realizado em Unidades de Saúde da Família (USFs). Para tanto, o objetivo geral da pesquisa foi investigar aspectos do conhecimento e dos sentimentos de gestantes usuárias do SUS de Rio Claro a respeito da gestação e parto, orientando-as sobre tais assuntos. A pesquisa, com abordagem Qualitativa, objetivo Descritivo e que usou como procedimento técnico a Pesquisa-ação, ocorreu no município de Rio Claro e teve como sujeitos 15 gestantes. A coleta de dados se deu através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, que foram gravadas e de um diário de campo. Foi elaborado um material contendo 16 imagens coloridas, que foram utilizadas nas orientações individuais com o intuito de esclarecer os processos da gestação e parto. Os dados foram analisados através da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. A maioria das entrevistadas afirmou que não planejava engravidar e, ainda assim, mais da metade delas não fazia uso de nenhum método contraceptivo, mostrando que não houve um planejamento familiar efetivo. As fontes de informação mais citadas foram as pessoas mais velhas e/ou experientes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Management information systems such as ERP can bring to businesses many competitive advantages. There is a great demand for systems projects to consulting firms that have knowledge to manage this particular type of project. However, the rate of system projects that cannot achieve success is very high. The methodology of Project Management, standardized by the Project Management Institute, is a globally recognized standard and used even in projects involving information technology. In the present study, was made a case study of an ERP system implementation project in a large company, by a consulting firm. From this analysis and on contributions from the literature, recommendations were proposed for the project management, in order to better direct the PMI methodology in large projects involving systems like ERP


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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This article consists on an analysis of dissertations and thesis on Participatory Budget (PB) in post-graduation courses in Brazil (from the CAPES data bank), from 2000 to 2009. It also makes the evolution of works explicit, the institutions where they were carried out, and the area in which they were produced. Results show that the Participatory Budget has not been often evaluated, understood and explained in terms of its finance and budget technical dimension, in spite of there are two decades studies have been carried out regarding this method on budget management in Brazil. Finally, the importance of understanding aspects on PB must be taken into consideration when carrying out new studies.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The management of solid waste has been a great challenge to public managers both because of its high operational costs and increasing waste generation. Besides environmental and public health harm, it involves high costs to be mitigated. It is necessary to seek solutions that focus on, amongst other matters, economic efficiency for a healthy environment. This could be reached with sustainable development, which has proven itself as an alternative model of development to the actual one in place. In order to ensure that sustentability is the goal of an activity, it is necessary to establish goals and to evaluate a system in order to track opportunities and correct possible mistakes, that is, it is necessary to elaborate a Waste Management Plan. However, in order to establish goals, it is also necessary a good description of the management of solid waste, thus diagnosis is a core aspect in the building of an specific law, as it will allow for the knowledge of the actual status of solid waste collection in Osasco town, showing what progress has been made in recent years, identifying current problems and generating the foundations to build future perspectives in the area. The present work has seeked to elaborate a diagnosis on waste management in Osasco municipality, presenting places for consultation and analysing how it meets the current legislation in place, enabling it to serve as a model for the elaboration of other diagnosis in other Brazilian municipalities


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB