997 resultados para GREGORY


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[ES]La edición de audio y video es una práctica muy frecuente actualmente en todas partes del mundo, tanto en ámbitos profesionales como domésticos. Tanto que para el año 2018, se prevé que el 80% del tráfico de internet serán descargas y subidas de videos. Para poder ofrecer edición de audio y video simple y potente a los usuarios, existen cantidades grandes de software de pago que pueden ser muy eficientes y pueden tener buenos resultados, pero puede que algunos usuarios no se puedan permitir tener acceso a ello por razones económicas o por no encontrarse en las plataformas de las que dispone el usuario, y de ahí nace el editor de videos Kdenlive, un editor de video de software libre desarrollado por una comunidad de usuarios y desarrolladores que juntos están haciendo que Kdenlive sea un programa al nivel de los editores de video comerciales. Aunque exista una gran comunidad de personas que se ayudan entre ellos, la documentación actual no está del todo enfocada a desarrolladores nuevos, sin experiencia previa. Éste trabajo tratará de añadir nuevas funcionalidades a Kdenlive, a petición de la comunidad de desarrolladores, así como crear una documentación que pueda ayudar a nuevos desarrolladores en poder concentrarse directamente en la tarea de programar, en vez de la búsqueda de información y formación previa sobre el programa.


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O objetivo deste estudo é discutir o conceito de duplo vínculo, presente nas pesquisas sobre o paradoxo na comunicação humana realizadas pela Escola de Palo Alto com a coordenação de Gregory Bateson. Para isso, será analisado de que maneira o paradoxo foi empregado pela filosofia e pelos estudos matemáticos em alguns momentos da história do conhecimento humano, sempre se opondo à Verdade e à Ciência. Assim, através de Deleuze, Stengers, Despret e Latour, outros modelos científicos e epistemológicos serão apresentados, contribuindo para uma melhor compreensão do pensamento de Bateson.


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Background & Aims: Pro-inflammatory cytokines are important for liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH). Expression of Fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14), the receptor for TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK), is induced rapidly after PH and remains elevated throughout the period of peak hepatocyte replication. The role of Fn14 in post-PH liver regeneration is uncertain because Fn14 is expressed by liver progenitors and TWEAK-Fn14 interactions stimulate progenitor growth, but replication of mature hepatocytes is thought to drive liver regeneration after PH. Methods: To clarify the role of TWEAK-Fn14 after PH, we compared post-PH regenerative responses in wild type (WT) mice, Fn14 knockout (KO) mice, TWEAK KO mice, and WT mice treated with anti-TWEAK antibodies. Results: In WT mice, rare Fn14(+) cells localized with other progenitor markers in peri-portal areas before PH. PH rapidly increased proliferation of Fn14(+) cells; hepatocytic cells that expressed Fn14 and other progenitor markers, such as Lgr5, progressively accumulated from 12-8 h post-PH and then declined to baseline by 96 h. When TWEAK/Fn14 signaling was disrupted, progenitor accumulation, induction of pro-regenerative cytokines, hepatocyte and cholangiocyte proliferation, and over-all survival were inhibited, while post-PH liver damage and bilirubin levels were increased. TWEAK stimulated proliferation and increased Lgr5 expression in cultured liver progenitors, but had no effect on either parameter in cultured primary hepatocytes. Conclusions: TWEAK-FN14 signaling is necessary for the healthy adult liver to regenerate normally after acute partial hepatectomy.


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We compared numbers of strikes, proportions of fish that hooked up after strikes, proportions of fish that stayed on hook (retained) after hook up, and numbers of fish caught between circle and J hooks rigged with dead natural fish bait (ballyhoo)and trolled for three oceanic predator species: dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), and wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri). Interactions were compared between circle and J hooks fished on 75 trips by two user groups (charter and recreational fishermen). Hooks were affixed to three species-specific leader types most commonly fished in this region: monofilament (dolphinfish), fluorocarbon (tuna), and wire (wahoo). Numbers of fish caught per trip and three potential mechanisms that might inf luence numbers caught (i.e., number of strikes, proportion of fish hooked, and proportion retained) were modeled with generalized linear models that considered hook type, leader type, species, user (fishing) group, and wave height as main effects. Hook type was a main effect at the catch level; generally, more fish were caught on J hooks than on circle hooks. The effect of hook type on strike rates was equivocal. However, J hooks had a greater proportion of hook-ups than did circle hooks. Finally, the proportion of fish retained once hooked was generally equal between hook types. We found similar results when data from additional species were pooled as a “tuna” group and a “mackerel” group. We conclude that J hooks are more effective than circle hooks at the hook-up level and result in greater numbers of troll-caught dolphinfish, tunas


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Ichthyoplankton surveys have been used to provide an independent estimate of adult spawning biomass of commercially exploited species and to further our understanding of the recruitment processes in the early life stages. However, predicting recruitment has been difficult because of the complex interaction of physical and biological processes operating at different spatial and temporal scales that can occur at the different life stages. A model of first-year life-stage recruitment was applied to Georges Bank Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) stocks over the years 1977–2004 by using environmental and densitydependent relationships. The best lifestage mortality relationships for eggs, larvae, pelagic juveniles, and demersal juveniles were first determined by hindcasting recruitment estimates based on egg and larval abundance and mortality rates derived from two intensive sampling periods, 1977–87 and 1995–99. A wind-driven egg mortality relationship was used to estimate losses due to transport off the bank, and a wind-stress larval mortality relationship was derived from feeding and survival studies. A simple metric for the density-dependent effects of Atlantic cod was used for both Atlantic cod and haddock. These life stage proxies were then applied to the virtual population analysis (VPA) derived annual egg abundances to predict age-1 recruitment. Best models were determined from the correlation of predicted and VPA-derived age-1 abundance. The larval stage was the most quantifiable of any stage from surveys, whereas abundance estimates of the demersal juvenile stage were not available because of undersampling. Attempts to forecast recruitment from spawning stock biomass or egg abundance, however, will always be poor because of variable egg survival.