999 resultados para Gap map


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Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is the leading species farmed in the Western Hemisphere and an economically important aquaculture species in China. In this project, a genetic linkage map was constructed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite markers. One hundred and eight select AFLP primer combinations and 30 polymorphic microsatellite markers produced 2071 markers that were polymorphic in either of the parents and segregated in the progeny. Of these segregating markers, 319 were mapped to 45 linkage groups of the female framework map, covering a total of 4134.4 cM; and 267 markers were assigned to 45 linkage groups of the male map, covering a total of 3220.9 cM. High recombination rates were found in both parental maps. A sex-linked microsatellite marker was mapped on the female map with 6.6 cM to sex and a LOD of 17.8, two other microsatellite markers were also linked with both 8.6 cM to sex and LOD score of 14.3 and 16.4. The genetic maps presented here will serve as a basis for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) detection, marker-assisted selection (MAS) and comparative genome mapping.


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Preliminary genetic linkage maps were constructed for the Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino) using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and microsatellite markers segregating in a F, family. Nine microsatellite loci, 41 RAPD, and 2688 AFLP markers were genotyped in the parents and 86 progeny of the mapping family. Among the 2738 markers, 384 (including 365 AFLP markers, 10 RAPD markers, and 9 microsatellite loci) were polymorphic and segregated in one or both parents: 241 in the female and 146 in the male. The majority of these markers, 232 in the female and 134 in the male, segregated according to the expected 1:1 Mendelian ratio (alpha = 0.05). Two genetic linkage maps were constructed using markers segregating in the female or the male parent. The female framework map consisted of 119 markers in 22 linkage groups, covering 1773.6 cM with an average intermarker space of 18.3 cM. The male framework map contained 94 markers in 19 linkage groups, spanning 1365.9 cM with an average intermarker space of 18.2 cM. The sex determination locus was mapped to the male map but not to the female map, suggesting a XY-male determination mechanism. Distorted markers showing excess of homozygotes were mapped in clusters, probably because of their linkage to a gene that is incompatible between two parental populations.


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This report explores the relation between image intensity and object shape. It is shown that image intensity is related to surface orientation and that a variation in image intensity is related to surface curvature. Computational methods are developed which use the measured intensity variation across surfaces of smooth objects to determine surface orientation. In general, surface orientation is not determined locally by the intensity value recorded at each image point. Tools are needed to explore the problem of determining surface orientation from image intensity. The notion of gradient space , popularized by Huffman and Mackworth, is used to represent surface orientation. The notion of a reflectance map, originated by Horn, is used to represent the relation between surface orientation image intensity. The image Hessian is defined and used to represent surface curvature. Properties of surface curvature are expressed as constraints on possible surface orientations corresponding to a given image point. Methods are presented which embed assumptions about surface curvature in algorithms for determining surface orientation from the intensities recorded in a single view. If additional images of the same object are obtained by varying the direction of incident illumination, then surface orientation is determined locally by the intensity values recorded at each image point. This fact is exploited in a new technique called photometric stereo. The visual inspection of surface defects in metal castings is considered. Two casting applications are discussed. The first is the precision investment casting of turbine blades and vanes for aircraft jet engines. In this application, grain size is an important process variable. The existing industry standard for estimating the average grain size of metals is implemented and demonstrated on a sample turbine vane. Grain size can be computed form the measurements obtained in an image, once the foreshortening effects of surface curvature are accounted for. The second is the green sand mold casting of shuttle eyes for textile looms. Here, physical constraints inherent to the casting process translate into these constraints, it is necessary to interpret features of intensity as features of object shape. Both applications demonstrate that successful visual inspection requires the ability to interpret observed changes in intensity in the context of surface topography. The theoretical tools developed in this report provide a framework for this interpretation.


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Photodissociation dynamics of ketene following excitation at 208.59 and 213.24 nm have been investigated using the velocity map ion-imaging method. Both the angular distribution and translational energy distribution of the CO products at different rotational and vibrational states have been obtained. No significant difference in the translational energy distributions for different CO rotational state products has been observed at both excitation wavelengths. The anisotropy parameter beta is, however, noticeably different for different CO rotational state products at both excitation wavelengths. For lower rotational states of the CO product, beta is smaller than zero, while beta is larger than zero for CO at higher rotational states. The observed rotational dependence of angular anisotropy is interpreted as the dynamical influence of a peculiar conical intersection between the B-1(1) excited state and (1)A(2) state along the C-S-I coordinate.


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Estudo de caso com a microbacia do Taquara Branca, Sumaré, SP. Definindo a estratégia de interação com mapas. Definindo o arquivo do projeto.


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introdução. Por onde começar?. Alov Mapa. Interface do Alov mapa. Criar arquivo HTML. Definir o arquivo de configuração do projeto. Usando a opção de busca. Usando o botão de informações. Usando o botão de ligação Web. Usando o botão de seleção (SELECT). Conclusões.


