1000 resultados para Geografía Regional


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O presente trabalho aborda o Tema «Comunicação Interna como Factor de Mudança Organizacional», que tem como objectivo analisar o impacto de Comunicação Interna na Mudança Organizacional. Utilizou-se a pesquisa exploratória de cunho qualitativo e quantitativo, tendo como método o Estudo de Caso o Hospital Regioinal Santiago Norte. Os dados foram obtidos através de estudos bibliográficos e aplicação de questionários aos colaboradores da instituição e mostra a divergência de opiniões dos inquiridos.


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Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2006


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A report produced by the Department of Natural Resources on the historical pattern the rivers take.


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Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) who survive surgery often present impaired neurodevelopment and qualitative brain anomalies. However, the impact of CHD on total or regional brain volumes only received little attention. We address this question in a sample of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS), a neurogenetic condition frequently associated with CHD. Sixty-one children, adolescents, and young adults with confirmed 22q11.2 deletion were included, as well as 80 healthy participants matched for age and gender. Subsequent subdivision of the patients group according to CHD yielded a subgroup of 27 patients with normal cardiac status and a subgroup of 26 patients who underwent cardiac surgery during their first years of life (eight patients with unclear status were excluded). Regional cortical volumes were extracted using an automated method and the association between regional cortical volumes, and CHD was examined within a three-condition fixed factor. Robust protection against type I error used Bonferroni correction. Smaller total cerebral volumes were observed in patients with CHD compared to both patients without CHD and controls. The pattern of bilateral regional reductions associated with CHD encompassed the superior parietal region, the precuneus, the fusiform gyrus, and the anterior cingulate cortex. Within patients, a significant reduction in the left parahippocampal, the right middle temporal, and the left superior frontal gyri was associated with CHD. The present results of global and regional volumetric reductions suggest a role for disturbed hemodynamic in the pathophysiology of brain alterations in patients with neurodevelopmental disease and cardiac malformations.


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Aim Specialized mutualistic clades may revert and thus increase their autonomy and generalist characteristics. However, our understanding of the drivers that trigger reductions in mutualistic traits and of the consequences for the tolerance of these species to various environmental conditions remains limited. This study investigates the relationship between the environmental niche and the degree of myrmecophily (i.e. the ability to interact with ants) among members of the Lycaenidae. Location The western Swiss Alps. Methods We measured the tolerance of Lycaenidae species to low temperatures by comparing observations from a random stratified field sampling with climatic maps. We then compared the species-specific degree of myrmecophily with the species range limits at colder temperatures while controlling for phylogenetic dependence. We further evaluated whether the community-averaged degree of myrmecophily increases with temperature, as would be expected in the case of environmental filters acting on myrmecophilous species. Results Twenty-nine Lycaenidae species were found during sampling. Ancestral state reconstruction indicated that the 24 species of Polyommatinae displayed both strong myrmecophily and secondary loss of mutualism; these species were used in the subsequent statistical analyses. Species with a higher degree of ant interaction were, on average, more likely to inhabit warmer sites. Species inhabiting the coldest environments displayed little or no interaction with ants. Main conclusions Colder climates at high elevations filter out species with a high degree of myrmecophily and may have been the direct evolutionary force that promoted the loss of mutualism. A larger taxon sampling across the Holarctic may help to distinguish between the ecological and evolutionary effects of climate.


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We investigate the determinants of regional development using a newly constructed database of 1569 sub-national regions from 110 countries covering 74 percent of the world s surface and 97 percent of its GDP. We combine the cross-regional analysis of geographic, institutional, cultural, and human capital determinants of regional development with an examination of productivity in several thousand establishments located in these regions. To organize the discussion, we present a new model of regional development that introduces into a standard migration framework elements of both the Lucas (1978) model of the allocation of talent between entrepreneurship and work, and the Lucas (1988) model of human capital externalities. The evidence points to the paramount importance of human capital in accounting for regional differences in development, but also suggests from model estimation and calibration that entrepreneurial inputs and possibly human capital externalities help understand the data.


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This paper addresses three questions: (1) why does the share of skilledworkers in regional population tend to be higher in wealthier regions? (2)what determines changes in this share over time? and (3) why is it that internalmigration tends to raise average skill levels of the receiving regions relativeto that of the sending regions? I construct a two--region dynamic model withagglomeration and congestion to answer these questions. It is shown that,under certain relationship between wages and demand for land, unskilledworkers are discouraged more strongly from living in a wealthier region andare less mobile than skilled workers.


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I study the role of internal migration in income convergence acrossregions in Japan. Neoclassical theory predicts that migration should have beenan important source of convergence. Regression results, however, suggest thatmigration did not contribute to convergence. I investigate the possibilitythat this discrepancy is explained by taking into account the effects ofmigration on population composition, especially on educational attainment.I propose an empirical approach to quantify this ``educational compositioneffect''. It is shown that, although this effect did slow down convergence,its magnitude was too small to account for the discrepancy between theoryand empirics.


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The consolidation of a universal health system coupled with a process of regionaldevolution characterise the institutional reforms of the National Health System(NHS) in Spain in the last two decades. However, scarce empirical evidence hasbeen reported on the effects of both changes in health inputs, outputs andoutcomes, both at the country and at the regional level. This paper examinesthe empirical evidence on regional diversity, efficiency and inequality ofthese changes in the Spanish NHS using cross-correlation, panel data andexpenditure decomposition analysis. Results suggest that besides significantheterogeneity, once we take into account region-specific needs there is evidenceof efficiency improvements whilst inequalities in inputs and outcomes, althoughmore visible , do not appear to have increased in the last decade. Therefore,the devolution process in the Spanish Health System offers an interesting casefor the experimentation of health reforms related to regional diversity butcompatible with the nature of a public NHS, with no sizeable regionalinequalitiest.


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A redução flagrante da disponibilidade hídrica no mundo, resultante de fenómenos naturais e antropogénicos, tem provocado intensos debates nos últimos anos, em torno da importância da água como instrumento de cooperação e conflito entre os países. Este recurso pela sua característica transversal representa um desafio constante e cada vez maior à soberania dos Estados e à forma como estes lidam com o actual cenário de escassez. Este trabalho elegeu como objecto de estudo a região da África Ocidental, onde é possível identificar vários factores que contribuem para o cenário de conflito como as alterações climáticas, forte crescimento demográfico, escassez hídrica crónica e grande interdependência dos países no que toca à partilha de recursos hídricos. Contudo, os esforços de cooperação levados a cabo têm sido notáveis, principalmente pelas organizações responsáveis pela gestão dos rios transfronteiriços da região. No final, a análise do desempenho da Organização da Bacia do Rio Senegal (OMVS), permitiu-nos concluir que a capacidade institucional é vital para a gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos e prevenção de conflitos nesta região.


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This report is submitted as required per Iowa Code section 327J.3(5), "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service."