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Alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD) is primarily caused by chronic alcohol misuse and thiamine deficiency, and results in a broad range of impairments. Despite the increasing incidence of ARBD in the UK in recent decades, it is currently underdiagnosed, managed inappropriately and treated inadequately. Moreover, information about assessments for individuals with ARBD is currently absent from clinical guidelines and policy documents. The aim of this paper was to review the evidence relating to the neurological, neuropsychological, psychosocial, physical and nutritional assessment of individuals with ARBD to identify appropriate assessment tools that could be used to measure and monitor the impact of ARBD over time. A systematic online database search revealed a total of 160 separate references, 133 of which were rejected and two of which could not be accessed. Twenty-five papers were included in the review, including six neuroimaging studies, 17 neuropsychological studies and two studies using psychosocial methods of assessment. A lack of evidence for nutritional and physical assessment of individuals with ARBD was found. The review findings are inconclusive; most instruments currently used in ARBD research have not specifically been validated for use within an ARBD context. Further research is required to identify comprehensive methods of ARBD assessment.


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Thomas, R., Spink, S., Durbin, J. & Urquhart, C. (2005). NHS Wales user needs study including knowledgebase tools report. Report for Informing Healthcare Strategy implementation programme. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: Informing Healthcare, NHS Wales


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Poolton, Nigel; Hamilton, B.; Evans, D.A., (2005) 'Synchrotron-laser pump-probe luminescence spectroscopy: Correlation of electronic defect states with x-ray absorption in wide-gap solids', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 pp.1478-1484 RAE2008


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Iain S. Donnison, Donal M. O Sullivan, Ann Thomas, Peter Canter, Beverley Moore, Ian Armstead, Howard Thomas, Keith J. Edwards and Ian P. King (2005). Construction of a Festuca pratensis BAC library for map-based cloning in Festulolium substitution lines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 110 (5) pp.846-851 Sponsorship: BBSRC;BBSRC RAE2008


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After the 1980s it is diffi cult, following stylistic criteria, to draw a map of contemporary academic music. All styles are compossible, and all are practiced. In this context, the geographical entity “South of Italy” does not stand out for a musical identity with special technical-stylistic features. Rather, at a socio-cultural level, the South remains today – in music no less than in all areas where there is a gap between top development and stagnation – a land of emigrants: six out of the seven composers treated (Ivan Fedele, Giuseppe Colardo, Rosario Mirigliano, Giuseppe Soccio, Nicola Cisternino, Biagio Putignano, Paolo Aralla) live in the North of Italy. The positive aspect of this is the affi nity of the South with the transnational and superstructural community of contemporary music, which from European and Western has now become almost global. The composers under consideration belong to the generation of the ‘50s, rooted in the serial and post-serial movements (from which Franco Donatoni, Luciano Berio, Luigi Nono, Salvatore Sciarrino, Giacinto Scelsi, are the principals models, to mention only the Italians), dipped in the general phenomenon of timbrism (particularly spectralism), and acquainted with electronics. They draw from these sources various instruments of compositional technique and aspects of their poetics. In particular these composers, active from the ‘80s, develop new ways of construction of the temporal form of music. They share the goal to establish a new continuity, different from the tonal one but at the same time transcending the serial and post-serial disintegration and fragmentation. The primary means to this end is a new enhancement of the category of fi gure, as a clear and distinct, recognizable aggregate of pitches, intervals, register, durations, timbre, articulation, dynamics, and texture. Each composer elaborates the atonal fi gural material in different ways, emphasizing one aspect or another. For example, Fedele (1953) is a master in the management of form per se, Colardo (1953) in the activation of disturbed harmonic effects, Mirigliano (1950) in the creation of a slight tension from the smallest vibrations of sound, Soccio (1950) in the set up of movement by means of accumulations and discharges of energy, Cisternino (1957) in a Cagean-Scelsian emphasis on sound as such, Putignano (1960) in the suspension of time through the succession and transformation of images, Aralla (1960) in the foundation of form from below, from the concreteness of sound.


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A novel method for 3D head tracking in the presence of large head rotations and facial expression changes is described. Tracking is formulated in terms of color image registration in the texture map of a 3D surface model. Model appearance is recursively updated via image mosaicking in the texture map as the head orientation varies. The resulting dynamic texture map provides a stabilized view of the face that can be used as input to many existing 2D techniques for face recognition, facial expressions analysis, lip reading, and eye tracking. Parameters are estimated via a robust minimization procedure; this provides robustness to occlusions, wrinkles, shadows, and specular highlights. The system was tested on a variety of sequences taken with low quality, uncalibrated video cameras. Experimental results are reported.


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We propose that a simple, closed-form mathematical expression--the Wedge-Dipole mapping--provides a concise approximation to the full-field, two-dimensional topographic structure of macaque V1, V2, and V3. A single map function, which we term a map complex, acts as a simultaneous descriptor of all three areas. Quantitative estimation of the Wedge-Dipole parameters is provided via 2DG data of central-field V1 topography and a publicly available data set of full-field macaque V1 and V2 topography. Good quantitative agreement is obtained between the data and the model presented here. The increasing importance of fMRI-based brain imaging motivates the development of more sophisticated two-dimensional models of cortical visuotopy, in contrast to the one-dimensional approximations that have been in common use. One reason is that topography has traditionally supplied an important aspect of "ground truth", or validation, for brain imaging, suggesting that further development of high-resolution fMRI will be facilitated by this data analysis. In addition, several important insights into the nature of cortical topography follows from this work. The presence of anisotropy in cortical magnification factor is shown to follow mathematically from the shared boundary conditions at the V1-V2 and V2-V3 borders, and therefore may not causally follow from the existence of columnar systems in these areas, as is widely assumed. An application of the Wedge-Dipole model to localizing aspects of visual processing to specific cortical areas--extending previous work in correlating V1 cortical magnification factor to retinal anatomy or visual psychophysics data--is briefly discussed.